Chapter 12

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Radhika Bharadwaj


Heyya! A day late, so I dont think I am in some terrible danger :P Anyway, the face off is here :D but it is really cryptic :) ;) try if you can read between the lines and do tell me your thoughts about it :) Here is the next update of Silver Lining. Hope you guys like it :) 

Chapter 7
     Venom in blood...
Like the evil that surges, this venom does to,
Finally it reaches my heart,
Killing me instantly,
Your words like venom,
Spread so violently.
                                                             -Crimson Love
Shyaam lit a cigarette and comfortably settled down on the recliner of his modestly furnished living room of his two bedroom apartment in South Delhi. Being an amateur fashion photographer, his income was too limited to spend on interiors and unnecessary beauty objects. He believed the beauty of this boring apartment would increase tenfold when its rightful mistress came.
Taking a swig of beer, he glanced about at all the photographs that were spread around him with a look of disdain and mockery on his face, as he laughed mentally at the pathetic excuse of a girl he called his girlfriend. Shyaam wasn't interested in Payal in the least. Even if she was the last woman on earth, he wouldn't have chosen her but considering the work that had to be done, she was important. 
1:30 PM the digital clocked glowed in the dull light of the room, making him get up slowly and reach to a cabinet where he kept his drinks and glasses. Picking up two wine glasses and setting them on the top of the cabinet, he removed a newspaper packet out of his pocket, opened it and tipped the contents gently into one of the glasses. Smiling at his ingenuity, he threw the packet into a dustbin and went to prepare for the arrival of his girl friend.
No! NO! It just can't be!
Arnav...I know you...
NO! Just No! You know that! She can't have gone...she can't have left me! You have misunderstood!
Arnav...all the evidences suggests towards it! She is gone, Arnav...
I SAID NO! She had promised me! She doesn't have the guts to break the promise she made to me! She can't have gone! I don't believe it...
Arnav please try to understand...
No! SMASH!!!
 Juice was spread on the floor, glass was shattered. Arnav looked up to see HP standing near the door, looking stricken. He was too exhausted to reprimand his servant; hence, he chose to let it go. HP ran away from the room, blessing his lucky stars, and hurried to get another glass of juice.
Arnav didn't understand what made him more miserable, his haunting past or his over the top family. Though a tiny twinge of guilt coursed through him, they didn't do it on purpose! But it died away instantly, paving way for anger to take over, but they did it...they did it without giving a thought of what impact it would have on me...that is close to being seriously guilty! His thoughts muddled around his head, confusing him further, as a threat deep down his heart stirred up to fight and take him down. Years of self control threatened to go down the drain. No...He couldn't go weak. He shouldn't go weak. He stamped it all down with his ASR attitude and sighed deeply, convincing his mind and heart that the fight was over, it was time to call the curtains down.
But only if life was that simple; simple enough for all questions to get their answers right away. Simple enough to not to test the people beyond their point of endurance, their point of tolerance. If it was then probably the world wouldn't be this complicated.
Arnav felt defeated again as he saw his sister standing near the doorway, her gaze piercing him like thousand red hot knives. He knew she would question. He knew she would demand answers...answers which he himself didn't have.
"Chhote, can I talk to you?" she asked pointedly, her face revealing that she wouldn't accept no for an answer, "can you spare your sister sometime in your busy schedule?"
"Di..." Arnav heard himself say, "Please, Di...I can't!"
"You have to, Chhote..." Anjali shrilled. Arnav recoiled. He had never heard her raise her voice at him to this level. Her eyes blazed, telling Arnav that the last shred of patience and resilience she had had been snapped. Now, no matter what would happen, Anjali would fire away all her thoughts at him. She looked like a woman with a mission.
"What is it you want, Di?" he asked in spite of himself.
"I want you Chhote!" she answered painfully, "I want my brother. I want your time. Is that too much to ask?"
"Please, Di!" he whispered, unable to control himself, "we have been through this. I can't. I need more time..."
"How much time Chhote?" she shouted, "isn't 15 years enough? Isn't 15 years enough to get back to normal, to stop brooding? How much time? Do you want to wait till my death?"
"DI!" he yelled, his anger coursing back through him, "why are you talking nonsense?"
"Okay, so this is nonsense?" she yelled back, tears rolling down her eyes, "yes this is nonsense! Here we are trying to do everything we can to see you happy, to make you feel home and this is the treatment meted out to us! This is the way our Chhote treats us! This is the respect and love he gives us!"
Arnav felt like banging his head. The famous emotional blackmail again!

"Hey..." Shyaam hugged Payal at the door way. Even he had to admit that she was looking beautiful that day. A white summer's dress, of course, to save from the wrath of Delhi's killing summers. Her dark brown hair was left open, a small butterfly clip adorning her front tresses. She looked every bit like the girl next door, sweet, lovely and shy.
"Hi, baby" Payal gave him a kiss on his cheeks, which he was very quick in rubbing off without getting noticed. As much as Payal was beautiful, she was brainless. Too easy a target, in the opinion of Shyaam. But as they say, a bitch is always a bitch and they could never be read, even by most cunningly smart people and Payal was one...
"So, up for the shoot?" he asked her with a fake smile. "Yeah! Feeling all good," she smiled back as she settled down on the couch, smearing gloss on her lips.
"Great, then..." impassive, Shyaam was. It was his gift. "Let's start this golden day with a drink, shall we? Will give us the urge to kill it!"
Payal grinned at Shyaam, always the charmer, "yes, I will have a scotch, please and please don't tell me it is a man's drink. I don't give into that crap..."
"Not at all, my love!" he flashed his teeth, "Your wish is my command. I will be right back," and went to fill the glasses with scotch, careful enough to notice in which he had put in the powder and handed the glass to Payal, "here you go, sweets. Bottom's up."
"Thanks, Shyaam," Payal drained the glass in one go, oblivious to the effects the drink would have on her in minutes.
"Di, please..." Arnav whispered his frustration distinct in his voice, which Anjali didn't miss even if she wanted to, "I can't handle all..."
"What can't you handle Chhote?" Anjali practically seemed to be getting to the threshold of loudness, "what exactly is your problem?"
"Look, I know you are hurt but I need my time, okay?" he looked at her, his chocolate eyes mirroring what his heart wanted; "I just can't handle all this. I feel suffocated," and bit his lips instantly in regret, as he saw Anjali's eyes widen in shock, pain and hurt.
"Suffocated?" she shrilled, pulling him with his collar, which irked Arnav to no end. "Suffocated? You feel suffocated over here? What kind of f**king answer is that?" she shrieked in his ears, "I can't believe this, Chhote!"
"Di, please...try to understand," he pleaded, something he never did, "don't test my endurance or I might do something really nasty and you won't be able to tolerate it. Please don't make me stoop to that level."
"Are you trying to threaten me, Arnav Singh Raizada?" Anjali yelled, "Do you think your good for nothing, filthy attitude is going to affect me in any way? If you do, then forget it! Because I am your sister and I have all the rights to question you!"
Arnav, who now was trying very hard to control his emotions, grimaced as his thread of self control snapped and he roared, "This is what I detest! This sense of power you seem to think you have over me!" caged, Arnav Singh Raizada never would want to be, "I feel sick! I feel disgusted to stay here... I can't stand all the fake love and emotions! I can't handle all that!"
"Fake love?" Anjali couldn't believe her ears, "Do you think all the affection we have for you is fake? The love Lavanya has for you is fake?"
"Yes! It is fake!" he roared, his eyes flashing in anger that seemed to take the better of his brain, completely making him forget about all the shit he was talking, "It makes me suffocated! This is not my world! It never was!"
"Chhote!" and that was it, Arnav stumbled back, reeling with force as his sister had mustered all her power and slapped him hard across his face. He stared at her, unable to comprehend what happened, while she wiped her tears and walked out of the room.
Everything came crashing down in one moment, Arnav felt his world go blank, as he realized the enormity of the venom he had hurled at a person who was the only living soul to love him so much.
SHIT! What have I done?

She scratched again and scrunched the paper up and threw it into the bin. What the hell! Not even one proper design! Seriously Khushi, you will never come up then!
She started again. This time I have to do it! I care less how but I have to!
As her hands moved across the paper, leaving a trail of pencil behind in a most attractive way, Khushi lost herself in the series of thoughts that haunted her mind. The indifference her family had for her, the longing for love since years together, her pain and her loneliness, a light that would never come back...
Just 1 more month will be back to where you belong. Just one more month tolerate the big head and there wouldn't be anyone who would take that peace away from you...just one more month...she consoled her heart and started sketching again.
Mindless doodling always helped her when it came to putting her random, confused thoughts into one piece, but in Khushi's eyes, jalebi making beat sketching to it. The sad part was she was restricted in her ways over here. She couldn't just go and make jalebis for the fun of it in Gupta house...chained, that's what she was. Chained, unwelcome and unhappy.
Brooding about how life becomes unfair, Khushi was still doodling on the paper, when she heard the very familiar, delicious waft of jalebis and looked up to see Diya holding a plate filled with them and grinning at her. She got up and hugged her, "Diya, you are a lifesaver, baby..."
"I knew you wanted this the minute you stepped into the area but I daresay, you wouldn't have had it else you would have never made home and put in a tent in Ramu kaka's stall the whole night hogging jalebis" she teased earning a smack on her head, "ouch...this is the reward I get for standing near the burning oil for an hour and bringing you home the sweet you worship?" she mock pouted at her sister. Khushi laughed out heartily. Diya smiled, elated to see her sister so happy.
"It's a long time since I saw or heard you being so happy..." Diya gushed, ruffling khushi's hair, "Feels real good."
"Thanks," she chimed in, winking "but I have been happier quite a few times before. Something you haven't witnessed."
Diya clutched at her heart dramatically and whispered, "The doomsday is near...! Khushi gupta winked! Oh gosh!"
"Always the drama queen," Khushi laughed, enjoying this easy camaraderie she shared with her sister. It brought out the best in her, just like how it had always been with Chris. Sibling love...she smiled.

We should never hurt those who love us...
Those words reverberated in Arnav's mind, making him realize that this time he had crossed his limits. He needed time, and he still needed because he was unable to forget whatever had happened. He was unable to warm the frozen time, let it flow and become light, fluid. He was unable to forgive himself and his family members for whatever had transpired. He tried, he punished himself, he regretted yet he couldn't pull himself out of the time lapse...
But today, he wasn't just hurtful but he had wounded his sister, wounded her very grievously and probably would never be able to forgive himself for it. He ran a hand through his hair, tensed and regretting and ran in search of his sister, hoping to explain his situation to her, to make her understand that living this life, for him wasn't anything less than traumatic.
 Jeez...I am so sorry, did I hurt you?
 No, no it's fine...absolutely...
I really am sorry! I don't know what has got into me lately. I am being so clumsy and stupid that I am going around knocking every person in my way. Yesterday I knocked some annoying dude at the New York airport. He was barking mad at me...

A/N: So how was the face off? :P Sounding sadistic, ain't I? 
radzbharadwaj2013-12-27 03:21:56

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Comments (19)

Thank u, glad u love the updates :D and my pleasure :) radzbharadwaj2013-05-31 08:54:39

11 years ago

:D glad :) do comment :)

11 years ago

thank u :)

11 years ago

[QUOTE=spvd]part 7nice...Payal is really a fool...all she knows is to hurt Khushi...shes gonna be hurt in the worst way...and Arnav whats wrong with him?poor Khushi but Diya is really an awesome kid...cont soon dear...
Payal is brainless because she has an obsession. You'll see where it goes and DIya is my second fav charac after Arhi :D

11 years ago

[QUOTE=-LiveCrazily-]Oky that story is really
flawing means so much in this story
Happiness vs irritation
Love vs hate
What happened 15 years
In prologue arnav lost
someone special oky
The past hurts him a lot

And khushi her family
treats her like dirt why
What happened with her
that day she dreamt of
I love khushi aka jalebi bhai but she is suffering from inside
and alone
Why her garima and buaji
think she's not good and bad omen
I think arnav lost
someone really special 15 years ago like
friend who is more than that
In start I thought may
she's his mother when he dream this

Why are you closing my eyes?
Because I don't want you to see anything
What's so bad? Oh the girl?

Yes, the girl!!

What's so bad about her?

AAARGH! My ear!

There's a girl in her
past 15 years ago if he is 30 yeas old now at that time he's 15
And that girl is khushi
for whom arnav feel guilty also

Those little,
delicate fingers were just minutely apart, waiting to be grasped by the others,
which evoked a powerful emotion of that meant to be'but the wind was so strong
that it knocked down the two miles away from each other as it blew between
them, shredding the hopes of being together into pieces, considering it as
unworthy as it could possibly be..

That's khushi dream from first chapter'she separated from
some one and but she wanted to be with him
May that arnav
Arnav khusi are childhood friends but something happened 15
years and change everything in there life
I m still not sure what happen
Need more evidence

I am going to give away too much if I comment on this :P :P anyway, I am so glad u find my story worthy of your interest :) thanl u :) it means a lot to me. To clear the confusions, you have to wait for the rest :D

11 years ago

Thank you so much :) glad u love it :) Lavanya is a sacrificing person that's the reason why she still sticks with Arnav even though she knows she is hurt by it. She really loves him and for that she is ready to sacrifice her happiness. Payal, well sar ghoom gaya hai uska :P or may be I should say, sar ghum gaya hai :P

11 years ago

[QUOTE=avinaarshi]nice update

Thank you :)

11 years ago

Because he is really confused :D :P

11 years ago

He has a very silly reason to be upset by everyone, or so everyone thinks. But somethings hut beyond comprehension and you'll see why :) but I agree he is really rude... and Payal, well, you'll see why she is so desperate...

11 years ago

[QUOTE=rini_kat]nice update...
Thank you :)

11 years ago
