Chapter 1

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Vidyachatur is a well-known entrepreneur. His wife Guniyal deliver the twins and name them as Zoya and Maya. One day, VC calls Guniyal. He said, "Have you seen Green Resorts file?"

Guniyal: Yes, I have seen.

She gets it.

VC: Thanks.

Guniyal: You've got to be a little organized as now we have two children now.

VC: When you are there, I need not worry about anything else.

Guniyal: But I don't think I will be able to come to the office with you like before.

VC: We will hire a care-taker for our babies.

Image result for vidyachatur and guniyal in saraswatichandra

VC and Guniyal place an advertisement.

Jhanvi comes for the interview and joins the duty.

Six months later

Jhanvi carries Maya and leaves the house. VC and Guniyal contact Jhanvi, but she had changed her sim.

Guniyal: I had warned you against hiring a care-taker, but you didn't listen.

They file a police complaint but of no avail.

VC: My brother will take care of Zoya. He is coming.

They were unaware of Arvind's evil intentions.

Arvind was having an affair with Ghuman.

They enter the house.

Arvind and Ghuman start scheeming.

Arvind: I have a plan.

Ghuman: Whatever you plan, implement it quickly.

The next day, VC and Guniyal die of a car accident.

Arvind had caused that accident.

But, there was no evidence against Arvind.

Later, Arvind said, "We have to kill Zoya and take the property."

Ghuman: No point. Because, if we kill her, the entire property will go to the charitable trust.

Arvind: Which means we have to bring her up, educate her & kill her after taking the property signatures.

Ghuman: Yes, you are right. 

Image result for ashwin and shipra in beyhadh

Arvind and Ghuman start injecting Zoya and torture her for every mistake.

18 years later

Zoya gets a panic attack in her sleep. 

Arvind comes there with an injection.

Zoya: Please, don't prick me.

Arvind does not listen. 

He pricks her ruthlessly and leaves.

Meanwhile, Maya considers Jhanvi as her mother. She learns the western dance and the martial arts.

The next day, Arvind is reading the newspaper.

Ghuman comes with Zoya.

Arvind: Why are you late?

Ghuman: Today is Zoya's parent's death anniversary.

Arvind: How bad! I don't even remember that. My Bro has brought me up like a son & I don't know his death anniversary. 

He asks Zoya, "What should be my punishment?"

Zoya: It is ok. I was crying out of my helplessness.

Arvind: Did Ghuman force you to cry?

Ghuman: No way, why should I do such a thing? I am only a guest.

Arvind: Yes, you are right; Zoya is the owner. Everything has to happen according to her wish. 

Arvind to Zoya: What is your wish?

Zoya: I want to go to the temple and put Rs.5 flowers for my deceased parents.

Arvind: Only Rs. 5/- for my great brother and sister-in-law? No way, she should grandly do this, give old clothes and sweets to needy children.

Ghuman: Why do we need to spend so much money?

Arvind: How dare you talk about money.

He said, "Zoya, take this money."

Image result for ashwin and maya in beyhadh

Zoya gets shocked.

Arvind tossed up the bundle of notes to Ghuman and said, "No need to do this for your deceased parents. Just some amount of mourning is enough, which you have already done. Come with me to the bank now."

Arvind drags Zoya. Ramu follows her. 

Arvind goes to the garage to get the car. Ramu meets Zoya & gives her Rs.5/-

Arvind & Zoya go to the bank to draw the money.

The Manager gives the money to Zoya. But Arvind said, "I will keep this as the world is evil."

Manager: No problem. Won't you have a cup of tea with us?

Arvind: Some other time. We have lots of work. Zoya has to do a lot of things for her parents' death anniversary.

They are about to leave.

Manager: Your signature is missing.

Zoya is signing.

Arvind sees the note in Zoya's hand & takes it.

He whispered, "Who gave this money to you?"

Zoya gets startled: Ramu uncle.

They go home.

Arvind goes to Ramu: Remove my shoes.

When Ramu is about to remove his shoe, Arvind stamps his hand.

He said, "Your old hands never tire of serving people, right?"

Ramu: It is my pleasure to work for my master & do whatever he tells me.

Arvind: Then why did you give money to Zoya against my wish?

He kicks Ramu.

Zoya tries to save him. But, Ghuman stops her. She takes her to the room and slaps her.

Ghuman: You want flowers for your parents, right?

She drops Zoya's mother's photo frame, takes the broken glass, and said, "Hold this. You want to conduct a death anniversary. Conduct it."

She tries to stuff the broken grass into her hands. Arvind goes there and stops Ghuman. He said, "Have you gone crazy? If she dies, we will come to the streets."

He takes Ghuman & asked, "Do you intend to foil my plans?"

Ghuman sees Ramu and said, "You are still here? Your hand is only bleeding. It is not with mehendi. Go, do the work."

Ramu's son, named Aarav, goes to Zoya. He said, "If anything happens to you, how will I live?"

Zoya: I want to live.

Both hug emotionally.

Zoya cleans the table. 

Ghuman: I want the house cleaned before I come back, else, I will make you remove the dirt from your hands and make you clean the table with your tears."

Arvind: Cut down a one-time meal for her. She is getting fatter day by day.

They leave.

Aarav mimics Ghuman. He went to Zoya and said, "Leave cleaning. First, you show your smile."
Zoya smiles slightly.

Aarav then plays the music & said, "I know that when you dance, you are happy."

Zoya: If anyone sees, I will call for trouble.

Aarav: Leave that to me.

He plays music.

Zoya starts dancing. Ramu enjoys her dance.

Suddenly, they see the car coming & stop the music."

Ghuman senses that someone had played music, and has suddenly stopped. 

Arvind & Ghuman enter.

Arvind: Did anyone play music & dance?

Ramu: I don't know. Aarav was playing, and Zoya was doing her work.

Arvind: Fine, the house should get decorated.

Ghuman: Happy birthday. 

Arvind: Thank you.

Ghuman: What is your age?

Arvind: Did I ask your age?

The house gets decorated.

A lot of guests come.

Rupesh is one of the guests. He asked, "Where is Zoya?"

Arvind: She is busy with her work. I tell her not to work, but she does not listen. Where is Arjun?

Rupesh: He has a busy schedule. So he could not come.

Arvind then makes an announcement: I know that many people have been cursing me for my miserliness. Today, I am making my birthday very grand. Have an excellent time.

He organizes a tabla. 

Ramu & Aarav bring Zoya downstairs and insist that she should dance.

Zoya dances. All are happy, except for Arvind & Ghuman. Rupesh gets impressed. 

Suddenly, Zoya's hand mistakenly hit Arvind.

Arvind gets annoyed.

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Comments (3)

Awesome Update

I totally enjoyed it
especially knowing Jhanvi the caretaker steals Maya and went away while Arnav kills his brother

4 years ago

thanks for the pm!
intense update

4 years ago

shocking that the care taker jhanvi stole Maya and went away.why did she do that?shocking that arvind killed his own brother n wife for wealth.happy that at least for money he and guman spared zoya.I was wondering why arvind was so sweet to zoya.sad that it was all a drama.sad that arvind hurt ramu for giving money to zoya n guman torturing zoya was painful.arvind stopping guman from torturing zoya for his own benefit was nice.loved aarav zoya bonding.happy to see ipk aarav here.which actor plays ramu?surprised to see the actors you chose as arvind guman. zoya dancing was nice.will arvind hurt zoya now?perfect pics

4 years ago
