Chapter 39

~NiKkY~ Thumbnail



i feel so bad for not posting no pm scene so i will post a scene rite now Big smile

part 34

next day~
it was pm anniversery so party time!!!!!

mukit was getitng ready up in her room when a warm pair of hands grabbed her waist.
p:happy anniversery!
mukti smiled:thanks love.
prem:basanti today u will not wear this plain sari okay i got u a sari that u have to wear!

he showed mukti the sari...

mukti's jaw dropped:i can't wear that!
mukti:ti's so revaling!
mukti:i dont have the body for it.
p:mukti.......i don't care how ur body is u look grea in anythign and i know that!you'll look great i promise!i wouldn't have got it for u if i kne wit wouln look great on u!

he led mutki to the washroom and she changed.she came out of the washroom and she looked gorgeuse!

prem:See what did u tell u?

he came close to her and gave her a hug.

p:u know that u look hotter then anygirl in some little miniskirt!u r beutifull!happy anniversery my sexy wife!

prme looke dinto he reyes and mukti started to tears up.prme was the best ever she thougt to her self.

she gave him a little kiss on the cheak.a tear rolled down her face.

prem:mukti don't cry ur makeup will smudge!!!

he wipped her tears of her face.

he hugged her.then they both heard thei baby priya crying.

mukti:i am sorry prem we have to get her ready too!

prme gave her a little pekc on he rlips as she walked off to get priya ready!
i know i know it was very short!but i updated 2 times today so hope u enjoy!comments guys!!!!!!!!

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Comments (3)

Loved the Prem mukti scene.

8 months ago

hey that was agreat update plzz continue soon!!! (Belated) Eid Mubarak!

16 years ago

nice one. this part was so romantic. Man, i just love those scenes where he creeps up behind her. It so romantic

16 years ago
