Chapter 8

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Part 8

Recap-Ranbir and Kanya learn they actually don't hate each other. They go to the party of Karan and Radhas where Kanya learns she doesn't love Karan and makes Ranbir her guy to save in order to make up for past misdemeanours. Ranbir tries to get Radha to admit she doesn't love Karan with little success. Kanya has trouble breathing due to over excitement.

Kanya goes off to the ladies for a bit leaving her mobile phone behind. She retouches her make up on and tries to look more lively as she was looking pale. She saw Radha coming in and exchanged pleasantries. Radha started to apply her make up too. The atmosphere was a little uncomfortable until Radha broke the ice with Kanya looking great and trying to dig dirt on Ranbir and Kanyas current status as they both arrived together and were attached to the hip all evening as they were famously known to detest each other. In the past they always needed a chaperone as they were at each others throat but in the party both Karan and Radha were quite shocked with their attitude towards each other.

RM-U and Ranbir together in one party that too not trying to kill each other.

K-I know but we aren't kids any more. Radha and i misjudged the guy.

RM-R U both U know?

K-Don't even go there! Ranbir and I R 2 people that R from different worlds. If anything i thought U 2 were made 4 each other.

RM-Well Karan is who I want. He's everything Ranbir isn't. Most of all i never thought i'd see the day we would be married it was always Ranbir.

Kanya at this point got defensive. Radha was comparing Karan with Ranbir which was a no no as Kanya had seen closely what a great guy he was and to be honest she never gave him the time of day but these few days had made her see Ranbir in a different light. She wanted Radha to see what she saw.

K-U R wrong Ranbir is a great guy whose been knocked down too many times by the likes of me and U. despite all this he istrying to get past every hurdle in his life alone. Karan has had your support his family and money. Ranbir has made his fortune on his own merit without your Dad helping him. Got that. I don't mean to be hurtful but stating the facts. Karan is nothing like Ranbir and will be nothing like him. U need your brains tested i think your IQ has fallen down due to living in LONDON. So don't try and compare night and day.

RM-I didn't mean it that way Kanya.

K-I know very well what U meant but if your trying to convince yourself that Karan is better than Ranbir then U have another thing coming. (Kanya looks a little out of breath)

RM-R U ok?

K-Fine. I just got worked.

RM-Sorry if i upset U. if anything i thought U hated Ranbir.

K-Life happened! Its too short and to be honest theres no time for hate in my life but just to live everyday as if its my last.


K-U wouldn't know what i'm on about. Forget me. We were friends once. R U sure Karan is the one. Look at him he is colourless. Dull but smart with granted good looks.

RM-R U trying to steal my man?

K-Trust me i wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. I mean he's not my type.

RM-So why R U trying to make me see otherwise. U don't still love him?

K-Love him please. I never did.

RM-Then who do U love?


RM-I see.

K-U don't see. I mean i think U should give Ranbir a try. He's your soul mate always has been. Think about it. If U marry Karan U will always regret it if in some corner of your heart still belongs to Ranbir. Its not fair on Ranbir, Karan and most of all U.

RM-I see. So U think i should reconsider my plans with Karan and be with Ranbir.

K-U have no idea how lucky U R to have found love but please don't mistake friendship for Love. I would give everything to have someone feel the way Ranbir does for U. afer all he's done everything to prove himself worthy for U.

RM-I don't know Kanya.

K-At least try for me. Thats all i ask.

Ranbir is at the table wondering where Kanya is and totally not bothered by Radha's absence. Kanyas phone goes off and its Pooja who keeps miss calling Kanya. He thought it might be important so picked the phone up. He was about to speak when old memories of motor mouth Pooja attacked his ears with so much abuse which was aimed at Kanya. Nice to know she cares so much about Kanya.

P-Kanya ki bachi tujhe kabse phone kar rahi hoon. Mujhe heart attack dene ki iraada hain kya. U know i worry 2 much about U baby. Tujhe dil ki bimari hogi par chot mujhe lagthi hain. So irresponsible. If anything happens to U main tho mar jaungi. Meds li. Doctor ko mili? Us Saand ne kuch kiya kya? Kuch bhol na. Sorry sorry U ok? Kanya batha na.

R-Its Ranbir! Pooja stil the same old U. So Kanya is dil ki mareez. U mean heart problem na.

P-I was just going on and on U know me chatterbox. It slipped out. She's fine.

R-Aur main saand. Come on Pooja. Its me U R talking to.

P-Look Ranbir its not my place to say anything Kanya would kill me. She doesn't want anyone to know. She came to London for a cure and to make amends well to win Karan but i know my sister is lying. U can't tell her anything about this.

R-Fine. I will get it out of her. So these meds she's on R for her heart right.

P-Kind of. Look Ranbir i don't want my sister to hurt. Please be careful round her and look after her 4 me. I'm promised to give her space but theres nobody in London to watch out for her. I know u don't get on.

R-Look Pooja your sister is in safe hands and as for a doctor I will make sure she gets to go ok.


R-I won't say anything to her ok. Just keep this between us. Kanya's coming.


Ranbir hands the phone over to Kanya. Kanya see's who it is and her face lights off. Ranbir wondered why Kanya was so different and now knew. But he couldn't take his eyes off Kanyas face. She was beaming with delight that it brought a smile to his face. All this time he had no idea why Kanya gave cryptic messages as life being short and now he knew. His hardened heart melted slightly for Kanya not realizing that Radha was watching him from afar. She was having doubts on her feelings but at the same noticing Ranbir was a different guy. Maybe Kanya was right but then again she owed it to herself to see if there was anything between her and Ranbir.

K-Di why R U calling me?

P-Time dekh? 6 hours past its been 7 hours.

K-Sorry. I must have forgotten. I am taking care of myself and yes if anything happens U will be first to know. OK. Quit Worrying.

P-OK. Ranbirs a great guy.
K-I know. Thats why i'm helping him. Love U Di.
R-Shall we leave now this party is boring me.
K-Me too.
They head home. Ranbir makes sure Kanya gets rest. He completely rearranges his time to suit KAnya.

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Comments (11)

Wait and see. Ranbir needs to now what his real feelings R as he has had a torch for Radha for so long. He has only just begun to see the depth of Kanya's character who know love can change and gfrow.

16 years ago

[QUOTE=princez-preciou]oo excellent update!
yaar di u are scaring me .kanya ko kya kardiya, dil ki mareez!.!
and rannu is soo sweet towards kanya!
anyhow please continue sooooooon![/QUOTE]

This will be my most heart wrenching story. But Love will find a way. Ranbir is already warming up towards Kanya

16 years ago

Arey yaar don't make Ranbir be with Radha because I believe love should be what you feel. The moment you try to compare people the way Radha was doing then you are cheating and you don't truly love the person. Make Ranbir take care of Kanya and make them fall in love instead. That would be perfect. BTW very nice update but very short too. Make the update little longer next time.

16 years ago

same here. please dont kill kanya!

16 years ago

that was awesome
can't wait 2 read ur nxt update
plzzzzzzzzzzz continue soon

16 years ago

oo excellent update!
yaar di u are scaring me .kanya ko kya kardiya, dil ki mareez!.!
and rannu is soo sweet towards kanya!
anyhow please continue sooooooon!

16 years ago

that was amazing...
i loved it....
pls continue soon

16 years ago

Awsome!!!!!!BUT plz dont make kanya die cuz i reli feel sad if some1 dies so plz dont make her die!!!!!!!

16 years ago

loved it please continue soon.also your other ffthanx.

16 years ago

Awwwwwwwwwww Ranbirs so sweet rearranging his time just for Kanya

Gr8 part
Hope Radha doesntr take kanyas advice
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue sooooooon

16 years ago
