Chapter 40

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Hey guys, here's the next part of you which is the final part of the Grad ball! I hope you guys enjoy it, next part will be graduation.

Chapter 38:

Naina and Yudi walked over to join their friends excitedly, Yudi swapping high fives with the rest of the guys while Naina hugged Neelu and Pooja, and said hi to Huda's date, a girl from their batch named Leila.

"Everybody is looking so gorgeous in their new covers tonight!" Pooja gushed.

"So Pooja, I hear that we have a double reason to celebrate tonight." Neelu said with a grin, having already heard the news from Alekh.

"That's right! Four days after graduation is Ali's and my engagement and you had all better put it in your reminder lists!" Pooja told them, while Ali just smiled happily.

"Pooja, could any of us ever miss your engagement?" Naina asked her, "We wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"And yes, Naina, make sure that you tell your personal signal to come along too." Pooja said with a wink.

"What?" Leila asked, obviously confused, while Ali gave Pooja a look to say that she had said too much and Naina began coughing in shock.

"Nothing darling, shall we dance?" Huda asked her, and quickly took his date away from there before Pooja could say anything else that might reveal the truth.

Pooja made a small face to say she was sorry, but Naina just laughed, not as nervous now that it was their graduation tomorrow. After that she'd have nothing left to fear, nothing except her parents that is.

"Well guys, how about if we go and dance too?" Yudi asked them, "The music is quite good so why waste it?"

They were playing quite fast songs at the moment that all of the cadets could dance to quite easily.

"Exactly! This is my type of ring tone!" Pooja announced excitedly and dragged Ali off to the dance floor.

Shrugging, Alekh followed them, holding Neelu's hand.

"Well, Naina?" Yudi asked her.

Naina found herself glancing towards Raj, she wished that they could dance together and hoped that he wouldn't mind her dancing with her friends. Since Raj had been looking at her already, he noticed as soon as Naina looked in his direction and smiled, nodding as if to tell her to go and have fun.

"Sure, Yudi!" Naina told him with a grin, "Let's get this party started!"

Meanwhile, Raj was wishing that he was enjoying the party as much as the cadets seemed to be. The music was a bit too fast for any of the teachers to feel it was appropriate to dance at the moment, so they were standing around talking instead.

"You're bored, aren't you?" Shalini whispered to him.

"Well, uh, I mean, no…"

"Well I am too." Shalini replied, "I wish we could join them on the dance floor."

"Tonight's their night," Raj replied, "As long as they're having fun, that's all that matters."

"Exactly!" she replied, "But I can't wait for BC to announce the Best Cadet award, I really am excited to find out who it is."

"I'm feeling nervous," Raj admitted, "I really hope that Naina has won it."

"Don't worry, she's sure to." Shalini told him reassuringly, "She did well in all of her exams, and she's put in the most work out of everybody this year."

Raj nodded, just hoping that Shalini was right.

He was happy just watching Naina dancing, seeing her enjoy herself with her friends. He didn't get to watch her peacefully this way too often, and he loved seeing the smile on her face, the happiness in her eyes. He would do anything to ensure that she always stayed happy this way, untouched by any sorrow.

Raj noticed Suriji whisper something to Lolitaji, who smiled and nodded and then he disappeared. Raj thought that he knew exactly what was going on, and he was proved right when Suriji returned along with some Bhangra drummers and began singing. He was clapping along and enjoying himself when he suddenly saw Yudi and Huda run out of the crowd of dancers and towards him and Shalini.

"Oh no," he started to tell them, "I can't…"

"That's right, Sir!" Huda replied cheerfully, "You can't refuse tonight!" And grabbing hold of Raj's wrist, while Yudi grabbed Shalini's they dragged them both into the crowd of dancers. When Huda released him suddenly, Raj felt himself stumble forward slightly, bumping against Naina. Seeing the grin on the boy's face, Raj felt that this had definitely been on purpose, but he didn't mind at all.

Naina gave Raj an apologetic look, knowing that he wasn't used to dancing to this type of music. But looking at the dancing, happy cadets around him, as well as Suriji, Lolitaji and Shalini who were all dancing, Raj decided that it wouldn't hurt to get involved either. As soon as he started doing bhangra moves, Naina gasped in surprise, covering her mouth with her hands and laughing. Raj gave her a look that clearly said, 'what, you thought that I couldn't do it?' and knocked his shoulder against hers to tell her to get dancing.

Naina wasn't quite sure how to dance the Bhangra in a sari, but she did her best, circling around Raj, before playfully bumping against him with her shoulder multiple times. Both of them forgot to worry about people watching them, instead enjoying dancing with each other and getting into the spirit of the dance.

They had all been dancing together for some time, and Raj was getting completely involved in the music when suddenly the drums stopped and he heard BC's voice.

"I'm glad to see you all enjoying yourselves so much, including our faculty members." He announced with a smile, and Raj and Shalini grinned at each other, knowing that BC didn't mind them dancing with the cadets.

"Tonight is a special night because it's your last night in KMA." BC announced, "Tomorrow after your graduation ceremony you will all be leaving for your homes, and then after one month will join your respective duties. For the last two years we have tried to make you capable and good soldiers, and I know that we have succeeded in our duty."

All of the cadets cheered at this, and BC waited for them to quiet down before continuing. "I hope that you will all bring honour to the name of KMA while serving your country. Tonight we are going to celebrate you all becoming proud protectors of India, and tonight I also have the pleasure of announcing the best cadet award. That cadet who has particularly excelled in all of their studies and training, and been an example to us all."

Naina hadn't even noticed when she'd grabbed Raj's hand, squeezing it. She was nervous, hoping that the award would go to her. However if it had gone to any of her friends then she would've been equally happy. Raj was so caught up in the excitement that he didn't even care if anybody was looking at them, he held Naina's hand as they waited for the announcement. However both Pooja and Alekh noticed, and positioned themselves so that anybody looking at the pair wouldn't realise they were holding hands.

"In this past two years, one particular cadet has stood out for their determination, their courage and their dedication to KMA's motto, strength and honour. I'm sure that all of you have guessed who I'm talking about by now, that cadet is Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia!" Brigadier Chandook announced and a huge cheer went up in the hall. Naina was quite popular among the cadets, as everybody admired what she had been through to reach this point and how she had never abandoned her beliefs even in the worst of times.

Turning to face Raj, Naina's eyes glowed with excitement, and unable to help himself, he hugged her tightly, lifting her up off the ground. Realising a moment too late what he had done, he quickly put her back down and the rest of Naina's friends started hugging her and congratulating her.

"So would Cadet Naina Singh Ahluwalia please come to the stage to receive her award." BC requested, and Naina quickly made her way to the stage, making sure that she didn't trip on her sari on the way because of the excitement.

Happily, she accepted her trophy from BC, who then gestured to her that she should say something. Naina was a bit stunned, while she had hoped to win, she had never been confident enough to actually prepare a speech.

"Hi guys," she started off, "Well for the past two years we've lived and trained together, and I can say with certainty that I know we're all going to miss each other a lot once we've all gone to our new posts. I know that all of us are going to prove to everybody that KMA really is the best!" This comment was met by another huge cheer. "If I've gotten this award, then it's not because I'm better than any other cadet." Naina announced a bit emotionally, surprising everybody. "It's only because of the support and good wishes of my friends, who have stood by me in every difficult moment." Then her eyes sought out Raj in the crowd, "And because I've had a mentor like Major Rajveer who has shown me what the true meaning of a good soldier is."

Saying this, she stood back from the microphone and left the stage, as everybody in the hall began to clap and cheer.

"Congratulations, Cadet Ahluwalia." Brigadier Chandook told her, "I'm very proud of you."

"Well Sir, how about a dance then?" Naina asked him with a smile, "You had told me that you would dance with me when we were at the fresher's ball, and now it's the graduation ball. I don't want to lose my opportunity."

Hearing from a distance, Raj raised his eyebrows, amazed and a little proud of Naina's confidence.

"Well alright Cadet Ahluwalia, how can I refuse?" BC replied, smiling at her in a very fatherly way, "One dance won't do any harm."

The DJ started up some very formal music, and BC began to dance with Naina as they chatted politely about KMA, her brother Navin and her plans for the future.

As Raj watched proudly, tears of happiness welling up in his eyes, Shalini leaned over. "Congratulations, Major." She told him. "Your cadet is the best cadet."

"My cadet has always been the best cadet." Raj told her with a grin, "Now Shalini, would you like to dance?"

Smiling, she accepted, and they made their way out to the dance floor where they were soon joined by other pairs.

When the music was over, BC walked over to where Raj and Shalini were standing, and Naina followed him.

"Well Major, I feel that I should congratulate you as well." BC told Raj, "After all, it's your protg that has become best cadet."

"Thank you, Sir." Raj replied, "I really am very proud of her. I always knew that she could do it."

"Why don't you dance with Cadet Singh, Major Shekawat?" Brigadier Chandook asked him, while Raj tried not to look astonished.

"Well Sir, I…"

"Really, you can't refuse tonight of all nights. After all, your protg has just won the best cadet award."

"Well Sir, if you say so…" Raj said seriously, hiding his happiness very well. Then bowing down slightly, he extended his hand towards Naina. "Cadet Singh, would you do me the pleasure of dancing with me?"

"Of course Sir, I would be honoured." Naina replied seriously, even as her eyes twinkled at him. She placed her hand in his, and together they walked to the dance floor, then facing each other. Raj lost no time in turning her to face him, and taking one of her hands in his, he placed the other on her waist, on the side which was not covered by her sari. Feeling his hand settle on her skin, Naina gave Raj a stern look.

"Brigadier Chandook is watching, you know." She informed him.

"Brigadier Chandook is the one who told me to dance with you." He informed her with a grin. Knowing that Raj was trying to tease her, Naina just smiled back, shaking her head slightly in amusement.

Slowly they began to dance, their moves similar to the time when Raj had taught her dancing in the empty mess before the fresher's ball. Naina noticed Yudi asking Dr Shalini to dance, and the pair come out to the dance floor and she smiled approvingly. Soon many couples had joined them, but it was obvious to everybody watching who the best pair on the dance floor were.

"So tonight is my last night as your cadet." Naina informed him.

"You'll always be my cadet, Naina." Raj told her, gazing down at her with such adoration and love in his eyes, that Naina's breath caught in her throat.

"Then will I have to keep calling you Sir for the rest of my life?" Naina joked, as Raj twirled her out and then back towards him again.

"Only if we're both at work." Raj told her seriously, "Otherwise I would prefer you to call me Raj. I don't think I've ever liked my name as much as I do when you say it."

"Well I do like calling you Raj better," Naina told him, "But I think I'll miss you calling Cadet Naina 'Ah' Singh."

"What about Naina 'Ah' Singh Shekawat?" Raj asked her casually, and Naina was so surprised that she stumbled slightly, only managing not to fall because Raj tightened his grip on her waist.

"Are you…" she asked incredulously.

"Not officially," Raj told her with a smile, amused by her reaction, "When I do it officially it will be a lot more stylishly than this."

"Then…." Naina let the statement trail off questioningly, wanting to hear him say it.

"Then it should be understood between us." Raj told her, pulling her closer so that they were dancing even more intimately, "That one day you'll be Naina 'Ah' Singh Shekawat."

Naina couldn't help smiling, and feeling a little shy at the same moment. She had known that they would get married eventually, but she hadn't expected him to bring up the topic just yet.

"I think that sounds good," she told him quietly, looking downwards as she smiled. She couldn't see Raj's expression but she could feel his happiness.

The music ended, and Raj dipped her down, bringing her up again quickly and leaving her slightly dizzy.

After this Naina went back to her friends, and Raj to the faculty members, but for the rest of the night they kept glancing at each other and smiling secretly.

Tomorrow would be their next big test, tomorrow when Naina's parents came to her graduation, she would see how they reacted to Raj's presence.

No matter what happened, their secret agreement would give her the inner strength to do whatever was necessary and to overcome whatever obstacles stood in her way.

Naina smiled, the name Naina 'Ah' Singh Shekawat did have a certain style to it.

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Comments (4)

the ball ws really cool ....i liked the scene wen alekh n pooja shielded raj n naina....that ws good...alekh truly understands naina....nd then raj lifted .... finally aour naina is best cadet.... updt cr.

17 years ago

aww!! I'm surely gonna miss her & the rest being cadets!! But eager to see their lives after KMA! =D It was extremely cute, almost near perfection!

17 years ago

fab..part yaar.cant wait to read about graduation.......i hope nainas parents accept themmm

17 years ago

Awesome part.... i luved the naina 'ah' singh shekawat bit!!!

17 years ago
