Chapter 49- Rothe-Roothe

11 months ago

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Chapter 49


Happy? Now leave” and he closed the washroom door

He stood still, in front of the mirror for long, his both hands on the sink. After a long time of looking blankly in the mirror, he closed his eyes and threw his head back.

What was he doing, he didn’t know. She has hurt him and he was hurting her in return. At the face level, it looked like this but hurting her can never be the targeted intent of his action.

And he knew, no one else but only she knew why he was behaving the way he is. People keep hurting him, but that has never bothered him. He never stops loving his loved ones because they hurt him. His loved ones hurting themself is what hurts him. 

He let the tap on and let the water flow. The sound of water can help him distract from the over thinking tons of thoughts going on in his brain. His acts towards her, her stupid act of stunt and imagination of what all could have happened  etc. etc. The water sound doesn’t help and fades away in the loud commotion going within him. He stripped himself, slowly letting everything off him. Lost, he keeps looking at his  nude self in the mirror. After a long time of standing still, he goes to the shower area and lets the cold water run over him, trying hard that the cold water will wash away the confusion and heat of thoughts he was going through.

Maan opened the door of the washroom, lost in his own thoughts, not even imagining that she would still be there.  

Geet turned with a smile as she heard the click of the door and there appeared Maan, with his wet body, towel wrapped around his waist.

She smiled at him, he narrowed his brows together. He kept looking at her as she took slow steps towards him. She closed to him and stood exactly in front of him, raised her hand and placed it on his wet shoulder. Maan closed his eyes. Already confused with so much emotion, Maan did not want any more, at least at this moment. He gathered all strength to shoo her away

“Move” he said as he opened his eyes to look sternly into hers. But Geet moved even closer to him, making him back his step and hit the wall. Geet glued herself to him, placed her palms on his either ones and lifted them together on either side of his head. She looked into his eyes, smiled and placed a peck on his lips 

“Why are you wasting your time here?”

“Such a wonderful world in front of me and you say I am wasting my time” she winked with a smile and placed a kiss on his semi wet chest, inhaling his fragrance  deeply.

“Don’t test my patience, Geet” She ignored his warning and placed her soft pink petals on his strong muscled front and gave several kisses there, making him gather all his energy to control the wild desire she was raising within him

“Geet, move, I need to dress. I have important meeting whole day”

She placed her head on his chest. Maan closed his eyes. This girl is always so stubborn and never listens to him.

“Tell me you don’t love me” She asked with her eyes closed on his bare chest

“listen, I don’t have time to talk on childish topic” 

She looked at him sensually, released his one hand and brought hers to caress his cheeks

“Tell me I am no more part of your soul” she looked at his eyes, the pool of love in her eyes was capable of shaking him. He was working hard to keep himself aloof from her and she was making it harder. 

His anger rose and next her arm was twisted behind her back and she was turned to have their position reversed and glued to the wall while he stood in front of her. In trying hard to control his waving heart, his hold on her arm increased

“You really know how to break the string of my patience” his anger filled face digged on hers

“Aaah… Maan” she winced her eyes and he immediately loosened his grip. Geet looked at him and smiled

“I want to enjoy our marriage,” she pouted. 

He left her “Go, who is stopping you. Leave me in peace” and he turned to get his clothings on. Geet ran and hugged him from behind

“You know I can’t survive your anger. How will we enjoy our marriage if you are so upset?” She placed kisses on his back, again sending sensations through him

“Why does it matter? I am the last person of your concern”

“My all concerns start and end with you. I breathe for you, as if you don’t know that”

“And that is why it does not matter to you if anything hurts me”

“Your hurt hurts me ten times more. I was not scared to go to that person at all but I was dying each moment with the feeling of hurting you, lying to you. You are my start and my end. It was the toughest task for me, not because of fear from him but from the fear of pain it will induce you.” she rolled her hands from back to his front, sliding them up to his shoulders, gripping them from her soft palms as she glued her front completely to his bare back.

“And you hid everything from the person you think you are part of. All your talk sounds so hollow, so shallow. Your words don’t match your acts. But it’s okay, I will survive this deceit. But don’t expect same the Maan anymore”

She left him and moved to his front “ look into my eyes and tell me, I am lying, that I am not part of your soul, tell me that you don’t believe I breathe for you that I live for you, that you don’t love me, that I don’t love you, tell me that we are not already one, tell me” and she pushed him and slid on her knees, her tears dripped on the floor, tearing his heart again. Maan knew, his anger was something that triggered her restlessness.

“Answers to all this doesn’t matter Geet when you went to meet that man and not to forget, you did it behind my back, lying to me”

Maan left to get his shirt and pants and closed the dresser room to get dressed. He took his own time to get dressed so as to delay coming out. Though he knew she would still be in the room. 

In all their talks, his eyes have not missed the thin medical adhesive bands on her wrists. First he had been scared that she had done it in her madness. But then in that case it would have not been nursed. Ohh… how well he knew her. He then remembers, him breaking her bangles on her wrists and that thought made pain run down him.

“Why does this girl not leave me in peace?” he sighed in frustration.

Maan came out, saw her, ignored and moved towards the door of the room. Geet ran and closed the door and locked the knob from inside

“Nakul brought your breakfast and coffee in the room.” she announced. He ignored her and turned to move towards his study. Geet ran and closed his study 

“No meetings. It’s our marriage time, it is your personal time for me”

“Don’t make me throw you out of the room forcefully”

“You cannot. Workers are all around this area doing house decorations”

Maan sighed in frustration, turned to face the window, threading his hair.

He turned to her, shook his head negating her stay there and took his breakfast and coffee

“What are you trying to do? What do you expect from me? ” Geet settled on chair near his and held his palms in hers

 “I did not go there as your Geet, Maan. I simply went there as Annie’s sis in law. Don’t I have rights to do for Annie? She was seeking my help and I should have declined? tell me”

“I was there. Was I not? You could have not told me when you know how ….?”

“How his name boils your blood.” She completed his sentence. “And that is the reason I did not tell you. You would have stopped me and Annie would have never trusted our words for Rohan”

“I would have dealt it, had you talked to me”

“I know how you would have dealt. It would have never solved the problem. Tell me what would you have done, had I told you”

“It was already done from my side. I had already cleared it to Annie, Rohan was not an option. She had to forget him.”

“Okay and then? She would have been unhappy. She would have been disappointed in her brother, in you. I could not see Annie, who you love so much, be disappointed in you. I cannot see anyone in this world being disappointed in you. You are the best, you are perfect. I cannot bear anyone, whom you love so much, think otherwise for you. Today she is so proud of you.” Geet smiled with satisfaction.

Maan did not know what to say to this girl. In her madness for him, she did things which hurt him. She could always place herself in danger for him and that was not acceptable for Maan. It pained him most. The thought shivered him. He knew, the moment he is back soft on her, she will take their relationship for granted and always be ready to risk herself. Anyone can exploit her in his name. 

The only solution he found for this was, keep her busy thinking of his mood, so she does not dare to put her life further in danger in any case.

“Hogaya, done. You think you did a great job. Then be happy and enjoy our marriage functions with Annie. And don’t forget Dadima, she, as well, is very happy with you now.”

Maan dialed a number on his phone and got busy in conversation, leaving Geet on her own. He needed to end it before this girl got his emotions out.

Geet was in her room, trying to find her dress to impress. Impress who? Her world, who was ‘rootha rootha sa’ on her. It was all her fault and his anger was nowhere wrong. She deserves all his anger. But then she also knew, once he cools down, he will regret not enjoying their most awaited moment with her. 

She was ready to take all his anger and ready to pamper all her life. But for now, she cannot let go of these moments he had been dreaming of with her.

Maan had locked his room the whole day and announced to everyone that there is a big takeover going on and he should not be disturbed. 

None had courage but Dadima tried to interrupt. But Maan had his ways to decline her resistance

“This takeover plan is going on for a year. Big chunk of my employees all over different branches have been working hard for this. You decided on early marriage dates without discussing it with me. We will have to go this way”

“Think about Geet. This is how you want to enter new life with the girl you love so much”

“Geet loves me a lot. She understands my priorities more than anyone, right Geet?” He turned to Geet. It was answer to Dadima as well as his taunt on Geet  But Geet could not deny his words publicly

“Dadima I am fine. It’s a big takeover and I understand Maan needs to focus. And you all are making it so special for me” She said to convince everyone”

“See, you all are here for her. If only I am not there, it should not affect her” He again taunted Geet. She looked at him with pleading eyes but he left.

That whole day, Geet had no option but bedragged for shopping by Meera, Annie and Richa. 

The next day, Geet woke up early. 

Maan was on his call when his laptop was closed and the phone threw on the bed. He looked up to see Geet in her shorts and galiced top, high pony, standing in front of him.

“Not again” he sighed. She turned his chair and settled on his lap, her both legs on either side and wrapped her hands around his neck

“It’s our marriage Maan. I want to enjoy it with you” she pouted, sending electrifying effect through him 

“Go then. Who is stopping you?” He said, trying to be straight-faced. He was upset, very upset with her but this girl had art with him, capable of making his heart slip.

“Everyone’s out for some reason, just two days before marriage, such a wonderful chance, you now don’t wanna romance with me?”  she asked, pouting her face, coming even closer to him and cupping his face.

Geet kept looking at his face, cupping it in her palms, not letting him turn away. Maan was wanting hard to move her away, break the string of emotions she was trying to bind stronger but he was failing, failing hard. Whole day of struggling yesterday has weakened him in a way. He had to come up with a way to send her off. But before he could gather ways to do so, she placed her lips on his, bit his lips and pushed her tongue inside his, leading to break all his patience. He grabbed her hair harshly in his fist and trashed his tongue inside hers. He completely overtook her, picked her up and threw her in the bed

“Romance chahiye?” he asked cunningly

Geet knew, it’s not going to be a lovey dovey one. He was on fire that she had instigated . But she was ready to burn to calm him down. She cutely nodded for yes

Maan jumped on top of her, pinned her hands on top of her head, grabbing both in his one fist. Thrashed his lips on hers, pushing his tongue inside hers, his other hand inside her shirt. 

The scene of  her lying unconscious, helpless in front of that ba***rd, flashed in front of his eyes. His anger rose and the same got poured on her as he nibbled her lips hard, sucked them and crushed her curves tight on his fist. Her hands being rubbed by his tight hold. Geet took it all. It pained as he pinched her tightened tips hard but she let it be taking it all in passion, letting him pour his built up anger and pain.

But that same pain slowly turned into passion as Maan went into rhythm. Her top was thrown, as he kept nibbling and sucking her madly. 

“Ahhh Maan” Geet called out of passion when he unbuttoned her shorts, causing in breaking his trance. He immediately left her and then saw the condition she was in. Maan turned and threaded his hair in frustration of his deed.

“Get dressed and leave” Geet could not see him in guilt. It was all her fault and she was helping him pour it out.

“LEAVE!!! Suna nahi” he roared. But Geet got up and hugged him

“I love you. You have all the rights on me. I am yours Maan. You just…..” 

“Why don’t you ever listen to me. Just go, let me be in peace” he roared in frustration and guilt.

“You are looking for peace, away from me?” Maan had no answer and he did not even wish to answer. He took her clothes, threw them on her. “Get Dressed” he said and left the room. Later when he came, he again locked the room. The merger program on the other end was actually going on in full swing. It will raise their ladder up in the ranking.

Thus two days passed, but his rough take on her, her continuous try of pleasing him, his deep love for her within him was all eventually melting Maan. But his fear of her again repeating the same, his imagination of Rohan placing hands on her, were not letting him open up. 

The next day would be a function for Sangeet and Mehndi. Geet was in her room with her Mom and Sister. She was obviously getting lectures from them on how she should take care of family and Maan’s wishes. But at this moment all that was circling on her head was Maan.

It was dinner time and Dadima had instructed that everyone should gather in the main dining area today as the next two days are going to be super busy. 

Maan also had to stop his work and meetings as Dadima gave him warning in anger.

After dinner, Geet went out to look for her ‘Mahiya’ but he was nowhere to be found. His room was luckily open but he was not there

“Geet ma’am, sir is the last room on east end”

“hmm.. I was not looking for him” Nakul laughed and left.

Nakul was the only one who knew of the ‘Rothna Manana’ war that was going on.

Geet walked towards the room. How had she not realized where he would be?

“What do I do with her uncle? Your princess is hell bent on making me crazy. When I want her to talk everything to me, she keeps away and now when I ask her to keep away, she does not give a minute of peace”

Maan was sitting on his knees near Mohinder

“She is your crazy ” he paused, as he could only speak a little at a time, and then proceeded for the next part. “What do I say between you two? ” Mohinder said, threading his finger on Maan’s hair.

Maan took a chair and sat beside him “I am sorry to trouble you with my worries uncle but what to do, I am so confused with her”

Mohinder kept thinking for a while “ If you have any second thought about going into this marriage,” He paused again

“Uncle No. I can’t think of leaving her on her own. The quicker she is in my life, I hope I have some control on her acts. Everything was going so well and this girl simply pushed me far.”

He paused, lost in thought “So far” he murmured to himself

Geet entered the room to see her two favorite men in conversation “Dad” Geet came and hugged Mohinder. Maan got up to go. 

“Dad, I will be back” She gave another quick hug to her dad and ran behind Maan.

Geet was able to catch him in his room. She was quick to again close the door and run to hug him. Her hug sent sudden relief to his confused soul.  She placed her head on his chest “I want my naughty Maan back. I want to enjoy my marriage function with my trouble Maan” she complained, tearing his heart. What could he do? One side she has pushed him so far and other side she was trying endlessly to win his heart.

Making her run after him was never his wish, he had always wanted to pamper her and run after her, fulfilling her small and big wishes. But in these two months he has worked hard to close his heart. Never realized things will be so hard when he comes close to her. But he was not able to open up in old ways. It will take him time to gain that trust again.

Geet looked up at him and pouted, circling her hand around his neck “I have let my Maan down.” She looked down

“I for once thought, I will be able to do something for my Maan. My Maan, who does everything for me, for everyone. But I am so useless, I made a mess again, just like I had always done since childhood. I wanted to be useful” She placed her head on his chest and he felt a tear drop on his hand

He lifted his hand, which got another tear drop and cupped her face. 

“I was happy with your mere presence, was that not enough? You were my ‘sukoon’, was that not enough. Who were you trying to prove? To me? itna fasla kab aa gaya that you have to prove yourself to me?”

“I failed?” 

“You didn’t fail in your mission. You exposed him to Annie. She knows his truth, which was very important” 

“But you are not happy and this mad at me, it is my failure” 

This was all being unbearable for Maan. Was he being too harsh on her? Was he again giving her pain in saving himself? Can he not try to absorb the pain within himself? He has to. The way she got affected by his anger was scaring him. He could not let her down for her genuine effort that she did put for him.

“You wanted to prove yourself, you did successfully. What else do you want ?t”

“Now, the only thing I want in this world is your happiness. Nothing else matters to me anymore. Your wish is above all for me. I die each breath I take when you are troubled around me, when your heart is in pain”

“Shhhh…” he placed finger on her lips

“I don’t know how easy it will be for me now, but I will try to trust you one more time. Just because each time I say ‘No’ to you, a thousand needles pierces in my heart. But if it happens ever again, trust me I will go very far away Geet”

Geet placed her finger immediately on his lips “Don’t say. I will die”

“Stop saying that. Bol raha hoon na, koshish karoonga” She hugged him tight

“Nothing above you”

“Yeah.. and that is where you slip and scare me”  “Promise, I won’t ever hide anything from you, ever-ever!!”

This is a big chapter around 3700 words. Everyone is supposed to give comments and bigger comments this time. 🤗

Here you go with super big chapter. Actually a lot of blabbering😆.

I want everyone to give me comment for this chapter and bigger comments. Even if you are comfortable in other language, please put comment in your language. But request all to put a comment.

Next chapter for those who like and comment😊




tellyme2023-08-24 01:37:48

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Comments (10)

Hope, geet will keep her promise not to hide anything from maan bcoz of that s o called dadoma, sorry to say. But I don't like this dadi anymore who knows geet is everything for maan. Then why she keep condition on her

7 days ago

Amazing chapter loved it

11 months ago

Just finished reading love Ff. Waiting for update

11 months ago

Awesome. Can feel the pain. Very well written

11 months ago

Such a beautiful written story. We can feel their pain

11 months ago

Awesome part ❤️
Both are in pain 😔
Geet trying hard to mannofy him
🥺,in anger he hurt more, sometimes we take decisions for our love once but hurt someone too,❤️
Thank you for lovely part ❤️

11 months ago
