Chapter 1

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Zain and Aliya were back from their honeymoon, yet, they were going through their 'honeymoon phase' as people called, that is, the urge to be with each other all the time and as all other in-love couples, Zain and Aliya too didn't escape from this phenomenon.

Due to this phenomenon called love and its side-effects, Zain was always involved in his mobile or his laptop, looking up romantic things to do for his wife. He had already searched for all the clich things and done the opposite of all that, taking Aliya by storm every time but this time, he decided to clichd way, knowing she would be surprised if he did something which is tried and tested and he went for the classic trick in the book which was most obviously a candlelight dinner. But even there, he decided to add a twist.

For the preparations, he took Rizwan's and Ayat's help as he always did. Rizwan helped him because he was happy that his best friend was turning into Romeo, leaving all the girls for him and Ayat helped him because she wanted to see her sister happy.

When all the preparations were done, Zain sighed, glad that he was able to keep it a secret from Aliya because she kept popping out of nowhere.

That evening, Zain got dressed in a suit, looking dapper and rushed out of the room as Aliya was still in the shower, leaving a box behind for her.

As Aliya came out of the room, she called out, "Zain, where are you?" On looking around the whole room, her eyes fell on a dark blue box beautifully decorated with ribbons and Aliya written on it in bright green. So,' she thought to herself, he finally figured out my favorite colors.'

She carefully removed the ribbons and opened the box to find a stunning green sari with a beautiful blue blouse. Aliya picked the sari up with a charming smile on her face when she noticed a piece of paper in the box out of the corner of her eye.

She read it thoroughly and quickly got dressed, excited to see what Zain had planned this time for her. As she went past the family, she greeted them quickly and sat down in the car as instructed by Zain in the letter.

When the ride was finally over, they halted at an area filled with candles. She picked up one candle and found the smell to be one of roses, a smell which she personally loved. Just as she was going to pick another one up, she felt someone's hand at her waist.

Recognizing the hand, she muttered, "Zain, leave me. Someone will see us." "Don't worry jaan, I've booked the whole area for us tonight and the driver has also left us so you don't have to worry," he whispered in a husky voice, snaking closer to her.

"Getting naughty are we?" Aliya asked him in a naughty tone and removed his hand from her waist. "Now tell me what the plan is. You know how much I dislike them and how anxious I get baby," she finished, hoping her baby' would work.

"Getting impatient are we?" he asked, imitating Aliya.

She huffed and turned away from him, really meaning what she said about disliking surprises. Though she always got excited first, it soon turned to anxiety and then irritation.

"Aw jaan, you're not happy to see your husband?" he said, kissing her neck and gave himself a satisfied pat, hearing her groan. Realizing what she was doing, Aliya shut herself up by hitting herself on her head lightly.

"Come on baby, tell me the surprise already," she whispered in his ear.

Not able to take it anymore, Zain decided to take her to the surprise. They walked a short distance to a horse carriage and Zain helped Aliya climb in and sat next to her while the man taking them took the reins and the horses started galloping.

"Zain, remember that time when we had gone somewhere and I wanted to go on the horse there while you were begging Maamu to take us from there and all of us started teasing you?" Aliya told him with a grin on her face.

"You're never going to let go of that are you?" he asked her, tapping her nose lightly with his index finger.

They went on talking for another hour as they headed towards the location. The conversation which started with horses eventually went on to various topics such as music, studies, dancing, singing, lions, Simba, Reebok, television, Harry Potter, titles of Hindi shows and what not. Time flew as they spoke to each other and neither realized when they had dozed off on each other's shoulders and the driver of the carriage came and woke the two of them up.

Zain got down first and like a true gentleman, he started walking without helping her and Aliya got down by herself, huffing at his courteousness.

When Zain noticed that he was walking alone, he turned around and saw a furious Aliya. "Sorry jaan, I was just a little sleepy so I forgot that you were there too," he told her, his face the epitome of innocence.

Looking at his adorableness, Aliya forgave him almost immediately and smiled warmly at him and they both headed towards his surprise.

On reaching the place and seeing it, Aliya had only one word to say, "WOW."

If she thought the candles was beautiful, this surpassed it by miles and bounds and it would suffice to say, Aliya was rendered speechless while Zain was happy to see her that way.

There was a table in the middle, decorated with rose petals and candles. It was the most beautiful sight on earth for Aliya. She walked a little closer and saw something on the other side of the table. "Zain, what's there?" she asked, pointing to the other side. "See for yourself," he replied.


Aliya smiled and walked to the other side to find candles. They were arranged in such a way that they spelled out I love you Aliya. Aliya gasped. She hadn't expected this from Zain.


Zain walked up behind her to see her reaction. He had wanted to make this special. But this wasn't his only surprise for the night. "Do you like it?" he asked. "Zain, I, I love it. Thank you so much," she said and turned to give him a hug. He hugged her close to him, not wanting to let her go. "There's a couple more surprises on their way," he said. "Zain, how much have you planned? You know that you don't need to do all of this. I know that you love me," she said. "I know that I don't need to. But I want to," he said.


Aliya pulled away from Zain and looked up at him. He loves me so much, she thought. She felt Zain's hand on her cheek slowly move the hair that was on her face back. She smiled.


Zain leaned down a bit to kiss her on her forehead. "You know, before I met you, I would never have thought that I would do this for some one," he said. "Why? You never thought that you would fall in love?" Aliya asked. "To be honest, I never knew what love was. Love was just another stupid emotion for me. I had never thought that I would fall in love. But look at me now, I am crazily, madly in love with you, Aliya Zain Abdullah," he said.


Aliya blushed a little. That name was still sort of new to her. Aliya Zain Abdullah. She loved it whenever Zain called her that.


Zain bent down on his knee and said, "May I have this dance with the most beautiful lady in this world." Aliya laughed and agreed. "But what about the music?" she asked. "When Zain Abdullah is here, not to fear," he replied and pulled out his phone. He put on a song and offered his hand to Aliya. Aliya took his hand and rested her other hand on Zain's shoulder while he put his hand on her waist. The two of them swayed to the music.


"This is one of my favourite songs," Aliya said. "I know. That's why I chose it," Zain replied. "You know this feels really nice." "What?" she asked confused. "This. Just you, me and this beautiful night," he replied. "You're right. It feels really nice," Aliya said.


After the dance was over, Aliya asked Zain about his other surprise. He pointed to the side where there was a screen and a projector. "Zain, what is that?" she asked. "Aliya, come on, I thought you were smarter than this. Can't you see? It's a screen and a projector," he replied. He took her hand and led her there and told her to sit on a chair. He played the video and came to sit next to Aliya.


The video started off with a video of a younger Aliya and Zain, after Zain had pulled a prank on her. "Zain, why are we watching this?" she asked. "Just keep watching Aliya," was his only reply. The video continued, showing some of the most precious moments that had occurred throughout their life. The video was complied with memories from their childhood right up until the day that they had gotten married, which wasn't that long ago.


When the video finished, Zain turned to look at Aliya and saw tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying?" he asked gently. "That video just refreshed all of my memories, especially the most precious ones," she replied. "Come here," he said and pulled her in for another hug.


"Are you ready for the last surprise? It took a lot of work," Zain said. "I can't wait anymore. I hate waiting. I want to see it now," Aliya replied. "Then come on," Zain said and took her hand.

They walked the length of the beach and finally reached the place Zain had been keeping a secret until now. It was a tent/marquee like set up made entirely with beautiful white silk curtains, which were swaying seductively with the light breeze. She could see a wide bed inside as they got closer along with some other choice furniture's. It looked like something out of a romantic movie...or from another era entirely when mighty Kings and their harem's were present. The decadence of the lavish structure made Aliya's breath hitch and she turned to see her husband smiling and waiting for her reaction. She hugged Zain tightly, not able to express what she was feeling.


It wasn't the extravagance that rendered her speechless but the amount of thought and energy which had gone into it. The same Zain Abdullah, who never believed in love was doing things like this. For her. She felt truly loved and blessed.


Zain pulled away from the hug and grabbed her hand "Come on. Lets go in"


Aliya followed him silently and they made themselves comfortable on the divan, kept on one side and Zain got 2 glasses of soft drinks for both of them. As they sat chatting the conversation turned to confessions.


"We have to tell each other one thing we have kept a secret from the other, no matter how embarrassing it is. Okay?" Zain announced with a twinkle in his eyes.


Aliya nodded coyly."You go first" she said.


"Hmmm..Let's see. You remember the day you made me miss that cricket match and dragged to that library?" Zain asked Aliya.


"Yeah, the one where I had to listen to so much from that librarian because my wallet was missing and my library card along with it, right?"


"The same" Zain admitted sheepishly "It wasn't missing. I hid it"




"You made me miss such an important match!" Zain retorted.


"I was so embarrassed that day!" Aliya turned in a huff, crossing her arms and facing the other side.


"I'm sorry sweetheart" Zain kneeled in front of her and held his ears with his hands, making a cute puppy face and Aliya melted on the spot, though she tried to keep up the pretense.


"Forgive me, Honey. I was young and stupid then" Zain pleaded adorably.


"Really Zain?" Aliya exclaimed "It was just 6 months ago!"


Zain nodded his head sadly"Exactly! Younger and Stupider" while Aliya burst out laughing at his dramatics.


"Aha! Now it's your turn" Zain said as he sat by her side again.


Aliya was the one who was looking sheepish now "Umm...It was me who put that cockroach in your shoe. The one which made you dance all forms of dances at one go, remember?"


"YOU!" Zain remembered that incident very well. His phobia of cockroaches was not public but his family had always known it, so it seemed, had Aliya. "Confess. Who spilled?"


"Uh..It was Rizwan" she finally blurted out "But he didn't know that I didn't know" she explained as Zain mentally reserved some choice words for his best buddy. Aliya laughed at his irritation and kissed his cheek to calm him, which worked wonderfully.


The game continued for a while, when suddenly Aliya stopped as she heard some noise. "What's that?" she asked Zain.


Zain was confused. "What's what?"


"That noise, Listen!" she shushed him and they heard the soft meowling sound once again. Zain jumped at once as he heard it "OMG! I totally forgot!"


He pulled Aliya and took her to the corner where there was a small basket which was tied neatly with a red bow was kept. He lifted the basket and presented it to Aliya with a wide grin.


"What's this?" she asked even as opened it and shrieked in surprise when she saw what it was "Kittens! Ya Allah. They are so cute! Are they for me?" she asked.


"Yup! All three of them" Zain agreed proudly.


"Thank you so much Zain. I can't believe you remembered that I love kittens" she checked them over and realized that there were 2 females and one male.


"So what are you naming them?" Zain asked curiously as he saw her cuddle and pamper them.


"I'm going to name them Cutie, Huggy and Kissy!" Aliya announced with a grin.


Zain smiled at her delight "Are you happy then?" he asked softly.


Aliya kept the basket on the ground and jumped into Zain's arms "Oh Zain, I'm so happy. You are the best husband ever!"


Zain laughed at his wife's exuberance and hugged her back tightly. Finally he had gotten the surprise right. His wife's delight in the surprise made all the all the hardwork he had put in to get everything together, worthwhile.


He lifted her and carried her to the bed and after placing her in it, followed her down. Aliya kept a hand on his chest to stop him as he swooped in and whispered "What if someone comes?"


"Don't worry. It's a private beach" Zain assured her and leaned in to take her lips in a gentle kiss.


As the gentle breeze swayed and the candles dwindled, the two lovers were lost in their own world of timeless love, undisturbed by any external factor.

Mariaa.RD2014-02-13 10:17:38

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beautiful os
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Awesome and Beautiful OS👏

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