Chapter 15

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Hey guys, thanks for the nice comments. Here's another long update for you!

Chapter 13 **

"Cadet Singh, can I ask what you're doing coming out of a faculty member's room at this time of the morning?" he asks her, practically smirking at being able to find her in such a compromising situation.

"Well, uh, Major Nair," It was too early in the morning and Naina wasn't really awake enough yet to think of a wonderful excuse, "Sir, I'm here because…"

"Because I asked you to check on Captain Rajveer, right Cadet?"

Naina breathed a sigh of relief, trying not to let Major Nair know how much she had been panicking until Doctor Shalini turned up.

"Actually Major, I saw Cadet Naina a few minutes ago on her way to the showers and asked her if she would mind checking on Captain Rajveer for me, I hope you don't mind." She raised an eyebrow at the Major, daring him to call her a liar. "So Cadet Singh, is Captain Rajveer awake yet?"

"Yes Ma'am," Naina told her, sounding perfectly sincere now that she was over her initial shock. "When I went in he was awake so I was on my way to find you when the Major stopped me."

"Excellent, Cadet Singh." Shalini told her proudly "Well since I'm already here, why don't you go and tell Suriji to make something good for the Captain for breakfast and send it in."

Naina left as quickly as possible, not wanting to stick around with Major Nair for too long. She was sure that Suriji would also be happy to know that Captain Rajveer was awake and would immediately order something special cooked for him…

"So Major, any problems?" Shalini asked him, trying her best to sound innocent.

"Just what exactly is the Captain suffering from, Doctor, that you're sending Cadets to check on him?"

"Well actually, Major, Captain Rajveer has been on special duty for the past four days and is currently suffering from exhaustion. I was waiting for him to wake up before giving him a check up. Now if you'll excuse me…"

And leaving Major Nair behind, she headed into Captain Rajveer's room and closed the door behind her.

"Captain?" she called out, knocking on the wall to let him know she was there.

"You can come in, Doctor!" He called out and she came into the bedroom to find him sitting on the side of the bed, running his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make it behave.

He looked tired, but not as pale as he had the day before, or as exhausted. Shalini guessed that all he would need was a bit more rest than usual for a week or so but she wanted to check him anyway.

"B.P. Captain." She said, showing him the instrument which she had carried with her.

Raj shot her a look which said he had known this would be what she wanted.

"It's normal procedure, Captain." She told him in a no nonsense tone, "You're just going to have to let me take it."

"Doctor, we both know that the only thing wrong with me is too little sleep and there's only one thing that can cure that."

Watching the display on the machine, Shalini commented "And probably not enough food for the past few days too, am I right?" Without even waiting for an answer she continued, "I've sent Naina to Suriji to ask him to make you a good breakfast."

"Uh, Naina?" Raj said, a sudden look of panic coming on his face, as if he wasn't sure exactly how much Shalini knew.

"Yes, Naina. Luckily I arrived here just as Major Nair was interrogating her about what she was doing coming out of your room at this hour. I told him that I had sent her."

Raj gave a sigh of relief, "Thanks Doc, or else god knows what he would've made of it."

"So… Cadet Singh came to check on you rather early." Shalini said innocently, trying to find out what was really going on.

Rajveer started to look distinctly uncomfortable, as if he wasn't quite sure how to reply to Shalini's statement. "She, uh, I think she's been waiting for me to tell her about what happened. After all, it's about her brother…" Now please stop asking questions, he silently begged her, just forget about this.

"Oh, I wouldn't sell yourself that short, Captain." Shalini said with a smile, "I think she was quite worried about you too, or she probably wouldn't have fallen asleep here."

Raj's mouth dropped, not believing what the doctor had just said.

"Shalini, she, uh… no, no she didn't."

"It's alright, Captain." She smiled at him mischievously "Your secret is safe with me. Now I'd best be going so that you can have a shower before your breakfast arrives."

Raj decided to take her advice, luckily he'd been able to take some spare clothes with him when he left, as he'd suspected that he wouldn't be coming back for awhile. But he hadn't showered since the day before yesterday and he wanted to feel fresh before he had to recount the events of the past week. He had been so exhausted when he arrived back, that he can't even remember what he said or did after reaching KMA. He remembers that Naina came to his room, he told her he had been successful, and she had helped him to his room. But after that… it was all a big blank. He hadn't said anything he shouldn't have, had he? He certainly hoped not.

He had woken earlier than he should've this morning, probably due to the fact that he was a very light sleeper and wasn't at all used to having someone else in his bed. When he had awoken it had panicked him at first until he turned to his side and saw Naina, her face lit up by the soft glow of the lamp she had obviously forgotten to turn off the night before. His arm had been trapped beneath her but he hadn't minded in the least, just content to watch her and inhale her scent. He wished she had stayed asleep for longer, but he just hadn't been able to resist tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and it had felt like silk under his fingers. It had been a struggle to stop himself putting his hand on her waist, where her kurta had slipped from its place, exposing her skin. He had so badly wanted to touch her, that it had been difficult to stop himself only at her hair.

Her embarrassment at waking up in his bed had been endearingly cute, if only she knew that he would love to wake up beside her every day in this way…

Smiling to himself at the thought, Raj grabbed a towel and headed towards the shower.


After informing Suriji that Captain Rajveer was awake and would need some breakfast, Naina had hurried to shower and dress so that she could see him again before classes started for the day. Her first session for the day was free study, so she would have until 10am to speak with him about what had happened while he was away.

Coming back to the room after her shower to change into her uniform, Naina found Pooja looking at her knowingly.

"So missed call, where were you last night?"

Naina laughed in an embarrassed way, there was no point in trying to hide anything from Pooja, "Actually I accidentally fell asleep there."

"Hai, kitna romantic hai!" Pooja squealed excitedly, "In his arms?"

Naina grimaced at the memory, "Well unfortunately, I think it was on top of one of his arms. I just hope it's okay now…"

Pooja giggled, "Still, even if it was in sleep mode, at least you got to spend some time with your Shahrukh."

"No, Pooja. It was so embarrassing! It would've been okay if I woke up before he did, but when I woke up he was looking at me! And I know I look terrible in the morning, and then when I was leaving, Major Nair caught me!"

"That mucchard?" Pooja said shocked, "What did he do?"

"Well luckily Dr Shalini lied to him that she'd sent me to check on the Captain."

"Hai Rabba, shukur." Pooja said, and then remembered the other things Naina had just said. "And you always look beautiful Naina, I'm sure that was why Shahrukh was looking at you, trying to click your photo for his memory."

Naina smiled, "Well I'm going to go see him now, so hopefully I won't do anything else to embarrass myself!"

And she left for the mess to see if his breakfast was ready.


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Comments (3)

awesome as ever you are to god yaar please update soon and that too a long one ok

17 years ago

hey great story pl continue soon u deserve a

17 years ago

hey very good.................

17 years ago
