Chapter 8

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A Twist of Events chapter 8

Dr. Mehta smiled and shook his head fondly, "No worries Arnav...its my responsibility." He chuckled and left leaving the two alone again

They entered their daughters room quietly, the tension between them still present, still thick. Khushi sat beside her on the bed and stroked her forehead and moved her hair back. Arnav stood there looking at them, not knowing what else to do other then admire them. Oh how he wanted both of them in his life. How desperately he wanted this little family. His own little family. He decided to leave the room and give Khushi some space away from him for a while.

As he sat outside in the hall on the chair, he wondered if he should tell his family about everything. He thought about it for a while. He then remembered that Shyam was out of town so it would be alright if he called them, and Khushi would want to see her jiji and her kids as well he thought.

So he slowly picked up the phone and called his Di.

"Di...come to Jaipur Golden Hospital right now. Bring everyone with you...I mean everyone.  Its urgent."

Before his Di could enquire any more, he shut the phone. He let out a sigh and waited. Waited to see how this would all play out, because quite frankly...he had no idea.

The entire Raizada clan arrived within the hour. He smiled seeing their worried state...before they were even aware of what was going on. He smiled at their genuine concern.

His Di spotted him and tried to run to him, with a distraught expression on her face. He walked up to her to stop her from running with a limp.

"CHOTEY CHOTEY...Is everything alright?? You said it was urgent?!Its 11 pm! Are you okay?!" she questioned. The rest soon joined. Hospital staff turned at the loud voices of the giant crowd that had just entered.

"Please calm down everybody. I am fine. I...I need to show you someone."

"Whoo ijj it Arnav bitwaa?" his mami asked

"Its someone extremely important to me. She has just had surgery so please do not disturb her too much. Please be calm at what Im about to show you...Umm is it  okay if the kids come first?" he asked.

They nodded...everyone now extremely curious.

"Come in after 5 miniutes" he said to them

He opened the door slightly and saw that Shaila was awake, being cradled in her mother's arms. He took the 3 kids inside with him, Akhil was walking, Amana was crawling and he held Suhana in his arms. As they entered the room, Khushi's eyes widened. He led the kids to the bed. Shaila weakly lifted her head from her mothers chest. Her eyes immediately widened on seeing the children.

"Papa?! Who are they?" she asked innocently.

"See baby...didn't I tell you? After you come out healthy...I will show you your cousins."

Her smile immediately widened.

"Papa...these are my cousins?" she said cutely

He nodded.

He sat them around her and she played with them. They were all unaware of the people watching them through the door.
"Papaa...what are their names?"

"This is Akhil...he is 2 years old-"

"LIKE ME!Im almost thwee papaa!" she said excitedly

He chuckled and nodded,

"Yes you. This is Amana...she is 1 year old..she is you bua's daughter."

Shaila held her hand and the two girls smiled at each other.

"And this baby here is Suhana..." he said lovingly

Shaila very carefully ran her hand over the baby.

"She's very small isn't she papa?"

He nodded

"Papa...was I ever this small?"

This statement send a stab of pain into his heart...he had never seen his little daughter grow up...never witnessed any of her firsts..never rejoiced with her mother about all the little things.

He looked at Khushi who still looked in awe at the children. He looked back at a waiting Shaila and nodded weakly,

"yes baby"

Shailas gaze lifted upwards,

"Papa who is that?" she said in a quiet voice.

Arnav and Khushi both followed her gaze and set their eyes on the Raizada clan in the door.

Khushi looked even more shocked. Arnav signaled for them to come in. They saw that Di, Nani and Payal all had tears in their eyes as they walked closer.

Anjali walked to Khushi first and held her hands.

"KHUSHI" she breathed

Anjalis gaze shifted to the little creature beside her mother who looked exactly like her sister in law with her mother's eyes...Chotey's eyes.

"Hello" Anjali said to her. The girl looked back at her with big deep chocolate brown pools.

"I am your bua" she continued..."Amana's mother"

Anjali held out her arms for her. Shaila hid into her fathers chest. Arnav smiled and caressed her hair,

"baby don't worry..this is your papas sister She loves you very much" he said as he kissed her head. Anjali smiled, still holding out her arms. Shaila reluctantly went into them.

"Chotey...shes so beautiful" Anjali said as she held the little girl with the bouncing curls and the big brown eyes and her little rose like lips and her cute button nose and her fairy light, smooth skin.

Arnav looked at Shaila and then shifted his gaze to the quiet Khushi.

"I know..."he whispered.

Payal came up and hugged her sister,

"KHUSHI! HOW ARE YOU?" she asked while squeezing the life out of Khushi. Khushi could only manage a nod, if she said anything she was afraid the tears would take over.

Nani came to her next and hugged her lightly, giving her a small kiss on her forehead. Mamiji just looked at her while Akash and mamaji gave her an awkward sideways hug.

Arnav noticing the distress on her face cleared his throat indicating them for them to give her some space as she was way too quiet for his liking. Thankfully for the both of them, none of the Raizadas brought up the past; Arnav guessed they knew that it was an extremely sensitive topic and was not open for discussion at the moment.

Suddenly Khushi bolted out of the room. Everyone looked at each other confused but also understanding at her sudden behavior. Arnav gave them a reassuring nod and went after her.

He found her on the balcony where they had their earlier fight looking at the stars as she used to do before. He tucked his hands in his pockets and walked up to her.

Without turning to look at him Khushi spoke,

"I cant do this..."

"Do what Khushi?"

"I cant go back to that family"

"That family just so happens to be yours Khushi" he said softly

She turned to look at him.

"No..." she whispered after a while, " not anymore"

Arnav stared at her. She looked so tired, so exhausted of life. How come he had never noticed this fatigue before? How come he hadn't noticed the now glint- less eyes, which had no shine in them anymore.

He reached out an arm to her but she moved back. He let out an audible sigh and leaned his frame on the railing. He looked at the Delhi view below.

He spoke,

"They will always be your family Khushi..." he said softly

After a while of not hearing her response he looked at her. She was looking straight at him with a confidence in her air. He straightened up and looked at her.

"I want a divorce" she said as a matter of fact.

all original work belongs to not copy.


arshiforever1232014-04-22 01:30:47

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simply awesomeloved it

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