~*~Attainment of Celestial Weapons (Part 1)~*~

1 years ago

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Arjun's POV:

The night at the woods of Kamyaka passed very fast. Krishnaa[1] was not ready to let me leave her even for a moment. Next morning, I rose earlier than ever. For the first time since the exile started, I had got a purpose in my life. The excitement of visiting my Father's city, Amravati, had rejuvenated my soul.

On reaching the river banks, I found jyeshth, having bathed and recited his prayers, was deeply engrossed in meditation. His golden hued body clad in monks' attire, matted curls, garlands of rudraksh around his neck, arms, and wrist and, the serenity of his face, resembled the Mahayogi Lord Shankar. I quickly took my ablutions and offered prayers to all the Gods and Goddesses. Then I went to my jyeshth to take his blessings, who was not only my elder brother but also my Guru.

Feeling my presence, he opened his eyes and came out of his trance, He took me in his embrace. I could feel his raising heartbeat. At that moment, the man embracing me was neither Chakravarthi Samrat of Indraprastha nor Dharmaraj Yudhishthira. He was just a possessive elder brother who was scared, thinking about the safety and well-being of his younger brother. No matter how old we grow, for him, we four would always be his little brothers. We stayed in the silent hug for a while. Then, he broke out of the embrace, he said confidently, "Anuj, before leaving go bade farewell to everyone, especially Panchali. Take blessings from all the brahmans and sages accompanying us. Their blessings will increase your prowess." I nodded and bowed down to touch his feet. He blessed me, "Vijayi Bhavah!!"

On returning to our hermitage, I bowed to each of our brahman guests and sages and took their blessings one by one. Then I went to my brothers. Their tearful gazes were piercing my heart like 1000 shafts. I bowed down to take blessings from majhle bhaiya, he gave me beary hug lifting me from the ground. Nakul and Sahadev also embraced me. Lastly, I went inside the hermitage to bade farewell to my Krishne. The weeping queen was replaced by a warrior queen. Like a Kshatrani lady, she did the aarti, and put the holy tilak on my forehead. While tying Raksha sutra (divine thread of protection) around my wrist, she said in strong tone, "I have prayed to the Almighty to shower all his blessings on you. May you achieve everything that mother Kunti desired during your birth and you desire in your heart." Giving one last look to her pretty face, I came out of the hermitage and took my Gandiva and tied the quiver on my back.

By then jyeshth had also returned. Bidding good byes to all my brothers, I left for my quest. Jyeshth insisted to come some way with me. We were around 6 yojanas away from our hermitage, when I realized. Turning to my jyeshth, I said, "Jyeshth, I think now you should return. It would take you around 2 prahars to reach hermitage.[2] 

Jyeshth silently nodded. Then, I proceeded on my path while jyeshth, standing there, kept on gazing my back. I turned back again and again and saw his diminishing figure slowly vanishing from my eyes.

In order to reach Amravati, I was supposed to journey to Indrakil Mountains, which were located to the extreme northern part of Himalayas. The first 1 prahar of my lone journey was the most tormenting part. Again, and again those weeping eyes of Krishnaa and my brothers were flashing through my vision. The thought of leaving them behind for such a long period was deviating my mind from its goal. At one point, I felt like going back to them emptyhanded. But next moment I realized after all jyeshth had sent me on this quest, and if it was unnecessary, he would never have sent me.

With a strong determination, I chanted the divine Pratismriti Mantra. To my utter surprise, my walking speed suddenly increased by multiple times than my original pace. Now I was walking as if I was riding the chariot of God of Wind. Despite walking at such speed, I neither felt fatigued nor any pain. Even the ferocious animals and monsters residing these forests did not dare to come across my path. This was the prowess of Pratismriti Mantra. In next 2 prahars I had reached the foothills of the fragranced mountain ranges called Gandhamadana.

The Gandhamadana mountain ranges were a valley of various wild herb and flowers. Their heavenly fragrance had scented the atmosphere around the mountain range; hence was named Gandhamardana. The fragranced air had uplifted my soul.

When I viewed the peaks of the mountain from the foothills, trekking seemed impossible. But with the power of Pratismriti, I passed the scented mountain ranges as if I was walking on a plain field. Then I passed through many other mountain ranges without any discomfort.

When I reached the white snow-covered Himalayas, my eyes dazzled with the scenic beauty of the place. The rocky hard terrains were covered with soft quilt of snow. The pointed snow-covered peaks of the mountains looked like silver crowns of the Gods. The place literally looked like heaven on the Earth. The tall mountain peak Himavan, who was said to be the father of Goddess Parvati, was standing tall infront of me. I bowed down with all my devotion and continued my trek.

For days and nights, I kept on passing from one range to another. In the course, I neither felt hunger nor felt tired. It seemed as if my jyeshth's fruits of virtue and penance were nourishing my body and soul. In just one week, I reached the top of Indrakil mountains. I had never travelled this far. The sight from the top was mesmerizing. The atmosphere of that area had a divine tranquility.

I was looking for a suitable place to start my penance, when I heard a thunder voice, "STOP ON YOUR TRACKS AT THIS MOMENT!

I started looking here and there to find the source of the voice. Soon I found a hermit, meditating at the roots of one of the trees. His light yellowish skinned body was clad in tree bark and deer skin. His matted curls, garlands of rudraksh hanging over his chest and sharp eyes had a diving glory. 

I went near him and bowed down respectfully. 

He asked me in his deep baritone, "Who are you? By your appearance you look like a Kshatriya. Why have you come to this abode of hermits, being cladded with all your weapons?

I replied with humility, "Munivar, I am Arjun, son of Late Samrat Pandu. I have come here to penance for Lord Indra."

The hermit seemed to had heard about my father, for I could see trace of recognition in his eyes when I introduced myself. Pausing for a moment, he spoke, "So, you have come here to please Lord Indra. Then why are you carrying weapons. The place where you are standing is perhaps the most peaceful place, as no war has ever happened here. So, I will suggest you should give up your weapons."

The hermit's words have somewhat displeased me, so masking my displeasure I said, "Munivar, these weapons are like my extended parts of my body. In no circumstances I can give them up."

The hermit laughed loudly and then taunted me, "Then, this place is not for you. This place is for those hermits who are ready to sacrifice everything, here you cannot give up your mere weapons. Lord Indra will never be pleased with you.

In this manner, he kept on taunting and ridiculing me to give up my weapons, but his words could not impact my decision. At last, her stood up from his place. Soon a dazzling light glowed around his body and infront of me the one who was standing was none other than Lord Indra, my father.

I was stupefied. Then slowly completely prostrated at his feet. He pulled me up by my shoulders and said, "Son I am very happy seeing your determination. Ask for any boon you want."

I joined my hands and said, "Father, I have come here to obtain the knowledge of unleashing the celestial weapons."

My father looked at me astonishingly and said smilingly, "Son, what will you do with the celestial weapons? Rather you can stay with me for the eternity and enjoy all the luxuries you cannot even imagine."

I replied, "Sorry Father, but I cannot leave my brothers and family for the sake of my happiness. I must avenge their sufferings from our enemies and to fight them I will be needing the those celestial weapons of yours."

Lord Indra was delighted with my answers. He took me in his embrace. Then breaking out of the embrace he said, "Son I was just testing your determination and loyalty and you have passed in both the test. You are capable of obtaining of the knowledge of unleashing the celestial weapons.

I was elated with his words. He continued, "But first you must please Lord Shiva and obtain Pashupatastra from him."

While bowing at him with my joining my hands, I said, "As you say Father." After giving me his blessing Lord Indra vanished from there.

Indrakil Mountains were one of the most beautiful mountain peaks I have seen so far. Choosing a peaceful and secluded spot on the mountain I started off with my austere practices. Fasting was the most important part of my austere practices.

Other than taking ablutions, eating, and sleeping for at most two prahars at night, I used to spend the entire day by meditating Lord Shiva. During the first one week, I used to eat the fallen dried leaves of the tree, under which I was to meditating. Then one day, while returning after bathing, I came upon a tree, which had juicy and delicious berries. I started feeding on these berries. But collecting the berries every day was a too time taking procedure, hence for next 3 weeks I started eating once in every 3 days. For the next one month I ate once in every 6 days. The next month I started eating just once in every 15 days. In this manner I kept on increasing the severity of my austere practices until, I stopped eating at all and went into a complete trance of meditation. Standing on my toes and raising my hands above my head, I kept on meditating to please Mahadev.

Nobody knows how many days went like this. One day, while meditating, I felt a beast was dangerously approaching towards me. When it did not change its direction despite being so close to me, I understood that the beast, no doubt, was intending to harm me. I opened my eyes to see a huge wild boar was lurching towards me. Immediately, I took of my Gandiva and shot a poison laced arrow in the direction of the beast. Just few moments later, the beast screamed and fell on the ground lifelessly.

When I went close to the fallen beast to inspect it, I was extremely surprised to see 2 arrows sunken on the body of the beast. I was wondering, who must be this unknown bowman in the woods who could shoot arrows as fast and precise as me. While gazing at my surroundings, I announced, "O great bowman, please introduce yourself to me. I want to see who had the audacity to shoot arrows at my prey with such speed and precision."

Next moment, a hunter, clad in a tiger skin, accompanied by his wife emerged from behind a tree. There was an unusual glory on both of their faces. He replied, "I have shot this beast." I went near him and said, "Great hunter, I am appalled with your archery. You and your wife must be very brave, to have come to these parts of the woods."

The hunter laughed loudly and said, "Young man, I reside in these forests with my wife. I am habituated to live here. But you look like some prince, who is habituated to luxurious life? How come you are living in these forests.

I said confidently, "I may be a prince but with my prowess and weapons, I am able to reside in these forests fearlessly."

The hunter was just unaffected by my answer. He said, "Listen young man, I shot this beast dead. So, I would request you to kindly take away arrow.

His words were enraging me. I replied him angrily, "Hunter, you may have shot this beast, but it was approaching me, hence it was my prey. Hence by the rules of hunting, you should back from your claim."

The hunter became furious. He challenged me for the dwell, "You puny kid, trying to teach me the rules of hunting. You are so proud of your archery, right. Let's see how you escape alive from my clutches."

I accepted his challenge, with a silent vow to send him to Lord Yama's abode. His wife stood at one side, while I rained down arrows at him. He very skillfully, deflated all my arrows. His words again aggravated me, "Young man, you have only this much prowess. Your arrows cannot even graze my skin." In retaliation, I started raining arrows at him with more power. But to my surprise none of my arrows touched his skin.

Unlike never before, my quiver ran out of arrows. Then I held my bow and tried to stab him with the pointed ends of the bow. The bow immediately vanished. I felt he had some elusive powers. Then, with more determination, I took out my sword and rammed it straight on his head to kill him. He remained stood at his place and did not move, even an inch. In a flash, the moment my sword touched his head, it broke into numerous pieces. 

I ran out of all my weapons, so I started picking up rocks and boulders from the ground and hurled at him. Even those, did not cause him any pain. Unable to understand anything I dashed at him with my bare hands, and started kicks and punches on his body. His strength was invincible. No matter how hard I try, my punches and kicks did not affect him at all, while his lightest punches and kicks caused bruises on my entire body. My body was drenched with my own blood. Every muscles and bones of my body were aching.

At one point, I was so beaten up that my even breathing seemed painful to me. Out of fear, I moved away from away from him . Soon, everything went dizzy and I swooned on the ground.

When I awoke, the hunter and his wife were still standing there with a smile. I got up dejectedly and went near the Shivling, I used to worship every day. I took some flowers in my hands and prayed my Lord to give me strength. With full devotion, I offered those flowers to the Shivling. The next thing I saw bewildered me. The flowers vanished from the Shivling and were lying near the feet of that hunter. I could not understand what was going on.

Soon every thing around me was covered in veil of fog. And when the fog cleared, Mahadev, in his ever known form, and Mata Parvati were standing infront of me. 

I was clueless. For few moments, I didn't know what should I do. Then Mahadev's echoing baritone brought me out of my trance, "Vatsa, it's me. Your prowess, strength and determination had pleased me."

I went near him with baby steps and fell at his feet. I started weeping, "Lord, I am a sinner. I could not recognize you. I raised weapons against you. Punish me....Please punish me."

He bent forward and lifted me up by my shoulders. He casted a love filled gaze at my face and those nasty wounds and bruises on body. Surprisingly, the moment, his vision fell, the wounds and bruises started disappearing and the pain, which I was feeling, even a moment before was completely gone. 

He said in his fatherly tone, "No Vatsa, you have not done any sin. Rather you passed in my test. I have come here to give you my unvanquishable weapon, Pashupatastra." Saying this he manifested a large arrow, with intricate carvings on its pointed head and its tail, and held it towards me.

I took the weapon with my trembling hands. I still could not believe that I was actually holding that weapon with my bare hands. I raised the weapon to my head and bowed at it with full devotion. Then, Mahadev taught me about the procedure to invoke the weapon, use it and again return the same. He further cautioned me regarding the destructive power of the weapon and type of enemies on whom it can be used. Then he returned my Gandiva, powers of my quiver [3] and reassembled by shattered sword as if it was new.

Once he was convinced that I had understood everything, Mata Parvati said, "Putra, by attaining this unattainable objective, you have made your mother and your family proud. I bless you that you may win every war of your life."

I bowed down at their feet. Then Mahadev instructed, "Yudhishthir's fruits of virtues, which he transferred to you, have already made you eligible to enter the heaven in your mortal body. Vatsa, in any moment from now, Indradev may send his chariot. You should mount that chariot and proceed for obtaining the other celestial weapons."

I remained, bowed at their feet, when the screen of fog reappeared and within a blink of an eye, Mahadev and Mata Parvati vanished from my sight.

As Mahadev said, in few moments, my father Lord Indra, mounting in his chariot, appeared infront of him. He said, "Son, Come with me now." I climbed on the golden chariot, and in next moment, I was travelling at a divine speed towards my father's city.

Author's Note:

[1] – Arjun and Vasudev Krishna fondly called Draupadi as Krishnaa or Krishne.

[2] – 1 Yojan – 12.2 kms. That implies 6 Yojans=73.2 kms. Average walking speed of a 6 feet tall human is around 3 to 4 miles/hr. People of Dwapar Yug were much taller and had much more strength than today's people. So, I calculated the average walking speed to be 7.5 miles/hr i.e., 12.07 km/hr. So, to cover the distance of 73.2 kms, it would take him at least 6 hrs or say 2 prahars.

[3] – Arjun's quiver called Akshay Tunir, were a gift from Agni Dev. The arrows in the quiver never got exhausted.

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