Chapter 1

MaDiee Thumbnail



Hey People..!!!

This piece I wrote a long back astonished by PrAja.!!  As I came across this now, wanted to share it with you all..! I really hope you would like it.  Do give it a try...


A soft hustle n bustle started as a clock in a lavish office chamber flaunted a sharp straight strings. Yes! It's 6 p.m. and people started to fly out in a mechanical rather disciplined way.

A beautiful young lady looking perfect in a black pencil skirt and stripped white shirt moved with a crowd. Her long thick black hair flew freely. She stopped in her way at the thud sound that came from the nearest cabin.

She peeped in to see a young man standing at a window, his back facing her. He ran his fingers through his soft curls. She eyed a file that was thrown on the desk forcing other papers and stuff to fall on the floor. The place looked all messed up.

There stood a handsome guy in Black formal shirt, sleeves folded and grey trousers emphasizing his fit body. She was well aware of the attitude and mood swings of one the most intelligent, tough and short tempered senior of hers.

"Excuse me" she wondered what is wrong this time. At no response "Kya hua?" she stepped in.

"Just leave" came a curt reply. She rolled her eyes.

"What's the problem?" She knew how to deal with this introvert.

"Didn't you hear me?" he asked gritting his teeth, clearly not interested to talk to her right now.

"I did...! Ab baat kya hai, batao" She was determined. A bindaas, bubbly and happy-go-lucky girl like her was not going to let go easily. She was responsible person but at times too reactive or responsive girl and more to his irritation, a chatterbox. May be that's why, he shifted her from his cabin to a new place, away. But a pure talent, as when came to a professional front, her performance did all the talking.

They may possess many different qualities but one trait they share strongly is that they both are just so stubborn...!

"None of your business" He said sternly turning to her. But she didn't move.


"Miss Ajabde Punwar, can't you just leave me alone?" his voice raised breaking her chain of thoughts.

"Mr. Pratap Singh Sisodiya" she matched his tone, now clearly into it. "It is my job and am not leaving until you tell me what's the matter" she said folding hands on her chest. 

She looked cute, even when she was angry..! She was a new joiner. Most of the times, much to his annoyance, she was paired with him to get the job done And they would everytime nail it.

He didn't have anything personally against girls, but he preferred to stay away from them as he considered them as troublemakers. And she was a perfect example of that.!

His anger kept most people away, no one dared to come in his way, unnecessarily. But she didn't care. Everyone in the office knew, these two are the only ones, who has the capacity to handle each other, without much damage! He stared at the bravery of this unique creation of god, in awe. He sat on his chair shaking head and took a deep breath giving in.

"What they think of themselves?" He finally spoke after a long pause. She waited patiently. "That initial project report you remember, that could be made in ten days, max to max in a week" he looked up at her "they want it in a couple of days" he shrugged.

A gasp let out her mouth "What the...?" she asked "You sure you heard it right?"

"Yup...There is a meeting after two days. So, they wish US to present the report there just two days" he ended emphasizing on the word us. It meant they were trapped, she was trapped in this task and he was trapped with her.

"Halwa hai kya...? Are they out of their minds? How this can happen? Do they know what this means? Why us? This is next to impossible...! This isn't a joke, right?" She started blabbering in a go. But her outburst somewhat calmed him.

"Woah woah...chill lady dabang...!" he exclaimed waving his hands to cool her down.


After a while, he stood up all composed and confident. "We have to figure it out" His posture resembled a fighter, his face shone like a man on a mission. "You only said, it is next to impossible, NOT impossible" he paused before adding "But you can back out now, if you want to"

"No. I'm in. Waise bhi, yeh kisi akele ke bas ki baat nahi... we'll crack it together." She said winking as a sudden rush of excitement ran all over her.

Unknowingly, a smile curved up his lips at her enthusiasm. How she can make any situation lighter...! It surprised her to see him smile. How his smile can wipe off any worry...! she wondered. Their eyes locked with each other feeling the all new strength to win over.!

These two individuals had variant styles of working, their own ways of getting things done. She loved to work alone while he didn't approve others easily... Jolliness was in her blood, seriousness in his vibes...

Despite of the differences in their personalities, they both were quite alike. They knew their priorities. Their punctuality, passion and hard work made them a strong team. He could be a great leader, her backing was commendable!

Realization hit them, breaking their trance. She looked away first bending down to collect and arrange all the papers and stuff that were scattered all over.

"So..." she started as he followed "What's the plan?"

"Kuch nahi..." He said placing a pile of papers in a file "We'll have to work overtime" then continued picking up some folders "as only we two are in, report areas baat lenge" she nodded and arranged the remaining stuff.

She was about to leave when he stopped her "Well, Ms. Punwar, for this project, you can work at this cabin from your desk." Her eyes widened a bit as he continued "woh, it will be easier to coordinate..." she nodded again.


"Haa, Maa...Aaj thoda late ho jaayega. Aap dinner kar lena" he heard her entering with two mugs of coffee in hands, her phone on the crook of her neck between shoulder and right ear. She put one mug on his desk and cut the call.

He looked up to see her standing there. "You take up that designing and framing" he said taking a sip from his coffee. 

Kam se kam thanks hi bol dete... she thought.

"Ms. Punwar, are you here?" he asked as she looked lost somewhere else, drinking her coffee.

"Yeah, yeah...I'm all ears" she spoke with a goofy smile.

" I'll start with costing soon. You hurry up with the layouts..." he told her what all was needed for that, It was tedious.

As she began to leave "Waise..." he said in a low voice "Coffee was good..." This words from him brought a bright smile on her face. Soon they strived on their assigned tasks.


Some hours passed quietly in a blink. They were hell tired and starving. She threw the file on the desk completing the design. He was making some calculations and typing simultaneously.

"I'm hungry..." she held her stomach and pouted like a kid.

He just simply looked at her without a word. He shook his head a little and continued working.

She looked at him with a frown and picked another file... Khata kya hai yeh Banda? Itna stamina kaha se aata hai? Bhookh lagi hai... Aur kitna kaam karega yeh yaar...? Kisi ki feelings ki kadar hi nahi...Khadoos kahi ka...

Her express of thoughts got a break as a doorbell rang. She got disturbed by this sudden intrusion of someone or something.

"Ms. Punwar, will you please open the door?" Pratap said even without looking up.

She made a face and went to the door stomping her feet, wondering who might be at this hour. She got a pleasant surprise to see a pizza delivery boy at the doorstep. She shot her head towards Pratap, whose smile made her smile wider. She took the order and returned back. 

She placed pizza box on the table and sat on the sofa opposite it. "You ordered this...?" she asked in disbelief as he joined her. "Tum khaoge?" she shifted to make a place for him to sit.

"Main bhi insaan hoon...mujhe bhi bhookh lagti hai" he sat beside her and started to open the box. Her happiness seemed no bounds when she saw pizza with her favorite toppings. It was all hot with mouthwatering flavor and smell.

"How did you know it's my favourite?" she asked amazed.

"Well, this is my favourite..." He shrugged as she just eyed it. "Waise main itna khadoos bhi nahi..." he winked taking a slice in his hand. She looked him with wide eyes Did I say it aloud?

In no time, they both devoured their food, like they had not eaten since ages. He was eating like a kid while she had her hands and mouth smudged with the pizza crumbs. He looked at the most adorable sight in front of him. The all satisfied smile that she wore, somehow made him happy. She noticed him staring her. She raised her eyebrow as he pointed towards her lips. She wiped off her face with a tissue, his stare didn't leave her. Her cheeks heated up a little.

To avoid the awkwardness she said "Um..That was delicious..." they got up "Thank you Mr. Singh". His smile lessened and he turned away saying "Let's get back to work"


She yawned a little louder. It was around midnight. He glanced at his watch. He said, his head still in the folder "Miss Punwar, you may leave. Baaki kal kar lena" in an indifferent tone.

She stood up sulking in mind as it was dark outside. 'Itni raat ko akele jaane ko bol diya...It's not that I'm afraid or anything but courtesy naam ki bhi koi cheez hoti hai ki nahi..? Arre kisiko andhera, chor-looteron se darr lag sakta hai ki nahi..? Mana mujhe nahi lagta..par' She gulped seeing her own shadow. She was lost, busy in her own world when she suddenly jerked out as a white car stopped in front of the gate of the office.

Glass of the window lowered as she looked shocked. Slowly a head peeped out "Would you like me to drop you home?"

No reply!

"Ms. Punwar?" Pratap asked coming out of the car as he saw her horrified face. She sighed in relief as she registered him. Though they didn't talk to each other much but most of the times they didn't need words to understand!

As she realized he actually was there, she didn't wait to move towards him. No matter how sadoo or akdoo he normally be, his hidden concern always made her feel around him safe?

As he held open the door for her, she simply nodded and without wasting a moment sat on the passenger seat beside him. As she got comfortable, he started the car.

The drive was rather a silent one. Some street lamps illuminated the road. Her hair played freely with the soft breeze. She looked so serene and beautiful. He couldn't help but steal glances through mirror while driving as she navigated them to her home. She got down closing the door behind.

"Be ready for tomorrow Ms. Punwar" He said thinking what else to say.

"Call me Ajabde" She softly smiled waving "Thanks for the ride! Good night Mr. Singh" He just nodded and drove off. A small smile refused to leave his face.


The next day, early morning, Pratap got ready in light pink formal shirt and brown pants,grabbing his car keys, left for the office. He was about to call the guard to open the office when he saw it already unlocked.

He stopped at the doorway of their cabin, as the mild and refreshing aroma filled the air. In a dark brown shirt and cream coloured fitted trousers, she looked stunning. She was lost in some paper, leaning over his table that she didn't notice his presence.

She turned towards her desk to take something, when her eyes fell on him, gaping at her. 'What are you doing dude?' He fumbled in mind as he realised his position and moved in

"Good Morning Ajabde!" Her eyes widened a bit on hearing her name 'So he heard me!'

"Well, it seems someone is already up" He said sitting on his chair. He sounded casual.

"G..good Morning Mr. Singh"

"Pratap" He smiled taking a folder in his hand.

"Huh?" She didn't believe her ears.

"Mr. Singh nahi, Pratap kaho" He said looking straight into her dark brown eyes.

She smiled awkwardly before going back to her desk. 'Aaj yeh Mr. Akdoo Singh ko kya hua hai? Work stress I guess!'


They had to wind up most of the report today only. He was checking the final layouts and designs she made.

"Panning documents are here. The SWOT analysis is almost complete..." She added handling him the file. She was thorough with the every tasks assigned to her.

Though he was apprehensive at first to involve her in this project, she again proved herself. He was quite impressed with her skills to handle so much pressure and burden with such ease. She loved to talk, but on professional front, her performance did all the talking!

Amidst this race with the time, with her being around, he felt the sudden urge to win over, together. Unknown to themselves, they kept on stealing glances, soothing and motivating each other every now and then.


"Ajabde" He called looking at the desktop "When you are done with the background and rest of the index sections, join me to finalize these implementation schedules."

Her heart flattered with joy as HE trusted HER to help HIM in his presentation report.

Though this whole task rather mission was too hectic, but with each other, it seemed like a piece of game. Work seemed enjoyable. The stiffness between them lessened. Now they often smiled. It felt more comfortable to stay around. They worked in a perfect sink.

She was notifying the final slides of presentation on screen while he stood behind her chair checking on overall slides and links.

"Here it goes the conclusion and Thank You..!!" She pressed enter key and it was done. They managed to complete the whole report before midnight. If not perfect, they had done satisfactory coverage and compilation. She looked up, to see him run his hand through his messy curls, eyes sleepy and happy.

"Ajabde, let me drop you home." He said walking towards door. These were the only words he spoke, after they had dinner, together.

It was a big day tomorrow. He was driving silently, looking all serious. She looked at him worried. Even she was a bit nervous. As she was unusually quiet, he got a bit tensed.

"Everythig will be alright. Just take some rest." She echoed his thoughts. She got out of the car and before leaving said sweetly "Good Night Pratap!" He felt light jitters in his stomach at her tired yet hopeful smile.

Her words were though simple, but worked wonders, leaving all his worries to peace. He smiled with twinkling eyes as he took her leave and drove off. His name do sound good! This girl has surely started affecting him and to his surprise, he didn't dislike it!!


The next morning, presentation went superb. The details and finishing they gave to the report in such a short notice, were appreciated by everyone. All the authoritative heads were present. They congratulated him with a huge round of applause "Well done Mr. Singh!" They were all praises as his face shone with a relieved and satisfied smile.

"To be honest, it was the joint effort of Miss Punwar and mine! Without her dedicated hard work and assistance, it would not have succeeded!" He smiled bringing Ajabde in front, holding her hand.

Surprise was clearly visible in her eyes as she didn't expect him, to acknowledge her, that too in front of everyone. More than this project success, that proud smile he wore, for her, made her happier!!

"You two are great together! Just the perfect team!!" The chairman said as they glanced each other all smiles then looked away.

Post that event Pratap got busy with some official formalities related to project, while Ajabde went to her former desk to catch and cover up her ongoing tasks, which she could not attend due to this urgent presentation. Rest of the day felt a bit dull, as they were neither around nor seen each other after winning that mission!

Slowly and unknowingly they entered others' professional as well as personal space.! The difference between them was slowly vanishing. His glances and silent stares had started to feel comfortable. While with her enthusiasm and charm, work felt more like home!


Later that evening, Pratap entered his cabin when Ajabde was cleaning her desk and stopped, as his smile turned into a slight frown.

She stood up filing the last bunch of papers in a folder "Pratap, accha hua aap aa gaye..." She walked upto him "Aapko batana tha, yeh iss project ke working papers ki file hai. Rest of the reports and documents ke folders yaha rakhe hai" She pointed at the right hand side corner of the shelf and continued "Isse bhi main files ke saath hi rakh deti hoon...aapko aasani hogi"

"Tum mujhe yeh sab kyun bata rahi ho?" He eyed her questioningly "You look after them, right?

"Haa..Nahi...Yeh to just in case if you need these, when I'm not around!" She looked away a little uneasy "Waise bhi ab to mission bhi poora hua, I'll move back to my old place." His eyes widened a bit as her voice lowered

"Isiliye I arranged these before leavin"

"No, you can't leave me!" He exclaimed ignoring her last words, frowning. " are not done here Ms. Punwar" She looked up at the word as he continued "I'm your senior, you can't go anywhere until I ask you to"

He handed her an envelope as she stared it blankly. Unsure, she opened it as he said with a proud smile

"OUR New Mission...!!" He pointed his hand towards her then him and back at her.

The letter awarded their team with a new responsibility to present a paper at and help in organizing the upcoming National Summit for young professionals. It was a perfect boon for their career. A Perfect dream project for their Perfect Team..!!!

She got so excited and so damn happy that almost jumped on him. He was taken aback at first then chuckled at her antics and lightly put his hands on her shoulders.

The clock rang declaring the leaving time as all the routine hustles started. But two hearts thumped excited, ready to start the new journey for more new missions, together!!! They pulled back as he asked softly,

"Ajab! Ghar chale...?"


So how is it?

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