Chapter 15

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Today only one chapter since I posted 4 yesterday. But I promise to give more updates later on.

Chapter 15:

Mission Geet


Monday came and it was an important day for Maan. Mr Chopra's project had been important since it would take him one step towards going international. So according to his wishes Mr Chopra had introduced him to some clients. They had heard a lot about KC and wanted to make him a proposition. To tell the truth Maan was at a loss when it came to Restaurants, their requirement and so on. This wasn't usual stuff for him to deal with. But Geet had enough experience. Unfortunately he knew she wouldn't help him directly as she loved her work at BG and being short staffed anyways she wouldn't have time. He had to convince her and this is where Meera came in.

Meera worked as senior architect and just as Sasha was given the task for this new project. The clients were specific; they wanted only the best architects and people with ground knowledge. They wouldn't just work with anyone. According to plan the meeting was in the conference room of BG before lunch time. Geet had been told by Meera how important these clients were and that she should make sure that everything is perfect.

The clients (Mr DeMello the owner of the Restaurant chain, and some of his colleagues) were received by Meera, Adi, Sasha and Maan himself. After introducing each other they made their way to Bistro Geet. Geet welcomed them and showed them to the conference room. Mr DeMello was impressed.

The meeting went on for some time during which the clients presented all of their requirements to Maan, Meera, Sasha and Adi. It was a lengthy presentation hence Maan offered the clients to have lunch at the end. He showed them the Menu card which he was sure of they would like.

"I must say Mr Khurana. This is an interesting idea, having a bistro in the office. Did you come up with this idea?"

"No, it is all thanks to Adi here that we have Geet with us today." He smiled at Adi who now knew that Maan sir knew that it was him who had told Dadi about Geet.

"We used to have a canteen but it didn't work out for us, so Geet turned this floor into a Bistro." They ordered and Romeo delivered. Mr DeMello and his associates had their lunch and just as Maan anticipated they were delighted. They requested to meet the cook and Maan called Geet.

Geet on the other hand had been told by Meera that important clients were to come. She had hence put in some extra effort making lunch. She was nervous when she was called in.

"Geet, meet Mr DeMello and his colleagues. They wanted to meet you" Maan said getting up. Geet smiled nervously and said: "Hello sir."

"Miss Geet I must congratulate you on your wonderful Bistro, not only this but also this wonderful food." Geet's nervousness was gone now and she happily said:

"Thank you sir. They are one of my first dishes that I learned to cook back at the restaurant." Maan sat down and listened quietly. Geet was a chatterbox and she would happily tell them all about her bistro and food so he just had to wait.

"Restaurant? Did you learn this professionally?" Mr DeMello asked. He was a professional, too, hence he had opened up a restaurant in the first place.

"Yes sir. I learned under Antonio and Giovanni Foscarelli in Mumbai for two years. They even awarded me with a certificate, would you like to see?" she said proudly. Before they could reply she stormed off only the return with a framed certificate which she showed them. Mr DeMello was even more impressed now. He had met the Foscarelli brothers and also knew that they were very picky when it came to taking in new students. It was told that every of their students were worth gold and one of them was now standing in front of him.

"Mr Khurana, I would like Miss Geet to work on this project with us. She is not only innovative but also has first hand experience when it comes to professional cooking." Sasha was fuming. She had prepared everything and wanted to have this project as it was important for MK and he would personally look after it so she could spend more time around him. Now this canteen girl Geet was ruining everything. She interrupted:

"Sir, I don't think Geet will be able to work with you. Firstly she is not qualified and secondly she has a broken wrist. How will she cope? Anyways, she is only good enough to run a canteen." Sasha gave Geet a poisonous look.

"Miss Sasha, this" Mr DeMello held up the certificate. "This is more worth then a qualification. Being student under the Foscarelli brothers makes her very special." Geet was beaming. She thanked both her mentors inwardly. Then Maan said before Sasha could speak up:

"Sasha, I am the boss so leave the decision to me. Mr DeMello cleared you doubts regarding Geet's qualification. And about her wrist, well she won't have to do any sketching anyways she just needs to convey her ideas to us which she can also do by mouth. Also let me tell you that running a Bistro not Canteen by oneself is not an easy task and as far as I can remember I never heard a complaint against her from any of my employees." He glared at Sasha who had shut up. She couldn't believe that MK had just shut her up and that, too, in front of clients. But knowing MK's anger she didn't risk saying anything and just nodded.

Geet blushed heavily. She had never expected her Dusht Daanav boss to praise her like this and that too in front of clients. She felt special and nice being offered this responsibility but she didn't want to give up on BG. Maan noticed her blush and couldn't stop staring at the beauty in front of him. He also knew she would mention the fact that she didn't have time hence he told her:

"Ok Geet I will meet you at my cabin in 10 minutes for the meeting. I want to show you Mr DeMello's requirements so that you can prepare well before out next meeting with him." He said that and slightly shoved her out of the room before she could protest.


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Comments (7)

tht bitch good 1 she got...srsly these kinda girls hve no self respect they force themselves on the guys n tht is y guys lke maan dnt evn gve a look to these kinda bimbos...m sooo happy geet should actly give a tight slap to tht bimbo...

13 years ago

lovelyy updatecont sooonthnx for d PM 😊

13 years ago

13 years ago

awww!...i m truly loving this!...

continue soon!

13 years ago

so sweet of Maan... but DeMello wants her to work on the project cuz she cooks well!😆.. loved the sounding off Sasha got... nice update and thanks for the pm.😳

13 years ago

wow maan praising geet infront of the clients and geet blushing...that's cool

13 years ago

read in one go
love it core
pls do pm me

13 years ago
