Chapter 31

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Heyya Peeps! ðŸ˜ƒ Missed me? More like missed Arshi isnt it? ðŸ˜†
   New readers, Ahoy there! Welcome aboard! I hope you have enjoyed my writing till now and will continue to do so! ðŸ˜ƒ  Please send buddy req if you want pms. Kindly don't expect me to do everything. I have enough on my plate already ðŸ˜ƒ 
  I see a steady increase in the comments and likes and I am really glad. Now the reason why is crystal clear ðŸ˜† Dear readers, do advertise that Arshi now are in the same frame even though they are busy doing tu tu mein mein right now ðŸ¤£ I want my old readers back and new readers too ðŸ˜ƒ
Anyway, enough of my banter. Here's the next update. Do like and comment. Enjoy ðŸ˜ƒ 

PS: Get ready for some Locha-E-Ulfat ðŸ¤£

Chapter 23 B
   Don't mess with me...
"You know her, bhai?" NK asked out of the blue though he wasn't ready to meet his eyes. He looked too busy tangling his already tied shoe laces. Arnav just gave a grunt. Akash who was extremely busy in wiping his spoon with a Kleenex, asked, "you have met her a lot of times, bhai?"
Arnav was pissed but he didn't show it. He had just got brutally denied of an opportunity that god knows how much he had been waiting for. That girl had just virtually slapped him in the face with a dirty, nasty smelling sewage type liquid and stormed out of his house as if she owned the place and her accomplice was looking at him as though he was carrying a pink handbag. The situation had drifted out of control and the only damage control he could do was go and beg the girl to let him come on the team which he wasn't going to do for anything in the world even if it meant she was the last girl alive on the planet and had the key to get him out of a locked room that was going to explode in a matter of minutes. Why? Because Arnav Singh Raizada had huge ego which was totally unbendable.
Anjali who was miffed with her brother who kissed another woman while he was practically whining about his childhood love for fifteen long years finally thought she should knock some sense into him and so, she came right next to him, "So you thought you'll play who kisses the best to prove a point?"
Arnav wheeled around in shock. His Di's expression made it quite clear of what opinion she was having about him. But he couldn't explain why he had done what he had done. He could never explain the rush he felt when his lips met hers. He couldn't explain how she had calmed him down instantly. He couldn't explain anything that transpired between them that night because it wasn't like it had never meant to happen. The astounding fact was it was like it meant to happen. That scared him.
"Di, it wasn't like that?" Arnav tried to explain but he knew it was a hopeless case. He was the one who had initiated the kiss and had no right to blame it on her. Not having another way, he just stormed out. The rest of the people who were watching the show, buckled up and ran behind him.
Khushi couldn't believe what was happening with her. It was like this stupid game of monopoly where she always ended up going to the jail and the prison guard there was an A class douche. Why was this happening to her? It was like the universe enjoyed picking on her and playing dirty jokes. One dream of having an amazing field experience was ruined with the including of this annoying moron who was never ever civil with her since the time she met him. On top of it, everything between the two of them had just turned plain awkward. She couldn't let him go with them. That was horrendous and it would make matters worse than it already was.
But how was she going to deny that kid, NK, of his company. He was bound to get really bored when Chris and she were busy with their work. It wasn't fair to suddenly bail out on him like that. It was against her ethics and moreover, NK had certified permission from the institute to bring another person along with him. What would she answer to her boss and the rest?
But it was the bothersome airport guy who was accompanying them. She couldn't live with that! He never failed to drive her up the wall. Her perfect trip was already doomed. She couldn't screw it some more. The more she thought about it, the madder she became. But it was put to an abrupt end when the devil in question came and stood beside her, "Look. I apologize."
He took those words out of his mouth like he was suffering from a fatal disease and the words were his only medicine. Khushi's fury seemed to rise and rise every moment and she was close to blasting her sunshine image to smithereens and blow him into a million pieces.
"Whatever happened between us," he spoke again. For the damn god's sake! Darn him!  "I take full responsibility. It was extremely inappropriate for me to behave in that way and nothing can justify it. I am here to just say this research translating assignment really means too much to my brother. He's spent sleepless nights trying to find a way to earn some decent money so that could fill his stomach every day instead of just three nights per week. Just think it through once more before you blow up his dreams coz I am sure he's going to cancel this whole thing if I am not joining you guys. I know him too well. And the cycle starts again with him not taking a single penny from any of us, not even his sister and struggling to get some place and make food on his own. It is going to kill me to see him like that."
Khushi turned to look at a totally different man standing in front of her. He was someone who loved his brother dearly. She could tell that from his eyes and the way he forgot all his irritation to just make sure his brother was going to be okay. Although she had tonnes of issues with this man she couldn't douse water on all the excitement NK had about this whole assignment. That was just plain mean. She could never forgive herself if he cancelled the whole thing for this jerk of a brother he had. Though he wasn't necessarily a jerk to him. She was in a predicament with her mind and her heart but the battle just lasted 10 seconds before the mind went out to heart. She just nodded.
Arnav smiled a small smile, "So we are having a truce?"
"We are not having any truce," she barked at him. Arnav took a step back, bewildered. Was she a woman or a hungry lioness. It was making him hell confused. "I still have real problem with you but I am not a bitch to make NK cancel his plans. It is a sheer necessity for all of us to be together. He needs a job, we need a guy who could help us in understanding the locals of the south. You totally don't come in the picture but it is his choice to bring you and I have no right to question that. So there you are, you are in."

Arnav nodded, "thanks," and proceeded to get his backpack when he felt her hand on his shoulder and turned around, baffled.
"Here are some ground rules though, Mr. Raizada," she spoke with gritted teeth, "you are going to stay away from me because I can't have your stupid ego mess up my concentration. Understood?"
"Of course," gone was the woman who spluttered when he drew her closer and barked into her face. Here was someone who stood her ground and screamed out threatening rudiments. He was biting to get back at her, but his hands were tied. Damn it!
"And if I get one indication that you are jeopardising my project, I am going to kick you right where it hurts the most. So stay f**king out of my business, are we clear on that?" she seethed in ultimate rage.
"Gee, I am flattered," Arnav muttered. Arnav beta, better gear up! He thought bemusedly before going to pick his backpack and motioning NK and Chris to get to the car.
"One advice though," Chris whispered as he helped him put up the luggage on the top, "never underestimate Khushi Gupta. She might be the weird little girl but when she's in her element, she's the freak chameleon. She's going to change into whatever that suits her at that moment the most even if it meant a savage man eater. So steer clear of her."
"Thanks, buddy," Arnav muttered as he glanced at Khushi who was sitting behind the steering wheel, looking mutinous. Chris grinned at him as he climbed onto the shotgun and gave her a small squeeze on her hand. Moments later, NK and him-self had climbed in the backseat of the SUV and they had sped off, while the stereo played Locha-E-Ulfat from 2 States.
"Did you see what just happened," Anjali asked, utterly perplexed at the scene that had unfolded in front of her minutes ago. Her brother who was supposed to be unyielding, apologized to a woman so that his brother didn't get to rescind all his plans. Her Chhote was right, she didn't know half the things about him. Behind that facade of an arrogant, ruthless businessman, was concealed a golden heart which didn't fail to beat for the people it loved. How could she not have seen it? How could she not have seen the obvious signs that in his own irritating way, her brother had actually taken care of her even without being by her side.
"Yeah," Akash nodded, scratching his head in absolute confusion, "Bhai kissed her!"
"Damn you , Akash!" Anjali whined as she went inside, "I asked you if you saw Chhote apologizing to her and all you remember is Chhote kissing her? By the way, how in the world did it happen?"
"I have no idea," Akash fell face first onto the couch, "Lavanya will know. Where is she by the way?"
"She hasn't come back from the office yet," Anjali muttered sadly. Ever since Arnav decided to take a three month sabbatical, Lavanya was the in-charge of  handling the business and thanks to the tremendous success of the show, she hadn't got a minute of free time. She was up all night to answer calls and fix meetings with Arnav three months later. And handling such a huge empire without the help of the workaholic managing director, it was a mammoth task.
"Poor her," Akash chuckled, "though I have a shrewd suspicion that she's enjoying all of this and guess what, I think Lavanya is in love with someone."
"What?" Anjali burst out, "how do you know this?"
Akash waved his hand casually, "you know being with bhai makes your observatory powers increase a notch. The last time I saw that particular expression on her face was when she had fallen in love with bhai. After nearly 7 years, it is back again. What does that mean?"
"What expression?" Anjali threw a cushion at him, "stop being this detective with immaculate deduction skills. Just explain what you saw on her face, will you. In normal words, not rocket science terms."
"All right," Akash got up, "you see how she can't stop smiling. Her face is radiant. Her eyes sparkle and she can't stop checking her phone. All tell tale signs of romance in the air."
"Yeah," Anjali grinned as the explanation clicked in her brain, "incidentally, I can't see you trying to stop smiling, either? What's the matter?"
Akash coloured bright red before he muttered something incoherent and ran off to his room. Anjali cracked up and fell around the couch laughing.
"It's really good to see you like this," she heard her husband's voice next to her. She stood up and he came into focus. He looked miserable. Yet, the battle between them wasn't over. She just walked away to her room, leaving him heartbroken. The rest of them, who were also receiving cold looks from their daughter came out to console Vinay.
100 missed calls? Was this woman ever going to get the message that he wasn't interested in her anymore? Payal's job was done and she was as good as trash right now. Shyaam had no intention of calling her or meeting her anytime soon. But she didn't seem like giving up and the amount of missed calls every day gave him headache.
The phase 1 of the plan was over. Now was the start of phase 2. He was preparing so much for the whole thing from such a long time. Right since the moment he saw her in Khan Market buying dupattas. She looked amazing. But there was just one minor problem. Oh why was he even going there.
Everything was planned out to perfection and it was time to move his second pawn. This game of chess was going to take a long time and it only ended when he caught the queen. He had just moved the first pawn and the video was safely hidden in his hard disk. It would be of tremendous use to checkmate the king.
He smirked coldly as he got up and approached his window. The whisky was calming him down and giving him brainstorms and he knew, he knew it was the time to launch an another player, another pawn into the battle field and that was him.
He had to step into the open in a new role. Only then the other players moved about on the board and the game was finished and it would take really long. He hated the wait but the door wouldn't be open without the key and he had to play the game to get the key.
The empty glass chinked as he set it on the table and bent down to the cabinet to retrieve a photograph. He stared it for quite some time and closed his eyes and fell asleep, leaning against the cabinet, with the photograph in his hand.
Khushi was driving like a maniac. NK was hyperventilating in fear, closing his eyes and all and the other guy, Arnav, he was sitting with his headphones on, not even concerned about his brother's eccentric behaviour. Chris chuckled looking at them. The three reminded him of the classic three monkeys. One wasn't looking, one wasn't hearing and the other wasn't speaking.
He smiled and leaned on the headrest as he closed his eyes and again, those coal black eyes were back to haunt him. It had been three outings with her. Just three which probably didn't even come close to a date. But he was already affected by her so much. Her smile, her talk, everything. He didn't know when she had crawled into his heart, he just knew she did.
The last time he saw Lavanya was in that cafe which was their rendezvous point. She had given him a bon voyage present and kissed him on the cheek for a safe journey. That little sign of affection had melted him like butter. She reminded him so much of his sister; black hair, black eyes, dimpled smile. She was already giving a vibe of belonging, sense of family.
Chris didn't know if she felt the same way he did for her. The problematic part was Chris wasn't sure what name to give these absurd feelings or whatever. He had closed the door of his heart so tightly after Kate dumped him that it was startling to find it creaking open again for Lavanya, someone who was a total stranger to him when he met her at the airport. Then how on earth three cafe meetings changed it all?
He had to tell this to Khushi, after all Lavanya was her friend too. But Khushi never knew this because Lavanya had insisted that she would tell Khushi. Which she hadn't done until now and Chris wasn't sure if he wanted to break the promise and blurt it out. He didn't want to lose a friend but he couldn't keep a secret from Khushi either. That was like breaking another promise altogether. And let's face it, Khushi could smell secrets like a powerful sniffer dog. It was impossible to keep something from her. How on earth was he supposed to convince her that maybe, maybe he liked that girl. He wanted to give their relationship a chance. Not that Khushi would try to break it or anything. She would do the opposite. She would turn a total match maker and run around blowing the whole thing out of proportion and Lavanya might end up thinking he was just plain desperate. Oh no...that couldn't happen.
He looked at Khushi again who had this perpetual anger condensed in her brows. One thing that was way out of his understanding level was how the hell Khushi even let this man kiss her. She wasn't someone who would do that. She would break the man's jaw if he did something so much as even touch her without her permission. But kiss? Seriously?
Khushi caught him looking at her that instant and Chris gave her a hasty smile before changing the song. She stared at him for a while before getting back to staring at the road so hard that it looked like she was trying to create a pothole out of sheer concentration and brain energy. Chris knew she was bursting to ask questions but didn't want it to happen in front of this man.
But one thing Chris had to agree, this man had guts. It wasn't easy to blow up Khushi and get away with it.
    Am I asking you anything?
    No but it's easy to ask someone than break the head trying to understand the directions.
   Once again I am warning you. Just stay the hell out of my work else I'll throw you off the vehicle into the river.
   Oh really?
   Do you want me to try?
   Guys! Enough!
So, how was it? ðŸ˜†
Want PMs? Send buddy reqs ðŸ˜ƒ
radzbharadwaj2014-05-25 12:27:18

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Continue Reading next part >

Comments (23)

we are not very demanding readers but an update will be splendid!😃

10 years ago

hey have not heard from u in a month...just wondering if everything is ok... and waiting for the update :)

10 years ago

Hi! I'm new reader of your FF..First The Title of the story Attract me..Read it all..Every charecter of this ff is given importance..Their's views, life-style, thinking revealed one by one exactly at the time when the story required it...Though Vinay played a possessive lover cum husband's role for Anjali, but this very love of his made her mentally-emotionally weak..Lavanya- Chris finally found the love which they were wanting for years..Akash and Diya's jodi will surly rock, one is quite and other can't shut her mouth up..Hope NK also find the love-of-his-love soon..And at last but not the least our Arshi, they connected with each other from childhood in a way that after 15 years they curve for each other solace...Khushi, masked her want for love with a fake smile..On the other hand Arna used his anger as weapon to hide his sorrow for losing the love-of-his-life...Though they hit with each other wrong way at start, but for sure this trip surly will make them come closer..Khushi already seen a caring brother in Arnav, hope also will see his gold heart which fill up with love for everyone soon..Waiting for the next part..

10 years ago

part 23 Bawesome dear...hahaha the family is shocked and amused after seeing Arnav and Khushi...Aakash is funny...and Arnav wow he apologized...and Khushi was trying to control her anger...this trip is gonna be fun...cont soon dear...

10 years ago

finally on the road to self-discovery. looks like we can expect thunderstorms and fire crackers burst up in the sky ... am all set to travel along with them to the Konkan Coast...thanx for the update...pls continue soon 😃

10 years ago

love this story,their life story is so complicate but still they are trying to survive ...
hate shyam he is a pervert and payal don't have wrds for her
i enjoy this ff read all chapter in a go n craving for me plz do pm me.

10 years ago

Finally they have embarked on this amazing trip together !Anjali and Akash's reactions were a riot ! Chris is so in love ... hope he confesses about la to K soon! And talking of K god she is a firecracker !Again so looking forward to the next update reading the precap !😆

10 years ago

Such a lovely story!!! And you buddy are gifted!! My gawd what way of plotting and building the characters without giving away any of it most of the time!! Some where a ArShi reader will know that their pasts would definitely be inter related but the name Rennie and the scenes might steer you away until you wait for Khushi's opening up chapter!!Chris Khushi bond is so sweet and lovely!! And of course Chris and Lavanya!! Aww made for each other!!Vinay Anjali Arnav a trio that have equally seen things and lost but each ones loss is not comparable to the other!!Diya and Shashi aww such adoring people!! Nk too a live wire man!!Payal Mom and buaji god I'm not wasting a line on them!! Shyam is definitely the one to teach her her place but I pity her no woman should go through it!!Everything said and done at the end alls well with the family I mean a few knots yet they are removed it holds more importance when you see your nearing the end to untangle it all!!Akash he is an enigma!! That one update where you had penned down his POV as the third person always my heart went out for him!! All I wanted to do was go give him the bear sized hug and say dude you are too sweet!! And diya is all yours!!Now this is going to be fun tu tu main main all the way!! And they did not just disclose their kiss in front of the whole family!! Lmao!!!Looking forward to this trip and their union!! Their first love indeed!!Kudos buddy!! Can I buddy you for future works!!Cheers!!
TwilightStar_JP2014-05-26 11:47:15

10 years ago

Oh I was just thinking abt this story n hoping u would update soon... N once I log in I see a pm from u... Perfect timing... That was one amazing update... Loved everyone's reaction to Arnav's kiss :P ... Oh n Arnav apologized for NK tht was sweet of him ... Oh n Chris is amazing... So la n him both are starting to develop feelings for each other N Akash u need to talk to diya... Oh n tht creep Shyam... I hope he is not targeting khushi ... U will be torn into pieces ...oh n if it's diya... Same result ...khushi will not leave u ... N Akash...Eagerly waiting for the next update... Hope u update soon :)

10 years ago

Ha ha arshi's fight is adorable and the expression of anjali,akash and nk.LOL. pls pm me.Nirjhoramanisha2014-05-26 07:34:57

10 years ago
