Chapter 3

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Kt and Sneha are on their way to hostel:

Both of them were walking to their hostel. Even though their hostel was in the college compound, they had to walk a little distance.
S:Kt, what were you dreaming about?
K:(smiling) Oh..I was thinking about Laksh.
S:Ha! I knew..But why didn't you talk to him Kt?You were so silent..
K:I was feeling embarrassed to talk freely..
S:Listen Kt, if you love Laksh, you should tell it to him..Otherwise he won't even know..
K:No Sneha..Its not time yet..I want to know more about him..about his family..his character and all, and above all I want to know if he is already commited to someone else..
S:Yeah..Thats right..But what if it gets really late before you are ready to tell him..Even if he is single now,what if he finds someone else before he knows about your love?
K:Yeah..thats also possible.So what shall we do?
S:Firstly we will have to ask him if he loves someone or not..
K:But we can't directly ask something like that to him..I mean,we all have just become friends..
S:I have an idea Kt.Lets play the game of "Truth or dare".
K:Whats that?
S:I will tell you after we reach hostel..
Next day:

It was 7 o clock in the morning.Kt was lying fast asleep on her bed in her hostel room.She was dreaming.In the dream,she was walking alone in a beach.Suddenly Laksh came running to her with 2 icecream cones in his hand.He gave one to her.He held one of her hands with his free hand and they both started walking along the beach.Laksh whispered in her ear ,"I love you sweetheart"..Kt blushed and said "I love you too Laksh".Then he placed his hand around her shoulder,held her close,and gave a sweet kiss on her cheek....

The rays of the morning sun were playing on her face and suddenly she got up from her sleep..Her bed was near the window and someone had left the curtains open.She sat up and mumbled,"who opened these curtains?I had kept them closed yesterday night".She was feeling really tired.Her body was also paining badly.When she looked around, all her room mates except Sneha had gone from the room.Sneha was fast asleep on her bed which was near to Kt's bed.She panicked and checked the time on her bedside alarm clock.It was only 7.10 am.Then only she felt relieved.

She got down from her bed and went to wake up Sneha.

K:(Shaking Sneha sligntly)Sneha...Sneha...
S:Hmmmm........(keeping her eyes closed)
K:Sneha..Get up...Its time...
S:Kya yaar...Sone do naa...
K:Utho...Its already 9 o clock..(still shaking Sneha)
S:Oh...Koi baat nahi...hmmm....KYA(Opening her eyes suddenly)..

Sneha suddenly got up and ran to her table to take her tooth brush.Then she noticed the time and she got angry..
S:What is this Kt?Its only 7.15 and you scared me(she looks at Kt and notices that she was sitting in Sneha's bed ,clasping her head with both her hands.)

Sneha went and sat beside her.She put her hands around Kt's shoulders.

S:What happened Kt?You are not feeling well?
K:My head is aching very much..My body is also paining.
S:(feeling Kt's forehead)You are having fever Kt.I told you not to take head bath, yesterday night.Ok...I will give you a tablet.(Takes a tablet from her bag and gives it to Kt with a glass of water)Have it and take rest.There is no need to come to the class today.I will tell the reason to our class teacher.Dont worry...

Kt had the tablet and Sneha helped her to lie down on her bed.Sneha closed the curtains and went downstairs.Kt lied on her bed and thought,"There was no need to take the bath in the night.I could have bathed in the morning.Now i won't be even able to see Laksh today."

Sneha came to the room with Kt's breakfast and placed it on her bedside table.

S:Kt..Have your breakfast and then sleep(She helps Kt to get up and starts feeding her)
K:Its ok Sneha.I will have it myself.You go and get ready.Otherwise you will be late.(She takes the plate from Sneha)
S:Ok..I have told our warden about you.She said that she will take care of you.She has agreed to take your lunch up here in case you are not able to go downstairs in the afternoon.

Sneha took out the rest of the tablets from her bag and kept it on the table.

S:I am keeping these tablets here.Have one tablet after your lunch

Sneha started to get ready.Kt had some of the food, kept the plate on the table and lay down.Sneha was ready to go to college and she saw the plate.

S:Why Kt..?You didnt have it fully.
K:I can't have more Sneha.Its enough.
S:Ok...But, have your lunch properly and don't forget to have the tablet.Now sleep well.I am going...Bye..(she covered Kt with a blanket)

Sneha went to the college.Kt closed her eyes.She fell asleep at once, because she felt really tired.

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Comments (7)

Thank u friends for reading my fanfic and giving encouraging comments....

16 years ago

rocking part you finally updated i think KT is right she should wait coz if she tells laksh now then he might laugh it off and think as a joke update soon -tuba

16 years ago

awesum ff...continue soon..

16 years ago

[QUOTE=saira_1]sweet part
and she should DEF. tell laksh [/QUOTE]same here go tell lakshya kt he is waiting for you!!Plzzzzzzzzzzzz continue soon

16 years ago

amazing one!! i think Kt shud not tell Laksh....bcoz if he doesnt love her then their will be an embrassing situation & their friendship will also not go further....this is REALITY...but in FF any thing is possible love,aliya

16 years ago

sweet part and she should DEF. tell laksh

16 years ago

Thank you friends for your comments...They are encouraging....Keep reading my fanfic.....Thank uuuuu all once again.....

16 years ago
