~*~Kakashree Vidur Visited Us~*~

1 years ago

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Watching Kakashree Vidur's chariot approaching towards us, no doubt I was pretty happy but got a little tensed also, wondering about the reason of his visit. Arjun voiced my inner thoughts, "Why is Kakashree visiting us? Has he come to invite us for another round of game of dice?

Even our most silent brother, Sahadev, too expressed his hatred towards Duryodhana and his gang, "They had already deceitfully robbed all our belongings. What do they want from us now?

Kakashree's chariot stopped at a distance. Keeping my thoughts aside, I said to my brothers, "Don't discuss this now, first let us go and welcome Kakashree.

As Kakashree was descending his chariot, all five of us went towards him to welcome him. "Pranaam Kakashree." He took all of us in his arms. His eyes were glistening with tears of joy. With a tearful voice, he blessed all of us with good fortune. Then we humbly requested Kakashree to bless our hermitage with the dust of his feet.

By, this time Draupadi had already went inside the hermitage. When all of us entered inside the hermitage, she quickly came forward to take blessings from Kakashree. She went inside the kitchen and returned with some berries and water in a small earthen pot and offered them to Kakashree as refreshment.

Kakashree humbly refused the fruits and only took the water. When he had rested a bit, we started asking about the wellbeing of our family members who stayed back at Hastinapur and still loved us. Had I asked this question to some other person, I would have got the answer as, 'everyone is doing fine'. But I had asked this question to Kakashree, who knew the art of speaking in puzzles to convey a deeper meaning of his words.

He said, "Putra, it is very difficult to answer your question. All the people about whom you have asked are sitting under the shed of a tree, whose roots have weakened, and anytime may fall on them." We did not know what should we tell him. He continued, "Just like a sick person likes to eat spicy foods and avoids healthy food, now a days, Hastinapur monarch is also getting solace from the deceitful and evil advices of Gandhar Raj Shakuni and does not need this bitter speaking Dasiputra anymore.

We could not believe what Kakashree just said. How could jyeshth pitashree do this with him. I hesitatingly asked him, "Kakashree, how did this happen? We are like your son. Please do tell us in detail."

Kakashree started telling us about his encounter with jyeshth pitashree on the previous day.


Hastinapur Emperor Dhritharashtra was sitting in his private court room, when Vidur entered. He greeted the King. "Pranaam Maharaj, please tell me how can I help you?"

Dhritharashtra replied in a soggy tone, "Vidur, since the day my loving sons Panduputra left for exile, my heart has been feeling gloomy. Through my spies, I have got the news that our subjects have started resenting me, and my sons. O Vidur, you are a so learned in politics and virtue. Please give me your valuable guidance which can be beneficial to both my sons and Pandavas."

Vidur replied in his ever-known bitter tone, "Maharaj, the foundation of a kingdom is based upon virtuous deeds of the King and his kiths and kins. By defeating the Pandavas in the game of dice in deceitful manner, your sons, Gandhar Raj Shakuni, and Ang Raj Karna had affected the strong foundations of Hastinapur. Therefore, I request you kindly bring back the Pandavas and return them their kingdom."

From Dhritharashtra's expression, it was clear that he was not pleased with Vidur's suggestion. Hiding his temper, he restated to Vidur, "I do love Pandavas, but I love Duryodhana more, which is very natural because he is my son. The advice you are giving me will not be acceptable to him.Vidur interrupted him and said, "But Maharaj, nothings can be more precious than nation, not even your son. You are the king, you should first think about the nation before anything else. Moreover, that wicked son of yours lost all his judgement long time back. Those evil advices of your brother-in-law, Shakuni, and his jealousy towards Pandavas has blinded him. He cannot realize how his actions are causing him more harm than benefit."

Dhritharashtra's temper was getting high with each word of Vidur. But Vidur, fearless of the wrath of Dhritharashtra kept on saying, "Maharaj, if you want to save your lineage from certain doom in the hands of Pandavas, then please bring them back. Ask your sons to seek forgiveness from them and dear Draupadi. Recrown Yudhishthira as the Ruler of Indraprastha."

Unable to hold him back anymore, Dhritharashtra roared at Vidur, "STOP YOUR NONSENSE AT ONCE. Initially I thought, at least you were a well wisher of mine, but now I see, that your love and sympathy is only towards those Pandavas. I had enough of you and now I don't want your services anymore. You are free to leave me and stay with those Pandavas." Saying this, Dhritharashtra left the court room at once.

##Flashback over##

Kakashree's eyes welled up with tears while he narrated us about this incident. He said, "I am not sad because he relieved me from the service. I am sad because now, no one is there who could give him those advices which may sound bitter but are ultimately beneficial for him.

Kakashree seemed completely broken. While speaking all of these he side-hugged me. I tried to comfort him by rubbing my hands in a circular motion on his back.

For next few days Kakashree stayed with us. His company, just like always, gave me great pleasure. While he stayed with us, he told us various stories about many virtuous men and their virtuous deeds. He also gave us various guidance about good politics. He tried to ease my grievous mind with his valuable advices and teachings.

Then one day, jyeshth pitashree's charioteer, Sanjay, came to meet us. After a short session of greeting and asking about his wellbeing, he told us that, jyeshth pitashree had sent him to take Kakashree with him to Hastinapur. "Maharaj is very agonized for misbehaving with his little brother Vidur. Even Gangaputra Bhishma chastised him. So, he sent me with a request for you to kindly return with me to your abode at Hastinapur. He also told me that if you refuse to acknowledge this request, then to let you know that he has ordered you to return at once."

Kakashree said nothing, just smiled at Sanjay. Then, he turned towards me and placing his hands on my shoulders said in a soft tone, "Putra, now allow me to leave. May you all complete these years of exile safely and get all your fortunes back." I immediately asked him, "When shall be our next meeting?" to which Kakashree replied, "Most probably after completion of your exile son."

The thought of him leaving us depressed me. He had always loved me like his own son. Today, again I felt the same pain I felt while leaving for our exile around a month back. We took blessings from him and he took us in his embrace and then, he left with Sanjay in his chariot. I kept looking at the departing chariot until it faded from eyes.

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