~*~The Boon From Aditya~*~

1 years ago

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##Continuation of flashback from the previous chapter##

We all rushed towards our jyeshth's fallen figure. Mother Madri, placed his head on her lap, and started patting his cheeks.

"Putra Yudhishthira.......Putra Yudhishthira, wake up child...open your eyes...."

All four of us also joined her in a chorused cacophony, "Wake up jyeshth, please open your eyes, please wake up!!"

Me, Sahadev and Bhrata Arjun even started crying. Mother Kunti was continuously rubbing jyeshth's feet and palms. But he was not at all responsive.

Seeing all our efforts going in vain, mother Madri said to mother Kunti in a very tearful and worried tone, "Jiji..... what has happened to our putra? Pl..Please you call him once. He always listens to you."

Mother Kunti's eyebrows were scrunched and eyes were filled with fear. She nodded and was about to call him, when her eyes fell on his right palm. It was swollen and slightly red. She turned his palm to see its outer part. There was an insect bite mark.

"Madri, look at this..." she said. Then she turned towards us and asked in a very urgent tone, "Putro....do you know anything about this? Did anything happened while you were playing?"

We all four kept looking at each other as we were clueless too. 

Seeing us mute, mother Madri suggested, "Jiji, let's take him to Rishivar's ashram (sage's hermitage)

At that exact moment, father returned. He was quite shaken with scene unfolded infront of him. He came near us to examine the matter. 

"Aryaputra, see what has happened to our  Yudhishthira. He is not at all opening his eyes, and Jiji discovered a deadly insect bite mark on his hands", mother Madri said in an agitated tone. She further added, " We were thinking of taking him to Rishivar's ashram.

Father did not say anything. It seemed as if he was stupefied. Then, without wasting any more time, he scooped up jyeshth into his arms and left along with our both the mothers towards Rishivar's ashrama. 

All four of us were forbade from going out anywhere, and Bhrata Bheem was given responsibility to look after us. 

We completed our lunch with a heavy heart and kept waiting for them to return. We were extremely scared. 

"Bhrata Bheem, what has happened to jyeshth?", Sahadev asked. 

"Why did he collapsed like that?", bhrata Arjun enquired. 

"Earlier, whenever we called jyeshth, he woke up immediately, now why isn't he getting up?" I asked. 

"Is he angry with us because we didn't leave any mangoes for him?" Sahadev added. 

"Jyeshth loves you the most, we know. Please you tell him to wake up. We promise we will never irritate him again", bhrata Arjun said tearfully and I too joined him. 

Bhrata Bheem did not say anything. He just took all three of us in his embrace, kept comforting us as well as himself. 

After almost 2 prahars, our parents returned. Father was still carrying jyeshth in his arms as he had not yet regained consciousness. The moment we saw them entering the hermitage, we got up rushed towards them. We all started shooting our questions all together.

Bhrata Bheem – What has happened to Jyeshth?

Bhrata Arjun – Why is he still sleeping?

Me – When will he wake up?

Sahadev – How long will it take for him to recover?

Our mothers took us aside and shushed us while father went ahead and placed jyeshth's limp body on the hay bed. Then he returned to us. Kneeling infront of us, he started replying to our questions, "Putro, your jyeshth got bitten by a very poisonous scorpion.

Our heart stopped for a moment. Father continued, "But there is nothing to worry now. Rishivar had given him antidote for the poison. Right now, he is running high fever as a side-effect of the poison. By tomorrow morning, he will wake up and will recover in few days. I hope, I have pacified all your queries. Now go quickly, have your dinner, and go to sleep my dear ones." Even if we wanted to protest, we could not disobey our father's order.

Next morning, we were delighted to find our jyeshth awake. The fever had not completely worn off and his cheeks were flushed. Mother Kunti was placing strips of cold wet clothes on his forehead. Looking all four of us at his bedside, he gave his mesmerizing smile and assured us that he was fine. On being asked when and how did he got bitten by the scorpion, his eyes once fell upon me and then he remained silent. 

Like a lightening, a thought ran across my mind. I realized, the scorpion must have been on the mango tree, on which we were playing the previous day. While I was climbing on the tree, jyeshth must have seen it. Since, I was about to put my feet on it, he kept his palm  on that scorpion and asked me to place my foot on his palm. At that exact moment, instead of me, he must have got bitten by that deadly creature. 

I narrated the entire incident along with my new findings to my mothers, father, and brothers. This time jyeshth also consented to it.  

"Putra, you should not have hidden this. You should have told atleast to me, or Madri or your little brothers. You know, they got so scared when you were not waking up", Mother Kunti chided him, which was indeed a rare sight to our eyes as jyeshth was so perfect that nobody ever scolded him. 

"I am so sorry for causing so much distress to you all. Please forgive me for my action." Jyeshth apologized  in a weaker tone.

For next few days, none four of us left his bed side even for a moment. At least, one of us always stayed with him. 

On one such noon, when I was alone with him, I asked him, "Jyeshth, why did you do this? Even after getting bitten, why did you keep mum? Do you realise how deadly this could have been? We could have lost you forever.

Jyeshth placed his soft hands on my head and said, "My dear little brother, in my presence, how could I let you to get hurt. Further I never wanted to panic you all, because of me. So, I thought I will endure the pain by myself. But trust me, I didn't realise that the creature was so poisonous, otherwise I would have atleast informed mother." He further added in a stronger tone, "If I have to keep my family safe, even at the cost of my wellbeing, I am ready to pay that cost happily."

##End of flashback##

This was my jyeshth, always selfless and caring. Even if, the Lord of Three Worlds comes infront of me to tell that, my jyeshth staked all of us out of his selfishness, I would not believe him. Whatever happened with us must be a huge planning of destiny. Even Lord Rama had to endure 14 years of exile to free this planet from Ravana.


(End of Nakul's POV)


Next morning, I along with my brother, our dear wife Panchali, and Rishi Dhaumya got ready to venture into the woods of Kamyaka. My eyes fell on those sinless snataka brahmanas, who have accompanied us till this stage. Our previous experiences in wilderness during childhood and after the house of lac accident, has made us much resilient for our current situation. But what about our companions? 

Considering these facts, I went near the group and addressed them humbly, "Being the eldest Pandavas, I on behalf of me, my brothers, and my wife are very thankful to all of you for accompanying us till this point.

The moment I said this line, I heard a soft murmur rose among the group. I continued, "We are completely robbed of everything we possessed, except our weapons and our distressed soul. As we are going to enter woods, these forests shall become ours sole source of necessities. Also, these forests are full of dangers at every step. I don't even know whether any of us will even survive to be able to meet our mother again or not."

For a moment, the tearful face of our mother who was was waiting eagerly for us came infront of my eyes.

Suppressing my thoughts, I continued, "Letting all of you suffer with me in these wildernesses will overwhelm me. So, I request you everyone to please return to your abode."

But the Brahmans refused to leave us. They even assured us that they will arrange their own food, clothing, and shelter. They just want to be with us. Their adamance for not leaving us tormented me from inside.

Who could have even dreamt that once a Chakravarthi Samrat, who had all the wealth of the world, will get agonized by the idea that he would have to arrange for sustenance and safety of few snatak Brahmans for 12 years. Sometimes fate becomes too cruel, isn't it? 

With all these thoughts revolving in my mind, I secluded from the group and went to a desolated place. There I sat on the ground and completely broke down. I sobbed bitterly to vent out some of my pain, which was till now concealed by my calm and composed façade. 

Suddenly, I felt a touch on my left shoulder. Hurriedly, wiping off my tears, I turned to find, Pandit Sounaka, one of the snataka Brahman, was looking at me compassionately.

He remarked, "Raajan (Your Majesty), you are the epitome of dharma, you are wise and knowledgeable. Why are you breaking down so easily by these challenges? Is it because, you are repenting for the wealth, you possessed in the past is all lost? Then remember one thing always, if one does not gets charmed by the acquisition of wealth, one does not regrets its loss. Contentment is the highest level of happiness. One attains contentment, when one is well versed with true knowledge. Therefore, I urge you to go to your Rajguru Rishi Dhaumya and seek his guidance to sort out your problems."

Pandit Sounaka's words had some kind of magic in them. The load on my soul felt somewhat lighter. I immediately got up from the ground bowed before him and went towards Rishi Dhaumya to seek guidance.

Rishi Dhaumya, after listening to my query replied, "Raajan, Sun is the ultimate source of nourishment for all living beings. Since ages, Sun has taken care to feed all the organisms. Since you want to make some arrangement for sustenance of all these people, why don't you pray to Lord Surya. May be, he will suggest a way out of this misery."

After listening to his council, I was determined to perform austere meditation to please Lord Surya. I committed that until and unless I please Lord Surya, I will neither consume any food nor water. With this resolute in my mind, I went to take bath in the holy Ganga. 

After purifying myself, standing in the stream, facing towards the maker of the day, I offered hibiscus flowers to the Aditya. With my full concentration, I began chanting the Surya Pranam Mantra (hymn).

"Om Japa Kusuma Sankaasham,

Kashya Peyam Mahaa Dyutim.

Tamorim Sarva Papaghnam

Pranthoshmi Divakaram." 

(Oh, Divine One, who is as magnificent as the Hibiscus flower

To you, the blessed son of Kashyapa, how powerfully radiant.

To you, the fierce enemy of darkness, and the One who washes away all sins,

To your brilliant infinite light, I humbly bow.)

[Authors Note: This is the Surya Pranam mantra taught by my mother which I chant every day. So, I used this here. The hymn chanted by Yudhishthira as per Vanaparva of Mahabharat is very big, so I am not mentioning that here.]

How much time passed, even I don't know. I kept on chanting this hymn with my full concentration and devotion.

At a point of time, I felt someone very luminous and blazing like a ball of fire, yet pleasing, is standing infront of me and saying in his soft clear voice, "Open your eyes, Son of Dharmaraj. I am extremely pleased with your devotion. Tell me son what do you want from me?"

I opened my eyes and saw Lord Surya himself was standing infront of me. I bowed to him and said, "Oh Lord, thank you so much for accepting my prayers. These snataka brahmans have determined to stay with us at the forest, but with my all the fortune lost, I am unable to make any arrangement for their sustenance. Therefore, I have come to you to seek your guidance."

After listening to me, Lord smiled and manifested a copper pot and said, "Take this Akshaya Patra son. For next 12 years, whatever food cooked in it will not get exhaust until your dear wife Draupadi partakes her share. I also bless you that you will regain your fortune at the end of 14 years from this day." Saying this, Lord Aditya, faded away.

I came out from the stream and sought blessings from Rishi Dhaumya for guiding me. Almost 2 days had passed since I went into the stream.

I went towards Panchali, who was already arranging for cooking food from few roots and leaves collected by Nakul and Sahadev. I could tell from Panchali's expression that she was not much pleased to see me, yet like a dutiful wife she greeted me, "Pranam Arya, do you need anything?

I wondered momentarily, about the previous day incident has drawn us so apart that I can go to my wife only if I need something. 

Keeping these thoughts aside for the while, I told her about the celestial pot. "Panchali, you go and take rest. I will prepare today's lunch."

Panchali silently went away from the cooking spot. That day, I prepared food out of those roots and leaves in that celestial pot. To my utter surprise, the little food I cooked soon filled up the entire pot.

At first, we fed all the snataka brahmans, Rishi Dhaumya and his disciples. Then I fed my four brothers. Then I took my share of lunch and finally Draupadi partook her share of lunch. Surprisingly, that little food I cooked never got exhausted until Panchali partook her share.

Next day, we all of us ventured into the deep woods of Kamyaka. In the woods, we cleaned a part of land and we built, with our own hands, our humble dwelling, which was just large enough for six of us. The brahmans and Rishi Dhaumya's disciples also made their own hermitages.

Around one week passed of our stay at Kamyaka forests. 

All six of us stayed together. We shared all the household responsibilities among us. My brothers and Panchali never misbehaved with me. Rather, they were still very protective towards me. They never let me go anywhere alone. Either of them always accompanied me, whenever I ventured in to the woods for hunting or collecting timber. They even obeyed whatever I said, just like always. But the warmth of our relationship was lost somewhere.

Nakul and Sahadev stopped pranking with Bheem. Arjun, who was always cheerful and optimistic, seemed to remain lost. Bheem's eyes always to burned with rage. And my Kalyani, she had almost stopped living. She had stopped speaking with us, until and unless it was required, like calling us for dinner or asking us for arranging food. My four little brothers were trying their best to mend their relationship with her. They kept on trying to speak relieving words to her to let her vent out all the grief and pain stored inside her. 

But what would I do? This thought kept stinging my conscience day and night. I had absolutely no courage left to stand infront of my brothers or Kalyani, for even asking for forgiveness. After all wasn't I responsible for all their sufferings. Gradually, I was getting corroded from inside. Repentance and penance seemed to be my only source of solace.

We all were very much aware with the dangers lurking around in such dense forests. So for the sake of safety of everyone, every night at least one of us five brothers, stayed awake to keep watch. 

Mostly I volunteered for this job, as I was not able to sleep at all. It seemed Nidra Devi (Goddess of Sleep), has refused to come to me for the sins I committed. The moment, I closed my eyes, those horrific scenes of dyut sabha kept flashing infront of my eyes. I wanted to sleep badly but I was unable to sleep. 

I remember, when Arjun left Indraprastha for 12 years, that too because of my fault, I had similar episodes. But that time mother, Kalyani, and my three brothers were there to support and hold me. But this time, I have no one, whom I can hold on and cry my heart out. These were few moments, when I selfishly craved for mother's presence. I am sure she would not have left me alone.

My mother always used to say that with time, even deepest scars and wounds gets healed. Embedding words in mind, I kept waiting patiently to right time to come.


It was a full moon night, and it was my turn to keep watch. I was roaming around the outskirts of our hermitage when I heard a loud roar at a distance followed by a loud commotion of various birds and animals. Violent winds begun to blow and the entire atmosphere got covered with dust. It appeared as if a huge storm was approaching towards our hermitage, destroying every life forms on its way. I was a bit scared, not for my own safety, but for the safety of my family and my guests. Only my sins have brought them at the face to face with such dangers.

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