Chapter 41

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Did everyone get the pms? If not please do let me know. Anyway, hey guys! I had to update day before but couldnt, Sorry, Anyway, this is an update with some new updates on the lives. :D I hope you like it. Please do like and comment. And there is a task for you guys. After reading the update, suggest me a song you find apt for this update. Next update is going to be crucial. :D Spoiler alert given :D 

Chapter 33
     A whole lot of weirdness...
All I wanna say is they don't really care about us...   
Khushi woke up to her phone ringing in the middle of the night and cursed, "who the hell calls at this time of the hour."
The ID said Lavanya.
The hell! After such a long time Lavanya remembered to call her while all this time, she was struggling not to smile like an idiot in front of Chris. Stupid woman! Iski toh main... she thought as she picked up the call, "Hello!"
"Who is this?" she spoke, quite rudely.
"Dude, it's me Lavanya!"
"Who Lavanya? I don't know any Lavanya..."
She could hear an exasperated sigh from the other side. Lavanya was shaking her head. Awesome! This is what you get when you annoy Khushi Gupta!
"Dude, I am sorry..."
"For what?"
"Will you just listen!" Lavanya snapped. Ok Khushi. End of masti. Lavanya is in a bitch mode.
"Ok...continue, please..."
"You are just impossible...!" Lavanya muttered.
"Oh really?" Khushi snapped, "how many days it has been since you called me? After dropping the bomb, you just vanished and you expect me to make a civil conversation with you. Seriously Lavanya?"
"Quit being sarcastic, dude!" Lavanya complained again, "I panicked because I was confused. Anyway, that was not the reason why I called you. I am not able to reach NK's phone. Mom is pressurizing me. Can you tell me where you are? She is getting hyper here."
"Oh," in sleepy mode, Khushi's brain failed to function to the full extent. "Ratnagiri," she muttered
sleepily. "Tell aunty not to worry."
"What is the next place on your list?" Lavanya asked innocently, "I should be able to convince mom that I talked to NK and I know where he is. I suck at lying so it will be good if I know your schedule."
"Next place?" Khushi rubbed her eyes, "I think Goa... but we are going to be staying here for another 3 days because we need to meet a guy from the oceanographic data centre situated here. He is coming back day after."
"Ok cool, thanks!" and she cut the call before Khushi could ask about Chris. "What the damn!" she muttered and threw her phone next to her and went back to sleep. Little did she know that Lavanya was already packing her bags to land in Ratnagiri as soon as possible.
Arnav was unable to sleep. He was twisting and turning around, trying to clear his head but a certain black haired beauty refused to vanish from his mind. Damn you Khushi! He cursed, smiling, thinking about her sleeping soundly in the next tent, "not fair that you are sleeping so peacefully after ruining mine..."
It was just impossible to believe that Khushi had already affected him to such an extent that it was unthinkable for Arnav to imagine his life without her. Anjali was always right; you needed to give your life a chance to flourish and prosper. She always told him that inner peace came from inner confidence and guts to take risks and chance. It never came from material comforts. Even though Arnav was highly successful and exorbitantly rich professionally and he could afford almost everything in his life, he remained unhappy because he was unsatisfied in his personal life. He never believed he had a chance to make his life happy again. But Khushi had unknowingly filled that void and Arnav had become a believer again.
Never before Arnav had imagined that there would come a time when he would let Chippu go willingly. She was his rock, his support system and even her mere thoughts gave him immense comfort. But since Khushi came, the only image that came to his mind when he thought of his Chippu was the smiling image of Khushi. She had completely overridden the hazy picture of Chippu he had in his mind because they were so similar. Arnav always compared Khushi to Chippu. Only he didn't they were the same.
He wanted to believe that they were the same but some evidences pointed out to him when he visited the orphanage was so powerful that his mind refused to look behind the created logic and trust his heart because the heart almost knew she was his Chippu. But the mind refused to believe it because it had no proof.
This was a constant battle since the time he met her. The first image of her in a white polo shirt, boots, jeans and a backpack was startlingly similar to the image he had envisioned of his Chippu if she would have grown up to be that age. Not that he hadn't encountered similarly dressed people. Somehow Khushi attracted him like a magnet, like a moth to a flame since the first time he had seen her and unbeknown to him, she had made a place in his heart.
A lone tear escaped as he whispered Chippu's name and let go of her willingly. She was gone, he told himself. She would never come back. The least he could do was give her some happiness by being happy himself. His happiness still truly connected to the only person he cared in the world, Chippu...
She can't have gone... NO!
Arnav... isn't this the chain you gave her on her eighth birthday? This was found near the creek from where she was thrown down. Blood was splattered there. She had been tortured before she was thrown down to the pit and no one can survive such a fall, especially not a child. Arnav she is gone... they have murdered her.
Startling evidence of Chippu clothes, her shoes, her chain were shown to Arnav as proof the day he had visited the orphanage after years to meet his childhood friend. All the dreams and hopes he had were crushed mercilessly by the truth of her confirmed death. She was gone... Sr. Avantika had told him with tears in her eyes. She was gone forever...
He had returned to Delhi with a heavy heart. His life was finished. His dreams were dead. His optimism was killed. But never had he believed that the family who gave him shelter was the one responsible for upturning his life and sending him flying into a chasm of no escape. The truth he confronted mere days later of finding out that his Chippu wasn't alive burned him alive.
Wedding preparations were in full swing for Anjali and Vinay's big fat wedding scheduled two months later. Everyone was busy running around happily, shopping for the wedding, distributing invitations, planning for the elaborate event. Arnav too momentarily forgot his pain in the light of the events that his Di, the one who loved him so much was getting married to the love of her life. Little did he know his joy was crashing again to turn into eternal sorrow. The conversation between Vinay and his father had rocked him to the core and plunged him to the world where people would do anything, stoop to any level to achieve their means.
His dream world did not exist.
How do you he is not going to come back?
I know it papa... I destroyed his base. If not dead, he at least has an idea of my power.
Destroyed the base?
Yes papa... the place he was operating from. It is in ruins now.
What was that place?
A catholic orphanage. Sunshine, Dehradoon. The men I sent have burned down the place to ruins. Not even a life exists there now...
That was the  moment when Arnav had lost everything and truly had become alone. The ones he had come trust and love were the reason why his life was in shambles and the light of his life was extinguished before it had the chance to burn bright. Ever since, Vinay's obsessive love had become the biggest lesson in Arnav's life. Love was not chaining but letting it free; love was not obsession but reverence. Love was not passion but devotion...
The love he had for Chippu had taken a new meaning...
Payal's behaviour was worrying Shashi. From a few days she was acting very weird. Even though he was constantly disappointed by his elder daughter's ways, he still loved her and it killed him like it would any father to see his baby in pain.
Payal was born after many hardships and Shashi always had been extremely protective of her. But her innocent mind had been maligned by his sister and his wife and their cheap mentality. Ever since Khushi had come into his life, hatred was spewed in between the naive bonds. His sister had fed that Khushi was here to take Payal's place in his life and Payal had believed that. Since then, she was always looking for ways to hurt her and be better than her and always took to wrong ways to prove her point. That fact was extremely disturbing for Shashi.
Payal's baseless hatred for Khushi had completely altered her brain and no matter how much Shashi tried to reverse it, all his efforts went in vain. His family had divided itself into two and Payal had gone under the refuge of his sister and his wife and even though, he loved them, their behaviour was not something he would have preferred to come to his daughter. Unfortunately it was too late.
Sometimes, he did wonder whether he did a mistake by bringing that orphan girl from the bus stop into his house. But he immediately felt guilty after seeing how much love that little girl had for him even though she never had known him before.
His encounter with that little girl had taught him the real meaning of compassion. In this little village outskirts of Dehradoon, he had stepped on a banana peel, slipped and fell down, struggling to get up when a small pair of hands had helped him on his feet. She was his Khushi. The girl, even though terribly hurt and bleeding, had rushed to help an old man from disgracing himself. That was a life changing moment for him.
She was in tears. She hadn't eaten anything for a few days. Her clothes were torn, shoes were missing. There were numerous cuts and scratches on her body. Even then, she was eager to help him. His fatherly instinct had stopped him from moving away from her and he had brought her home, into his life, giving her place in his heart and named her Khushi. Happiness. And truly, she defined that.
While his youngest daughter had immediately took to Khushi, Payal was prevented from forming a friendship with her and Shashi still regretted the moment when he had failed to reprimand Garima and his sister for having a low, jealous thinking. If he would have stopped them somehow, Payal wouldn't have gone so sour...
He was still worrying about Payal when Diya came running to him, "papa... look at this. Someone has sent me a weird message."
"What is it?" he bent his head, inspecting his daughter's phone.
"It is a verse of that Darr song. Jaadu teri nazar..." Diya muttered shakily. She was terrified.
"Why would someone send you that?" Shashi was trying to analyse the situation. His daughter needed him.
"I don't know... what am I supposed to make of it?" she muttered, clearly anxious. Shashi hugged Diya and comforted her. Clearly, something was very wrong.
Khushi was making faces, while trying to make some coffee in the middle of the night for Chris who was sitting and whining for no reason. Apparently, he had some serious issues and all of that was making him extremely agitated and he thought it was extremely amusing to wake Khushi up for a heart to heart talk at three in the morning.
f**king three in the morning.

Even Arnav had some sense...
Damn! Did she really think that? She shook her head, smiling. Arnav had completely changed her mind in a few days. From constantly feeling to strangle him, she had gone a complete turn to hang out with him in the nights and even more shocking, rather surprising, was that she had come to enjoy his company.
But before she could think about Arnav more, Chris cried, blowing his nose in between. Any thought of Arnav that was in her mind was replaced by the image of best friend who was sitting cross legged on the ground, wiping the snot from his mouth and wailing like a three month old tantrum loving baby...
Ha! The feels!
What the heck!
"Will you tell me what is wrong," she muttered exasperatedly as she carried the cups of coffee and sat next to him, handing him his mug.
He bawled again, wiping his nose, "I am feeling miserable..."
"So why the heck are you crying like this?" Khushi handed him another tissue, wrinkling her nose.
"You wouldn't understand... you simply scold me..." he bawled yet again and Khushi was very close to hitting him with a jackhammer. She controlled herself with extreme difficulty and handed him another tissue, "Chris...only if you tell me what happened, will I able to help you right..."
Chris looked at her with huge red eyes and muttered, "will you laugh at me?"
Khushi almost closed her eyes in irritation, then remembered that annoyance was not the answer and spoke in forced calm, "no McKinley... why would I laugh at you?"
"Because I made a complete fool of myself..." he bawled again, wiping his eyes with the same snot covered tissue and Khushi gulped down, refraining from puking, "fool of yourself?"
"Yes..." he wailed again, "I drunk confessed over the phone..."
Khushi's eyes widened. Drunk confessed? What was Chris talking about? She scooted closer to him and slowly asked, "what do you mean, Chris?"
"I called Lavanya and said that I loved her when I was zonked out with booze..." he wailed loudly and crashed his head on her shoulders, crying. While he was sitting and miserably screeching like a baby, Khushi's heart was disco dancing. Lavanya was in love with Chris, Chris was in love with Lavanya. Neither of them knew the other's feelings and she was the mediator between them. Suddenly, a million possibilities lit up in front of her.
Time for some crazy time...

Wicked grin... 
   Was it love? 

A/N: Next update is actually crucial. And this time, I am threatening. Want an early update? Comment and like :D My update entirely depends on how fast you like and comment. :D 
*Wicked grin*
I am feeling exactly like Khushi :D :D 

radzbharadwaj2014-12-21 08:28:06

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Comments (30)

I shall wait for 31st December :-)

9 years ago

Update on 31 December 2014. Long update :D For New Year :D Wait and watch :D

9 years ago

Happy to see Diya going to her dad unlike Payal... Whats Khushi upto...? But she would be in shock to see Lavanya landing in Ratnagiri..

9 years ago

Awesome story. read at one go

9 years ago

wow!! beautiful story!! read it in one go and completely completely loved it...😛😛would love to read it further..please Pm me when you update!!Thanks!

9 years ago

hhehehhe...i would love to see a wicket Kushi hatching a plan to make Chris and Lav miserable in lov...Sashi seems so wise atleast Diya was wise enough to let Sashi know about the msgs..

9 years ago

lovely update...plz continue soon😊

9 years ago

Loved itSo arnav doubts that khushi is chippu. But then thinks it is not possible. Nevertheless he is moving on and falling in love. Even khushi is affectedSo who sent that msg 2 diya? Shyam?I loved the last part. chris is hilarious. And khushi is going to have some fun since she knows that lavanya too likes him. But what she doesnt know is that lavanya is comingThis is going to be very interestingContinue soon

9 years ago

i hope Arnav will know Khushi is his chippu...very very soon

9 years ago

marvellous updateloved ita flash on padt of khushiarnavvinayand anjali make the past clear littlei think it may be shayam whose base vinay destroyed by putting fire in that orphanageand soo the blackmailer is shayam as he fear about raizadasbut vinay was alsoo totally wrong in doing this much distraction and for oneperson killing so many innocent people.loved the lav call to khushiand then chris whinning and crying in front of khushiboth lav and chris make a perfect couplenow really excited to know the reason of khushis WICKED GRINreally it gonna be great funwhen lav will join themcontinue sooon

9 years ago
