Chapter 17

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Part 17 Finale

Recap-Kanya goes for her operation. With Ranbir waiting for her impatiently outside with Pooja.

Lucas comes out of the theatre with good news for a tense Ranbir he thought his hear was going to jump out of his chest. He knew that everything must have been touch and go but Luke was taking his time. Pooja like himself appeared to have a breakdown as both sucked at calming the other down.

L-Ranbir man we tried everything we could and Kanya is doing fine but there is some bad news U will get to spend the next however many years with her.

R-Luke u scared me man never do that ever again.

L-Well its nice to see a scared Ranbir Nanda compared to a dangerous serious Ranbir any day.

R-Well u had ur fun.

L-Go see her man.

R-Thanks so much for everything.

L-Well its all part of the service and anything for a friend.

P-Thanks for everything man.

L-Pooja right. Ur sister has been talking a lot about U. U doing anything after ur sister is better.

P-No. But will love to go out foe dinner.

L-First time i didn't have to ask a girl out.

P-Meet U tomorrow.

Ranbir goes to meet Kanya as she is awake after a little nap. She looked drained out as if she were too out of it but was relieved to know that Kanya was on the mend. She indicated to Ranbir with her finger to go towards her.

R-Thank God U R ok i thought of all crazy scenarios but i knew U would come back to me and wouldn't leave me like the rest have KAnya i don't know if i can take it.

K-Silly of course i'd come back to U. Like i'd let anyone lay their claws into U.

R-Then Rads.

K-She needed someone we were there for her. But if i were to die Ranbir i want U to be happy and she would keep U happy. Besides someone needs to make sure U go to the fundraisers and not over work yourself to the ground like U have been doing in the past 6 years. I know your works suffered alot due to me.

R-Kanya work can wait i want U fit and well so i can make an honest woman out of U.

K-So U mean that i'm a dishonest woman.


K-Joke thi. Come on. Love U jaan.

R-Love U too. Get better soon so that i can have U all to myself.

K-I want to see ur mom.

R-Fine and Pooja is outside waiting for U.

Pooja also see's her sister and embraces her. She chats about her dishy doctor that she asked out. Kanya is ecstatic seeming as Lucas was the guy she planned on asking for her sister but looked like fate was in her favour.

2 weeks and 2 days later

Ranbir and Kanya were married in a small do as Kanya didn't want a big fuss. Pooja was in America with her doctor boyfriend while KAnya and Ranbir went to Austrailia for their honeymoon and to see Ranbir's long lost mother. Kanya had to physically make Ranbir go. He just wanted to spend all his time with Kanya in bed in their Mansion but Kanya wouldn't be swayed as he will only get to sleep with her until he speaks to his so called Mother. Women were really good manipulators he knew there was a reason he loved Kanya.

They arrived at the doorstep. Ranbie was out of his element as he didn't know what to feel for the woman who abandoned him. Kanya was there by his side and knew that she would give him the strength to face his ghosts that haunted him for the past 28 years well technically 20 years as he was 8 when she left him. His fingers reached for the doorbell and Kanya took his hand in hers and both pressed the buzzer.

The door opens and an old lady comes out looking a little like Ranbir. The resemblance wasn't much but both had the same eyes. Ranbir stood there like a statue. Kanya ended up doing all the speaking for him. The lady stared at Ranbir as if she'd been seeing a ghost. She reached her hand towards Ranbir's face. She gently stroked it and just burst out saying.

M-Tum Zinda ho! Oh my God. U R alive!


K-Mam U know who this is?

M-Of course he looks exactly like his father. Splitting image of him. He's my son. I was told U died.

K-So U never knew he was alive.

M-Please come in.

K-Ranbir come on inside. Baby come on, (She drags him inside)

They enter and see the place out. Its not big but homely. They see pics of a girl and in different stages in her life with a few kids.

K-Who R they?

M-Ranbir's sister she's 20 years old and settled down in here actually.

R-U say U didn't know i was alive.

M-See your Dad Krishnakant got into an accident with all of us and he died whereas i was in pain 3 months pregnant with your sister. They told me U died. I always wondered what U would be like. I moved here when Heer was 9 years old Mom and Dad passed away and i couldn't bear living in India so i came in this place where nobody would know me at all. U see Krish and I ran away and got wed Dad was against it due to his caste but we eloped. Then years late this happens and they said Ranbir was dead. U see in the day India anyone could get bribed and show false evidence and i fell for it. Heer they couldn't do anything about as by then it was too late.

R-U want me to believe all this.

M-Look Ranbir i have no reason to lie nothing to gain. I'm an old woman i have a daughter U can see her if U like. I have missed the last 20 years do U know what it feels like to mourn a child? Its painful. The child U carry for 9 months and raise gets taken away from U. I was in a state of shock having lost a husband that i loved and a son. The only thing that kept me alive was Heer. Ranbir i don't know how U lived the past 20 years but its now that counts.

K-Mummyji then i will formally intro myself. I'm Ranbir's wife Kanya. Ranbir just needs time to heal past wounds its not been easy. Bringing him here was half the battle. He needs time to open up.

R-Kanya lets go!

K-No! Not until U get this out the way. Ranbir U promised U would make an effort. U promised me. U can face all my problems with me but yours U hide away from me.


K-Kanya what thats it i'm getting away from here. U can sulk all U like.

R-Fine i'll do as U say.

For a good few hours though uncomfortable at first Ranbir and Malika get reacquainted with each other. She gets the album out and shows Ranbir Heer eventually calling her and her husband over with their 1 year old Son Krishna. Malika shows Ranbir his past photos. Kanya loved seeing Ranbir like this with his family made her miss Pooja Di. Made her see something else that was important Radha.

They promised to see each other as often as possible. Heer hugged her brother and left with her husband. Ranbir for the first time felt he belonged and it was thanks to Kanya. He'd reunited with his longlost mother and sister met his nephew. He was actually quite emotional.

2 years Later

Kanya has her beloved first baby with complications attached as her heart couldn't take the pressure of it any longer a fact she kept away from Ranbir. Lucas had warned her about these complications but Kanya was determined to give Ranbir the one thing she had desperately wanted the past year. She'd made Lucas promise not to open his mouth about this issue as Ranbir would have been hell bent on not allowing to have a baby. She wanted to experience every part of life's wonders at any cost. The price she had to pay was nothing if it meant Ranbir's happiness. She knew in some respects Ranbir in time will forgive her and accept their Son in his life.

Ranbir came in and was told by the doctors about Kanya's condition. Ranbir's first reaction was to cry and scream the place down. She looked at Ranbir and he hugged her tightly as if he couldn't let go of her or if he could keep her here.

R-Kanya why did U do this? Why?

K-Ranbir i wanted to live like a full woman and die as a mother and wife. I needed to do this for me. It would eat me alive knowing i could give U a baby but for my selfishness didn't do it. This life is yours Ranbir and so is our baby. U will love him so much he will never know he never had a mother.

R-What about me?

K-R U that selfish? This is my happiness. U can't stop me from doing what i want. Besides Lucas told me from the beginning after the operation that although my heart is fixed there maybe some problems arise in the future. I will not live a life in fear again. I love U more than my life and this miracle is my soul. Lucas only extended my life. I stopped taking the meds and made sure i kept fit for this little one he looks just like U.

R-How will i live?

K-U will live for him and for his future.

Radha comes in. She sees Ranbir and KAnya.

RM-U called for me Kanya?

K-I want U and Ranbir together as husband and wife to raise this little one and be a family.

R-Kanya U can't be serious?

K-I'm deadly serious. Promise me U 2 will do this.

Ranbir after thinking this through and arguing a little with Kanya eventually gives in and Kanya puts Ranbir's hand with Radha and dies.


Guys watch the movie A millionnaires first Love its a Korean movie its so romantic and cute. I will PM it to those that want me to send it to u.

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Nice Nice
Awesome Awesome
Loved Loved
cry Cry

Comments (12)

I believe everyone should be happy so i killed one character to make another happy. All my FF have Kanya and Ranbir together this one i thought i'll make it different and it is.

16 years ago

amazing ending but you have to kill kanya y

16 years ago

Well to be honest i wanted an ending that was totally different and took a risk. some wil like it others will hate it. But i will start another FF soon.

16 years ago

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16 years ago

a beautiful ending...
i loved it...
it was sad... it was brilll
loved it...

16 years ago

imean why does kanya have to die it wus just
nice sweet cute story

16 years ago

why did you do that]
sorry to day thuis but now it's a super shit ff

16 years ago

you made me cry again.
but brilliant.
if the movie has eng subtitles or is in eng language, pliz i'd luv to see it.

its like we all are rushing thru as if we r not sure what's happenning tm.

16 years ago

gr8 ending.. but made kanya die..

16 years ago

At this point i am numb so emotions kaha se le aungi. it hurts too much. When i was writing my Accidental marriage i was in my element. but i gues KIT ending has been tough on me as most people already know how attached i got to the shoe and Akash and it shows in all my FF. This i had to end i won't have time for it as Ramadan is in 2 days and will be fasting and praying. I doubt i will be on the forums as much due to this.

Rather than drag a story finish it but make the ending look like effort was put into it.

16 years ago
