Chapter 19

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Here is chapter 19.
I don't know if I will have time tomorrow to update, you are lucky, 3 updates today...๐Ÿ˜›. And yes, there are a few lines in Gujarati in this post but don't panick, I translated them into english for you.

Chapter 19:

Remembering old times


She was sitting on her bed with a pillow on her lap and a far away look in her eyes. It had been many years now that she had come here with her mother and Nani. They never had given her a proper explanation. Her mother was hurt, even after so many years she could feel it. Amongst other people they were a perfect little family with her mother, Nani and she. But there was an aura of sadness which had sworn not to leave them. She still remembers her time with her perfect family. A princess she was and it was made sure that not one thorn lay in her way but that it was adorned with the most beautiful roses only. Then one day she had left her castle and now was a like everyone else. It wasn't the luxury she was missing or the pampering from her brothers and father, no. She missed the happiness on her mother's face. Since she was born she had the strongest bond to her mother. If she was happy Annie was happy if maa was sad she was sad. And Nani had been same since they moved.

Often she would lye down on her Nani's lap and silently cry. Her Nani was the sweetest of people she knew. Not one day would go past where she wouldn't lye down on her Nani's lap and listen to old stories. Many were about ghosts and spirits, old kings and princesses. But the moral of the story was always one: you can never hide truth, it always comes out.

And maybe time is coming for the truth to come out. She had to do something if for no one than for her mother. All these years of loneliness had transformed the joyful and beautiful woman into and grim looking and tired person. She even had started on her plan and first results had come. All she needed was to go back to India to see how much damage there still is on the other side and how everyone was coping.


After their lunch both Maan and Geet had done some work, or at least they had tried to. Geet had explained to Maan all about her ideas for the restaurants and what they should include and what not. Maan on the other hand was busy checking Geet out and kept looking very mischievously at her lips. His dream, in which both their lips had played a major role, was interrupted by Geet who had poked him in his ribs. She had made an angry face and was standing in front of him with both hands on her hip giving him a dangerous glare.

"Kya hua Geet?"

"Kya hua, yeh main aap seh pooch na chahti hu."

"Main kuch samja nahin."

"Aap kya keh rahe the?" Maan felt caught. He was dreaming and did not realise what he was saying.

"Haan woh project ke bare mein kehraha tha." He tried to lie. But he had forgotten that he was Maan Singh Khurana and did not know how to lie.

"Accha, kya keh rahe the, sarra repeat kijie."

"Ahem, haan mein restaurant ke bare mein kehraha tha."

"Accha, mujhe to kuch sunai nahin diya. Pata hain kyun, kyunki aap ne kuch bhi nahin kaha itne ghanto se. Aur woh issi liye kyun ki aap sun nahin rahe the. Jab aap sunna nahin chahte to mein aap se baat kyun karun? Ek toh aap ke liye je project liya upar seh aap hi kaam nahin karrahe hain'." Geet started her tantrums.

Maan sighed and pulled Geet so she fell into his lap. He was careful not to hurt her wrist but held her waist tightly with one hand and lifted Geet's chin with the other.

"Geet bas bhi karo, tumhari bechari sabaan ko break do." Geet was not in a mood.

"Theekh hain jaisa aap chahe, ab mein aap se koi baat nahin karungi." With this she shut up and looked away. Maan wanted to lighten up the situation, just as he couldn't be angry on Geet for too long even she wouldn't be able to stop talking to him.

He held her more firmly so Geet could not move and using his free hand he made her face him. He slowly closed the gap between their lips and slightly kissed her. Just like the first time Geet had felt a nice burning sensation. She had so missed this feeling. Even Maan had felt it. He had kissed many times before but this was new. Well actually not. He had felt it the first time he almost kissed Geet but he had brushed it off as he was annoyed with Geet anyways. He kissed her again, this time with more passion. He let go after some time, looked into Geet's eyes again and asked:

"Sorry Mishti, kya ab bhi apne Dusht Daanav se baat nahin karogi?" There was so much love and honesty in his eyes that Geet gave in. Maan wanted to kiss her again but there was a knock.

"MK yeh project'" Sasha had come in without waiting for a reply and hence saw Geet on Maan's lap. She also noticed Geet's slightly swollen lips.

"SASHA, HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN THAT YOU WAIT FOR MY PERMISSION BEFORE ENTERIN MY CABIN" Maan sprung up making Geet fall down. She moaned in pain as she had landed on her injured wrist. Now Maan was even more furious.

"If you don't leave my cabin this instance Sasha I am not going to spare you" he said in a low and VERY threatening way. Sasha had been shocked but she knew all to well what that voice had meant and hence she raced out again. Maan helped Geet up who wanted to yell at Maan for making her fall down, but the pain was too much. He lifted her and made her sit again.

"Sorry Geet, is it hurting badly?" He asked her kneeling down and taking her wrist into his hands. Her tears gave him the answer and he felt even guiltier.

"Geet, where are those pain killers that the doctor had given you that day?"

"My room" was all she managed. She closed her eyes. Maan sprinted past a scared and astonished staff who had heard MK's yell and the thud. He ran to Geet's room passing Arjun who quickly cleared his way. He searched for them but couldn't find them. He had taken some out, before handing them to Geet, to keep with himself just in case and cursed himself for having left them at his dressing table back home. Not understanding what to do, he ran back down to a pale looking Geet who had stopped crying now but still had her eyes closed. He helped her get up and putting one arm around her waist and holding her upright. They walked out of the cabin and past everyone who had stopped working and started watching them. They were very much surprised as MK never let any girl close to him, forget about helping them. He passed Sasha giving her a dangerous glare and continued. Geet had stopped walking as she had no energy left in her and Maan hand gently lifted her. Jaws dropped and some female employee's fainted.

Adi had made his way to MK's cabin and saw the scene. He ran to them and inquired about what had happened.

"Adi, I am taking Geet home" was the only reply from Maan.

"Sir, Popat seth and his wife have rung up to say they will come today itself just as we requested. What shall I do?"

"Attend them. I will join you as soon as I can."


Maan had called the driver and they drove to the outhouse. The driver was slightly amazed as neither Maan sir nor Dadima had been there for some time now. Even Maan thought the same. He held Geet in his arms and looked out thinking about the times he had spent here. But he didn't want to think about it. He was only here because of Geet. The car stopped and Maan carried her inside and told her to wait till he gets the tablets. He ran to the mansion and past an astonished Dadi. When she had asked him why he was in such a hurry he only said GEET.

When Maan returned he was shocked to see Geet lying on the floor.

"Geet aankhe kholo, Geet." But she didn't stir. Cursing himself for leaving her alone he carried her to his bed and made her lie down and called the doctor.

"Maan, she is fine. I think it was the severe pain that caused her to faint. I gave her a painkiller she should be fine. If she wakes up and feels pain again give her some more but make sure not to give her too many. Also look that she eats something and has a good nights sleep. And yes I don't think I need to say this but be careful with her wrist."

"Thanks Anjali." He gave his friend a small smile and she left.

Geet was sleeping and he wanted to stay till she wakes up but he had to rush to KC for his meeting. He would have postponed it but it was him who had asked the clients to come a day earlier. He gave Nakul instructions as to Geet's dinner in case he didn't come home on time and left.


Back at KC Popat Seth and his wife Ketki had arrived. They were a jolly couple. It was evident though that although Popat Seth was the one with money in his locker his wife had the key to it. Adi had explained to them the situation and assured that Maan sir was on his way. They didn't mind at all. Sasha, who knew she had to make up for what had happened earlier that day tried to impress the clients.

"Good afternoon ma'am, sir. I am Sasha and I will be glad to do an initial consultation with you regarding your demands. I am sure everything will be in the file, if you could let me have a look." She held her hand to receive the folder.

"Popat" Ketki whispered to her husband looking at Sasha with a fake smile.

"Haan bol Ketki."

"Aa shu boligai? Mane to kai samaj nai pari. (What did she just say? I didn't understand anything.)"

"Mane pan nai. Manne lageche a bheek mangwa awi chi. (Me neither. I think she is begging.)"

"Bheek? (Begging?)"

"Haan jo kewi haat felawine ubhi che. (Yes, look how she is forwarding her hands.)"

"Barabar. Em pan aana nana kapra joine em lage che ke akki jori mate ana paase paisa nathi. (Correct. Looking at her clothes I doubt she had enough money to buy a proper dress which covers her fully.)"

"Ek Rupjo apu chu, theek che? (I will give her one Rupee, ok?)"

"Popat", she said rather strictly.

"Paacho kanjusai karwa lagigayo. Arre Ek rupja ma su akho suit ause? 500 api nakh. (You are being stingy again. How will she buy a full dress in 1 Rs? Give her 500 Rs.)"

"500Rs?" Popat asked shocked.

"Hue aaj sudhi mara dikra ne 500Rs. nathi aapya ane tu bole che ke hu chanda ma atla apu? (I didn't give my son 500Rs till date and you are telling me to give 500 in charity?)"

Before Ketki could reply Maan returned greeting them.

"Adi, inhe yaha kyun karra rakha, conference room me leke jate."

"Arre aisa kuch nahin hain" Ketki replied in a typical Gujarati way of talking.

"Hum to jahi rahethe ke yeh bechari ladki ake chanda mangene lagi isi liye hum rukh gaye. So sad na ke aaj kal padhe likhe ladkiya bhi bheek mangrahi hain." Sasha had turned the darkest shade of red possible while Adi and Pinky, who was at reception and listening, had had times holding their laughter. Maan turned red, too, but in anger as one of HIS employees had being called a beggar. He wasn't mad at the client though he was mad at Sasha. She had enraged him earlier and now the way she was holding her hand in front of the client could lead anyone to this misconception.

"Sasha, apologize and get out of my sight" he said as calm as he could manage.

Sasha was just too happy to leave. She muttered a quick sorry and left.

It was already late and Maan was just all too happy that the clients wanted to come another day as they had to meet their son. Maan sat in his cabin and tried to calm down. This Sasha was proving such a pain. If her work wouldn't have spoken for her he would have fired her long ago. He had to do something about her.



 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Since new characters are being introduces quickly I will make a post with characters... I will put a link on the first page which has links to all chapters. Just bear with me. Thanks

Mina4202011-05-13 15:02:40

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Comments (14)

Yes, he is THE Maan Singh Khurana, but in front of Geet to kissi ki bhi nahin chalti...he he he ๐Ÿ˜†

13 years ago

Awsm ff plzzz update soon n do pm meplzzz

13 years ago

[QUOTE=sonali_N]awesome as usual loved it ummm der is defo something fishy abt arjun๐Ÿ˜•cont sooonthnx for d PM ๐Ÿ˜Š
[/QUOTE]Abt arjun... find out in later parts, I am keeping shut abt him.Thanku for liking the story so far, hope the coming bits are interesting, too.

13 years ago

[QUOTE=sharmake11]arjun has bad intention
uff sasha to much
all parts amazing
love it
ur damn good
pls cont soonnn
thanks pm
ths 4 yu

[/QUOTE]AWWW, thish ish chooo chweet.. Thank you.

13 years ago

๐Ÿคฃ...i rele had a hearty laugh srsly Mr n Mrs Seth OMG they r too good...i rele loved the way sasha was insulted...n yes i hate her for takg maan for granted n i hate maan for hurting geet again...

13 years ago

nice part.
is anni's past part of maan's mistake?
sasha begger's part is hilarious.

13 years ago

wow am so happy yaar...sasha considered as a beger !!

13 years ago

Wonderful updateloved all 3 updarjun has bad intentionmaaneet moments loved themsasha d begger ...she deserves tht...๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸคฃWaiting for next part

13 years ago

just read the last three parts!


loved maneet scenes!

something is fishy with arjun!...

well!...sasha deserves that...omg!...i can't stop laughing!...sasha and begger...Lmao!...๐Ÿคฃ

poor geet!...she will be alright soon!

continue soon!

13 years ago

awesome loved itsasha d begger ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†

13 years ago
