Chapter 1

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Part 1


When we meet people for the first time they are strangers,

From birth, childhood, teens to adulthood,

We meet people from all walks of life,

Sometimes it takes moments to become friends,

Sometimes a lifetime,

Some people u just hate,

Some people u just love,

One thing for sure those strangers can become more than strangers,

Friends, worst enemies, even lovers,

U never know when a stranger just touches a cord in your heart.

One thing for sure it doesn't take long until that stranger becomes your life.


It's Kanya's 21st birthday party. All her friends in LA throw her a party to mark her special day. They celebrate the end of Uni and actually just letting their hair down. The girls hit the town and just party hard. Everything is in full swing. Kanya was in her pink dress looking like a Princess with her tiara. She just looked spectacular. Everybody had a makeover. They had a manicure. By the end All the girls looked like a million dollars not that they were worth that. Most of them were in debt with tuition fees. They were also looking forward to going back home and getting employed in the co-operate world with high hopes. Kanya's friend Christina, Kate, Priyanka, Shanaya, Deepika and Xiyu were all there.

Ranbir was also present with all his pals. They were also celebrating Ranbir's best friends engagement to Gwen. She was a rich girl with everything most guys would die for. A huge inheritance, good looks and someone with a pure heart. She was getting married to Akash also another friend of Ranbir. He was happy for them but he wasn't keen on settling down. He wanted more out of life. He wanted fun both professionally and he wanted women loads of them if he could. He was a total player. He was a commitment phobic. He evaded the question on relationships from his mother to his friends. The gang were all together. Tom, Brad, William, Jennifer.

Eventually both parties ended up meeting the other group of friends. Nobody knew each other but they mingled. Both parties taking interests in one another. Particularly Ranbir and Kanya. They had both felt this attraction to each other not quite knowing why. Christina could tell Kanya liked this rugged new guy. She was definitely sending come to me sign and knew Kanya needed a little pick me up. Encouragement if that is what was needed. A little alcohol.

Kanya never had a sip in her life so Kate, Priyanka and Shanaya encouraged her to go for it. Kanya felt she had to at least take one sip. Xiyu gave her Vodka from the bar in Vegas Starlight. Kanya took a little sip and already starting to feel the effects of the drink. Pretty soon the drinks kept on coming one after the other. Each friend purchasing a favourite if their choice.

Ranbir had one look and Kanya and knew he had to make a bee line for her. He didn't know why but he had to. As it was Akash's engagement the boys and the two girls were drinking quite heavily. Enjoying their time at the bar. Laughing and teasing Gwen that married life is sure going to be difficult. Jennifer was picking on Akash telling him that Gwen would wear the trousers and he would be her slave. She will question him if he ever came home late and smell him to check for scent of any women. Ranbir was picking on Gwen telling her that she will find everything about Akash's habits repulsive. Men just couldn't help but be dogs. Gwen was getting annoyed with Ranbir as was Akash.

A-What R U trying to do man? Scare Gwen! If she backs out i will kill u. U know i'm crazy about her.

R-OK. Bro! I will chill. I was only messing.

G-If u R trying to get him to back out i will have your head Ranbir. Jennifer not funny. I already know all about Akash's bad habits and love him for it. We all need some things that aren't perfect. Life would be boring. U guys will find out when the love bug gets u.

J-Love bug? Girl u seriously R kidding me?

R-Jen! Don't bother. These two are far gone now. Leave them. Akash is paying for the drinks so lets just get drunk.

J-Ran do u wanna go for a quick dance?

R-Yeah but i've got my eyes on athat person over there! She is looking so cute.

J-Get in there before one of the guys beat u. I can already see Brad and Tom. I think Will is going for the girl in red.

R-I think i need another drink. She seems a little too shy don't u think?

J-No i think she seems keen. Trust me. She's giving you body language. Go.

While Akash thinks of daring Ranbir to go get married to Kanya knowing full well that he'd do it in a heartbeat. Ranbir just couldn't help but do dares especially if someone called him chicken. Kanya just kept looking at the stranger as if she was in this trance. What was wrong with her. Why couldn't she look away? Why? She noticed that even he was looking at her direction.

C-Kanya go! Dance! U don't turn 21 everyday u know. U know what i will take u to him!

K-Christina no. I can't. I've never looked at a guy that way before.

X-Well there's a first time. Right girls for moral support lets take her to him.

The girls push Ranbir and Kanya together. They introduce Kanya to Ranbir. He's very happy they brought her to him. That way he didn't seem like he was doing anything he wasn't meant. He didn't know why but Kanya made him nervous. No women had that effect on him before.

R-Hi! I'm Ranbir!

Kanya just stared at him. Going red. Her friends were enjoying her silence knowing full well she wasn't comfortable with all this.

R-Does your friend talk or is she just shy!

K-I'm Kanya!

R-So Kanya U want to dance!


P-Be careful with her she bites. She's drunk! We will be watching u!

K-Guys don't scare him now go dance.

Ranbir and Kanya get lost in each others eyes while dancing to a club track. They were dancing to Massari remixed.

R-So never seen u around here?

K-I'm celebrating my 21st birthday.

R-I'm celebrating my friends wedding.

K-U got a very sexy smile!

R-Sexy huh! U got beautiful eyes! So much innocence. But you are a fast worker. Great Akash is coming our way. So are your friends. Looks like our time is cut short! See u around.

Akash comes and explains to Ranbir the bet the guys had made but Ranbir was half lisening and half dreaming of Kanya. He could still feel her in his arms. Shanya thought it was a great idea. She already knew Kanya liked Ranbir but being short of a few screws loose she went with the dare. She got Kanya and took them to the Vegas alter. Kanya already looked like a Vegas bride. Ranbir was in a suit so with that and a priest Ranbir and Kanya were pronounced husband and wife with Akash and Shanaya as the witnesses. Kanya's friends left by then as did Ranbir's. Ranbir booked a hotel and both he and Kanya did the deed.


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Comments (17)

its so funny!!! reminds me of "what happens in Vegas"!! waiting for morning!!

16 years ago

hahaha God knows wat is gonna happen in the morning great part continue soon

16 years ago

omg great update plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue sooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.!!!!!!!!!
can't wait 2 c wat happen in da morning. sweet cherry39597.4687037037

16 years ago

great update i just love all of ur FF's reminds me of the movie "what happned in vegas" plzzz continue soon

16 years ago

The mornin afters gonna b good The first part was awesome Plzzzzzzzzzz continue sooooooooooon

16 years ago

its nice...plz continue...

16 years ago

did the deed.... great part... pls continue soon

16 years ago

and both he and Kanya did the deed. that line how unromantic great intro pliz update.

16 years ago

story seems interesting plz continue soon

16 years ago

ooo sounds awesome ... haha i wonder wat happens in the morning ha! finding out that their mariied lol.! anyhow it was brill plz continue sooooon!

16 years ago
