Chapter 5

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Heya, here are the next 2 parts, sorry for spelling mistakes and so on.
These two parts are still only about Maaneet and the few next ones will, too, but there are other characters that are coming so bear with me. 😛

Chapter 5:

Bistro Geet


The next two weeks Geet worked in her new office. To her luck Maan sir was out of town for a deal and would only return later. When she wasn't on her floor, Geet went downstairs to talk to her new friends. Meera was not so happy that Geet was working here, not because she minded Geet being in the same office as her but it was more the fact that Geet was straight forward, honest and very often said things without thinking and her cranky and khadoos boss will not be pleased seeing her here. Adi and Geet had become friends, too. He finally understood Dadima's plan and congratulated her for her brilliance. Pinky had recovered when she found out about new bistro in the office and took an instant liking towards Geet who was just as crazy about food and she was. Little did she know that the she was one of the reasons why KC will in one week's time have the delight to have Bistro Geet.


The day came and Bistro Geet was opened. Dadima was impressed by what she saw. The dull looking place had been converted into a wonderful bistro.

"Beta I must say I am impressed. You converted this place rather nicely."

"Haina Dadima. Now employees of KC can have lunch in the main area or work while eating on the bigger tables" She indicated towards the respective places. "Adi sir once told me how he had to arrange lunch meetings with clients at nearby restaurants so I have those two rooms for this purpose only."

"Interesting Geet, you thought a lot about this."

"Ji Dadima, my mentor at cooking school told me that a good restaurant or bistro should have all the facilities that will make it easy for people to come and enjoy the food."


The inauguration went well as Geet had forgotten all about the MD. Maan being out of office was a bonus and the fact hat he took Sasha with him was cherry on the icing. The office staff all liked Geet; even Tasha who is Sasha's spy couldn't deny that Geet really cooked some good food.


A week later Maan returned. He was pissed off. He so desperately wanted that deal and Rasika Saxena was not easy to deal with. He got it eventually after all he was Maan Singh Khurana, but he was not in a good mood. The work had piled up and he still didn't have a new secretary. It seemed that no one wanted the job. He never thought about the fact that it might be because he either frightens the person away or fires them on their first day.

"Tasha, I had told you to revise my schedule and include the meeting with Mr Chopra and also to cancel any meetings for Friday afternoon. WHY IS IT NOT DONE?"

Tasha flinched. She was not his secretary and had no idea how to do any of the tasks that were given to her by MK. But she could not tell him that or she would be fired, too.

"Sir, who... I don't know how'"

Of course she doesn't Maan reasoned. She was a stupid girl who couldn't do anything apart from dancing around Sasha and drool over me all day long, but at least Sasha was of some use to the office.

"Now go and get me some coffee, QUICK"

Tasha ran out and ordered a coffee from the bistro upstairs. Since she didn't want o face MK again she told Geet to bring it down.


Geet was happy as she was doing well. The employees at KC liked her and her food and were never hesitant to try any of her new creations. She thought about Antonio, and didn't notice till then that it was the MD to whom she had to bring the coffee. She was nervous, not because she feared Maan sir (or DD as he was known amongst the females of the company) it was because he was the only one left who had to give her a judgement about the food. She didn't expect praise but the expression on someone's face usually gave away many things. She had brought some grilled cheese sandwiches as it was lunch time. She often thought about why the MD was behaving like a wild beast and remembered her mentor once saying: "Food is medicine for mind and body. Is the food bad it will badly effect both is the food good it will positively effect both." He would be proud of her. She held he mug with one hand and knocked at the door.

"Come in" MK said harshly.

"Sir your order." She kept the plate and mug down.

Maan remembered that voice, this just added to his misery.

"YOU? What are you doing in my office? GET OUT." Geet flinched slightly since she didn't expect him to yell at her.

"Stop yelling, I only brought you your order, DD."

Maan stopped. He had often heard females in his office call him DD which meant Dhak Dhak because that was what their heart did after seeing me.

"DD?" he asked.

"Yes, Dusht Dhaanav"

That was it. Maan got up and grabbed Geet by her shoulders. He came dangerously close to her and said: "Don't you dare say that ever again." He stood there looking Geet into her eyes trying with all his might to break her defence with his stare. But instead he drowned into her hazel eyes. The eyes were warm and comforting. He felt at peace looking into them. His anger vanished and after so many years his cold heart started to feel warm again. He came closer and closer to those eyes till both their lips touched. It was an ever so slight touch but both felt a burning sensation and he quickly let go. Geet ran out, past an astonished Adi and up the stairs to her Bistro. She sat down in her kitchen and tried to clam down. Surprisingly she couldn't stop smiling. 'Oye Geet, this man just did "woh" on your lips and you are smiling?' Yes she was smiling. Smiling because something in her heart had clicked and the tightly closed tab of her emotions which she had closed down long ago were now opening again. She didn't realise it yet but she will soon.

Maan stood still. 'Did he just kiss'. No ways that was never'. Why am I thinking about that anyways, that annoying girl is gone, that is what matters. Probably got scared of me,' he thought proudly.

He looked at the mug and sandwiches which Geet had kept there. At first he was reluctant to have them but dug in as his stomach started to rumble. He didn't know that a simple cheese sandwich could be so delicious. The coffee was very good, too. It seemed that there was something different about it but whatever it was it was too good. He saw the napkin and read the name: Bistro Geet

'Strange, I have never heard of it. Must be new. But why did Tasha order something from a Bistro instead of our Canteen. This girl is really stupid.'


Mina4202011-07-25 05:04:17

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