Chapter 27

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I am gratefull to all your comments.
Guys u r in for 3 update since I didn't post anything earlier as I usually do.
Arjun's mystery is solved in this part... thanks for patient waiting:

Chapter 27:

Only for You


Annie had landed and was stepping out of the airport. She had her backpack on and the address in her hands. She remembered how she never had travelled in public transport as a child but always had a car and driver at her service. If no one was there, then her brothers would drive her. Now she located a taxi and got in. After giving the driver his instructions she leaned back. Old memories flooded her mind as she drove past familiar places. The smell of food cooking on road side dhabas invaded her nose and made her mouth water.


"Bhai, mujhe paani puri khaani hai" small Annie demanded from her brother.

"Ok, I'll tell Nakul to make you some."

"No, I want some from this stall here." Maan made bid eyes.

"Have you gone made? Can't you see how unhygienic and dirty this place is? There is no way I am letting my little princess eat something from here."

"But bhai, all my friends had some at some point in their life and they never had a problem. And they also told me that it tastes like no other place." Maan shook his head.

"If mom or dad find out they will not spare me for making you eat something like this." But both knew that their mother would not object as she loved road side food just as everyone else and their dad wouldn't mind if he didn't knew and he wouldn't come to know if Maan didn't tell. Annie made her trademark pleading face and Maan as always gave in.


Arjun had been glad that Geet's plaster was removed and he could leave. He felt sorry for misusing Geet and all the trust and liberty she had given him but he didn't mean harm to anyone. He had followed her around a little and figured out that there was something going on between her and Maan.

But he had heard a lot about Maan from news and office gossip and was not keen on being caught spying. He also had hacked into Maan's computer. He didn't want to but he was doing it for his love. There was not much and he wasn't sure what he was trying to find hence just copied the entire data. To be able to do this he had to wait for Maan being out of office and it was his luck that he was in the archive the time and overheard Geet and Pinky make the prank call to Maan sending him away and he had quickly made a search.

Now he headed to his home and wondered when he will see his lady love again when someone tapped him on his shoulder. He turned around to look into her beaming face.

"ANVESHA!" He pulled her close and started kissing her madly.

"Arjun, stop it. We are on the middle of the road." Two old ladies walked past, giggling at the scene. Arjun reluctantly let go and pulled Annie to his home. They entered his apartment and Arjun locked behind him. Annie settled on the sofa and looked around. It was nice and simple. She hadn't expected Arjun to live in a place like this.

"Arjun, do you really live here?" she asked him.

"What do you mean? Don't you like this place? I got everything decorated according to your taste."

"No, no, it is charming. What I mean is that you are ARJUN SINGH RATHORE. I still remember how you refused to take a ride back home in my brother's Audi because it was not the latest model. If I look at this place… how shall I put it…?"

"This would not be my standard of living, right?" Arjun helped her, lying down in her lap. Annie nodded. Arjun was silent and Annie caressed his hair while looking at him carefully. It had been some time she had seen him but not much had changed. He looked older and more mature, not to forget more handsome. Still there were his black eyes which were just the same as when she had met them the first time. He was rude, arrogant and the leader of his biking gang, popular with girls and disliked by teachers, brothers and local police. But she fell for him. Arjun never stuck to one girl longer than a week and he had no intentions to do otherwise with Annie. Yet, after the one week when he usually bid the girl goodbye for good he couldn't do the same here. Anvesha knew him and his reputation yet she had agreed to be his girlfriend, why? She was intelligent, beautiful and could have anyone, then why him? Mind you, all girls wanted to be with him but they usually liked him for his name, not for what he was.


"Anvesha, tell me. You know I dump every girl after a week, then why did you become my girlfriend in the first place?" Both were sitting on his bike on Friday evening.

"I don't know myself to be true!" Arjun looked at her in disbelief.

"How can you not know? There must be something that made you be my girlfriend. Was it my name, money, my image…?"

"No, not for your name, because I am a Khurana and hence have more prestige. Not for your money as I have more. Not because of your image as I would love to see you change. All I know is that I like this guy called Arjun who is handsome and nice at heart. One week with you showed me that you can be nice."

"Really? I have been with you just as with everyone else Anvesha, why do you think you were treated special?"

"Well, because you defended me when Mr Paul told me off for forgetting my assignment. You gave your seat to me in canteen. You just now didn't just dump me but for the first time hesitated. Did you ever do this with anyone before?" He smiled and shook his head. He had wondered himself why he was like this with Anvesha when she was just another time pass. Annie looked at him and said getting up:

"Well Arjun, it was nice being your girlfriend. I guess it is time to bid farewell. It is sad really since I still like you." Annie walked off and Arjun sat there wondering about what Annie had just told him. Monday morning came and so was a huge line of girls by Arjun's bike. But he was nowhere to be seen. Word had spread around that Arjun was not going for girl hunt anymore which came as a huge shock to all.

"Anvesha?" Annie looked up from the book she was reading.

"Arjun tum? Isn't it time for your weekly girlfriend search?" He took the seat opposite, facing her.

"Will you be my friend?" Arjun held his hand and Annie could see an unexpected nervousness in his eyes. She smiled.

"Is this ARJUN SINGH RATHORE asking me?"

"No, it is a guy called Arjun who you think is handsome and nice at heart."

They became friends.


"I don't know when but I fell in love with you Anvesha. Every time I saw you I wanted to look my best. When I was around you I wanted to behave properly. I wanted to be the way you wanted to see me. Then you left and I realised what you meant for me. I realised that money, name and a bad boy image is not what I want. I crave to be with you and the way you want us to be. It came as a shock to my family when I told them about further studies and job." He looked up at Anvesha's face.

"I even became a waiter for you at your brother's place."

"Yeah, tell me. What did you find out?" Arjun told her all about his time in KC. He also told her about Geet.

"What is this girl like? Rich, spoiled, arrogant…?" Annie asked worriedly.

Arjun laughed out loud. He tried to imagine Geet as such and the image that presented him was hilarious.

"Chill sweet heart. She is a sweet girl. Her cooking is marvellous I tell you. And Maan really likes her. You should see the sparkle in his eyes whenever she is with him. I guess love can change people. It changed me, only for you."


Annie kissed his forehead. She was thankful to have Arjun. All her time way from India her only link had been Arjun. Even though her mother had told her to give up her friends, Arjun she couldn't have let go of. And it was her who had asked to keep an eye on her Maan bhai to see how he was doing. Now she wanted to meet Geet and seen whether she was worth being Maan Singh Khurana's girlfriend.




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