Epilogue - Part 1

4 months ago

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Epilogue - Part 1

They had two weeks of a delightful honeymoon filled with love, adventure, and cherished moments. Exploring new places together, sharing intimate moments, and enjoying each other's company. Also indulged in Geet's culinary adventures which made for unforgettable memories because Maan had to bear the taste of them with smiles on his face. The days were filled with a blend of affection and playfulness between the two. They cherished each and every blissful moment filled with teasing, caring and immense love.

Just like that, one day, after their whole nights *unhh unhh* adventure, Maan was sleeping like a rock.

Geet thought of baking a surprise cake for him. Had he known she would come up with another cooking idea, he would have been awake and diverted her in something else. 

Maan woke up with the sweet smell in their resort hitting his nostril. All his laziness gone when he realized what she must be up to. He ran towards the kitchen to get a beautiful view to his eyes. Geet had a cropped tank top, hugging her upper body and mini shorts tightly hugging her bottom, giving him an awesome view of her tempting petite waist and thighs giving a sneaking view of her rounds popping out . She had a side braid hanging to the front. Ohh …damn, he can happily Enjoy even a chili cake in this state. 

Geet with oven gloves on her hand, pulled out the backed cake and placed it on the countertop when she felt his arms encircling her waist. Smile formed on her face

“Awake from your beauty sleep” without answering her, he turned her to him and pulled for a passionate kiss. Ohh he loved how her soft frame fitted within his strong one.

“Well, now go freshen up while I lay this for breakfast. I will video call mom and show her my work” Geet said with excitement

‘this…” Maan paused “this is for breakfast..?” he asked with a smile on face but hesitation within.

“Yes of course, made by the great Geet Khurana for her hubby dear.. Now goo…” she pushed him

Maan was back to find her on breakfast table with a video call with her Mom

“hello mom..” Maan said from behind

“How are you, dear. Are you able to handle her craziness”

Geet shrugged her shoulders “Now she forgot me. Her favorite one is here.”

Maan placed a kiss on her cheek and Rano closed her eyes from her palm

“Video call tak toh ruk jaoo tum dono”

“Well mom, for your information, this one, your favorite one is crazier among us”

Rano laughed, “Mom, wait.” Geet gained her mother’s attention and then  turned to Maan

“have a seat Mr. Khurana” Maan smiled and took his seat

Geet was busy putting the cake piece the plate for Maan and Rano gave a questioning look to Maan on which he gave her the assuring look

“Take a bite now” and she fed him a big piece from her hand. 

“How is it” she asked excited “nice he signaled from his finger and took the glass of water

“See.. a chef in making ” Rano looked at Maan behind Geet and asked in sign, if he was okay. Maan signaled in okay and tried swallowing the whole piece and Geet saw that

“You guys are making fun of my cooking” she pouted

Maan immediately pulled her to his side “No darling… I was just trying to please Mom. She has a competitor now”

Geet hit him on his chest “don’t act” and she took a piece of her backed cake and before Maan could stop her, she place it inside her mouth

“yukkk… it’s so bland” she made her face

“It’s not that bad” Maan confirmed.

Rano disconnected, knowing they are now going into their own arguments

“Not bad, really? Then you are finishing it all”

“What? yes, why not” he made faces and looked at the cake. Geet laughed, took the cake and threw in the bin

“Don’t worry, I will be an awesome cook one day” Maan went and held her in his embrace and picked her up in the air.

“Just be the way you are. I do not want a single change in this piece” she laughed and smacked him on his shoulders

This is how their days went by with love, teasing and passion.

Couple of months after their return, Maan got busy in establishing Geet as director of the KE India Group. Full acceptance now came from directors, company stakeholders and executives for Mrs.Geet Khurana as the director of the company for the KE India group . Of course she was now accepted as director because of her own style of working and leadership skills but Mrs Khurana gave the final stamp of no questions at all. 

Maan brought her in front to make important strategic announcements regarding company policy, or new projects that the company will take over or all widely covered business press conferences.

After Geet satisfactorily taking over as Director of KE India Group, Maan left for his world tour to work on setting up KE strongly at global level. KE already had its good presence globally but Maan had ambition to take it to the next level. 

Thus, Maan was mostly away on a world business tour for the next six months. Geet did not complain much as she herself was busy keeping up with companies net worth. She had to keep up Maan's trust in her. He trusted her and had handed his hard work to her. 

Maan established himself in Europe for several months, engaging in intensive meetings with key stakeholders and assembling a formidable team of skilled individuals to kickstart related initiatives. His strategic plans and forward-thinking vision resulted in securing several significant new projects. Subsequently, he embarked on a four-month tour across North and South America. His assertive and forward-looking strategies captivated business partners, prompting larger investments in his plans and endeavors. By the conclusion of the six-month tour, KE had undertaken projects across multiple sectors and had also initiated plans to launch KE International and Domestic Airlines.

All the while Maan was away, Geet had not only beautifully taken her role in the professional front but had also been working on the family background.

She engaged in several conversations with Sanjeev. Initially, it required a great deal of inner strength and resolve for her to approach him. She hesitated greatly, considering she was speaking to a man who had abandoned his own son. However, for the sake of her husband, she knew it was necessary. Maan was deeply wounded and needed his relationship with his father to have clarity. She felt it was her duty to be his anchor in this inner storm.

As evening descended, Sanjeev was immersed in work within his study, the rhythm of his tasks was interrupted by a knock on the door. Expecting it to be Ragini with her usual grievances, he swiveled his chair, only to be taken aback by the sight of Geet standing there. 

Puzzled by her presence, he couldn't help but wonder why she had come. He knew he neither deserved nor anticipated any respect from his daughter-in-law. So, what prompted her to visit him? The thought crossed his mind that perhaps Ragini had once again caused trouble, pushing Geet to the point of coming to deliver lectures on her behalf.

“ohh Geet, come in please dear” he welcomed her heartily

Geet gave him a formal tight smile “Hi” 

“Come” he signaled her to take a seat

Geet stayed quiet before speaking, gathered her thought and started

“I am here to talk about Maan and your relationship.”

“hmm..” he nodded, waiting to hear further from her

“but before I start, do not even think of taking Maan for granted and think that he is any less without you. It’s not due to his wish that I am here”

“How can I even think that? Maan on his own has not only exceeded my expectation for any of my child but he is way farther from any expectation that I may have from my children and even, me for that matter”

“Yes, he is a self made man. Even though his father was always in front of his eyes, he had to become a self made man. Becoming something like what he is will be a matter of pride for any man but for Maan, it all resembles pain.”

“I am so so proud of him. I do not know what I have done to get a son like him. Mera beta hai woh.. yeh sochta hoon toh viswas hee nahi hota hai”

“But Maan ka kya. Does he not want to be a son of a father for whom he can be proud. Or a father who looks up to him and does not ignore him like a stranger in his own house.How much he has been hurting. I am saying all this from a son’s perspective, don’t you ever try to think that my husband is weak by any means. he is the strongest who has capacity to drink all the pain that you have given him all through his life, still stand strong with that heavy load and not only take part in the race but win each race of life’s game”

“Trust me Geet beta. Since I have realized what I have done with my Maan, not a single day I have slept well. My deeds are haunting me each day. My son, my eldest, I had pushed him so far from me, let him lead a lonely life. When all kids hold the hand of their son, I….” He choked.

“Sometimes I feel, why am I still living on this earth”

“Don’t don’t ever say that.. you are not doing anything to hurt my Maan further. He is hurt by you but don’t you know…“ Geet sighed

“Leave it, how will you know what Maan is yearning for”

“I know what he is yearning for but I am not even qualified to be called as his father. Father of Maan Singh Khurana, it is  a big title, I do not deserve”

“It is not about you here, Mr. Khurana. Maan Singh Khurana is a busy man, he doesn’t care but it’s Maan who is in pain and it is about him I am talking..”

“Yes, it’s about Maan, my son Maan who I want to win”

After giving him the hint, Geet left that day.

Going forward, Sanjeev made sure that Ragini ceased all interference in matters concerning Maan and Geet. This initiative helped with Geet and Ragini coexisting, while Sanjeev took it upon himself to engage in conversations with Geet. He inquired about Maan's whereabouts and offered assistance whenever needed. Sanjeev took efforts to ensure that his daughter-in-law received the respect and support that she deserved.

Annie already admired the way Geet handled the business, her own family and here everything for Maan in his absence 

“You are an inspiration Geet to so many girls “ she had commented one day openly, on breakfast table 

Geet had smiled remembering Maan on mention of ‘inspiration’. Annie really shared things with Maan via their father. Which really made her wonder that her father in law was not that bad after all but had been continuously stuck in the whirlpool of his mistakes. 

Anyways he wanted to mend ways and Geet was ready to give him a chance as that would also lessen the gap in Maan’s heart.

Annie and Geet naturally started gelling.

Vicky had also tried to be in the good books of Geet. He was behaving well and tried initiating talks with Geet at dinner or breakfast time.

Though less but Geet did respond to him in a word or two.  

It was only Ragini from whom her interaction was none. Strict warning from Sanjeev, Ragini completely kept away from talking any nonsense to her. Not only this, she was no fool to not understand that Geet had all powers now and it was only good for her kids if they were in the good books of this girl.

What to do, her husband and Kids held power for so many years but they wasted it all. The fact of today was, Maan had all the powers. 

One day at diner table “Bhabhi” Geet turned to Vicky

“wooh… I wanted to learn work under you or Bhai but only if you think it is okay”

“Meet me in my office tomorrow at 10am”

Ragini burned with the way her son had to request the girl who has just become part of the family. But then, this was badly needed for Vicky’s career. Dev’s career has ended and now that Vicky is working to get his life on track she can not do silly stuff to get him kicked out of KE.

The other night Maan, called Geet to get his mind of the hectic and tiresome days

“Maan, please take it a bit easy.”

“Yes, once I am back, will stay there for continuous two months”

 “Only two months.Your newly wed wife is aching to be in your arms” she complained.

“I very well know what you are aching for” he laughed

“Shut up.” then she paused “Maan, I have to confess something, I hope you won’t be upset”

“Do you think I have it in me to be upset with you?” 

“Maan, on Vicky’s request, I have assigned him with a department’s work. Hope you won’t get mad at me for that. He requested and I talked to him and felt it was correct… mujhe laga”

“Inspiration, hold on… hold on. I have handed you the India Group of KE. You are the boss and you decide who to assign what task. I have not given that power to you so I can control your acts. You felt it was right, how can I say it was wrong”

“You are Okay. I thought…”

“Anyways, they have percentages in the company, 4% is no less. He should learn to grow that money and contribute something that he owns.”

An additional month passed and Ragini, seeing everyone on the side of Geet and Maan, realized that their life had become better and stress free compared to when they had strained retaliation and were competing with Maan.

Though, now she herself wanted to make better terms with, did not know how to. Geet didn’t even look at her side. She was ghosted by Geet in the same house.

Geet also got the office done for Sanjeev and he had started sitting there and brushing up the business he once enjoyed doing with Sandhya.  It was this place where he could quietly talk to Sandhya, remember her and ask for forgiveness. With Ragini not being on top of his head, he started getting a chance to remember his first wife, who was so dynamic and who loved him so much, no one could ever.

He started working hard, to prove himself to Sandhya.

Vicky was learning well under Geet’s guidance and was proving to be loyal in different types of tests Geet placed him into. He had no idea that she had been testing his dedication and loyalty in so many ways.

Ragini found ways to come into Geet’s eyes. It did not feel good that she alone was ghosted and not respected by her. Ragini started doing things in the house, trying to make things good for Geet in the house. She started arranging parties for Geet’s success and invited her parent’s. Now that her family started coming and Ragini started hosting for them with all respect. Knowing very well, strong like Geet will not melt till her husband forgives her. But still, she thought this was the only way.

Dev was to be released from jail and it was still a month for Maan to be back

“Ragini, Dev cannot stay in this house. He had misbehaved with Geet and Geet is staying here. She is eldest daughter in law of this house, I do not want her to be uncomfortable”

Ragini knew that was coming.No one will let Dev stay in this house. This was Maan’s house, in his name. And she, in no capacity, was in a situation to upset Geet and Maan. Her husband will not side with her anymore in this matter.

But before they could decide anything, Geet came with message from Maan

“I have message from Maan for all of you, especially you” she signaled to Ragini

“me?” Maan sending her the message, he hardly interacted with her

“yes. He is aware that Dev will be released in a couple of days. Maan has an offer for him, you can let him know and he can decide”

“Dev can leave the country and move to Canada. Maan will buy a bungalow for him there and transfer his money from his share to his account. But then he will not be seen in this city and especially this house, where I reside. Or he can decide to not go, in which case Maan has decided to wrap him up in another case where he may need to pay the company for mis-utilizing the resources of the company for his personal needs. This house anyway he will never have entry ever”

Ragini and Sanjeev went to Dev. Dev has by now known Maan will make his life hell if he is seen in the city. He was surprised that the cunning fellow was actually giving him money of his share and making proper arrangements for him in Canada.

“Dev, we will come with you and get you settled there,” said Ragini. 

“I am not a kid. I do not want anyone with me. I just want my free life. Anyways, I am getting just a meager from this company that is growing worldwide”

“It’s growing because of Maan’s hard work” informed Sanjeev

Dev opened to speak up but Ragini signaled him to not say anything.

Thus Dev left for Canada to settle there permanently.

Maan came back after his super successful tour of six months. Geet had been restlessly pacing in the airport for his jet to land. Maan came out and Geet ran to him. He spread his arms for her to land exactly in his embrace

“missed you.. missed you.. missed you ..soo soooo much” she said hugging him tighter and tighter

"Missed you too, like hell," he replied, reciprocating the sentiment.

“Shut up, don’t lie. You were busy expanding business” she complained

When Maan entered the house, he felt the vibe of the house change. The lifeless house once was now filled with life. He looked at his wife; it was all her magic. He wondered, how could she do it all, manage his company so efficiently and also give life to this house of his.

As Maan stepped into the house, he immediately sensed a shift in the vibe. What was once a dull and lifeless space now pulsed with energy and vitality. His gaze fell upon his wife, and he couldn't help but marvel at the transformation— it was all her doing. He wondered, how did she manage to handle his company with such efficiency while also breathing life into their home?

Annie ran and came to him all excited but halted on her track looking at his stern eyes

“Welcome back Bhai”

“hmmm” he nodded

Maan’s eyes then met Sanjeev’s “How was your trip Maan”

“hmmm good” he gave a short answer and turned to Geet “Uper chalen”

Geet nodded and they took the stairs. As they stepped in the first floor lobby, Maan felt home and lifted Geet in his arms

Geet nodded in agreement, and they ascended the stairs together. Upon reaching the first-floor lobby, a sense of home enveloped Maan. He looked at her and next scooped Geet up into his arms.


“I have been dying to do this since I set foot in the country. Don’t you dare stop me”

And the first thing he did was throw her on bed and jumped over her

“missed you” she pouted

“Missed you too jaan.” He sighed. “But that’s the price of running this mega empire” he traced his fingers on her face, playing with her curls, admiring her beauty with leisure

“tum bolo to yeh sab chor doon and get back to my teaching mode. I  anyway, I love doing that”

“hmm” she pulled him closer by gripping his collar

“and who will be taking care of this huge empire that you are expanding and it’s growing like anything?”


“No way, I have my life. It’s already overwhelming to transition the workload from Smaller Handa Group to Khurana Enterprise.”

“Well, for now, let me have my life” and he dipped his nose in the crook of her neck, slowly placing soft kisses there, then moving up to her chin then cheeks while his hand started its work on her buttons. Geet couldn’t hold either and  her lips searched for his and her hands inside his shirt

Next, their clothes were laying down, they madly tasting each other in all ways, heavy breath, nail marks on Maan’s back, love bites on Geet. Maan was rolling inside her, her hand pinned on top of her head, while she was jumping, moaning his name.

For a few days, both took a break from work and spent time with each other. Day and night with each other but still it was not enough.

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