Chapter 53

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Happy Valentine's day folks! For all the single people out there, like me, there is no greater love than loving yourself ๐Ÿ˜‰ Enjoy the update. Bit cliche, bit lovable and a whole lotta drama. Hope you like it :) 
Didn't think any song would suit this update ๐Ÿ˜† Its hilarious to imagine background music when there is dishom dishom going on :D 

Chapter 44
     Some bonds can never be broken...
He took a piece of grass and tied it around his fiance's fingers. Fiance... Wow. The word sounded so sexy in his head. The grass was a symbol right now mostly because he didn't have a ring but Chippu was jumping up and down for that. He knew he would get her a ring. He would defintely because the ring was what the wedding had. They would be having a church wedding because that's what she had dreamed of right since the time she knew what weddings meant.
He still remembered very clearly how she wanted her wedding. She used to go over those details every single day since she was 8. The white dress, the altar, the flowers, the rings, the ceremony, the I do's, everything. Each and everything meant so special to her. Arnav smiled, going over all the details in his head. This was going to be one heck of a celebration. Well, they deserved it. His girl deserved it.
Khushi lifted her head up from Arnav's chest to see him smile serenely at the stars. There was a rare twinkle in his eyes and that peaceful smile made her heart happy, "what are you thinking?" she asked, snuggling closer to him.
"Nothing... the word fianc sounds so damn sexy in my head. Imagine how wife would sound?" he winked cheekily.
Khushi laughed, hitting him on the chest and for that moment he was completely enthralled by her. The sound of her glorious laughter was like breeze to him. Her hair waved in the breeze. She looked magical. Even in the low light, her face was positively glowing. Just like how it was 15 years back.
"You look funny," she hit him again on the chest. He looked up and just nodded, "I know."
"What is the matter with you," she laughed again, "you are acting goofy."
"Well, I am high without booze so, excuse me..." he smiled.
"You are high?" she quirked her eyebrows as she rested her head on her hands, "high on what?"
"On my personal drug..."
"Personal drug?" Khushi shook her head," that is so cheesy..."
"Cheesy?" Arnav sat upright, "what is so cheesy about that?"
"Really?" Khushi made a face, "you don't get what is so cheesy about that?"
"Yeah well..." Arnav shrugged, knowing full well about Khushi was talking. Oh it was so great to annoy her. He turned to look at her again when he saw she was busy with her phone. "Really? Phone? Now?"

"Look at this..." Khushi turned. She looked alarmed. Arnav, a little worried, took the phone from her and read the text. It said "Diya here. Need help. A freak's taken me captive."
"The heck!" Arnav was shocked. "What the hell does this mean? Is she really in trouble?"
"I dunno..." Khushi's lip quivered, "Can you call Akash and make sure?"
"Yeah hold on a second," Arnav took his phone out of pocket to call Akash but received another shock to see 15 missed calls from him. "Didn't you get calls from anyone?"
"One" Khushi looked downright scared, "Just now."
"Wait," Arnav called Akash and he picked up at the first ring, "Bhai... thank god you called. I am trying to reach you and Khushi from that time."
"What is the matter, Akash?" Arnav tried to stay calm.
"Someone took Diya away..." his brother sounded so freaked out, it killed him.
"Listen Akash," Arnav tried to calm him down, "don't panic. Diya will be fine. She is smart. She will do something to get everybody's attention. Meanwhile I want you to listen carefully. Trace this number."
"What?" Akash sounded mad, "Bhai, Diya is kidnapped and you want me to trace a number?"
"Yeah, a number that will lead us directly to her, you idiot," sometimes Akash was such a pain in the ass. "Listen, Khushi got a text from an unknown number saying Diya here. It is a lead. As I said, that kid is smart. So she might have got hold of a phone somehow. Trace the number and we might get her location. Call Aman and do it right now. We are leaving. We will be there in an hour. Just handle it until then. Do you get it?"
"Yes," Akash assured and cut the call. Arnav picked his jacket up, gave a hand to Khushi while calling Aman to make him arrange a plane back to Delhi. There was no time to waste.
Akash was on the phone with Aman. Vinay was driving so fast that you couldn't see what was happening outside. Lavanya and NK were trying to call the number Arnav had given and Anjali was freaking the hell out. Vinay kept reassuring her but she was having a panic attack. But if there was someone who was in a state worse than Anjali, it was Payal.
Payal looked a mess from the time Akash had told her that someone took Diya away. According to Akash, Payal never shared that bond with Diya; the one Diya had with Khushi. But today, seeing her, Anjali got a feeling that she really loved Diya. Her hands were shaking, tears weren't drying up. She was shivering. Akash too had noticed that but didn't pay any attention to her. Anjali was wondering what was wrong with him. May be he was too tensed that Diya was in danger that everything else slipped right out of his mind.
Akash cut the call and turned on location that Aman had just sent him. Whatever it was, he was positive that there was no harm to Diya because she was darn smart. She knew Khushi was with Arnav and she sent an SOS directly to that one person who could make the world dance around his fingertips. Akash probably was never this glad to have a brother like Arnav. But Vinay was equally important to him. He might have stopped talking to him because of Arnav's and Vinay's conflict but there was no way Akash would probably feel any less of Vinay. There was immediate response from when Vinay when he called him and Vinay hadn't wasted a second to come to his rescue. May be, the time had come to resolve those issues.
Diya was struggling but all that was practically staged. Those morons didn't have a slight idea that she had neatly picked the phone up from one of their pockets and sent a message to Khushi. She didn't know who these guys were, but there wasn't a person in the world who probably was as dumb as them. There was an autorickshaw following them and that too had gone unnoticed. What sort of kidnappers were these? A pair of wusses; she thought of smiling to herself but then couldn't take the risk of them noticing it and all of a sudden, their brain starting to work. Oh well, all this until her sister came, which Diya knew she would.
Finally, the car came to a stop to a warehouse this time and the two got down and dragged her inside. She struggled but let that happen anyway because she was having way too much fun looking at these idiots. It reminded her of baby's day out. These guys were novices. They probably got up one day and suddenly decided to kidnap someone to make some money and without a solid plan, had picked the first girl they laid their eyes on.
They tied her to a column and then the guy in black came near her and sneered, "so you think it was funny to send someone else instead of you, ha Chippu?"
It was then she came to know these guys were the ones who sent her the mms of Payal. The matter was a lot more serious than she thought. She stared at them and asked, "so you were the people who filmed Payal?"
They looked at each other and laughed, "yes, that doofus walked into our trap willingly. It was the only way I could get you Chippu. You know how much I have loved you. The other day that other lady came and hit us black and blue and even told that she was Chippu. You know that is not true right. You are my Chippu, right?"
"Who the heck is Chippu?" Diya yelled, "why do you want her and why have you gotten me?"
"Don't mess with us, Chippu!" Shyam sneered again, this time taking out a pistol. "I have waited enough for you. With that Rinnie around, I never had a chance with you. I have waited enough. I don't want any more jokes."
Diya was now seriously feeling sick. These idiots had misunderstood and picked her up instead of Chippu. Chippu, she had heard that name somewhere. In that message and she now remembered that Khushi had blanched when she had heard that name. So, were these people targeting Khushi? If it was the case, she had to do something. However, before she could think of something, a huge fire broke out near the edge of the warehouse and both the guys ran out to check what was happening. A woman came out of nowhere and removed the ropes tying her hand and whispered, "run!"
Diya grabbed the chance, grabbed her hand and ran out. But to their bad luck, the guys spotted them. They ran out of the warehouse, without paying attention to the yelling and started looking for a way out. Diya didn't know when her hand was separated from that of the woman who rescued her but she ran in a different direction, looking back to see whether Shyam was following her. when suddenly she hit someone and came to a standstill. Gulping down and fearing for a moment that it might be Shyam, she looked up the spectacled eyes of Akash and her happiness knew no bounds. Akash hugged her tightly, glad that she was okay. There was nothing more that she wanted in that particular moment.
The yelling continued however and a scuffle had broken out. She turned around to see NK and Vinay fighting those two guys. Chris was trying to put out the fire before it went out of control. Lavanya was helping the woman who helped her escape. Anjali stood with Lavanya, clutching both her hands tightly. She looked at Akash and whispered, "how did you know I was here?"
"Bhai..." he said simply. So her Khushi Di had got a message and immediately, Arnav had made arrangements. She smiled. "So where are they?"
"They are on their way," Akash smiled, "this will be over any minute. You are a smart ass. You sent a SOS directly to Khushi. I would have never been able to find out without them."
"I didn't want to trouble you... You were hurt. I didn't know whether you could..." Diya whispered uneasily. "It's not like I don't trust you."
"I know..." Akash smiled, "those guys are no match to Vinay and NK. This will be over any minute now."
But that was not to be the case. The gates opened again and few more goons joined Shyam and his crony. Vinay and NK were clearly outmatched. Akash asked Diya to stay away and ran to help his brothers. Chris did the same. There was a full blown fight going on and there was hitting everywhere. No one knew what was happening. Akash was very close to having a fist punch his nose when it was blocked by someone and looked around to see his brother, Arnav Singh Raizada in full form, hitting the guy black and blue. He could see Khushi fighting at a distance. God this woman! She never failed to surprise him. While the other ladies were standing and watching the fight, Khushi had jumped into the mess.
Ariadne stood there, not knowing what to do. She could see her NK clearly from where she was standing. He was fighting. She couldn't disturb, she couldn't run to him. All she could do was watch and thank the god. Tears were rolling down her eyes in sheer happiness when Diya came running to her and hugged her, "I don't know who you are but you saved my life. Thank you."
The other two women also thanked her and introduced themselves. They stood silently and watched the fight, hoping that this would end soon and none of their people were hurt. What they didn't expect was the fight turning nasty when a guy kicked Khushi in the abdomen and she fell so hard on the ground that it shook. Arnav was surrounded by guys who were fighting him and before these people could rush to Khushi, a huge column of the warehouse fell. Anjali turned to see everything happening in slow motion and the only figure she could make out other than that of Khushi was Vinay who ran straight to the wall that was collapsing. She screeched, "Vinay!!!!!!" and her screech alerted everybody else.

 The huge wall collapsed, covering everything in dust and for a moment everything stood still. Nothing except groans of the guys hurt in the fight was heard. Arnav who had just realized what had happened, yelled Khushi's name so painfully that it hurt to just listen to it. Anjali could see him running and trying to sort the debris. Praying, all of them ran and helped Arnav only to find an aluminum sheet right in front of their eyes. They moved everything apart to find Vinay and Payal standing holding the sheet aloft, and Khushi slumped on the floor. It took a minute for them to understand what had happed but the bottom line was everybody was safe. The goons were in their place, the fight was over. Diya was okay and Khushi was too. She coughed and got up to sitting position and you could see the relief in Arnav's eyes.
Akash smiled and whispered, "oh he is going to hug her. I love it when he does that." But Arnav surprised everybody when he went and hugged Vinay tightly. Anjali stood there with her mouth open. Something that she wanted so desperately for such a long time was happening and she couldn't believe if it was real or she was hallucinating. Time froze for everybody and they all stood in absolute silence as the bond that was broken years ago repaired itself.
There was one more person who couldn't believe what was happening and it was NK. His hands were numb on his sides and his throat was parched. But he could see his oasis standing at a distance, staring at him with all the love in her eyes. Cruel was the world that it had separated them but kind was the god that had made them stand opposite to each other again. There was a strange time lapse in the midst of everything that was happening. The cupid smiled from above to see love and harmony in the air. Who said the only form of love was that of romance. There was love in friendship; there was love in family, love between brothers and sisters, love between friends and love between strangers. Love was everywhere.
    You were the reason for our life. You gave us everything and it took me fifteen years to realize that. Thank you. I am in your debt for the rest of my life. 

A/N: So how was it? Filmy? Cliche? ๐Ÿ˜† Actually I felt it was. Dont forget to comment and like. You guys have one more surprise! That will be revealed. Anyway, two more and it is a wrap, folks. So hang in there! :D 

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Comments (19)

congrats for new job dear...looking forward to read it...

8 years ago

Hey Guys!Sorry for not being able to post. I got a job, moved to a new place, didnt have internet at home and would have got fired if I sat and penned down stories at office ๐Ÿ˜† Anyway, now that I have access to internet at home, I am back to my bay to update my favorite story! Will update it within this week I promise :D Look forward to the beautiful reunion :) and hope to write more stories! Love,Radz!

8 years ago

where r u?its been really longgg ur readers are waiting for ur update.plzzz update

8 years ago

waiting stillplzzzupdate

8 years ago

any chance of getting update.waiting impatiently

8 years ago

Mast fighting Wala update.. Mazza aa gaya.. Loved it a lot.. ๐Ÿ˜ƒThanks for pm ๐Ÿ˜Š

8 years ago

Awesome update. Loved the bad guys getting bashed by the good guys and finally the relationship between Arnav and Vinay comes full circle what with Vinay protecting khushi from harm. ๐Ÿ˜Š Looking forward to the next update.

8 years ago

i absolutely loved this filmy everyone came together...

8 years ago

Wow fight was so filmyBut i love most arnav hugged vinay

8 years ago

haha that was truly filmy ๐Ÿ˜›enjoyed reading it!so finally NK meets or sees his love ๐Ÿ˜ƒeagerly waiting for the next!

8 years ago
