Chapter 1

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[NOCOPY][MEMBERSONLY]Written something on my favorite jodi.. 😳 I had this concept in my mind and who better than ArHi to execute it.. My first OS on them.. Hope you guys like it..


 Khushi had always believed in a love marriage. She had heard Sarita and many other of her friends say, "A known devil is better than an unknown ghost" But things had changed drastically for Khushi Kumari Gupta and the dream of a love marriage was shattered.. The Gupta's got a proposal for Payal from the Raizada's . One of the biggest business families asking for their daughter. For the Gupta family, it was a dream come true. Their daughter getting married into the Raizada family.  Payal had been working with the Raizada's and it was during this time that Aakash and Payal became friends which culminated into love. Payal was taken aback when Aakash proposed her for marriage and she had told him that he would have to ask her family and her decision depended on that. Khushi was all happy for her sister who would soon be married and she was more happy that her jiji wud be having a "love marriage" But her joy was short-lived as the Raizada's got another proposal. It was Khushi for their elder son Arnav Singh Raizada. Khushi didn't like him. The first impression she had of him was not very good. He looked like he never smiled in his entire lifetime. Then why?

 "Kyun Devi maiyaa, Why with me? I don't like him Amma. Im not going to say yes. " Khushi said

"Bitiya, they are well to do, and think about Payal. They themselves have asked for your hand. How can we say No now"? Garima said worriedly

"He looks like he doesn't know what a smile is"

"Aisa nahi kehte, he is your would be husband"

"WHAT?? You'll said  Yes? "

"We had no other option bitiya and after what happened with Payal, we can't take a chance this time"

Khushi had no choice but to keep her silent tears to herself.

Things were not very different in the Raizada mansion.

"How could you Di, Nani? You'll asked her for me? Without asking me? What does that mean? Im not saying Yes.."

"Question of you saying Yes doesn't arise chottey, when we asked her for you, it was a Yes from our side which means '"

"No Di"

"Yes Chottey"

"Unbelievable" Arnav left for his room upstairs

Nani and Anjali giggled. Seeing a annoyed Arnav going Anjali whispered

"Khushi is a really nice girl Chottey, she will give you all the happiness that you deserve" Anjali's eyes welled up

Arnav didn't know what his family was upto but the determination that he saw in Anjali's eyes told him that there was no backing off from this marriage.. He had said "YES" for the marriage even without saying Yes. And for some reason, he couldn't say no. His sister was happy and that girl, Khushi.. She wasn't that bad.. It was more of contrast between them and he found her completely opposite of what he was. A chirpy and talkative girl. He remembered the first time they met and he realized how it didn't look like she was meeting them for the first time. So full of life and talkative. No wonder Nani and Di liked her, Arnav thought. He had to marry  someone one day because Nani and Anjali would persuade him one day and who better than someone whom his Di and Nani have chosen for him.. Not bad, Arnav thought..

It was late evening when Arnav came back from office.

"Chottey" Anjali called out

"Haan di"

"We were thinking of both the weddings on the same day. What do you say?"

" As you wish, Di"

"Chottey" Anjali exclaimed "Does that mean you are saying "YES"?

"Did you'll leave me with any other option?" Arnav said sarcastically

Anjali was too happy for words.. Her chottey had finally agreed.. The whole Raizada Mansion lit up. It was time for happiness to make a grand entry in their house again..

The phone at the Gupta's rang giving them the good news that date for the wedding has been fixed..

"Buaji, chottey wants to meet Khushiji once" Anjali said

"Yes yes bitiya, why not. And they haven't even talked properly. Tell Arnav Babua that he can meet Khushi whenever he wants"

Arnav and Khushi were to meet the next day.. Arnav picked her up from her house. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful his would be bride was. The red and golden anarkali doing wonders to her already beautiful self..  Red... He remembered, his favorite color.. Did Di tell her?

He stopped the car in front of a place that looked like a garden restaurant to Khushi.

"Khushi.. We've reached." Arnav realized this was the first sentence they spoke almost meeting half an hour back.. Khushi hadn't spoken at all..

He got down and opened her side of the car door.

Silently Khushi got down from the car and went inside the restaurant with him besides her.

Arnav directed Khushi towards a reserved table. Both of them took their seat.

No one spoke a word. Arnav couldn't take it any further.

"Are you ok, Khushi?"

Khushi looked up to him..

"Haan, yes.. Im fine"

"Don't you like to speak? Or is it something else? Because as far as I know you love to speak... Is something bothering you? You are happy with this marriage right?

Arnav said it all in one go. He didn't know why it was bothering him that she wasn't the person, she was when he first met her. Maybe the decision of marriage had done this to her..

Khushi didn't know what to say.. She thought of him as someone who didn't know what a smile is. And here today he was asking her if she is happy.. He had even realized that she is of talkative nature "Maybe for the 1st time in your life you have misjudged someone on the first impression, Khushi'"  Something within told her...

"Im ok, Arnavji.." She lied because the truth would do more harm than good.

"Why are you so quiet"?

"It's just that all this happened in such a hurry that   its taking time and I always wanted my marriage to be a'.." Khushi couldn't complete.

"To be a ..?" Arnav asked

"Nothing, I just wanted some time before marriage" Khushi lied again...

"We can postpone the marriage if you'."

"No Arnavji, Im fine with it.. What better than me and jiji getting married on the same day" She finished.

The rest of the evening was spend with occasional smiles and giggles from Khushi's side while Arnav kept staring in awe at the girl who would be his wife in a matter of few days.

"I like her" Arnav said to himself as he lay on his bed. His mind kept thinking about her, a fact about which he himself was surprised.

"Jiji, he is really nice" Payal's eyes went round in shock.. She smiled.

"Are you ok, Khushi? Till today morning, you thought he couldnt smile and today he has become really nice"

Khushi blushed..

"Jiji, tum bhi"

Both of the sisters slept peacefully dreaming about the new life and relation they would share in a few days.

The wedding was a much big affair... The Gupta's and Raizada's were finally happy to see their children going through a new phase of life.. Payal & Khushi couldn't hold back their tears.. This new life was going to take away their Buaji, Amma and Bauji from them.

Sitting in the backseat of the car, Khushi was uncontrollable. She was sobbing hard' If there was something Arnav didn't like was tears..

"Khushi, it's ok, you can  go to meet them whenever you feel like."

Khushi just looked at him. He smiled.

A faint smile came up Khushi's face.. He kept his hand over hers and pulled her in a side hug..

It was almost 6 months after the wedding.. It was Diwali, the next day.. Khushi was running from this end to that end arranging for the diya's , lanterns, rangoli, sweets and many other things..

Over the period of 6 months, Khushi had realized that her husband how indifferent to the outside world, was a person with a golden heart,, Maybe people misjudged him like she herself did when she first met him. Their relationship was growing with time..

For Arnav, Khushi was someone who had lit up his world with her smiles and laughs.. He never knew before Khushi came into his life that someone smiles and laughs can make a person like him happy to this extent.

Arnav had a busy day at office. The clients from Japan had drained him out.. Di had told him to be back home before 9pm, he remembered. He didn't like celebrating any festival but for the sake of his Di and this year, Khushi he had agreed..

As soon he got home, he saw the whole house illuminated with oil lamps..  Ignoring the festival preparations, he headed straight to his room..  

He had a spinning headache.

"Arnavji'" Khushi headed towards him and took his arm in hers.

"Come with me na Arnavji, I want to show you something.."

"Khushi, Im tired. I'll come afterwards"

Khushi started dragging him..

"Nahi, come now only, I want to show you the 108 diya's that I have lit up by the poolside and the rangoli that I made"

"Stop it Khushi, can't you see I don't want to, Im least bothered in diya's and rangoli. Do you get it? Why do you have to keep behaving like a kid every time? Arnav's voice started gaining pitch with each said word.

Khushi left his arm.. She looked into his eyes.

Arnav felt guilty for venting out on her.. It wasn't her fault that he was having a head ache. . It wasn't her fault that he had a busy day..She was just trying to share her happiness with him..

"Behave like a kid..? Well then Mr Raizada. Maybe you should be glad that Im behaving like one because Im giving you ample time to get experience"  Khushi said and stormed out of their room.

Arnav kept looking at the open door.. Why did he say all that? He thought.. He used to tease her calling her a  kid number of times before too because of the 6 yr old difference between them. She was all of 22yrs but still behaved like a kid.. Mr Raizada...It shouted in his ears..She called him that only when she was angry or emotional.  He tried recollecting what she said "Well then Mr Raizada. Maybe you should be glad that Im behaving like one because Im giving you ample time to get experience" Wait a minute, what did that mean? Did it mean that she was'. ?? Yes.. What else could that have been?

He tried looking out for her, the whole mansion.. She was now where to be seen.. All of his family was too busy with Diwali preparations to think about anything else.

He needed to see her... He shud call her.. Yes, he thought.. He went back to his room to get his mobile when he saw her stand by the poolside looking up at the stars, her face looking as angelic as ever..

He came from behind and engulfed her in a hug..

"Khushi, Im sorry.."

"Its ok, Arnavji.. I know you were tired. I shouldn't have bothered you" She said sweetly

"You can never bother me, Khushi.. Im really sorry"

Khushi rested herself on his chest.

"When did you come to know"? He asked her.

She freed herself from him and looked into his eyes.

"What"? She asked

"That you are pregnant" Arnav said

Khushi blushed and kept staring at the floor.

He put his finger under her chin and she was looking into those chocolate brown eyes.. She saw all the happiness of a lifetime in them..

"Today morning" She answered

He hugged her again and whispered "Thank You" in her ears

Khushi felt a new happiness build within her..

They sat by the poolside in each other's arms surrounded by the diya's savoring the happiest moment of their lifetime...



"You always wanted to have a love marriage, right?" He asked

She looked into his eyes, shocked.

"How did you know"? She asked him

"I read that diary of yours the last time we had been to Buaji's place" He confessed

"How could you, Arnavji? That is my personal diary" She slapped at his chest teasingly.

"There is nothing personal between you and me, Khushi"

Khushi smiled.

"So you would have been much happier if you had got married to a person you loved " He asked

"I love the person I married, Arnavji" She said looking deep into his eyes and resting in his arms again...

The Diwali night became bit more special for two souls. A night which they would never forget..


Oh gosh.. I wrote this much.. 😲 Im shocked and surprised.. Hope you guys like it.. Please do comment. Would love to know your thoughts and comments.. 🤗





mishti_172012-06-22 08:25:40

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Comments (124)

Awesome os loved it ;)

10 years ago

Aww that was a beautiful & lovely OS

10 years ago

a very sweet n cute os dear...really loved it...very beautifully written...!!!!

10 years ago

good work😊NYC yaar😉

10 years ago

That was a fabulous story to reread too!

10 years ago

FortunaMajor Thumbnail




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10 years ago

It was such a lovely story. Sometimes love comes after marriage as in the case of Arnav and Khushi.

10 years ago

Thats such a sweet comment Saiyeda.. 🤗 It is a good feeling to be in love & marry your love but then marrying a person & then falling in love is mind blowing too.. Like how a person comes to mean so much to you.. Staying together bringing different mindsets and the methods to cope up with it and meet expectations too... Arranged marriage concepts get amazing with ArHi in picture..

10 years ago

After childhood love stories if there is a genre i like best is Arnav and Khushi falling in love after marriage.Here the foundation was set in their first date itself.. Sigh...From two people who didn't want to marry each other to being in love and being pregnant... it must have been one wonderful journey.Haiye! To be in love with the man you marry... and to have nothing personal between you two... amazing 😳Congratulations to them for their child, to you for penning this down and to me for reading it 😊

10 years ago

Thank you Shraya.. 🤗 Thats such a sweet comment..

10 years ago
