Chapter 12

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Part 12
Recap-Ranbir tells Radha that he doesn't love her any more and that it was her decision on what state her relationship was with Karan. Ranbir anxiously awaits for Kanya to return to the Hotel room where he confronts her about their feelings. They both share a hot passionate kiss.
The next day Kanya wakes up next to Ranbir who still had his arms around her. She remembered the whole night they shared together. He was so careful with her making sure she wasn't feeling suffocated. They both spent most of their night just exploring each other and spent most of it in the others arms. Now the morning after Kanya didn't regret anything she did with Ranbir as she really did love him. Problem for her now was keeping Ranbir at arms length. She didn't want to hrt him bt her illness would play a big part. This was not what she had planned out. Kanya got up and showered she got dressed. She made a call to Pooja and started rambling on and on about Ranbir. Pooja just listened to her sister go on and on not making sense as Kanya was speaking too fast in the bathroom.
Ranbir woke up smiling but was a little sad to see Kanya not by his side. He jumped out of bed and saw her on the phone and knew who it was to. He overheard some of the conversation mainly Kanya trying to wriggle her way out and not hurt him. Kanya turns round but doesn't see Ranbir as he goes to get his clothes.  Kanya by then comes out smiling nervously. He loved that look on her face as she blushed a deep red looking at him half naked. He went in the showers and turned round and assured Kanya.
R-This will all work out dekhna. We will make it work. Love U and i know U love me too.
K-Tum shower karo. I'm going for some air.
R-Have all the air U like Kanya but remember there R some things U can't runaway from.
With that Kanya is out just taking in the view from the Hotel while Ranbir comes out looking like the cat that got the cream. Breakfast was done and Kanya joined him. She tried lokking anywhere but his eyes with failure as she was aware of Ranbir staring at her. She was obviously trying to fight this attraction but U can't fight it if U love the person and it definately didn't help if Ranbir kept on repeating his love for her.
K-I can't take this. U staring at me.
R-Well what am i supposed to do? U won't give me any eye contact. Is this coz of last night?
K-U ruined my planning completely. Actually i ruined it by getting to close and now its hard to stay away from U. I can't even leave this stupid wedding as i've told Radha i will be there and Pooja Di is on her way today.
R-If U want space i'll give it U but Kanya theres no way i'm letting U out of my sight.
K-What we have won't last? I could drop dead (Ranbir covers Kanya's mouth with his hand).
R-I will not allow it. We will fight.
K-What makes U think i want to fight. Everyday it gets harder and the stupid drugs don't work like they're supposed to.
R-Well this time U have me and Kanya by your side. U will do this for us and more for Urself. I can't lose U not now i've found U not without a fight and i'll be damned if U give up on us before its even begun.
K-I'm scared. Thats the reason i've kept Pooja Di away from the truth and now U the further i try to have this dstance the more i come close to U. Why won't U let go?
R-Kanya life is all a risk. If we all gave up there wouldn't be a point in living. I could die tomorrow in a crash or in a freak accident. Besides i need someone like U in my life to keep me on my toes. Someone that will love me with their own soul.
K-It won't be easy Ranbir. i'm breaking inside i feel it now.
R-Kanya before i met U i was already broken but us meeting after so many years its like Kismet is sending me signs. Long ago i wished so much for that one person to love me back in High school and i meet U and see a person that U hid from me. Caring and Giving. Meeting U a second time has opened my eyes to life as i know better now about Love and have compassion. If i can be fixed then so can U difference is on how U see it. It took years to change my anger into something positive and Kanya U have to fight for ME.
K-Ranbir for U i will try but i don't want to die on the operating theatre without seeing U guys there. Pooja Di can't know. Why did U have to blurt your feelings and be so pushy. I deserve everything i get for hurting U back.
R-Thats in the past. I will keep on at U about treatment as i don't want to lose U ever. I feel like a parrot saying the same thing over and over.
K-Ranbir I Love U. I always have but never knew as U were always on about Radha all the time back in University but i guess seeing U on that plane really did make me want U.
R-Finally the lady says whats on her mind. So U love me too i knew it. Mera jaisa Hero kahin nahin milega.
K-U R mine na no Radha.
R-All yours but promise me U will get treated.
K-Fine but U will be there by my side and U will do what i say. Find your Mom.
Ranbir takes Kanya outside for a litle bit telling her about the rest of the day he has planned. They visit a few places where Ranbir had his friends pull some strings to find his birth mother. Kanya was excited about meeting her too. Whereas Ranbir was a little tense. He didn't care for years n the wooman that abandoned him wen he was 10 years old. He was doing it for closure and for Kanya. No woman ever got skin deep as Kanya. Funny how the person U hated the most becomes your life. Giving Kanya this moment was taking her mind off of her problem and kept her busy but inside he was unprepared. He never expected to care what his so called mother would say. He still remembered her face but was a little hazy on details. He remembered his father passed away
Ranbir tried to ind his mother when he was in High school but he ended up hating the world by then but now with Kanya it all seemed so real. The biggest hurdle was tracking the woman down. She didn't stay in one place and dissappeared off the phase of the planet but his mates were clever they found her whereabouts which was in Austrailia. How on earth did she manage to move away to Austrailia. People move to America and Europe or stay in India no his life had to be complicated. Its not like she was going anywhere too soon. Austrailia could wait until after the wedding. There was no way he could leave with Kanya as she was his priority now. Plus he had Pooja to contend with the next day as her flight was for that day.
R-R U ok with us seeing my so called mother 2 weeks later after we deal with our issues?
R-U know the operation. I've already booked someone for U Kanya he will be coming after the wedding.
K-U really have planned everything out.
R-For U jaan anything. If need be id bring the world to your feet.
K-So fine. I love U Ranbir
matwamango2008-08-18 07:51:11

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Comments (7)

Please update this ff soon. You didn't update this ff today. I was really looking forward for the update.

16 years ago

too good plzz connntinueb soon

16 years ago

pls continue soon

16 years ago

great update
continue soon!

16 years ago

heya di..oo..luv it luv the wat brilliance!
continue soon.!

16 years ago

That was an awsome update !!!Plz dont kill kanya make the operation sucsessful!!plz continue fast!!!

16 years ago

At last you graciously updated. I was waiting for it since yesterday. Nice update. So both of them fell in love. Hopefully the operation goes on well and Kanya and Ranbir get married. Update soon.

16 years ago
