Chapter 43

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Ola! How are you guys! :D Sorry I had to update yesterday but couldnt coz I came home today morning. Anyway, this is a short update telling about Khushi's thoughts. Just an interlude. The next update will be another Dhamaka. I wont say what it is but the next update promise will be next Tuesday. Pakka wala promise. Some of you had doubts about Khushi remained sober and NK got drunk. Well, the thing is Khushi doesnt drink. She had her shares of mocktails :D Even though she had the experience of drinking once, she doesnt voluntarily drink. Anyway, NK was just trying to have some fun and his target mostly was Arnav and the game served its purpose, didnt it? :D So here is the interlude. Do tell me how it is :) A few people didnt recieve pms or got wrong links. Sorry for that. I couldnt revert back to you as I was busy and honestly speaking, this pm business is a little taxing. Anyway, here is the update. :) Do share your views.


In love with you all over again...


Screams could be heard everywhere. Earpiercing screams of the helpless kids as the attackers caused rauckus in the orphanage. The church bell lay broken at the foot of the steps as Rinnie and Chippu came running out of the orphanage, holding each other's hands. Rinnie was shielding his Chippu in his arms, making sure none of the shrapnel from the detonations hit her, every time wincing as he, himself, was injured in trying to protect her. Even then, not even a single word of pain had escaped his mouth. Chippu could only watch with tears in her eyes as she knew Rinnie wouldnt like her telling him anything when he had made his mind. And in his mind there was only one thing running, get Chippu to safety. He neither cared nor bothered about himself for he believed if his Chippy was okay, he would be...

A while later both of them found themselves in one of their most favorite places, from where the whole valley could be seen. Rinnie skidded to a stop and turned, "run Chippu... just run..."

"No I won't," she sobbed as she held him tight, "I am not leaving you and going anywhere."

"Chippu, don't be stubborn..." Rinnie admonished, "just run. I have to be here."

"No please," she cried, "please don't do this. Please don't."

"Chippy, just listen to me..." Rinnie's eyes flashed in traumatic anger, "I will come and find you. Go near the Church gate and wait there. I will come for you. Just go..."

"No..." but Rinnie was in no mood to listen to her, he grasped her arm, pushed her towards the road that led towards the Church gate and ran. Their fingers touched each other only for a moment before Rinnie ran away, looking back at his Chippy with tears in his eyes.

That was the last time she had seen her childhood friend, until now...

Arnav, completely inebrieted, slept soundly on her lap as Khushi shed tears of happiness and longing as she carassed his face after years. She still couldn't believe that the man she thought she hated was her eternally angry Rinnie. How could she have not seen it? There were so many similarities, when she came to think of it now. So many nuances that clearly said she was with her childhood sweetheart. The guy who taught her the real meaning of love...

One word and she knew Rinnie had never moved on. 'Chippy I miss you' in a drunk state told her that she still stayed in his heart. That was enough for her. That was enough. The world smiled at her again as Chippu was reunited with her Rinnie again. Her happiness knew no bounds. Her life was complete, her soul was complete and all the endless torture she had gone through seemed worth it as it had brought her back to her Rinnie. Because, if she hadnt gone through all that, then probably she would have never had the courage to take on the word like she wanted, become an oceanographer, take a project and meet NK who was the bridge between her and her long lost love. She felt so thankful that her stepmother and her aunt treated her that way. They had taught her the real difference between right and wrong and courage and cowardice. And she was courageous enough to walk in a path that was filled with so many thorns that ultimately led her to her life. Her real life. Her Rinnie.

As she sat there, running her fingers in his hair, she thought how her clumsy, ever angry Rinnie had grown into such a handsome, confident man who ruled the world with this attitude. Not that the little guy hadnt got any. Rinnie had, but that was arrogance. The confidence and the right attitude had morphed Rinnie into Arnav Singh Raizada, the man who commanded respect. She felt so proud. So proud to have known him. Even with so much pain and suffering, he had managed to carve himself an identity that was unparalled. He was truly invincible and she fell in love with him all over again...

His face was so innocent, so gullible, just like a little baby as he snoozed on in her lap. Not a line of worry. Just peaceful and calm and she wondered, how can someone be so different. Roaring and serene at the same time. Aggressive and calm at the same time. Rough and gentle at the same time. Like an ocean.

Ocean...she smiled. She didnt know who named him. For her, she was always Rinnie. Since the time she had asked him his name and he had replied, 'Rinnie. My name is Rinnie." She had never bothered to ask him but now that she knew who he really was, nothing but Arnav couldnt have suited him. Her Rinnie was an ocean.

She still clearly rememebered his reasoning of why he had named her Chippu. She had asked when they were like ten and without beating an eyelid, he had replied, "jabse paida hui thi, tabse mujhse chippakke baithi thi. Not once did you go away from me..."

But she had gone away from him, stayed away from him for such a long time and in this time, her feelings for him had grown painfully intense. Like her heart didn't want to accept the fact that her Rinnie wasn't a part of her life. Subconsciously, or just her heart, she knew he wasn't gone and here he was, back in her life with a bang and Khushi felt as though she woke up from a very long dream to find herself back in his arms.

She wanted to wake him up and tell that she was his Chippu... yet somehow, the sleeping face of Arnav stopped her from doing it. She just sat there, gazing at him, with a smile that reached her eyes. Only she knew for how long she sat there.

An endless moment of blissful silence and then her phone rang...

A/N: How was it? :D No precap. Update Next Tuesday :) 

radzbharadwaj2015-01-12 07:58:07

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Comments (32)

Interesting...thanks for the PM

9 years ago

That was a great update! You have given us an insight into Khushi's thoughts and feelings so wonderfully with this interlude! It was such a relief to see that at last these two are getting to know each other for who they really are... I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about that phone call. Hope to God that I am grossly wrong there. But please don't make it something really bad that distracts Khushi and makes her take the decision of NOT telling Arnav that she is CHIPPU. PLEASE! No more MU for these two, atleast now. Lots of issues are already lined up for them.. Just can't think of this happening. Waiting for the update! Hoping that Khushi reveals herself to Arnav as CHIPPUThanks for the PM!
the_breeze2015-01-18 20:57:45

9 years ago

Time for new thread 🥳 Party guys! :D here is the link. The new thread will be updated soon :D
radzbharadwaj2015-01-14 21:42:39

9 years ago

Time for new thread.But is it time for revelation yet. Chippu now knows. When will Rinnie know?

9 years ago

Nw pl dont seperate chippu n rinnie. Khushi interlud was so butiful

9 years ago

Oh by the way, don't you think we need a new thread now? If you open up a new thread please mention it in the title, as I don't wanna trouble you with PM requests.. :)

9 years ago

Ahhh... I'm so happy.. My heart is bursting with happiness, I'm sure Khushi's too.. Is the phone call from Payal?Next update has to definitely be dhamaka, what with Arnav getting to know about his Chippu and all..We want a looong wala update coming Tuesday please... please please pleeease??

9 years ago

wonderful update. but why do i have a feeling tht that phone call is a bad news... :( loooking forward to more

9 years ago

great update. Wish it was longer the way. Can't wait for the reunion.

9 years ago

Awesome.Phone call si it from her home

9 years ago
