Crack in family

1 months ago

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This part has dialogues both in Hindi and English... enjoy the reading... will continue writing according to my reader's responses. 

Prithvi advises Sanyogita to take rest for today,. she should take a leave from work today. 

She wondered how easily he got to know when and where she wanted and wished. 

Having him in her life she discovered various things in between them she knew in our life there is always some person who knows us , we don't need to say anything as they understand each movement of us, they get to know everything about us by a single glance at our eyes.

For Sanyogita, Prithvi is that person, he knew her more than she knew about her. He understands her better than anyone else in her life. 

Sanyogita told him she would join them in the meeting, and today she would work from home. She understood how he didn't like negligence in work and how dedicated he is to the business.

Prithvi smiled , and agreed, he gave a peek at her cheeks before leaving for the office. 


Prithvi was sitting in his cabin room. He got a phone call from Inspector Naveen Yadav. 

He informed "Mr. Malhotra, Nishant's nails matched with those samples collected by the forensic team from the upper arm of Mrs Malhotra ."

Prithvi's heart skipped mere mention of Nishant reminded him of last night's fight with Nishant he discovered a sudden hatred for him however he controlled his anger

" Thank you so much Inspector, you and your team help us a lot, We always remember this gratitude for yours. "

" It's alright Mr. Malhotra, it's our duty ." 

"One request Inspector please be honest with us "

" Mr.Malhotra you can trust us and in my department everyone knows me as being an honest and strict officer. There will be no point that one percent of the flaws will come from our side "

" Thank you "

" Yea sure "

After that, the call was disconnected 

Arjun came into the cabin of his Boss and sensed something fishy. Although he worked on the laptop but his mind was somewhere else and, seeing in absence minded Arjun asked

" Boss is everything alright??"

Prithvi came out with his deep thoughts, " uh!!.. huhh… Arjun Can you tell me some names of experienced criminal lawyers?? ""

There was an "O" expression in the mouth of Arjun " what?.. he cleared his throat and asked with astonishment" Why Sir? 

" I need experience more than that I want one of the best Criminal lawyers in India "

Arjun sensed his Boss's words weren't a request but rather command and the reason he could clearly guess. As what he witnessed last night something would come soon and it was inevitable.

" Okay Boss , I'll inform you soon"

Prithvi nodded his head " Try to inform me as early as possible . If it is within 24 hours I'd be glad "

" Sure Boss, I'll try my best, " he agreed and left the cabin. 

It was 8 in the night when Prithvi's phone buzzed , he had just finished the last meeting of the day.  The mobile screen was displayed with the name "JAAN"

As soon as seeing it he immediately received the call and heard the speaker 

"  Here is a problem. What had happened last night I already had this inkling. I tried my best but Nishant’s father , Jasika, came to our home And they came with their attorney too . They all create a scene here, I did not inform you as you had back-to-back important meetings . I am very scared because of Papa, Dadima and Dadji .”

“Don’t worry Jaan , I’m coming home within 2 hours. Main hoon na , I’ll handle everything okay  till then just managed everything , love you “

She heard him smiling , knowing well deep down he was worried too .

“Mujhe bahut dar lag raha hai “ she thought but Said a different thing “Shamal ke ayega “

Prithvi smiled and replied  “ Hmm” 

He knew it was her version of showing love to him, she didn't say '' love you'' instead she said “ save the drive, when you reach the office? , had launched,? When will you come home ? Why did you take so much stress ? Take a break for a day ! don’t talk while driving …since the morning she asked him several questions and advised which started with him and ended with him.


Prithvi reached home 5 minutes earlier than 10 in the night , he was in so much hurry guessing what was going through his family , and he could guess what Nishant's father could tell them and how much he would blame him as well as Sanyogita in his absence .

He had believed she could handle the situation yet how the doctor alerted him that stress wasn’t good for her health  .  Besides that, his grandfather was a heart patient and his Grandmother was getting older , and now his father was too. 

After coming back home the first person he saw was Sanyogita who was standing outside the entrance door of their house . Prithvi came out of the car , looking at her tensed face anyone could guess how much melodrama Nishant’s family had created today .

“ Hey ,why are you standing here ??…

She stopped him and said “ Papa !!”” her voice was trembling . She was looking very tensed

Her nervous tone shook him inside “Dad…what ??? “ There was umpteenth of question propelling in his mind 

Although Sanyogita told him how Nishant's father tried to humiliate and represent last night's incident in different ways , she hid Abhiram’s portion , as she too was frightened and panicked. It would be riskier how easily he got tempered and her fear was natural; she didn't want him to drive him while his brain was roaming around with lots of things fearing the worst. So it would be better to tell him after he arrives home .

Hearing the rest of the truth , he held her by her shoulder in one arm “ Don’t worry , Mein aa gaya hoon na . let’s go inside “

She nodded her head .

Although he assured her, deep down he was feeling bad today for his family . 

They went inside the house . He could feel the tense environment of the interior of the living room.

" Prithvi , Sanyo tum dono batao ge bhi kya ho raha hai yai sab aur Nishant ke parents keu aaye they ??? Shambhavi asked

Prithvi motions his eyes to everyone standing in the living room . Sanyogita's mother had already left for her home in the early evening. 

" I want to tell you all the truth in the morning  . But Maa , Ariyan and Bahiya Bhavi came to meet Sanyo . So again I couldn't get the appropriate time . Even Last night , we couldn't because neither Sanyo nor I wanted to spread gloom in the Malhotra mansion. "

Prithvi exchanged a glance with Sanyogita and then looked at everyone. He started to tell them everything about what exactly happened between him and Sanyo in the past 2 days. … at the end, he said with a trembling voice 

" Nishant is the same boy .. only for him Sanyo had to lose both her father and sister "

Prithvi observed the sudden changes in the facial expression of everyone present in the living at that time . 

Shambhavi's eyes go twice their size .  Ananya was also gazing at Prithvi shocked. Abhiram stood up , the earth below their feet felt like they shifted somewhere .

Sanyogita stood there with her bow down, she tried to maintain that she was strong emotionally.

Prithvi didn't stop, he continued " The day since Sanyo met Nishant at the airport, his sudden come back shuddered her inside out. I even asked her to cook for that monster who snatched one of two of the closest people from her life. Nobody can fill that compensation  . I feel low to myself I shout at her thought her wrong..  .. " he clenched his fist in ashamed 

Sanyogita looked at him , she nodded her head sideways , Prithvi took a glance at her but didn't stop this time .

" So much has happened but we know nothing?? Shambhavi whispered with an unbelievable utterance

Prithvi continued " I knew rewinding the clock doesn't let us back to the past but here fate gives Sanyo a second chance. The case which was disclosed 11 years ago, will be reopened now . The justice that Janvi and Papa didn't get then, Laws will help them to get now. Sanyo will reopen the case and her husband with her . I'm with my wife "

“Now Tell us what we are doing, is it wrong??  . Sanyo makes a very huge decision , she needs us , she needs the support of her family “ Prithvi wrapped his right hand around her shoulder . 

Sanyogita glanced at him . Her man is with her . She has the biggest strength with her . 

“ That was why Sanyo was looking very disturbed when she returned from the honeymoon , I thought it was because of the long journey “ Ananya spoked, realising her wrong assumption. 

“Yes , Mumsy “ Prithvi responded  in weak voice 

“ It's unbelievable , Nishant, a person can have a devil side too “ Shambhavi whispered with a sigh 

“ Sanyo, how could you be so sure about that ?” Adityanath asked , 

“Yes , it’s a long-ago matter , how could you identify him ?”” Avinash asked 

Sanyogita found it difficult to talk as it was one of the most sensitive issues of her life . Prithvi touched her shoulder just once , she looked at him , and found him to blink as an indication to proceed , nobody will judge her , all her closer one .She nodded her head 

“ I know everyone who was involved in the disaster Janvi Di…

Sanyogita’s single sentence made an echo in everyone's ear , she continued “ last I visited at Nishant home…..” Sanyogita told them everything that happened in Nishant's house , how she met Prithvi on the road after that , and how with the help of the police sent Nishant to jail.

Everyone present in the living room was stunned .

Shambhavi came to them sensing Sanyogita's strange demeanour , she kept her hand on the shoulder of Sanyogita with compassion. 

I’m not giving any sympathy …nor I’ll tell you to forget your past .  And we are glad to get your daughter-in-law into our family . “

"Bhagwan ke ghar der hai, and her nahi .” Anushka said  "Bhabhi I'm with you" 

Sanyogita's chest became heavy and tight. 

“ Yes Bhabhi… Sometimes when we think that there is no hope and we cannot handle the circumstance then the universe surprises us “ the person was Anushka “ Somewhere the universe also want to give justice to Janvi didi that’s why the incomplete work then will be accomplished now “

Sanyogita glanced at her. Her eyes became moistened. 

“ Yes we all agreed with Sanyo’s decision and we should appreciate her courage ,” Annaya caressed her palm on Sanyogita’s head and shoulder .

Shambhavi shook her in agreement ,

“I used to think how my elder grandson will handle everything after marriage , Now I’m very glad that I proved wrong . Proud of you my boy , you prove you are a real man who can support his wife and take a stand for the truth in any situation . '' Shambhavi let out with a prideful smile 

Prithvi flashed him a soothing smile in response .

“ Yes , Bhabhi , Bhaiya we are all with you. Bhabhi you rock “  “Ariyan said with his flirty style to cool down the environment 

Everyone chuckled. 

One by one they assured Sanyogita her family with her side , whatever may come they will be away there , to support her and not break her down till she reached her mission .

Abhiram stayed mute .

Sanyogita’s eyes fell on the serious face of her father-in-law . Examining his silent gestures she could guess the umpteenth of questions gathering in his mind .

Prithvi noticed her and following her gaze he looked at his father “Dad , what are they thinking ?””

Abhiram landed back from his ocean of thoughts 

Everyone stops smiling ,

“Kya hua Abhi ? Shambhvi asked .

Abhiram said nothing. He started heading towards his bedroom leaving everyone clueless.

10  minutes later Abhiram called for Prithvi in his room. 


Prithvi enters the room and closes the door behind . 

He glanced at his father who was standing facing his back to him . Clasping back hands over this back . He seemed to be a stout mountain, as rigid as calm . 

Abhiram asked him  "“You know why I called you here.?? His back was still facing Prithvi . 

Prithvi stood , keeping both his hands inside his pants. He gave a sigh and responded " No Dad"  he couldn't guess what was running through his father's mind. 

“ How much do you love me Prithvi ?" " 

Prithvi was perplexed, not because of the question asked by his father but the situation in which he asked him.

"What happened Dad? Is there anything bothering you  ?”  He asked in worried 

" I asked you something!"  His voice was deep. 

" More than anyone else in my life"  His voice had a tinge of pride for respect for his father.

A prideful smile wavered in the corner of Abhiram's lips. 

" Then tell your wife not to reopen the case "!! His voice echoed like a thunderstorm in the room. 

Prithvi went speechless. His father's voice was rumbling in his ear 

Prithvi in a retort said without caring about what would be the outcome "As I already told you case will reopen very soon and we will soon talk to the lawyer "

Abhiram didn't let out for a moment. As if he was preparing himself for right words .He walked forward, his eyes were intense

" Have you any idea what will happen when this case goes to court ?? The press and media will jump on it like hungry Sharks!! He spun around completely and stood face-to-face with Prithvi.

"Reputation is that thing that takes a long time to get but it doesn't take a fraction to mix in the dirt. 36 years have taken me to reach this position, and it won't take 30 seconds to ruin my entire hard work mixed in the soil. "

"I agree with you Dad." Prithvi steps ahead and stops. His voice becomes softer 

" No Dad .. Nor I and not even Sanyogita, none of us would have done anything that brings any sort of melancholy in your pride. Dad just thought about it. Why should we fear? After all, we are going to fight for righteousness. For the truth?? We aren't wrong?? We haven't done any crime, it will be those criminals who destroy Sanyogita's sister's life? They should be ashamed, scared of their karma! ""

Abhiram didn't speak.

Prithvi went on " Dad please think about her, she saw her sister's killer after 11 years. How could she console her heart to sit down with crossed legs? If we don't support her this time then what's being a part of a family? If we all support her this time she will get hope. Now she has a huge power and we can easily win the case, Dad. "

" So you have made up your mind then what can I do? " Abhiram hold back his anger 

" Yes, Dad! " Prithvi nodded his head. Hoping his father would also agree with him this time . 

" Just suppose here you are supporting it but imagine how everyone will throw mud on us. Already for this girl, our family has to go through so much hearsay, how everyone affronts us. Only because of your happiness do I agree with your marriage with this low-status girl. unless I will never  " suddenly Abhiram felt sour taste in his throat. Previous days flashbacks began pouring bitterness in his head from nowhere . 

" Dad…you are saying this. You accepted Sanyo already, didn't you?? " He seems to be surprised 

" Before I thought this girl would understand our culture, the rules of our family, and discipline how to be a good daughter-in-law... she would think about our family prestige at least. But alas!! Chote ghar ki ladki choti hi hoti hai! " Abhiram's groan increases in decibels.

"I gave up only because of your persistent insistence but not this time.  I won't let anyone ruin my prestige. I have a tremendous public image. Just because we give her our surname, fame , and identity doesn't mean she will do whatever she wants with us.  How do people laugh at us?  Did she think for a second?……do you have any clue what will be the headline of the newspaper ?? The famous business tycoon Mr. Abhiram Malhotra's daughter-in-law's elder sister's rape case… .!!! He uttered in a bit of keen disgust , bitterness, reprimand 

"  Enough Dad enough !!!!..Prithvi raised his voice for the very first time against his father. His eyes were bloodshot. 

He continued "  The girl you are talking about is my wife. What happened to you now?? 

Abhiram was stunned.

" In the morning you are advising me to take care of Sanyo and right now ..!!! His voice held back " 

He engulfed the last word and said "So you're acting. I thought you have changed but no, money, wealth, status, reputation everything is Matter to you only.  Running behind money , name, power,fame you have become like those emotionless …" Prithvi choked . His eyes dampened but tears didn't dare to come out . His heart was pounding so hard as if it would come out from his throat. 

Abhiram closed his fist .and gulped the lump back into his throat. 

"Prithvi is not you .. your wife is telling within you.  " 

Prithvi smirked when his father remarked about his wife 

For Abhiram it was a sarcastic laugh. 

Prithvi gave a sigh and responded " Don't worry Dad…for my wife you don't need anyone to prove her identity. You also admitted in the past only because of her Malhotra fashion Co. In and modelling companies again gain back its rhythm to give competition to so many international brands. "

Abhiram didn't respond. 

Prithvi continued  "And I  hope you have loved Mom. She was fighting with her illness in the hospital but you were busy with your business and with your so-called business partner.. Only because of you, Mom isn't here with us  !!! " 

"Prithviiiiii! " Abhiram groaned and gave a tight slap on Prithvi's cheek

Prithvi shut his eyes, it was the very first time he got beaten up by his father. Although he used to scold him innumerable times. His heart was pounding, aching, and twisting. 

" Get Out… .Get out of my house Nowwwww!!! …Abhiram snarled. His nostrils were inflating and squeezed in fumes. He seemed to be a thunderstorm.

To be continued... 

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