Chapter 31

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part 30

kripa walks into mishti's office n said to her secetary that kripa bajaj wants to meet her.after a while she entered in mishti's cabin where mishti is waiting for her.mishti offer her to seat but kripa refuse n said:"i came here just to say thnk u, miss bose!".mishti said:"thnks for wat?".kripa said:"well becoz of u,angad realize his love for me".mishti is shcoked,her all plan get failed ,she wanted to create misunderstanding btw angad n kripa but it seems her like every thing went wrong.before she can say anything to kripa,kripa speak:"so stop trying to create misunderstanding btw me n angad coz i never get trap in ur tricks n i do always trust him,understand!".kripa said all this with full faith n confidence,it was a confidence of angad's love which always remain with her forever.n then she left her office n mishti smile on her n said to herself:"i can imagin ur feelings for angad khanna but wat will happen when the most bitter fact of his life will ruin every thing".

in evening,when angad came home,he find kripa running after prithvi n laksh,she is looking mad at them.kt n aliya was gigling standing in a side,n kripa is became more furious as she doesnt able to catch them.she said to gattu bhai that close the main door as they cant able to escape frm here.prithvi n laksh both running.when they bump with angad n fall up on him.angad who was already confuse by this panic situation ,said:"wats going on here?".kripa said to angad:"angad hold them,dnt leave them".prithvi n laksh both said in corus:"plz save us frm this calamity".they both hide behind angad.kripa who is abt to catch them stop by angad by holding her arms,he said:"will u tell me y r u getting mad at them?".kripa look at prithvi n laksh frowningly n said:"they said that the guy who will marry me definately gone crazy after marriage".angad said:"so wats wrong in that,they r saying right infact i think that guy need god help every moment after all its not easy to tolaret u".(he tease her)kripa's mouth fell open by angad words n prithvi n laksh who r hiding behind angad starts gigling,kripa wishpers anoyingly:"angad!u too making fun of me but let me clear u ...u r the one whom i will marrying so get ready to being crazy mr khanna!".for a moment thr eyes contact with each other n then she went up stairs in her room.

angad to kripa's frnds:"so guys!wat u ppl were up to??".kt said:"actually we came here to take her for party".angad:"party for wat".prithvi said:"we dnt want any reason for doing party,we do it even without any reason".laksh said:"but now it seems,kripa wont come with us".angad said:"dnt worry she will b here in very less time".

angad enters in kripa's room n find her lying on bed leaning her stomach.angad come n sit at the edge of her bed.kripa said:"now y do u came here?"(anoyed).angad said:"wat kind of quest is that?do i want any reason for comming here".(angad was smilling).kripa said:"so u need god help for tolareting me"now she sit straight n look directly in his eyes.angad look into her eyes with naughtyness n keep staring it.angad gaze makes her nervous.she quickly turn her face as she doesnt want to show her blushing face to him.angad said:"u knw that i was just joking n u also knw the reality that how much i love u".but it seems not enough to make her happy.angad said:"ur frndz r talking abt after marriage things but they doesnt knw that u already made me crazy in ur love".this time she smile n said:"really".angad didnt say anything in reply but keep staring her.kripa smilingly n blushingly said:"stop staring me!".

angad said:"im just wondering that u look more beautiful when u get anoyed"(tease her again).kripa playfully hit on his arms n get on his lap,angad lovingly take her in his arms n said:"ur frnds want u to take away frm me,they want u take out for party".kripa said:"n wat u want?".angad smile n caress her face n said:"i want u to enjoy ur life, i want ur happiness".kripa smile n said:"but my happiness belongs to u".angad said:"kripa!stop seducing me,other wise dnt blame me for anything".kripa was continuesly kissing on his face n its getting hard for angad to control on himself.kripa gigling n she abt to get off frm his lap when angad kiss her passionately n after a passioante kiss angad let her get off frm his lap.n after a while kripa went with her frndz for party.

............................................................ .................................

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Comments (9)

amazing prt ......22222222222 gud and very cute

17 years ago

amazing fic ...22222222222 gud and very cute ...cont soon

17 years ago

i just caught up.. great partz.. thankfully kripa didnt get traped into mishti's trap but wats the bitter truth.. is it.............. no.. i m not going to curse this fanfic by saying continue soooooonnnnn

17 years ago

woowww!! cute part .....!!! continue soon !!

17 years ago

that was a cute part omg wat is the raaz EK OR RAAZ ahhhhhhh lol cotn soon and btw can misty one day magiclly disappear plz i dun lyke her hehe

17 years ago

great part hopefully mishty won't do anything

17 years ago

Awwwwwwwwwwwww. dat was a really sweet part... i wonder wat bitter truth mishti was tlkin about???

17 years ago

stupid mishty cont soon

17 years ago

cute part but mishty was talking abt d bitter fact of his life hope he tells her himself but plzzzz dont separate dem

17 years ago
