Chapter 18

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{{RECAP: They start cleaning the house.....Laksh's group gets the cooking job for making dinner...Manthan and Sneha reveal their love to each other......Laksh kisses Kt on her lips.....}}

Laksh and Kt went and sat with Neev,Prachi,Sneha and Manthan on the staircase in the huge hall of the house ..Manthan and Sneha had told Neev and Prachi about their love...The other students were also sitting here and there in the hall..They were all having their tea with samosas....

M:Laksh,Kt where were you?The cook had told that we have to cook the dinner after tea time...
L:Oh!That's after 5 o clock na...No problem..We can relax till that..(leans on to the hand rail of the stairs)
P:We have finished our work in the upstairs..We laid over 60 beds for the girls to sleep..Hai na Neev?
N:Hmmm.....Now we have to start our work in the downstairs, to lay the beds for the boys...Sneha, did your group finish your cleaning work in the down stairs....
S:No....But all the bed rooms have been cleaned...Kt, why are you so silent?

Kt, who was playing with the glass bangles which Laksh had gifted her, had not uttered a single word after coming back...She looked up when Sneha called her...She couldn't suppress her smile because she had been thinking about their kiss......

K:(smiling)Well...I was just thinking about..
S:(smiling)About what Kt?(to Laksh)Kya baat hai Laksh?Sach sach bataao...You guys are hiding something...(with an expression of "your game is up")
M:Haan...Come on..Tell us where you were till now...We were all here..But where did you go..?
L:We went to the river side....We were walking along the river bank...Thats all guys....Why are you all looking at us like this..? Bataao na Kt...
K:Haan...Thats right....And see what Laksh gifted me..(shows them her hand with bangles)
P:Wow...Laksh gave this to you...So sweet..!!
N:Oh.. That is why she is so happy...


The time was 7 o clock in the evening...All the groups had finished their works..They were all sitting around a camp fire which was lit in the courtyard of the house..

Mrs.Kalpana: First of all I want to congratulate all of you for doing your works very sincerely..You must sit silently and listen while I am talking... The group which had got the third highest point is Neev Shergill's group with 7 points out of 10..They had finished their work very neatly and very much in order...The group which got the second highest points is Laksh Virani's group who had prepared our dinner very deliciously...They also did their work very neatly and they have a lot of co-operation.They have been awarded 8 points out of 10..There are two groups which got the highest point, that is 9out of 10..They are Bhargav Dutta's and Deepak Dev's groups who did a tremendous job in collecting water from the rivers and filling the tank despite the continuous usage of water by the others...A huge round of applause for all of them and for all the other groups...

Everybody clapped their hands and congratulated those group members who scored the highest...

Mrs.Suchitra: Congratulations to all of you.....We shall all enjoy for sometime...You can do anything, such as organize some games or any one can entertain all of us by their performance....At 8 o clock we shall have our dinner..

Sania:Excuse me M'am,We can play Antakshari...We can play it among the groups or as the Boys team Vs Girls team..(she stood up)Friends ,which one will be more interesting..?

Every body told "Boys Vs Girls".......Then all the girls came to one side of the fire and the boys moved to the other side...Sania sang the usual "Baithe Baithe kya kare,karna hai kuch kaam, shuroo kare antakshari leke prabhu ka naam..."..The first chance went to the boys..

N:"Main koyi aisa geet gaaun,Ke aarzoo jagaao.."

The other boys also began to sing the song...

M:"Agar tum kaho...." Ab tum log "Ha" se gaao..
K:"Hum dil de chuke sanam.."

And the other girls also sang with her.....Thus the game was going on...Kt caught Laksh's eyes and they smiled at each other..After some time Kt looked at Sania and saw that she was also staring at Laksh...Kt didn't like it....She tried to concentrate in the game but she couldn't..Instead she stared at Laksh...She saw Laksh saying something in Manthan's ear.He then went to Kalpana M'am and asked something..She nodded and he headed to their house..
Kt looked at Sania..She was looking at him as he walked into the house..She got up and went to the teacher and asked something and she also went to the house...Kt wanted to know what she was up to..

K:Sneha, come with me..
K:(getting up)I will say..come on...

Kt and Sneha went to the teacher.

K:M'am..Where did Sania go?
Ka:To the toilet..
K:May we also go?
Ka:Ok..But come soon..

Kt and Sneha walked into the building..There was no electricity in the village..They had lit lanterns in the main rooms such as the sitting room ,hall, kitchen and one of the bath rooms for the time being ..Kt and Sneha reached the sitting room and saw Sania in the hall..They cautiously went into the hall and there was no sign of Sania..They decided to check in the bathroom where the lantern was lit..But Sania was also not there..Then Kt saw the light in the kitchen and decided to check there..They reached the kitchen door, hid behind the wall and peeped inside the kitchen..They saw Laksh who was drinking water with his back turned to the door..Sania walked to him..

Sa:Laksh..I want to tell some thing to you..
L:(keeping the glass on the kitchen slab)Tell me..
Sa:Laksh...I love you...
Sa:Haan Laksh..I love you....(runs to him and hugs him tightly)
L:(irritated)What are you doing Sania..?Leave me(tries to push her away..)
S:Please don't leave me Laksh...You love me na....

Laksh tried hard to push her away...In doing so, both of them slipped and Laksh fell on top of Sania...Sania hugged Laksh and pulled him towards her....

Sa:Please Laksh....I love you....

Kt lost her control and she came running into the kitchen..She went and rescued Laksh from Sania's clutches....Sneha also came in..

K:(angrily to Sania) HOW DARE YOU ??Angry
Sa:(gets up, shocked)What did I do?It was him......He...(starts crying)..He grabbed me and tried to kiss me when I came here to drink water..

Kt got really angry and she slapped hard on Sania's face....Laksh was looking at Sania unbelievably...Sneha went and placed her hand on his shoulders..

K:How dare you tell such a lie about someone, Sania...?(shaking with anger)I saw and heard everything...
Sa:(keeping her hand on her cheek where Kt slapped)You slapped me...??..... Miss.Krishna Tulsi...., you will pay for this..(storms out of the kitchen)

K:(without looking at Laksh)Ab chalo yahan se..(walks out of the kitchen)
L:(feeling awkward)Kt....Please meri baat toh suno..
K:(stops walking,but does not turn back)Laksh mujhe kuch nahin sun na...We will talk about it later...And remember,don't talk about this to anyone else...Ek ladki ki izzat ka sawaal hai......Sneha come with me...Kalpana M'am told us to get back soon...(and walks away with Sneha...)

Laksh stood there watching Kt and Sneha going away, feeling helpless........Confused

END OF PART 17......


With Luv,
NainaBig smile Wink Smile

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Comments (4)

Hey naina great going exellent part totally fab loved it to bits update soon Tuba

16 years ago

really great update naina..... ..That sania deserrves more than a single slap...well done kt....

16 years ago

you finally continued and it was great sanya i realyy wish she rots in hell, that she is creating problems between them kt is a great girlfriend that she believed laksh and slapped that b**ch sanya good going kt pppppppllllllllllleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeeeeee continue soon, waiting eagerly for the next part preeti

16 years ago

awesome partsanya please don't create problems between lakshya ktPlzzzzzzz continue soon

16 years ago
