Chapter 19

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Filler chapter yall...sorry  but thats why i posted it so we could get to the real stuff soon.

A twist of events chapter 17

"Amana is going to do the same thing without a father that my daughter is going to do without a mother. They're both going to have to live without a parent in their life. Di...they're just gonna have to." he said sadly

Anjali shook her head in denial and cried gingerly on his shoulder.

After a while, he had set down a sleeping Di in her bed and returned to his room. He opened his laptop and began to work as a means to immerse himself in something other than thoughts about Khushi.

A few hours later he was disturbed by cries coming from outside his room. Just then, his door opened and Khalid Kaka walked in carrying a crying Shaila in his arms looking at Arnav apologetically.

"Saab...she..she fell and hurt herself" he said

Aranv nodded as she took the wailing infant out of his arms and snuggled her into his chest. Kaka closed the door behind him and left the man alone with his daughter.

"Shhh...shh baby" he whispered to her as he walked her around. Once her cries subsided, he asked,

"baby...did you eat anything?"

She nodded her head tiredly. He set her on the bed and knelt in front of her,

"where does it hurt baby?" he asked sweetly

Shaila wiped her tears and sniffled. She pointed to her knee which now had a slight bump due to her fall.Arnav leaned in and gently placed a kiss there, and then rubbed it softly with his fingers and gave it a few more kisses.

"Does it hurt anymore?" he asked lovingly as he held her chin up lightly with his fingers.

She smiled and shook her head. He smiled back at her and lay her on the bed blowing on her tummy and tickling her, making her squeal out in excitement and laughter. Her cute giggles made him laugh. He got off her and was about to stand up when he felt something clutch his neck. He turned around to see Shaila clutching him. He cocked an eyebrow at her and smiled.

She shrugged cutely and tightened her grasp around him. And abruptly, Arnav pulled her so that she sat on his shoulders. Shaila began to ruffle his thick hair. Just then, he heard his phone ring and he picked it up on his bluetooth.

"Yes Aman?" he asked casually as he paced around the room with her on his shoulders.

"Uhh have that really important conference today with Mr. Roy and the other clients to discuss the Askel properties proposition.  Its at a few hours. I just called to ask when you are coming office I mean...we need to set up the presentation?"

"OH SHIT...i forgot." Arnav swore. Shaila looked at him in awe and whispered to herself,

"Shit?" she giggled. She decided she liked the word. It sounded funny. So she repeated it,

"shit shit SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHITTT" she shouted as she giggled happily. Arnav stared at her wide eyed. Aman, on the other end did too. Who was that he thought?"

Shaila snatched the Bluetooth from his ear and spoke in a feign stern, deep voice, imitating her father,

"YES AMAAAN. I FORRGOOOTTT...OHHH SHIT. SHIT SHIT SHIT." She imitated her father and bursted into a fit of giggles. Aman on the other end was speechless. Who was that? A little girl? Why was she on ASR'S phone? What was ASR even doing with a child? must be Amana he thought. But that child could barely speak a full sentence...and here she was cursing and pretending to be ASR?! WHAT!?

Arnav, after a few seconds of initial shock, began laughing with his naughty little daughter. Who could resist her giggles? They were the cutest, most infectious, contagious things in the world.

Aman was even more speechless right now. His boss...the ever serious, grim boss was laughing?? And that wholeheartedly? What the hell?

"Uhh...boss..." Aman tried.

Arnav took the phone back from Shaila and spoke as his laughter died down.

"Aman...uhh arrange the meeting at my house. In my study. Come early and we'll set up the presentation here." He said as he looked at his cute little girl on his shoulders who was extremely quiet all of a sudden. And just then...he knew  why. The terrible smell wafted through to his nostrils and he immediately took her off his shoulders and held her with outstretched arms looking at her incredulously. She looked back with a cheeky smile on her face. And Arnav knew...he had to change her diaper.

"Boss... the translator has asked to be..." Aman started but was unceremoniously interrupted by ASR.

"Aman handle it. I have to go change a diaper" he basically whispered the last bit of the sentence as he turned off the phone.

Aman on the other hand was left to look at his phone in shock. In utter disbelief. His mind couldn't connect anything. A little girl saying shit, pretending to be ASR, ASR laughing...Aman didn't even know he was capable of laughing. And lastly...ASR changing a diaper?!...what!what the hell was going on he thought. Aman continued to stare at his phone in shock, with his mouth wide open.

Arnav tried to hold his breath to not breath in the stench as he, with outstretched arms led the little child to the bathroom where her potty was. He grabbed a few towels from the cupboard set them down on the large, empty countertop and lay her down on them. He pulled her up legs with one hand and took off her pants with the other hand. He then slid the pants off her legs completely. He looked at the cheeky little girl who was half giggling. He then looked back down at the diaper and looked for a way to open it. He couldn't find anything.The diaper was wrapped around her completely. He ran his hand through his hair in did women do this he thought? How did Khushi do this? Why had he never even see her change Shaila's diaper before? He looked around a little more trying to find a way to undo it and pull it off her. But soon he gave up. He couldn't do this.

"Wait here" he demanded Shaila as he quickly ran to his bedroom door and shouted,


He ran back to the bathroom and just as soon he heard Payals hurried footsteps as she rushed into the room.

"In here" Arnav said from the bathroom. She ran to the bathroom and was shocked to see a flustered looking Arnav and a giggling, half naked child on the counter. She held the urge to laugh.

Arnav looked at her sheepishly and spoke,

"I...uuh...I need help to change her diaper...and..." he said awkwardly. Payal smiled and nodded as she made her way inside. Arnav moved to the side to give her some space.

"Wheres the clean diaper?" she asked

Oh yea. Arnav had forgot all about that. He looked back at her and shrugged.

"Ill just go get some...there in my room" she said as she was about to head out. Arnav stopped her.

"No...its okay...Ill go...just tell me where they are"

"umm...alright. Just go to our bedroom and ask Akash...he'll give them to you" she said hesitantly. Arnav nodded and went straight for Payal and Akashes room. He opened the door to reveal a relaxed looking Akash leaning against the headboard reading a newspaper and sipping coffee. When he noticed Arnav, he straightened up slowly and asked,

"hey Bhai..." He said whispered

"uhh Akash..I need diapers" Arnav said awkwardly.

"Shh" Arnav hurriedly hushed him, shocking Arnav. Seeing the look of shock wash over his face, Akash smiled and turned to look at the little sleeping bundle in the cradle. Arnav smiled in understanding as Akash gave him a smile and went away, returning a moment later with a pack of diapers. He patted Arnavs shoulder

"ha...children right?" Akash whispered

Arnav laughed lightly and shrugged,

" the way...why aren't you at office?"

"Oh umm bhai...its Sunday..." Akash said confusedly.

"ohh" Arnav replied as he looked around lost. He nodded and left the room. Akash looked at his retreating back and felt immense pity for his bhai. He was basically raising a child on his own. His thoughts trailed to Khushi, and involuntarily clenched his fists in anger. That woman...had left her own husband and child for another man...her own jijaji too...was she really that cheap?

Akash shook his head to try and rid himself of the negative thoughts and he settled back into the bed.


"Hi Shaila...Im you maasi" Payal said sweetly, Shaila looked back at her confused.

"maaasee?" she asked. Payal nodded, "was that?"

"Im your mothers im like your mumma" she smiled. Shaila looked at her with wonder not fully understanding her.

"But I have a mamma" Shaila said. Payal looked at the child sadly as the realization dawned upon her that this little girl would never see her mother again. That her mother had abandoned her. And that too for Shyam. Khushi would never do such a deed; abandoning her daughter whom she raised by herself for two years for the man she despised most in the world...SHYAM. In that moment, something smelt extremely fishy to Payal Singh Raizada, and she knew right then..that something was extremely wrong. But before she could ponder over it anymore, Arnav came and handed her the diapers pack.

He watched in silence as Payal wordlessly changed her diaper and cleaned her up, applying baby powder to her and picking her up, handing her to Arnav.

When she was done she smiled at Shaila who didn't return the smile but rather a look of confusion. Payal could tell that this little girl was not one that was comfortable around people other than her father and other children. Just like her father she thought, and smiled at the father daughter resemblance. She looked at Arnav who shot her a thankful look and walked out of the room after nodding her response to him.

She had this horrible feeling inside her as she walked down the hall to her room. Something was definitely not right, and her elder sister instincts turned on as her stomach churned with foreboding and a sense of fear swept her. She needed to do something she thought.

She opened her bedroom door and saw Akash casually spraweled across the bed. He smiled as he saw Payal enter and lock the door behind her.

"Where is Akhil?" he asked

"He's sleeping in Dadi's room" she said quietly. Akash was surprised when she loosened her pallu and climbed into bed, snuggling into his arms. He set away his newspaper and kissed the top of her head,

"is anything wrong?" he whispered. Payal turned her head up to look at him. He immediately knew that something was not right, judging by the distraught look in her eyes. He sat up seriously and pulled her up into a sitting position in front of him.

"Payal tell me" he said concerned. Payal  sighed deeply and let her fears flow out to him.

"Akash...something is wrong. Something is SO wrong. I mean...Khushi...she...she left her daughter for...for SHYAM?" she said incredulously. Akash did nothing but gaze at her, "I mean ...Ive known Khushi for my whole life, and I know little sister would never do anything of the sort. Akash remember her at the hospital the other day? How protective she was of Shaila? She loves her. And I know...being a mother myself...I noticed her love. She would never abandon her...and then...this thing...running away with Shyam?? See that's where its so wrong. Khushi despised the man Akash. Ive told you this...Ive told you how he entered our lives and ruined Khushis...Akash something doesn't match up." Payal spoke hurriedly, all the while trying to keep her voice to a minimum due to her sleeping daughter.

Akash looked at her, replaying her words in his head. She was right...something didnt add up.

"But Payal...I mean even last time..khushi was kicked out for this reason...that her and Shyam had something betwe-" Akash couldn't finish as Payal cut him off,

"but there wasn't. Khushi was innocent. Arnavji just couldn't see it...hethought something was going on between her and Shyam...when I myself know for a fact that nothing was...Akash please  you have to help me...we have to find her...I...I think shes in grave danger" Payal said worriedly. Akash nodded in understanding, holding her shoulders, trying to keep her calrm.


Arnav carried Shaila to the bed and said to her lovingly as set her down, and went to the closet to grab her some pj's,

"Okay time you need to do a peepiee, just tell me before you do okay? Just say...peepiee..."

Shaila looked at him cutely and nodded. He found a cute onesie which he changed her into instantly (picture on blog

"Papa...what are we doing?" she said as she stifled a yawn as Arnav undressed and dressed her.  Once he was done he lay her down and lay against her, pulling up the comforter and hugged his daughter close,

"its nap time" he said as he closed his eyes.

"no its not...its not night time" she said tiredly as a wave of exhaustion crashed over her. Arnav opened his eyes and smiled lovingly,

"well it is for babies..."

But Shaila was adamant, she didn't want to sleep even though her body was screaming at her to,

"papa...I don't wanna sl..." she said as her eyes closed and she was soon in a deep slumber. Arnav smiled as he cuddled into her.

He lay in the bed for a while just thinking. Thinking about Khushi. About her smile. About her eyes. About the old days. How she used to irritate him endlessly, How she used to mesmerize him with her beauty. How she would stand up and fight bravely with him, leaving him speechless. How she had made him laugh whole heatedly with her silly antics...something no one had ever been able to do other than his mother. He smiled at all the fond memories.

Then the memory of her leaving him last night flooded his mind,


"Just hold me close and just whisper sweet nothings to me Arnav."

"Im sorry"

Arnav closed his eyes to prevent the tears from flowing out. But his attempts were in vain. Khushi had left him. She loved another man and had left him. His heart hurt.

Why though? Why did he care so much? Why did it affect him so much? Did he love her? He...he honestly didn't know.  Maybe he did. He didn't know. All he knew was that his life was unbearable without her...was that love?  If he had told her he had loved her, would she have stayed? Would she have not left with Shyam? Would things have turned out different he if he had said those words to her?

Was that even what she wanted? His love? No...No he thought. She didn't love him. No...she loved Shyam. But...what they shared...the other night in the cottage...would she do it if she didn't love him? Before he could think anymore he heard the faint sound of a doorbell. He checked his watch to see it was 5pm...2 hours had passed since he had been thinking about her.Where did the time go? He thought as he got out of the sheets and laid pillows on the bed, around Shaila lest she fell. He went to the bathroom and quickly freshened up and changed before going to his study where Aman was now setting up. On his way to the study , his stomach growled as realization dawned upon him that he had eaten nothing today. He quickly went to the kitchen and made some coffee and grabbed an apple before going to the study. (Picture of study on blog )

He greeted Aman sternly as he watched him adjust the large board with the graphs and data. Aman was itching to ask about earlier. About the little girl but he didn't know how to bring it up.

"Aman remind me again why we decided to hold a meeting on a Sunday?" Arnav asked

"Oh uh boss...Mr Roy had asked for it to be specifically to be on a Sunday as he was very booked"

"And why did we agree?" Aranv muttered irritated

"Uhh because he's a very important figure in this deal. You want to invest in the property in Qatar to build a fashion house and he is the sole owner. That's why this meeting was arranged..and he's a very busy m-" before he could finish he was interrupted by ASR.

" not stupid...I know what the meeting is for..i just asked why it was on a Sunday that's all." He sneered.

Aman nodded and resumed his work.

Arnav sat in a plush couch in his study talking to Mr. Roy along with his partners discussing their goal plan. They could have sat on the conference table but Arnav just preferred to sit on the couches as they sipped either tea or coffee. They all watched as Aman stood up and presented statistical information.  All the men sat there in concentration focusing on the presentation in front of them when the door creaked open slightly and a light voice was heard from behind.

The door opened wider and in walked a groggy, out of balance Shaila who looked at the floor as she rubbed her eyes. Arnav looked at her in concern as she made her way towards him, completely oblivious to the other men present in the room.

"Papaa?" she said weakly and walked up to him. She climbed up and lay in his lap and snuggled in. Arnav gently accommodated her in his lap, ignoring the looks of shock on his clients faces.

Aman stared at Arnav and the child in utter disbelief and shock. His mouth wide open as he registered that the cute little girl in a onesie with the large, messy curls had called him papa. Arnav was a father? He had a child? Since when? What was going on Aman thought.

"Yes baby?" he whispered gently

Shaila began shaking softly in his chest and he looked in horror as he realized she was crying.

"wheres... mamaa...i want mama...papa i want mamaa?" she plead as she cried into his chest. Arnavs heart broke hearing her. He looked at his little girl who looked scared without her mother. He hugged her closer and stood up with her in his arms.

"Excuse me for just a second" he said as he exited the room and going towards the lounge and sitting on the couch with her in his lap. He wanted to be away from the watchful gazes of his business associates.

"Ani baby...mama will be back soon...okay?" he said as his heart crushed at the thought of her never returning.

"But I want mama noww" she cried. A tear ran down Arnavs check. He picked her up and walked up to Akash and Payals room. He knocked and a second later, the door was opened by Payal.

"hey Payal where are all the kids?" he asked. She moved to let him enter,

"Akhil and Amana are in nani's room" she said softly. He nodded and walked to his nanis room. He entered to see the two kids on the floor along with Khalid Kaka...and his Nani sitting on the bed doing some sort of a prayer. She looked extremely worried...most likely for Di's health now that she had found out her husband had left her...  She looked up as Arnav entered with Shaila in his arms.

"Nani Im gonna leave Shaila here with in the middle of a meeting." He said to Nani. She nodded and went to Arnav to take her out of his arms.

But the stubborn child wouldn't budge. She tightened her hold around Arnavs neck and shook her head.

"Baby please...Ill be back soon" Arnav said as he tried to gently peel her off him.

"Naa" she relented and kept shaking her head.

"Look...your cousins are here." He tried again. She looked at the two kids on the floor but looked back at her father and shook her head, snuggling her head back into the crook of his neck. Arnav sighed and relented. What would he do now?

Nani tried to take Shaila from his arms gently,

"Come on Shaila beta...Im your nani" she said lovingly. But Shaila let out a loud cry as Nani tried to take her hands and just hid deeper into Arnav.

Arnav looked at nani and thanked her attempts with a smile and clutched Shaila tighter as he went back to the study.

The clients were extremely shocked once again to find that he had returned with the little girl in his arms. Arnav decided to ignore their stares as he sat down and lay Shaila in his arms.

"Continue Aman" he said sternly. Aman stuttered for most of the presentation, most of his attention on the child in Arnavs arms.

Shaila suddenly realized there were others in the room and she hid into her father again. He covered her with his arms trying to subtly shield her.

After a while, someone interrupted his presentation, Arnav looked to see Mr. Roy looking at him with a kind expression.

"Mr. Raizada...Im sorry but I must ask out of curiosity" he said. Arnav furrowed his eyebrows, he knew what was coming, "is the little girl in your arms your..."

"my daughter..yes" Arnav finished his sentence for him

" she doing here...I mean why isn't she with her mother?" another client piped in. Arnav found his anger rising. They were supposed to be discussing the property, not his daughter.

"Her mother is out right now" he said sternly. Shaila peeped out from the enclosure of Arnavs arms around her. She saw people looking at her. She looked back at them, not saying or doing anything.

"Shes very cute...very pretty" another client said


"Why is she hiding? is she scared?"

"No...shes just tired."

"aren't there any other family members who can take care of her right now?"

"No. Excuse me gentle men, but if we're done with the inquisition about my daughter, then can we please proceed with the meeting as proffessionals??" he said sternly

The men looked around sheepishly and cleared their throats, nodding, letting Aman proceed. Once Aman was done he took a seat on the couch next to ASR. Arnav spoke next,

"So as the statistics show, AR Fashions is extremely successful in opening fashion houses around the world. We are willing to pay a high price for the ownership of the property if you are willing to look at the contract and accept our offer"

Mr. Roy nodded as he picked up the contract from the table and read it carefully. He showed it to the other members.

"It seems Mr. Raizada...AR Fashions is a fast growing company with branches around the world..but by selling you my property in Qatar, how am I guaranteed that your designs will appeal to the public there? The culture there is generally different with women usually in abayas and men in thobes" Mr. Roy said

"Mr. Roy I would like to say two things to your question. My first being, AR designs have designed clothes that appeal to many women of different cultures and that is what makes us so popular. Our Eastern touch to all our designs enables it to appeal to a large consumer range. And Qatar is a popular area for top brands to set up branches as shopping is such a major part of the culture there. And the second thing is Mr. Roy, I mean no offense but honestly, the proceedings of my company and our appeal to customers should not disturb or concern you as you are only selling us property after which... whatever AR does is none of your concern" he said cooly.

Mr. Roy looked slightly shocked and embarrassed at what had been just said to him. He straightened his glasses and spoke,

"how much are you willing to offer Mr. Raizada?"

"That information has been disclosed in the contract you have just been given and if you have any other questions on that matter you can feel free to question Aman."

Mr. Roy looked at Aman and then back to Arnav and then the little girl with the dark eyes staring at him.

"That sure is a cute daughter you have there Mr. Raizada" he said with warm eyes. Arnav looked down at Shaila and smiled and nodded his thanks, "I...had a granddaughter about her age...but..she died by an electric shock a few years ago" he continued as he choked on his tears slightly.

Arnav looked at him, surprised but also deeply upset. He looked at the older man in front of him who appeared to be lost in memories of the past, staring at Shaila with a small smile, but a faraway look.

Arnav not sure what to say said quietly, "im..Im sorry"

Mr. Roy cleared his throat and stood up,

"I agree to the terms and conditions of the deal and will talk to Aman about the details" as he outstretched his hand for a shake. Arnav awkwardly got up with the little girl and shook his hand as he smiled.

"Aman please give Mr. Roy the papers he needs to sign. And it was nice doing business with you Mr. Roy...and I..I hope your son or daughter has gotten over the trauma of losing their child." he said as he smiled. Mr Roy smiled back sadly as he sighed,

"Ahh Mr. Raizada...I don't think that kind of trauma ever leaves you...but son and his wife now live with their new born, two month old daughter and that little girl has started to heal them..."

Arnav didn't know what to say so he just nodded and smiled reassuringly and made his way to the door carrying Shaila who was curiously looking over his shoulder at the men. 

Arnav thought about his words...their son had died. He was Shaila's age. He looked at Shaila in his arms, he couldnt imagine losing her. It would break him. Utterly tear him to pieces. And he had only known about her existence for just some time now. But the minute he saw his daughter for the first time, he had already created a bond with her. A father daughter bond that he knew would never wither away. He would never let it. This little girl was his. His to protect. His to cherish. His to spoil. He would never let anything happen to her. 


hope you enjoyed...somewhat...

all original works belong to arshiforever123. do not copy


arshiforever1232014-05-13 15:22:44

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Comments (13)

thank you!! and you will be glad to know im a very frequent updater :p

10 years ago

i started reading ur story n finished it till latest update...very interesting please continue...soon..luved it...

10 years ago

Btw Is Khushi In Danger I Just Feel So :((

10 years ago

I'm Loving This :)

10 years ago

heyy thank youu so much for liking and commenting on my work. 😊 and it makes me feel really special to know theres people out there such as urself who take time to actually read my work and enjoy it too.
awww hahaah how cuteee 🥱 and yea i think this is portrayed here pretty well.

10 years ago

nice update...plz bring back khushi...

10 years ago

not liking the part where khushi has left .. some how too much of dry update. why she left him, and no updates about her whereabouts.. to much of unwanted update.. sorry

10 years ago

a father will always be a girl's first love. she knows what love is only from her father. likewise, a father's second love is his daughter. that was a beautiful update.

10 years ago

Amazing update. ...I hope truth come out soon. ...

10 years ago

for some reason before i was unable to post my response to ch 17 and now i can so i wanted to let you know that it was awesome chapter...looking forward to read more and thanks for pm*sometime this messaging thing doesnt work so i cant comment but i do hit the like - i do read your work and love it so i wanted you to know...*continue soonthanks for pm

10 years ago
