The Burnt

The Burnt Ongoing G

Chapter 4

Published On Thursday,Mar 07, 2024 00:34 AM GMT-07:00

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khwaishfan @khwaishfan 6 days ago Nice update. excellently written
great that Meera is meeting with Geet and Chetan
of cos Adi recognised Geet. who wouldn't if they saw her picture?
Adi's question was anticipated
as expected Meera refused. Meera had a valid point.
great that Meera wants to know Geet's view
liked that Meera is respecting Geet's decision/ at least Adi agreed
well he is only seeing Maan's pain and wants to get him out of it
Meera was correct that Geet is priority for the entire Khurana family incl Maan
agree with Meera that Maan would be proud of Geet and what she achieved
Maan is indeed worried how Geet is managing all alone
Geet is amazing at what she does
not surprised that Meera is trying to get to know Geet
so Geet's only passion was Maan.
its clearly hard to get things out from Geet
Meera's curiosity and thoughts were reasonable
Geet will certainly shocked with Meera's questions. she cannot help but recall the past
angry how Maan treated Geet
she loves him so much and did everything to please him
upset that he insulted and taunted Geet, hate that he was so harsh with her
feeling for Geet. sad that she tried to made an excuse for his behavior
good that Meera saw Geet's deep pain
now Meera is aware that Geet has a family, her thoughts were justified
Geet's thoughts well portrayed, can understand that she is thankful that Maan is not interfering with the work
dismayed that she thinks Maan is way above her
she is oblivious that Maan now loves her immensely, he would be so ecstatic to meet her
Maan's choices have changed.
Maan is naturally keeping himself immersed in work
Maan was taken aback by Meera's question, his pain resurfaced & how he demeaned Geet
Geet suffered so much
loved Maan's response, he is changed and how
oh no Meera has to return to India
will Maan and his siblings ever reunite?
seems like Maan and Adhvay were destined to meet
Gosh Adhvay kissed Maan on his cheek
pleased that Maan already feels a soul connection with Adhvay
his thoughts were understandable
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