Chapter 5

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I will be leaving for college soon, and as much as I would love to keep writing this story I feel as if many of the readers don't like the story since I haven't been getting much feedback. Thanks so much for those who have been liking and commenting on my story, they are much appreciated! This will be one of my last updates for awhile, but don't get me wrong I will be continuing the story. And this is one my longest updates. Please don't forget to comment and like! 

Chapter 4: Unexpected

***Khushi's thoughts

***Arnav's thoughts


Arnav looked at both of the women who were a major part of his life and waited for an answer to his question. Woh mom almost fainted at the mandir today…Anjali was telling Arnav but then Arnav cut her off What?!? Mom you almost what?! Fainted?! I told you many times to eat and drink on time! God knows why you don't ever listen to me! Naina looked at her son shouting frantically at her and smiled to know that her son cares a lot for her well-being. Chotey, I am absolutely fine. I was just a little dizzy, but a beautiful young lady came to help me and she dropped me off. I am surprised you did not see her on your way in since she just left. Arnav was glad that his mom was fine and that there are good people out there in the world still. Mom as long as your fine that's all that matters to me and after saying that Arnav walked towards his room while Anjali and Naina went to the kitchen. Mom you're not going to tell Arnav about Khushi? Naina then smiled again at Anjali, No, he will just have to see her. After he sees her, I will observe him as well as Akshay to see which one of my sons will like Khushi more, and you will also have to help me too Anjali! Anjali nodded and both ladies giggled.

Khushi entered the apartment to already have found Lavanya setting up the table with her favorite food—PASTA! She ran up to Lavanya and hugged her to show her appreciation not only for her best friend, but also her love for Italian food. I know I am the greatest best friend ever, now can please stop hugging me and get the forks so we can eat this scrumptious food! I have so much to tell you!  Khushi scurried off to go get the forks so she can hear all about Lavanya's day while eating the best food ever. As Khushi came back with the forks, both Lavanya and Khushi sat down to eat their pasta. So how was the modeling gig? Are you a model now for sure? Lavanya chuckled to see Khushi gobbling up all her pasta like it was the last food on earth. I think it went well, and I'm pretty sure the company will hire me. Not only that but I found out today that my boss who is the designer of the clothes and the photographer are brothers, who are hot by the way, and not only that they are both the sons of YOUR doctor, Dr. Raizada. Plus remember when you bumped into a sexy man this morning at the hospital, that was my boss Arnav Singh Raizada, haha what a small world really!?

~Flashback Begins~

Arnav left the room and Akshay guided Lavanya to the dressing room with the dress she would have to model. Lavanya came out of the dressing room and Akshay started taking some photos. After the photo shoot, Lavanya changed. That was an awesome photo shoot, probably one of the best that we have had to date since it seemed so natural. You did an awesome job Lavanya! Lavanya couldn't help but smile at the praise she was getting from Akshay. Thanks Akshay, you are making me blush. You were also great too since you made the atmosphere so relaxed. If you don't mind can I ask you question, I am pretty curious? Akshay laughed sure why not!

Are you and Amir Singh Raizada related by any chance? Lavanya asked in a serious tone that Akshay really had to laugh haha yes, he is my dad. Why do you ask? Have you been to the hospital recently? Lavanya then joined in his laugher haha no reason I took my friend to the hospital and I met him, so I was just wondering since you, your brother, and Dr. Raizada have the same last name I just connected the dots.


~Flashback Ends~


Khushi couldn't help but chuckle as well at how the world is actually small because not only that she also just realized that Naina Singh Raizada must be Dr. Raizada's wife and Anjali his daughter. Khushi then went on to tell Lavanya about the little incident with Naina and how she met Anjali. Both friends then laughed at the fact they met basically everyone from the Raizada family all in one day and thought it was a coincidence. After dinner, both girls went to their rooms for a goodnight sleep after such an exhausting day. Around 4 AM, Khushi felt a sharp intense pain in her chest area, oh f*ck. Shit. Shit. Shit. Why does it hurt so much? Tears formed in Khushi's eyes, Ahh I cannot take this anymore. Khushi went into her bathroom to look for her medicine and then after some time the pain lessened. Khushi couldn't do anything but cry at her situation and cried herself to sleep that night. Khushi woke up the next morning and went to the kitchen, to see a note on the table:


My parents called this morning and wanted me to stay over the house for a few days. I'll be back on Monday to take you to your appointment, so don't leave without me or else I will get mad at you. Eat properly and don't stay up too late. Oh yeah, the college called to talk about your studies, call them back today or tomorrow.

Love, Lavanya

After reading the note that Lavanya left for Khushi. Khushi took out cereal and milk and went towards the television. Meanwhile at Shantivan, the Raizada family was happily eating their breakfast. And you wouldn't believe how beautiful she was, I mean her skin seemed flawless just like a model, Aren't I right, Anjali? Anjali just nodded agreeing with her mother as she started telling Amir the incident that happened at the mandir from the previous day. Amir was aptly listening while being relieved that his wife was just fine and nothing serious happened.  Arnav and Akshay then joined the breakfast table, Bhai, I am telling you that model from yesterday, Lavanya, was just awesome. Just hire her already, she listens and looks great in the dress. Akshay was telling Arnav enthusiastically and then Arnav spoke up, Akshay I will hire her once I see the photos and then and only then I will think about hiring her, got it? Akshay just couldn't believe how stubborn his brother was but he knew Arnav was the boss so he just nodded. As they were all eating, Amir decided to once again bring up the conversation he had with Arnav at the hospital, Arnav…I think you should rethink about going into the medical field. Arnav then became agitated, he couldn't believe his father. Dad, I told you no and that is my final answer. Arnav got up and before he walked away he told Akshay to take his own car as he was leaving first.

It was almost 7 PM when Khushi started missing Lavanya and then there it was again a sharp intense pain in the chest. Khushi then thought it seems much stronger than the one from last night. Ahh I got to have my medicine. As the medicine started working, Khushi had an idea to go out and enjoy herself a little so she can forget all about her worries. At the exact time, Arnav felt like going out and find someone to have fun with. He had told Akshay to go home without him as he was going to be busy tonight. Akshay just laughed haha okay, don't have too much fun tonight bro! At the club, Arnav went straight to the bar and asked for a drink, and then he spotted a beautiful young woman wearing his favorite color—red. He couldn't help but stare and after getting his drink he went up to her. Hi my name is before he could even say name she cut him off not interested, so stop wasting your precious time. Arnav couldn't believe his ears and was stunned at the words uttered by the woman. How dare she speak to me like…agh whatever. He didn't say anything more, so he just walked away and went to the dance floor. Initially Khushi went to the club to have fun and drink her night away. She saw a man approach the bar to grab a drink and then he started approaching her. She could tell that he liked what he saw as he was about to introduce himself, she cut him off and went straight to the point. Falling in love was never part of her bucket list, so she never felt the need to interact with men. As the man started walking away, Khushi didn't really care so she went back to drinking.

It just turned 11 PM and Khushi was getting up to leave. She got up and was a little bit tipsy as she was about to trip due to her shoes when the same stranger who almost introduced himself came just in time to help her. Arnav checked his watch and thought that he should be heading back home soon. Before he left he went to grab another drink and saw the woman in red getting up to leave. He could tell she was tipsy and was about to fall, so he rushed to her. Let me go, I don't need your help! I am perfectly fine. Khushi pushed him off of her and then proceeded to go around the dance floor to exit the club. Before she exited, the stranger then grabbed her once again, and then Arnav checked her out for the first time. Wow, this woman is just beautiful. Her face is so flawless and her eyes…are so familiar. Where have I seen them before? Then Arnav looked at her lips,her lips are so delectable, would they feel soft as they look to be? Then his eyes went even lower her breasts look magnificent and the dress she is wearing does justice to her amazing curves…and those legs…oh god Arnav snap out of it! Are you done checking me out or will you kiss me already Khushi blurted out without thinking. Arnav knew then that was all the permission he needed. He pushed the woman onto the wall and started kissing her roughly. One of his hands was in her hair while the other hand grabbed on to her waist. He pulled her towards him until he felt her body all over him and he couldn't help but kiss down the column of her neck. Khushi of course was no less than him, one of her hands were in his hair pulling him more towards her and the other hand was trying to unbutton his shirt. Arnav still kept on giving wet open mouthed kisses on Khushi's neck until he heard her moan  and bite his earlobe which then turned him on even more and went straight to her lips to kiss her even more thoroughly. Khushi then regained some of her senses and pushed him off of her and then when he pulled her again, she fainted. Arnav then thought oh shit…what did I do?! I don't even know her name and she wasn't even in her senses! Arnav proceeded to take Khushi to his car and then realizing he didn't know where she lived, just laid her down in the back seat of his car until she woke up.

It was about 6 AM when Khushi woke up and started getting up, she realized she wasn't back home as her back was aching. Oh shit what did I do?! Khushi then looked at her clothes which were still intact. Khushi was about to get out of the car until she saw someone open the door with two cups of coffee. Here you go, you might need this after last night…well…before Arnav could continue Khushi then spoke No thanks, for all I know you could have taken advantage of me. Before Arnav could register Khushi's words, Khushi got up and ran off. Hey wait a minute but before Arnav could retaliate Khushi was already gone and Arnav was seething with anger. How dare she think that I TOOK ADVANTAGE OF HER!? Well I did sort of… I mean she consented…but of course she was drunk…agh whatever. If I ever see her again, I will give her a piece of my mind.

That night Khushi went to the Shantivan for dinner as she was invited by Naina that afternoon, but Khushi did not expect that the stranger she saw last night and this morning would be there too. Arnav went to open the door as his mom told him that they will be having a guest over for dinner, so when he heard the doorbell he went to answer the door. He did not expect to see the same woman whom he kissed last night and fought with this morning to be right at his doorstep.  Hmmm…tonight will be very interesting. Hi, how unexpected to see you here? 

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