Chapter 26

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Radhika Bharadwaj



Hellos everyones! Missed me? I am early this time, aint I? LOL! Anyway, this is a filler update. I am not happy with the way it has turned out. But it has a huge revelation. I dont know how much BANG ON it has come. But those of you who predicted Akash's love life, please think again :D I think this update was necessary because it is all about the changing dynamics between our lead couples. The next few updates are one of the most important ones. I'll honestly try to update sooner :) I hope you like this :) And I'll reply to your wonderful comments next time :) I have no time today. I have to dash! 


Chapter 20
Chris was mad! That was the only thought that came into her mind since the time she went out to have coffee with him. That guy had a humour nerve of extraordinary intensity in his body which never failed to put her into peals of laughter every other minute. She had a blast with him laughing, talking and imitating others, sitting in that tiny little cafe she had taken him to.
For Lavanya, life was never humorous or light. It was heavy, suffocated and painful. Ever since her dad had walked out on them, leaving them to fend for their life while he married another woman and lived peacefully, something inside her had broken beyond repair. With his memories haunting her day and night and the shock of discovering him with another woman in the place which she called her home, she had been unable to live there anymore. That place attacked her with sharp, jagged memories she had no strength to fight. Hence, she had left Madison, her home, her mother and her life behind and came to India to stay with her Masi. But she hadn't found peace. Her heart had fallen for Arnav, the one who never respected her in any way and pain had resurfaced, drowning her and making her realize that she wasn't able to escape it forever. She had found her life here again, working hard and becoming a designer but her heart was shattered to never heal itself. She was lonely, bitter and abandoned.
Conversely, with Chris, even though it was for a few hours, she had found the ultimate peace. Her life turned towards the light again like a sunflower and she was left clutching her stomach, unable to control her mirth. She had completely forgotten all her worries, her pains and sufferings in the company of this warm stranger, who unknowingly brought out the happiness and joy that was hidden in her broken soul. It was sheer bliss she experienced and she was already yearning for that contentment back. Nothing could pull her back into the misery: not Arnav's ignorance, not her mother's overbearing nature, not her brother's struggle. Nothing. She was in her happy place and she knew she wanted that from the bottom of her heart.
Lavanya is crazy! That was all that crossed Chris's mind as he sat in the train, going back to Gupta's place. His journey hadn't been easy. Losing his sister had been the biggest blow for him. He had been very emotionally attached to her. But that wasn't enough. The girl he loved with all his heart had brutally murdered his affection and trashed him. He had never been the same after her. His mother had passed away recently, leaving a deep chasm in his heart for affection. It was Khushi who had been his anchor. She had been his support while she herself needed someone to calm her down, to make her experience that sense of belonging. They both had held on to each other, becoming each other's only real family, trying to get past all the ugly challenges life threw at them. They had trudged on, never complaining, never losing but their pains were difficult to mask. They were there to constantly bug them and it was then they had discovered the power of bone tickling, on the face sarcasm and humour and they had readily plunged into it, leaving their personal tragedies behind and started to discover a new life.
All that efforts, Chris thought, was worth. To see his hard work culminate at this point, in spreading the radiance of hilarity and amusement in the eyes of a pain stricken girl, he was proud. Lavanya instantly had made a place in his heart. She was his other friend, the one who appreciated him for what he was, the one who trusted him without question, the one who believed in his stories, the one who laughed along with him. She was another version of his menace friend, Mrs. Jalebi, Khushi, but somehow seemed a world apart from her. She was soft, mellowed and confused while Khushi was harebrained, wired and nuts. They were poles apart yet they had unknowingly become the poles of his life. Each one in a different way. Each one bringing their own flavour into his life.
Yet, it was too soon to give any name to his relationship with Lavanya. She filled him with strange warmth but Chris was too confused to even understand that warm feeling. He wanted nothing but that endless smile and humour and he forgot everything as he plugged his earphones on and lost himself in the music, grooving on the spot to a very wacky song.
Arnav kicked the door of his room hard, achieving nothing but a stabbing pain in his toe, again. He hated this feeling. Frustration. It was killing him. As though there wasn't enough of that wretched emotion in his life, a new reason to cause that was added to his list: losing that amazing talent in a horde of idiots around the world and he was the biggest one, their leader at that point of time. In a petty fight and an ego clash, he had lost one opportunity to converse with a girl with such incredible gift. Shit! He cursed as he threw his clothes around his room and crashed into the shower, wanting nothing more than a shower to calm his nerves down. What a play, destiny or what the heck ever! He thought angrily as the cold water sluiced down his body. He was pretty sure now that he had a reason to not get annoyed by that girl, he would never encounter her. Arrgh! His irritation knew no limits and all his anger was directed towards a poor shower head as he banged it on the floor with all his might, making it join the headless hunt.
As his big day drew near, Arnav had started acting like a hormonal imbalance teenager or even worse, a girl PMSing. Man that was totally embarrassing. Even girls wouldn't behave like him in their mood swings. He didn't know what sort of imbecile spirit had nested in his body that he was so wound up and crazy. He just knew that his solitude and penance that he had created for himself had been crumbled to dust when he took the decision to host the fashion show and now he came to terribly regret it. With all that regret, annoyance, vexation, whatever, whatever running in his mind, that girl had to come like bang and shove some out of the world designs at his face to mock him further. Wow! Didn't his life just rock?
He had to find that girl! That thought came into his mind after a long internal battle that cost half the water, many more emotions and a whole lot of peace. After spending more than two hours in the bathroom, his mind pointer stopped at the exact same point from where it had started after seeing the girl practically flee from him. What a waste of time! Now he had to find that girl! But the only question was how!
Snatching his phone from the table, he called Aman and barked some really weird orders that his employee wasn't able to make the head and tail of. But somehow convincing Aman to hunt for a girl with long hair and a sketchpad in the population of millions, Arnav sank into the easy chair and the memories attacked him with full force.
Khushi knew not what to do. What to make out of the situation she was callously thrown into. Some things weren't meant to be shared. There was a reason why people made it private, close to one's heart. But something she cherished and worshipped more than her life was curtailed in front of a loser, that loser who called and thought her as something akin to pure crap. Life was amazing, wasn't it?
From childhood one thing that she always treasured was her skill in design. Designing wasn't her passion but it was her love, a love that reminded her of her only real family. It was her connect, a thread to her old life which she missed terribly. It was concealed from the outer world because she didn't want to be torn apart like her life but today, even that was thrown into the open.
She felt numb, like a part of her soul was bared in front of someone who didn't appreciate her. Like she was forced to lose something priceless to her. She didn't know anymore what she had to do. Khushi leant on the wall, drew her legs closer and drifted off to a disturbed sleep. She needed a break and how she wished she was able to board the next available transport to Western Ghats, a place that promised her the rediscovery of herself.

Akash was tired of waiting. He knew he had no leads to find the girl he liked. Yet, this wait was killing him. He had no reason to believe that he was lovesick but a strange ache resided in his heart, thrumming an empty choir, urging him to make the first move. He had to do it. Without having any idea of what to do, he had come to the mall, last minute's detour so that he could grab something before going lady hunting again.
But he had idea that his wish would be fulfilled in a place he detested with all his heart. Malls weren't a perfect getaway for him. It was too chaotic and modernised to feel that privacy and solitude hanging in the air, something that he craved for with all his might. Of course mall restaurants were good yet it wasn't his place. Hence he was extremely taken aback and surprised to see the girl of his liking to be standing there, clutching bags of shopping and waiting for someone.
He was trying to decide what to do next when someone from the crowd called his girl, "Diya!" and proceeded to hug her. That guy was his cousin, Nandkishor!
      Nannav mere bhai!
       I'll throw you out of the house!
      Come on bhai! Tomorrow is your show! Show some happy spirit, will you!

radzbharadwaj2014-02-22 08:16:06

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Comments (24)

Updated :D Anyway, anyone wants PMS send me the buddy req :)
radzbharadwaj2014-03-26 05:47:57

10 years ago

Thank u so much 😃

10 years ago

Welcome aboard buddy :D Nice analysis though I cant really explain or contradict your statement :D that would give away too much :D Glad u love the story :) Keep reading and have lotsa fun when doing that :D and of course, keep commenting xD

10 years ago

i am very very very sorry fort late comment i totally forgot this story i cant explain how much i love this story it is awesome dear plz try to update soon

10 years ago

hey update next partwaiting eagerly to read moreplzzzupdateASAP

10 years ago

Hey haven't heard from u in a long time... Hope everything is ok at ur

10 years ago

You, my dear, are not a writer .. You are an illusionist... Creating magic with ur words!

10 years ago

too many emotions... good one.. waiting for NK..

10 years ago

the search is on😉 and the path of discovery has opened up thanx for the update ...pls continue soon 😃

10 years ago

awesome story. i am guessing anjali was dating shyam and shyam was somehow related to the orphanage and vinay was trying to destroy that probably kushi and arnav were in that orphanage.

10 years ago
