Chapter 47

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Hello people! Missed me? I am sure you did. I am sorry for being late this time. Was caught up with some personal work. Anyway, to jog the memories, I have a revelation here. So may be then you will be able to recognize some new characters. :D PMs for both the chapters will be sent tomorrow or by tonight and I am so happy so many people commented without getting any messages. I am actually glad that so many of you love my story that you stalk it ðŸ˜†ðŸ˜† thank you guys, means a lot to me. So here you go, the next chapter :D 

Chapter 38
   Black white and grey...


Chris looked up to see Arnav signalling him to come out and puzzled, followed him making sure Lavanya wasnt seeing. She was consolling Diya who was just mute. What had happened the three sisters no one knew but while Khushi refused to come inside, Diya just sat near the ICU, without talking to anyone. Payal was looking down the floor and slumped againt the wall. No one spoke except NK who was chattering some nonsense so that the mood in the hospital wouldnt go to gloom.

Chris slyly slipped out of the waiting area and followed Arnav to a clump of bushes outside the hospital. Khushi was still sitting there, looking lost. Chris raised his eyebrows at Arnav who motioned him to follow him further. There was something important to discuss. Something seemed very omiscent.

"What's the matter, Arnav?" Chris asked as soon as they were out of Khushi's ear shot.

"I think she is in trouble," Arnav said, looking dead serious. His tone had the effect, Chris panicked, "What happened?"

"Someone's threatening her. I know this isnt right to discuss with everyone but I am very scared right now. But whatever I have heard until now, it indicates the same. Someone has shot her father to get to her. They are blackmailing her."

"What?" Chris was shocked. Why would someone blackmail Khushi. She wasnt involved in anything of this sort. She was totally zoned out from things like this and she wouldnt dare to hurt anyone. Then why would someone blackmail her and almost kill her father.

"Yes," Arnav said morosely, "I heard their entire conversation. Seems like there is whole lot of confusion. It was Diya who recieved the message but I think it is meant for Khushi."

"What message and what did you hear Arnav," Chris asked, his hands shaking in fear, "I need to know."

"This stays between us, ok?" Arnav said.

"Of course," Chris nodded. "Tell me what happened and why do you think Khushi is being targetted."

And Arnav narrated him the entire thing. By the time he was done, Chris felt nauseus. Payal had went ahead and created an MMS of hers. And now whoever had that tape was threatening Diya and indirectly Khushi.

"Why do you think Khushi is involved in this. I mean the message was for Diya, right? Do you mean to say Khushi is going to try to protect Diya by giving herself up."

"No, I mean to say that message wasnt for Diya. It was for Khushi. I very much think she is going to sacrifice herself to protect her sister," Arnav's eyes were etched with pain. So much that Chris felt he was drowning in a pool of melancholy.

"How come you are so certain that it was meant for Khushi? The message didnt mentioned her name."

"It did," Arnav said, "the message was for Chippu which is Khushi."

"Chippu?" Chris was confused, "no one calls Khushi, Chippu. That is not her nickname. It might be Diya's. You are getting worked up."

"No, that name is Khushi's" Arnav's certainity puzzled Chris. "What do you know Arnav? How are you so sure that Khushi's nickname is Chippu."

"Coz I named her like that," Arnav confessed and proceeded to tell Chris the entire tale.

"So you are Rinnie..." Chris said in awe, "the one she misses so much?"

Arnav's head snapped up, "What?"

"Hmm," Chris patted his shoulders, "she still misses you. When we had spiked her drink, the only name she was constantly uttering was yours. I can only imagine how much she loves you."

Tears of happiness could be seen in Arnav's eyes at the mention of how much Khushi missed him. Chris felt so proud to have known such people in his life who defined a whole new meaning to Love. Their love was so pure, so innocent and so beautiful that Chris almost felt it was impossible for such connection to exist. While the world was filled with people who complained about how their partner didnt do stuff they liked, didnt know how to manage relationships, there were these two people who bore the brunt of seperation with such trememdous strength and still pined for each other for fifteen long years. Seemed unreal yet it was startlingly true, "what love, man..." Chris muttered.

"She doesnt know I am alive," Arnav whispered, "and I am getting scared that she might go meet that guy alone, to give herself up to save her family."

"She is not what you think she is," Chris muttered, a small smile playing on his face. "She is the not the yesteryear heroine who goes and sacrifices herself for the love of her family. She is Khushi. The woman who makes the world spin on her command."

"But what if she turns out to be?" Arnav's fear was genuine. Chris could feel the concern he had for his love. Even though he hadnt known Khushi was Chippu, Arnav's concern would be the same.

"I have a feeling she hates being mainstream," Chris smiled.

"This isnt funny," Arnav stared at him.

"Trust me, I know this isnt. But I assure you, Khushi surprises everyone. I dont think she will do what you fear she will."

"She surprises everyone," Arnav muttered, "may be she will surprise you. She holds a very special place for her Dad in her life and I dont think she will allow anyone to harm him. She might possibly think of doing it."

"Okay, if you are so worried, let's go behind her..." Chris said as a matter of fact.

Artnav instantly liked the thought, "you read my mind."

"Relax Romeo," Chris smiled, "your Juliet isnt a cry baby..."

Arnav just nodded.

Oh these two were hell adorable.

"Miss are you all right?" Rapid French broke her thought process and she looked up to see a warmly smiling gentleman staring at her. She nodded and smiled back, "yes, thank you."

"Do you need any help," he asked and Ariadne almost choked on her own tears as she remembered a similar conversation she had with NK all those years back when they first met.

"No," she smiled back and replied a thank you and the man walked off, humming to himself. strangers sometimes are so warm and loving that contrasts with the family. Her family was non existent, her child had been brutally snatched away from her. Kiara had breathed her last a week back and since then, Ariadne didnt have the heart to go back to the place she once called home. Her husband, had committed suicide out of guilt that he had killed his own daughter. And everything had come crashing down for her. The world she had known was shattered and splintered and she had no where to go.

Except one place.


She was sitting in the airport lobby, waiting for the airhostess to confirm her seat. He family name still had some power and obtaining a VISA wasnt a problem but she didnt want to travel in business class, risking the news reaching her father somehow. Using her name to get a visa itself was problematic enough. But her confidant had assured that her moving out of the country wouldnt be leaked to her father. She didnt the ghosts of her past to haunt her in a new place. Where her actual world belonged.


She couldnt wait to see him, to tell him how she felt about him. She knew he was waiting for her. He was desperate for one glimpse of her and even back then, when she was helpless to escape her father, the only thing he wanted was her safety and he had willingly let her go, to marry another guy of her father's choice but he himself wasnt ready to forget her. Ariadne knew her world was there, waiting for her.

And she had finally made an effort to get what she wanted...

The chinks of the glasses were heard as they toasted to a great victory. They were in their pad, enjoying the fall of Shashi Gupta. That man was critical and they were pretty sure that he wasnt going to make it. Brilliant plan hatched and two birds were caught.

A while back, he had recieved a message from his girl saying that she wanted to meet him and that she was coming alone. He couldnt wait to see her, to hold her in his arms and tell her how much he loved her.

He couldnt wait...

He looked at his "boyfriend", apparently. Ah the laughs. Avi was sprawled across the bed, contemplating his life and Shyaam couldnt control his laughter. His plight was just hilarious. The same girl had affected both of them and poor Avi, had wore for the worse.

He still remembered the shock on Avi's face when Shyam had said who his girl was. Chippu. The girl who had so daringly kicked an older Avi in the crotch, making him howl in pain, just because he had hit that good for nothing, arrogant Rinnie on the head with a ball. While Rinnie had stood there, staring at Chippy with barely contained humour, Chippy was running around smashing Avi's head in anger.

That's why he loved her so much...

She was his respite after the Anjali fiasco...

Oh really? I thought you had done your research well. Dont you know who the real Chippu is? Seriously?

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Comments (38)

Nice teaserWaiting for update

9 years ago

interesting teaserhope u get well soonand soon

9 years ago

fantastic teaser... thanks crazy Radz cousin 😃hey get well soon radz... n dont overwork ur right hand...make ur cousin write the update for u 😉

9 years ago

finely they know who the other one is

9 years ago

Thanks for teaser, cousin!! Radz get well soon we will be waiting here

9 years ago

Awesome teaser.Thanks and take care.

9 years ago

Super teasure, cant wait to read the update..Get well soon dear and thanks cousin.thinkggreen2015-04-01 12:25:53

9 years ago

awesome teaser...atleast she is safe for now...but is this before she went to meet that stalker...shyam n that other guy ?i hope nothing untowards happens now...

9 years ago

Hello, this is crazy Radz's cousin updating the teaser as she practically ordered me to 😆 Your beloved author is fine and recuperating fast. As you all know from her note, she had a ligament tear in her right hand and was advised against using it for a while. Anyway, in a day or two her plaster will be removed and she will be back with a bang. Until then you have to be happy with the teaser which I know is going to make you people all the more eager. PMs will be sent once the main update is done. Please do tell others about the teaser update as sending msgs from phone is serious pain. Teaser She turned and he stood there, with this eyes sparkling in pride and love. His eyes said it all. She knew he had heard the entire conversation. She knew that he knew that his Chippy was alive, safe and sound and just waiting an eternity to get back to him. All the moments from the first time she met him to the moment she realised her Rinnie was none other than Arnav flashed before her eyes as she took a step towards him. One step turned to two, two turned to four and then she broke into a run, unable to stop herself. She had to get home. Home where her heart belonged. In his arms. The heaven she was born into...

9 years ago

thanx dear cousin for bridging radz with us 😃 ... will definitely be waiting for the teaser and the update 😃take care 😃

9 years ago
