Chapter 20

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Part 20

Recap-Ranbir gets Ira and Harry to get their acts together into becoming an item. Ranbir meets hos friends from America at the party uncovering a bet they all made about how long it would take for Ranbir and Kanya to get together. Ranbir kisses Kanya when a stranger interrupts the wedding.


Every head turned at the stranger but he didn't care. He just came waltzing in towards the bride and was surprised to see its not who he expected it to be and looked a little embarrassed.

A-Gwen is there something U want to tell me?

G-Akash we R married now. U really think theres something going on with him.

A-Look Mr Stop the wedding. Gwens mine so back off. I don't know what ur problem is?

S-Sorry i came to save my friend but Ur not it. Carry on with the wedding.

At the house inside Kanya wants to see what all the fuss is about she tries to get away from Ranbir but he had her firmly in his grip not letting her out of sight. He put her back in his arms and gazed right in her eyes as if to say he's not done with her.

K-Ranbir chodo mujhe. I want to see outside. It looks tense. Theres a guys back.

R-No checking guys out remember. I'm the only one for U. I'll kill anyone that looks at U Kanya.

K-Be serious. I'll be back. U come too.

R-This isn't finished.

K-I never said it was. She gave him a light kiss on his cheeks.

R-Every time on the cheeks. At least aim for the lips.

K-Ranbir U never know when to stop.

They both go outside and see the stranger whose back is to them. Gwen looks at Kanya and has a worried expression on her face. The stranger hears a woman's laughter and immediately turns round. Kanya looks at him with a huge grin. He hugs Kanya in response and she does the same. Ranbir is getting seriously annoyed at this strange guy touching his woman like that nobody had the right to Kanya but Ranbir himself. He picked her up in front everyone and twirled her around.

K-Sameer will U let me go now. I feel dizzy.

S-Anything for my jaan. Kanya i came just for U. come on before its too late.

K-Sameer what R U on about?

S-U told me U didn't want to get married I'm here to rescue U.

K-Oh that! I forgot. Sameer meet my fianc Ranbir. Ranbir meet Sammer.

Both guys shook each others hands. With a firm grip. Ranbir already disliked Sameer just for touching Kanya as if she were his. Sameer too hated Ranbir for making Kanya feel pushed into doing something against her wishes. They both wanted the best for Kanya. Sameer didn't like the look of Ranbir one bit neither did Ranbir like Sameer's look he was your typical boy next door while Ranbir was like the bad boy you'd date but never take to meet your parents.

K-R U guys planning on being glued to the other all night or will U let go?


R-I'm not.

K-Ranbir. He's my friend. Just let me talk to him.

R-U certainly know how to make an entrance in style.

S-Well whats a guy to do when his friends being pushed into something she doesn't.

R-Whatever but U aren't going to talk to Kanya on your own.

K-Ranbir i don't want a scene. I'll be right back.

Ranbir didn't want to let Kanya go but he didn't want to seem possessive. But he sure felt as jealous as ever and Sameer was giving him the creeps. Something about him didn't sit right with him. He couldn't pick out what it was but something was wrong. Who knew what they were talking about normally Ranbir didn't care about girls but Kanya twisted his inside out with worry. He knew that Sameer came to break up someones wedding and that was his.

A-U ok buddy?

R-Just about but i don't like that guy 1 bit.

A-I know he gives off this sense of something bad is about to happen.

R-U feel it too.

A-Come on he tried to break a wedding up. I was just relieved that it was n't our but Kanya being his friend i think U should keep an eye on him.

G-Stop putting thoughts into Ranbir's head. Just enjoy this night. I think we've had enough action for one night and head out for our honeymoon.

R-U guys go.

Kanya goes in the house with Sameer hand in hand. She couldn't believe he'd come all the way from the UK for her or maybe there was business as he was a doctor.

K-Batao kyun aye ho yaha?

S-U told me in your call U were marrying this guy that U didn't want and needed help. So here i am offereing my assistance. Im just glad this wasn't your wedding.

K-Sameer i've fallen for him. Ranbir.

S-U can't be serious. Look at him and U? question marks everywhere. U barely even know him.

K-It feels like i've known him my whole life. He makes me feel alive and lose all my senses.

S-R U sure he's the one? I came for U Kanya to make U mine and this is how U repay me.

K-What Sameer i never saw U that way.

S-If there's any girl i want its U Kanya. I'm not letting Ranbir have U.

K-Sameer what R U saying? U can't love me theres nothing to love.

S-Don't go all serious i was joking. Come on me and U. In your dreams.

K-Sameer U had me scared then.

S-Kanya if your happy then i'm happy but if Ranbir ever hurts U i will kill him.

K-U two R so alike its scary.

S-Best friends?

K-Best friends for life.

Ranbir is reunited with Kanya who is glaring at Sameer. Kanya notices the frosty looks and tells Ranbir to back off. They both go to send off Gwen and Akash. Harry is too busy with Ira and finally not looking at other girls. Tom and Will put cans behind the car of Akash with streamers saying Just Married. Gwen throws the bouquet and Kanya catches it.

J-Looks like tradition Kanyas the next bride anyways.

K-I can't wait.

R-Well looks like its us. Divorce has come through make sure U don't end up with anyone else.

K-Is that suppose to be funny?

R-No but its definitely got me laughing.


R-Remember u promised to spend time with me.

K-That was until Sameer came. I promise tomorrow.

R-Kanya. Fine go but don't expect me to be around.

K-Stop acting like a child.

R-I'm acting like a child. He comes to break us up and i should be cool with it.

K-No but that was before he knew we R an item.

R-So U aren't having second thoughts.

K-Never. Ab toh kush ho na.

R-Fine but U better be with loads of people.

K-I will.

 Ranbir ends up going to a party with loads of friends to end the night in style. For Ranbir its just a way of not thinking about Kanya and her dumb friend Sameer. He hated the guy so much and the thought of them together had him worried but Ranbir couldn't let on he was worried that would give Sameer power. Jannifer understood where Ranbir was coming from as did Brad, Will and Tom they all tried to cheer him up but in the back of his mind that worry didn't go away. They didn't go home until pretty late.

Kanya was already home with Sameer. Her family were so pleased to see him as he was missed. They all knew that he had a thing for Kanya secretly wishing she'd end up with him not knowing the true sinister side of Sameer and his obsession.

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Comments (12)

di thankyou baad meh i want the next part!!! lol!

16 years ago

Thank You 2
sweet cherry
candy princess

This wouldn't have been so popular had it not been for all your encouragement. Hope U R all in for the next installmentmatwamango2008-08-09 16:44:51

16 years ago

Awsome as usual all your updates r reli good plz plz continue fast!!!!!

16 years ago

brill part dii!
wow what a character..oo cant wait to see his true colours!
continue sooon!

16 years ago

great update
continue soon!

16 years ago

brill update....
pls continue soon

16 years ago

Really nice update!!!!!!!
Can't wait till your next update!!!!

16 years ago

Nice update yaar. But what is Sameer's intentions. Hopefully he doesn't create any problems for kanya and ranbir

16 years ago

that was amazing
can't wait 2 read ur nxt update

16 years ago

wonderful part
continue soon

16 years ago
