Chapter 15

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Radhika Bharadwaj


Heyya people! Finally got the time to update :D It took so much of time to rewrite the entire chapter and that is really sloggy. Once you lose out on the flow, it is very hard to get back into the depth of the story, thanks to my super bonkers laptop, I lost all the stories and essays I wrote. But still couldnt give up on this xD So here it is, one of the crucial updates. Where Arnav reveals part of the mystery of  the problematic triangle of Vinay, Arnav and Anjali :D Sanka devi is going to come :) she isnt there in this update, sadness. I tried to squeeze her in, but couldnt do any justice to her in this update :) Hence, you have to wait for the next one to see the way her story progresses parallel to that of Arnav's :D I do hope you'll like this update :) 


Chapter 10
    Too much to bear...
I want to shout
I want to scream
I can't bear this anymore
This helplessness is tearing me apart
The aggression and fire vanishing into nothingness
I want myself back
I want my anger back
I want my aggression, my life back...
I want escape the pit of regret and guilt
I want to scream
I cant bear it anymore...
As the bulky SUV sped through the empty streets of Delhi, Arnav glanced back at his sister who was unnaturally quiet after the verbal war she shared with her husband only a while ago. Thankfully she had stopped crying though her eyes were still red and puffy. She seemed to be trying very hard to cope with the startling reality that was staring right at her face with such alarming clarity. The golden beam of the street lamps shining brightly above them cast an eerie glow, making Anjali look ghostly beneath them. Her dried tears had etched a path on her angelic face which now reflected the light. The whole interiors of the car was bathed in the smug glow of the night, but Arnav was still in the darkness, concentrating on driving yet not forgetting to check on his sister, afraid that she would revert back into her old emotional self again, someone who didn't know how to bank her emotions.

Anjali was torn apart with guilt. She was unable to imagine the level of suffering and personal problems Arnav had to tackle alone. She knew he was of the brooding type, one who never liked to share his worries with anyone but she had no idea he was hiding so much behind the mask of anger.

Arnav's point of view was different but he had every reason to defend it. His life had been crafted in such a way that whatever Vinay had done to him, knowingly or unknowingly, had affected him in the worst possible way. His life had been upturned, shattered beyond measure, leaving him hopeless and helpless. He had endured so much, battled mountainous problems much beyond the level of his maturity when she was busy celebrating her marriage. She now knew why he didn't attend it. If he would have, then Vinay would have been pulverized.  

 She felt extremely hopeless. She didn't know how to comfort him, how to heal his wounds. It had torn him apart; everything that happened to him and instead of sharing it with her, Arnav had chosen to distance himself from everyone, including his sister, who was probably the closest to him. If she ever had any idea about all of these, she never would have left Arnav go so cold. She would have given anything to make him feel better. Tears choked her eyes, as she gulped down hard, trying to control herself. A soft touch snapped her from the world her thoughts and she turned to look at the soulful, soft, molten chocolate eyes of her brother, which held so much sympathy and affection.

"Di," he muttered as he shifted slightly in his seat to hug her, "Di, please calm down."

"How can I calm down, Chhote!" Anjali sniffed, "after all that you faced, how can I?"

 "Di, I know how you are feeling," Arnav said softly, kissing lightly on her head, "this was why I didn't want to tell anything to you. I knew you would be shattered."

"So? You chose to suffer alone?" Anjali burst out,"am I no one to you, Chhote?"

"Di, you are everything to me..." Arnav caressed her cheek, "but look happened now. You had a fight with him."

"What else should have I done?" Anjali asked, rubbing her eyes furiously.

"Di, whatever he might have done to me, he loves you more than anything in the world. That is enough for me, Di. Even though I will not forgive him, I will never want you to go away from him."

"How can you talk like this after all that..." Anjali continued to pine when Arnav shushed her, "Di, what has happened, has happened and it is just my battle. I don't want to involve you in this. Neither can I move on, neither can I forget it but you mustn't lose your heart in this.  You have suffered much already, Di. It is your time to be happy," he said earnestly.

"What about your happiness, Chhote?" Anjali asked, cupping his cheeks, staring into his depths of melancholy, "don't you want to be happy?"

Arnav remained silent. He didn't want to answer her question. He didn't want to rip his heart again into pieces. It had already suffered enough. He just turned his face away from his sister's, staring steadfastly ahead of him, trying to figure out the dark shapes looming out in the distant night.

 "I can understand your anger with Vinay and rest of them but what has Lavanya done to you, Chhote? How is it her fault that you behave so coldly with her?" Anjali tried again after realising he won't give any answer to her indirect question.

"Di, I have a reason to behave with her like this," Arnav muttered looking out of his window, staring at the dark silhouette of a tree, "I don't want to break her into pieces."

"What do you mean," Anjali perked up.

"Di, I know she's in love with me..." Arnav whispered still staring into the blackness surrounding him, "but I can never be what she expects me to be with her. I can never give her that place. She deserves someone who will love her more than he would love himself and I can't do that. I don't deserve her, Di."

Tears pooled in her eyes as Anjali realized what her brother was trying to do. He was trying to make Lavanya move on, get more happiness, after coming in terms with his rude and arrogant behaviour. Just because he wasn't happy, he never, intentionally, tried to snatch the happiness of others. He just knew how to give. He never expected anything out of anyone. He knew he couldn't give anything to Lavanya, hence, he wanted her forget him, accept someone who was worthy of her untainted love.

"How can you be like this, Chhote?" Anjali asked, tears making way out her eyes. Arnav rubbed them fondly as he muttered, "this is how I am, Di, your Chhote..."

"Why can you not be the one who deserves Lavanya's love, Chhote? Why can't you be happy again? Why can't you move on?"

"My happiness is long gone, Di," Arnav muttered, his voice laced with painful sincerity. "It is not going to come back no matter how hard I wish for it."

"Of course it will come back, Chhote..." Anjali said with a sad smile, "only if you give it a chance."

"What?" Arnav asked her, his brows furrowed in a frown.

"Try being the one Lavanya wants," Anjali whispered, kissing his brows, "Lavanya loves you more than anyone in this world. She is going to give you all the happiness you deserve."

"No, Di..." Arnav shook his head, moving away from his sister, "you ask me anything, I will do but I cannot do this. I can't cheat on her and my conscience. I am sorry, Di."

"But Chhote," Anjali tried to convince him when Arnav suddenly revved the engine of his SUV and accelerated into the blackness, indicating this was the end of discussion. Anjali fell back on the seat, slumped and sad.

Akash cautiously approached his brother, who standing near the window looking mutinous. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that one day he had to see two peace loving people, the ones who were strong headed and calm, fight like this. But he was sure of one thing, if Anjali and Vinay had fought over Arnav, then the matter had to be something critical. None of the three were someone who would break out a petty fight. He shuddered to think what the reason might be for this fall out. Gently he laid a hand on his brother's shoulder as he muttered softly, "Bhai..."

Vinay turned to look at him and involuntarily, Akash felt himself step back as the fury of helplessness hit him hard, "Bhai...What happened?"

"I don't know Akash!" burst out Vinay, "I don't know. She is just blaming me for all the years Arnav distanced himself from us. I have got no idea what is it all about!"

"How are you responsible for it?" Akash asked, wondering all these headed to. How was Vinay of all people responsible for Arnav's aloofness? What was Arnav bhai thinking?

"I don't know Akash! I have no bloody idea!" said Vinay and walked away from the room, leaving everyone bewildered behind his wake.

"Yeh sab ka howat hai?" Devyani asked as Mahendra helped her to sit on the couch. Tears were relentlessly flowing out of the old lady's eyes; she seemed to not tolerate whatever was happening in front of her eyes. Manorama stood in a corner, dabbing her eyes with the corner of her handkerchief and Mahendra looked really lost to say anything. He was just mechanically moving about, pouring a glass of water to his mother, and not really understanding anything that had transpired. Akash was just looking around with his mouth open agape like a goldfish.

Lavanya dragged her feet back into the foyer of Raizada mansion. She was in no mood to enter the house to endure the hatred of ASR again. She felt suffocated and insulted here in the presence of the man she loved, who never showed any sort of affection and adoration towards her. At least just a Hi would make her day. But no. Arnav was resolutely avoiding her as if she was a piece of trash. This wounded her heart so much. She didn't want stay beneath the same roof as Arnav, pretending that she didn't get hurt. She wanted to escape into the protective confines of home, back in Madison, Wisconsin. Yet, she knew her mami would never allow her to go back.

 Sighing dejectedly, she walked into the living room. One look at it, she knew something was terribly wrong.

Everyone was present there. Her mama was sitting on the couch with his hands on his head. Her mami was standing in a corner, looking sombre, her grandmother was sitting on the couch, crying and Akash was standing near the window, looking miserable. Her heart stopped for a second, "What's wrong?"

Akash immediately came and hugged her, whispering, "Bhai and Di had a fight."

"What?" Lavanya said, a frown making its presence on her pretty face.

 "Yes," Akash nodded solemnly, "they had a big row just a while back. Di just went away with Arnav bhai."

"Di and what?" Lavanya couldn't believe her ears, "ASR took Di?"

"Yeah, it was kind of strange. He consoled her and took her away, in fact, it looks like bhai and Di had a row because of Arnav bhai."

The confusion plaguing her mind instantly turned to anger and annoyance, "how is it that whenever ASR comes home something or the other happens?"

"It is not like that, La..." Akash tried to reason.

"Then what is it like, AK?" Lavanya reproached, "Why every problem in this house has a root in the great ASR? Everything that is happening is because of him. Di felt bad because of him. Everyone was sad because of him. Now Di and Jiju have had a fight because of him."

"Apparently, Di thinks bhai is responsible for why Arnav bhai distanced himself from us," Akash explained, "I don't know what happened but all of a sudden we heard loud voices from their room and went to check on them. They are furious with each other and La, Bhai and Di are not someone who would row for a small reason. They are too matured for that. Just think what might have happened and no matter how rude and arrogant Arnav bhai is, he will never cause any fight intentionally. Doesn't it make you think something really grave has taken place?"

"I agree with you AK but how is that all of a sudden everything changes?" Lavanya frowned, "what is happening in this house and why doesn't Arnav just explain what is his bloody problem?"

"Because Arnav is too important to explain all that by himself, Lavanya," a harsh voice sounded and both Akash and Lavanya jumped in alarm. They turned to see Vinay climbing down from a small set of stairs to the living room. Everyone in the room got up and approached Vinay. Manorama went up to her son, "Vinay, kya baat hai beta?"

"Why do you ask me, maa? Ask your daughter in law," said Vinay crossly. Just then there was a dull click of the shoes as Arnav and Anjali came into the view, holding each other. Lavanya's mouth fell open as she saw how protectively Arnav was holding his sister, the very same woman he had ignored till now.

Vinay's fury reached its zenith as he saw Arnav walking into the room and immediately he crossed the distance between them and went and held his shoulder, yelling "what the hell did you tell her? Ha? What do you even think of yourself?"

"Vinay!" Anjali shrieked as she struggled to remove Vinay's hands off Arnav's shoulders, "Vinay just leave Chhote! Vinay!"

"It's alright, Di," Arnav said calmly as he disentangled himself from the vicar grip of his brother in law, all the while staring at him defiantly. Vinay was close to smashing someone. Both of them continued to throw dagger looks at each other. Finally Vinay broke the embarrassing silence, "what did you tell her that suddenly my wife goes all against me?"

"I just told her the truth," Arnav answered back confidently, not agreeing to break the steely gaze.

"Truth?" Vinay smothered in anger, "you think you can get away with all the cock and bull stories that you fill into her ears? What bloody truth are you talking about?"

"Don't you know?" Arnav cocked his eyebrows in a sarcastic manner, pushing Vinay's temper even more, "I thought you knew everything!"

"Cut the crap, Arnav!" said Vinay, fisting his hands, trying very hard to control himself, "I have got no idea what you are talking about!"

"On the contrary, I think you know exactly what I am talking about!" Arnav thundered, making Vinay jump back in apprehension. As he stared at the cold eyes of Arnav, Vinay understood something was seriously amiss. Hence, he cautiously said, "What have I done Arnav? I can't remember anything!"

"Really? You don't remember anything?" Arnav asked with sarcasm brimming from his voice, "perhaps this will help you remember. Sunshine, Dehradun. There was someone who told you, 'isse agar aap thodenge, toh zindagi bhar aapka dil yeh bhoj sehta rahega...' "  

As those words left Arnav's mouth, Vinay felt himself reeling back as the enormous force of his past hit him. He never thought he would again stand in the same place where someone would look at him with nothing but disgust in their eyes instead of all the respect and adoration he was used to. Arnav was standing there, with his hands crossed over his chest, his deep pools of molten chocolate reflecting nothing but revulsion and loathing...

      I am sorry Arnav
      I never knew it was you, Arnav
      Yes, you never just ruined everything and you expect me to forgive just because you apologized?
      I am...
      Please, I hate pretence! You can keep your sorry to yourself! I am in no need of it!

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Continue Reading next part >

Comments (13)

read all the chapters in one go wow its amazing continue soon

11 years ago

emotional outbrusting update i don't sympathize with la here, seriously why she's here when she always hatred and insult from arnavwhere the hell your self respect lavanya vinay related to arnav past, what happened at past honeslty this question never let me sleep :(Arnav so much into his shell of pain and darkness still hold his past to him whatever happened in past vinay never want to there again and he knows he was at fault at that timeisse agar aap thodenge, toh zindagi bhar aapka dil yeh bhoj sehta rahegawhat does these words means No doubt arnav is so much pain and darkness but still he never his rude and dark behavior effect on any family member's life, He just wants to be with himself where no one dare to enter.

11 years ago

so arnav's hatred and sorrow is not baseless...vinay did do something in the past that must have changed many people's lives drastically...but i do wonder what it is ...thanx for the update...pls continue soon ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ps...hey radz i would greatly appreciate if u could update ur index that is on the first page...b'cos when i look into a story i do tend to glance through a few of the earlier updates so as to be able to go with the flow of the the index is not updated after chap 5 it becomes quite difficult for me to turn to each and every page to check on the earlier chaps... thanx ๐Ÿ˜ณ

11 years ago

So there is a past here too..And I absolutely agree with La, why is Arnav the cause of everything ? He isn't a bad huma... Circumstances have just turned him into what he's become now.. As for Anjali, Im glad she listened to Arnav and went back to Vinay.. But the next precap looks like we have a trip down the memory lane.. Waiting for that !

11 years ago

read all in a go...loved it ,pm me plz๐Ÿ‘

11 years ago

very curious about the story

11 years ago

fabulous update !!! vinay don't even remember what have happened in past that arnav is holding him responsible for... but few words from arnav and vinay is shocked.. what would have happened that have literally taken all the colour out of vinay's face ??? lavanya was so rude to talk about arnav.. arnav is clear and have stated to his sister that he doesn't love lavanya and can never love her and is treating her bad so that she can move on and it seems to be working on lavanya and thats the reason lavanya is so rude for arnav.. loved the update..thanks for pm ๐Ÿ˜Š

11 years ago

Hifirst a BIG BIG THANKS FOR PM ME...๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ I knew it Arnav must have a very bitter past..A very emotional update...๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญAwaiting for the next update...Plzzz PM me when you updateLoveTrisha

11 years ago

Nice update waiting for the next update

11 years ago

after a long gap ...thank u for ur update ...yaar u left us cliff hanger...wat was with vinay...watever the reason ...Arnav kept everything with himself...and suffered everything alone ...but somehow he get back to Di's chottey...atleast now his heart feel some sort of relief...don't worry ur khushi is on ur way...

11 years ago
