Chapter 13

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Hey guys, here's your next chapter and it's a long one, so I'm hoping for equally long comments! hehehe, thankyou very much to all those who replied to the last one!


Naina sat in the mess the next day trying to eat her food, but in reality just pushing it around her plate with a fork. She couldn't stop thinking about what might be happening right now, about when Captain Rajveer would come back safe, having accomplished his mission.

She had told the rest of her friends what had happened, and where Rajveer had gone. They looked at her sympathetically, knowing how she must be feeling.

"You have to eat something, Naina," Pooja told her, "Or else, your battery will become low."

Naina just nodded and put a fork full of food into her mouth, concentrating on chewing and swallowing it.

"Cadet Naina Singh," an orderly came to the table, "You have a phone call."

Naina didn't even need to ask who it was, she knew that it would be Rajveer. She got up so suddenly from the table that her chair almost fell over, and set off at a run towards the phone.

"Hello," she said breathlessly into the receiver once she reached it.

"Naina, it's me," Raj said, knowing he wouldn't have to tell her his name.

"What happened, Sir? Are you alright?" More than worrying about proving her brother's innocence, she had been worried about what would happen to Captain Rajveer. She wouldn't have been able to handle it if the same people who trapped her brother… no, she wasn't even going to think about it.

"I'm perfectly fine, Naina," On the other end of the phone, Raj smiled, it was nice to know that Naina was worried about him. "Dr Mishra has recorded her full confession, it took about six hours but we now know everything she could tell us."

"That's wonderful, Sir!" Naina was overjoyed, finally the stain from her brother's name would be removed and those responsible would be brought to justice. "So are you coming back today?"

"Don't you remember my promise, Naina? I said that I would only return when every single person involved had been arrested."

Naina remembered the night before, his words in her room as he had held her shoulders.

"And I promise, Naina, nobody will escape punishment this time."

Naina choked back her tears, not wanting him to know how deeply his words affected her. "I know Sir, I trust you. Just make sure that you come back safe and sound, as soon as possible." She paused then, not sure what she should say next. "I'll be waiting for you."

She thought she could feel him smiling on the end of the line. "Then I'll come back as soon as possible." He said, and then hung up the phone.


Four more days passed and there was no word from Captain Rajveer. Naina tried to keep busy to distract herself from worrying about what was happening. As hard as the drills were, at least they stopped her thinking about the situation for an hour or two. The rest of her friends tried to keep her spirits up, making sure that she ate enough food and finding ways to cheer her up during their free time.

Every moment, Naina wondered whether she would hear from him, and what he was doing. Every night she watched the news to see if there were any developments. She kept thinking of excuses to walk past the door to his room, but always saw the lock still there.

She was on her way to the mess for lunch when she heard two of the senior cadets talking.

"Hey Kamran, did you know that Captain Rajveer was back?"

"No, where'd he go anyway?"

"No idea, but I just saw him coming into the academy. He looked tired."

This was enough for Naina, she immediately began running towards Captain Rajveer's room, not caring what the cadets who she pushed past on the way thought. She skidded to a stop outside his door, only managing to stop herself from falling down by catching her balance on a post. Seeing that the lock was gone, she opened the door without even knocking, knowing that he wouldn't mind.

"Sir…" she started, but stopped as soon as she saw him.

Raj sat slumped in one of the chairs, and the look on his face was one of pure exhaustion. He looked up as soon as he saw Naina come in, and some light briefly returned to his face as he smiled at her.

He tried to get to his feet, using the back of the chair for support.

"We've done it, Naina, we've finally done it." He told her, "I was coming to tell you, as soon as I'd changed my clothes."

Naina looked at him, taking in his current condition. It was very clear that he had been in no state to go anywhere anytime soon.

Rajveer continued talking anyway. "The arrests will be made today and tomorrow, I wanted to be there for that, but they sent me home, they said I was…" suddenly, he began swaying on his feet and Naina rushed over to support him.

"Leave it, Sir," she told him, while putting an arm around his waist to keep him upright. "You can tell me when you've had some rest. Anyway, when was the last time you slept?"

"I don't know… I… a couple of hours here and there."

"Meaning that you haven't slept properly since you left here?" Naina asked sternly "Sir, you have to look after your health. I can't believe that you…" she stopped her lecture when she saw that his eyes were beginning to close. "Come on Sir, you need to have some sleep first of all. I can wait to hear what happened." And she began moving towards the bedroom with him.

Rajveer tried to protest but he was just to exhausted and eventually gave in and allowed Naina to take him to the other room. She made him sit on the bed and bent down to untie his shoes and take them off.

"Naina, I can…" he began to say.

"Chor na, Sir." She replied, pulling the first shoe off and starting on the second. "It's no problem."

His eyes were unfocused and she almost didn't hear him when he muttered "You only ever call me Sir…"

She looked up in surprise, he couldn't have just said… she decided to ignore it, it was obvious that he was so exhausted he had begun to be delirious.

Carefully she made him lie down on the bed and then began to pull the covers over him. As he lent down to adjust his pillow he suddenly opened his eyes, looking her straight in the face. Slowly he reached up a hand and touched her cheek with the tips of his fingers. Naina was so surprised that she stayed frozen in the same position, waiting for him to say something.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he whispered, and then his eyes closed and his hand fell down to his side.

Naina was left standing in the same position, staring at him and wondering if it had really happened at all.

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Comments (2)

Hey Ami, thanks for being the first one to comment! We can't rush these things, I want Raj to say I love you when he's fully aware of what he's saying. Well here's another LONG update for you guys. Where are all of you? Have you been reading or not?

17 years ago

hey 1st one to comment for the wonderful part..............very good part.....just love it............. plzzzzz post the next part soon.....................cant wait more i wish raj had said her NAINA I LOVE YOU............ami_princess39256.992025463

17 years ago
