Chapter 9

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Ok here another two chaps. Big big thank you again for liking my story and being eager to read more. I admit, the first say 13-14 chaps are mainly maaneet (not that u mind, i hope), later on more characters are being introduced which are important to th plot.

Chapter 9:

BG girl Geet


Maan walked into KC with a smile on his lips. This sight left everyone shock as they were usually greeted by his angry glare. He took the lift to the 10th floor and looked for the girl.

Bistro Geet was closed, that is, all chairs were still on the table and the counter was closed. He wondered what time she usually came in. He went back to his office and asked for some coffee. Tasha came in and kept the coffee on MK's table. Before she could go Maan tasted the coffee eagerly but spit it out immediately.

"What on earth is this?" he bellowed at Tasha.

"Sir, coffee." She said hesitantly.

Maan rolled his eyes, could one get any stupider?

"Where did you get this coffee from? Why didn't you get any from Bistro Geet?"

"Sir, Geet is on half day leave and will open for lunch again. This is from the coffee machine."

After Maan told her to get lost he called Adi. His morning coffee always made his day since last week, now this usual coffee didn't taste. But how can this Geet simply close down half day without his permission?

Adi walked in and could see the reason for him being called on his boss' face.

"Adi, where is Geet?"

"Sir, she has half day leave till lunch."

"And why? Who gave her permission?"

"Sir, Savitry ma'am asked her to accompany her somewhere."

"Dadi? What for?" Maan asked confused.

"She had heard so much about Geet's food that she wanted to meet her."

"Oh, ok. But she will come back for lunch?" Maan asked hoping not to sound too desperate.

"Yes sir." Adi smiled and left. Dadi's plan had started to work. Maan sir was already missing Geet and the day had just started. Poor him, there is a not so pleasant surprise waiting for him.


While Maan was awaiting lunch time Geet and Dadima were chatting. Dadi had called Geet under the pretext of talking to her about something important.

"Geet beta, I need you help."

"Ji Dadima, bataye."

"See, it is about the annual kitty party food festival. As I had to host it this year, I thought of different ways of making this day special, but couldn't think of any. So I wanted to ask you, if you could help me out."

Geet thought about it. A food festival, this will be fun. Anyways after what Maan sir said about my food, this will give me an opportunity to improve myself.

"Dadi I would love to help, but I don't think I can handle the preparations and BG at the same time."

"Don't worry about that. I am officially giving you one week vacation for this. The office staff will be supplied with a substitute."

So it was done. Geet had to be kept away from the office for a week. Dadi reasoned that as long both Maan and Geet will stay together they won't realise what they feel for each other.

The more you run towards your love the more it will run from you. If you run away from it, it will come back to you!


It was lunch time in the office and everyone was talking. BG was open but instead of the delicious lunch they were used to they got lunch packets from the restaurant around the corner. Maan had made his way up and was equally confused. So this means Geet and that girl were not back yet.

He went to the counter and looked around. There were menu cards to take away (he grabbed one and quickly put it into his pocket, hoping no one saw him). He noticed a door with the board PRIVATE written on. He made his way towards that door and stopped before entering.

"It says private, so is it ok for me to sneak in and have a look?

Why am I asking, I am MAAN SINGH KHURANA and I don't need permission." With this he opened the door. The room was small but in one word: cosy.

There was a small rug on the floor made of sheep wool. A rocking chair was in one corner surrounded by books, all of which were about cooking. The table had a pile of paper with notes on them and pens and pencils in different colours. 'Chef Geet's creation table I guess.'

He looked around and found a large scrapbook. Although he never poked his nose into other peoples business he felt like doing it now. He just had to know who this Geet was. He sat on the rocking chair and instantly felt comfortable.

He opened the first page and read a note:


Hey you, how dare you read my scrapbook???

Keep your long long nose out of my personal business or I'll cut it down.

Now be nice, close this book and return it to its owner



Maan was shocked and closed the book. Then he laughed out. This was just too funny. This Geet really was something to write threat on the first page. He opened the book again, he was not afraid (him being MSK!) and flipped the pages. There were pictures, notes and recipes but what shocked him was to see his BG girl on most of them. One picture showed her with another man, holding her by her waist. He felt a pinch of jealousy, but brushed it off. "Me and Rahul, Mumbai"

Another one showed her in a kitchen of a restaurant cooking. Maan was astonished. 'She worked in a restaurant? I must find out.' But the next page gave him his answer. There was a photocopy of Geet's certificate and a picture of her holding it right next to it. The certificate read:


This certificate is to award Miss Geet Handa for being an excellent student under Antonio and Giovanni Foscarelli


Maan couldn't stop staring. HIS BG girl was Geet all along. "Thinking about it, it does make sense" Maan said. "She is the only one working here and everyone only talks about Geet so both should be the same person." He remembered her innocent way of asking him whether he really didn't know who Geet was. He felt so stupid. 'I am a real tube light.'

And Geet had been student under the Foscarelli brothers. They ran the Italian Village, his favourite restaurant. He felt proud of her. Now he was even more eager to talk to her. He called Dadi.

"Dadi, where is Geet?" he asked, realising he sounded desperate.

"Geet? She is here with me. Why?" Dadi asked casually. She was happy that Maan missed Geet already.

"No nothing, only she is supposed to do her work. Why are we getting lunch from the restaurant when we have our own Bistro?"

"That is because she is on an official leave"

"Ok. Tell her to be here on time tomorrow."

"No Maan, not possible. She will be off for a week." Maan was shattered. A week?

"Oh, ok." He hung up.

How is he going to survive? He wanted to read the entire scrapbook but he had work and couldn't take it from here since most of his office staff would see him.

He kept it on the table and left.


Dadi had explained to Geet what she wanted to be done. Geet had thought of food games. Starting from eating competitions to guess the dish in which the guest was blind folded and he had to taste a random dish. If he or she guessed right they got a prize, if they guessed wrong they had to eat a chilli. Dadi was glad to see Geet putting in so much effort. This girl really knew how to make the most of food. Dadi also knew that Maan was desperate to meet Geet, but Geet didn't seem to mind being away from her boss. Little did she know what Geet was going through!   


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