Chapter 4

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Radhika Bharadwaj


Hey-lo! I know you guys are all ready to hit me black and blue :D I had promised an early update but it dragged on till now. I was really busy with the uni stuff, so, pardon me :D Here u go then, the ASR update. This is not changed. It is just as how I had written earlier. I didnt want to murder it by my confusions, hence, let it be. Hope you guys like it :D 

The headline bore: "Fashion is YOU: Arnav Singh Raizada!"

      Threads of imagination dipped in the colours of experience and decorated by beads of antiquity and contemporary bring out the best of a person. Imagination and creative expertise is your is what that flows out of it. Fashion is YOU! Fashion is what you imagine, you create and you implement says Arnav Singh Raizada, a phenomenon in the field of threads and weaves. This master creator has come a long way from doodling mindless sketches on rough sheets to drawing perfect masterpieces with immeasurable precision. Playing with threads is his hobby and his profession. No prizes for guessing, ASR aka Fashion Lord is our BUSINESSMAN OF THE YEAR!

 A trend setter, this man creates and the world loves. With this designs not only meant for the colossal ramps but also in the reach of common man, it looks as though the world is painted by the colours of AR. Clothing has never looked so beautiful. Yes, there are generations of fashion designers who have made the world see and understand the art of trend setting but he is different, unusual and remarkable for he designs not just by his mind but by his heart as well. Being typical is something that is not possible for him.

He may create and design by his heart, but he rules by his mind. If creativity is one side of his brain then commerce is the other side. Playing with money is as easy for him as playing with the threads and beads. Ask him the equation of his success, in typical Einstein fashion this Harvard MBA graduate replies, A=X+Y+Z where A is success, X is creativity, Y is fun and Z is money. "You can conquer the world even if you have just a rupee in hand. The only thing that matters is how you use it." He is a perfect blend of business and art.

Curious to know about his work environment...

The rest of the article was missing as one of the selected torn pages had probably flown out of the open window. This page was spared as there was a coffee cup to support it against the raging wind and sleet. With a dull whoosh, the sleek and shiny magazine paper was ruffling against the mug when its support system was unceremoniously lifted. Having no other thing to hold on to, the paper drifted away through the open window into the cold sleet probably thinking why the hell am I just a freaking paper?

Absolutely unconcerned that the world doted on him Arnav Singh Raizada shut the open window with a snap and turned around holding a coffee mug in his hand. Settling himself on the sill of the French window of his luxurious penthouse he looked down on the streets of New York, the fashion capital of the world, where there were hundreds of people waiting to get a glimpse of him but he cared less. He enjoyed his solitary luxury with no one to intrude him except his thoughts. Just as he was basking in the glory of being absolutely alone, a shrill, annoying ring of his telephone jerked him to the reality that he had to face every day. A phone call from thousands of miles away, too precious to be ignored in the eyes of the caller and an unavoidable obligation in the eyes of him. Well, do I have a choice he thought bitterly and headed to answer the phone and made a conversation that barely lasted 5 minutes. Grim faced and irritated he muttered 'Di!' and went to attend his business that would keep his mind off some unnecessary baggage. 

A/N: This is a work of fiction. It bears no resemblances to any magazine whatsoever. It is completely my imagination. Hence, no plagiarism is tolerated. Please dont copy this work on any other platform or forum. 

PS: How was it????   

radzbharadwaj2013-04-17 11:40:08

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Comments (11)

WOW !! congo on that amazing idea of magazine intro !!and this is a real HATKE one dear,plz keep it that way :0so A's in NY..well well...loved the Raizada intro! 😕 coz A is Anjali's bro...then why is he not a Mallik??? So my guess the dead ( really?? ) lady his MOM??Hey this is one cool story...plz pm me .

11 years ago

great update[/QUOTE]
Thank u :D

11 years ago

Happy new year to u too :D and glad u love the update :D

11 years ago

Thanks Milli darling :D

11 years ago

wow...loved the artical...the words that u used was amaizing and sofisticated...loved it[/QUOTE]
:D thanks! Glad u love it :D

11 years ago

[QUOTE=taani16]great update...and the cover...ahhh...amazing...
:D thanks! Glad u love it :D

11 years ago

:D Thanks :) Glad u love it :D

11 years ago

Happy New Yearsilver liningawesome...cont soon dear...

11 years ago

wow...loved the artical...the words that u used was amaizing and sofisticated...loved it

11 years ago

great update...and the cover...ahhh...amazing...

11 years ago
