Chapter 1

--ania-- Thumbnail



Hello ppl! Here is me presenting you the short story I submitted for Moonsoon Mania contest! Hope you guys like it. Smile

You Are Special!



    Memories. Just as the word hits your mind, it provokes different emotions inside you. Sometimes its happiness, at other times it's sadness, or even a blend of all kinds of emotions mixed together…its such a word that can either flash a smile on your face even in the most painful moment or leave a pain in your heart whenever you come across it. She sighed and smiled sadly realizing how true it was. Her life was only filled with bitter memories of her past…a past that one can never forget. No matter how much she tried to cope up with the circumstances….something bad was designated to happen. The only few good memories which made a place in her heart were with Ms. Mary…her favourite teacher at the orphanage. Ms. Mary has always been on her side and was the one to support her decision of becoming a Doctor…a journey of her little Ridzie to Dr. Rhidhimma!


     She looked up from her window at the sky, which was turning to shades of purple and deep blue. The dark grey clouds were lining up as well. She sighed loudly and looked at the road ahead. She was feeling lonelier than ever today and there was a reason behind it. She remembered the biggest argument they ever had today. A tear tickled down her eye as the memory from the morning phone call made a flash back at the back of her mind. Shaking all the thoughts away, she turned on the radio.


     "Okay guys your listening to FM 98.5…this is your favourite DJ Amir! Looks like we are going to have our first rain of the season…wohooo…get ready with your favourite rain snacks…", the host announced cheerfully with a lot of enthusiasm. Rhidhimma was already getting irritated of this dude on the radio. "Let's see whose our next caller…hello whose calling?", the DJ asked. "Hi I am Dr. Sapna!", the voice on the other end of the line replied. Rhidhimma was shocked and surprised to hear her voice after a long time…she sounded so happy. Sapna was the only friend of hers in the period of her internship at Sanjeevani. "I want to dedicate a song to my best friend Ridz… today is her marriage anniversary…HAPPY ANNIVERSARY RIDZ! I hope you are listening to the radio…wish you have many more anniversaries like this! You deserve every happiness in this world!",Sapna continued…and soon the line dropped. "Okays…we wish you a very Happy Anniversary Ridz! from our whole team…and here is a song for you….".


Rim Jhim Rim Jhim

Rum Jhum Rum Jhum

Bheegi Bheegi rut main

Tum hum, hum tum…..


*Click* She turned off the radio in anger…she didn't want to listen to anything or anyone. Yes! Today was her so called "anniversary"…her first anniversary…the same day she had been tied into this relationship with HIM! The person she once hated truly and purely from heart until…. But that does not matter to her anymore…nothing is left! Nothing, except all those painful memories! Her husband was nothing but full of himself…a selfish jerk who cares for no one! The only reason she agreed to marry him was for Ms. Mary's sake as her last wish.


     Suddenly there was a loud sound that reached her ears, as clouds collided together, bringing in the thunder. Rhidhimma got scared and drove faster than before. Just as she glanced at the sky for a moment, a lightening flashed with a thunderous sound, scaring her out of her wits. "I wish he was here at least…", she said unconsciously but quickly shrugged the thought away. "What am I thinking? He doesn't deserve it! All he has done after our marriage is leave me all by myself alone! The first day of marriage my dear husband tells me that he is going to London…and don't know when he will be returning? Wow!! What a nice surprise for your one day wife…to never show up your face to her! Can it be anymore pleasing? Oh! Yes it can…when HE doesn't call you for months…and how can we forget…the icing on the cake when he and you have a HUGE argument on your first anniversary! Ahh! Can life be more exciting?", Rhidhimma blabbered to herself as she drove for her home.


     Home? Yeah right! It was similar to a palace that anyone would dream to have with all the accessories and facilities. However, to her it was just a house, a lonely place where she had spent sleepless nights crying on her fate. Her life was never justified. She never knew who her parents were? Why was she in an orphanage? Why did all the children at school teased her for? Or why did her own husband didn't show any care for her? Why? No one was here to answer her questions. No one. Tears rolled down her eyes…tears saltier than sea water. That's it! She is not going to that house to be reminded of those unfaithful memories. Rhidhimma decided firmly and pulled in the other direction, heading for her real home…the orphanage!


     She rolled up the windows as she parked her car in the orphanage parking lot. It had been a while since she visited this place. Rhidhimma got out of the car and locked the door. A cold and moist breeze passed by her, making her shiver. She looked at the board on the building…MARY ORPHANAGE! She quickly wiped her face and smiled as if it was Ms. Mary she was looking at. She had recently bought this orphanage and named it after the only motherly figure in her life.


     All of a sudden rain drops started falling on her face but she stood in the same place…remembering the childhood she spent here. Soon she was drenched, wet from head to toe from the hard rain. Rhidhimma closed her eyes and felt as the rain pour on her face. It was as if this rain was washing all her sorrows away. Knowing that she would start crying any second from now, she ran inside and opened the doors.


     As soon as she opened the door, she saw nothing that she expected. It was dark, very dark…she couldn't see anything. "Hey anybody here? Raima? Ishan? Where are you all? Kaka?", she shouted but heard no response. Curiosity took the better of her as she carefully started walking towards the main hall inside. "Maybe the lights went out? They all must be sleeping…yea…they must be in their rooms sleeping!", she thought trying to comfort herself. But she wasn't thinking the same for long as she heard the door behind her shut out loud. "Okay now that is enough guys! I am really serious….who..who is there? Just come out okay…if you think I …I  willl be scared than you are WRONG!", she said shaking nervously.  


     "shhhh!", somebody whispered lightly in her ear. Now it was out of control. Just as she was about to shout, the person placed his hand on her mouth. She couldn't even protest as he grabbed both her hands. "It won't work dear!", he whispered again, so slowly that his breath tickled on her ear. Whoever he was, she hated him! How dare he touch her! She is someone else's ….nobody other than HIM have this right, Rhidhimma thought. No matter how many arguments and disagreements they have, she can never forget that HE is her husband. What if it was a thief, a bad goon…oh no…what should I do?, she started to panic. She kicked his foot hardly. "owww! Dr. Rhidhima Malik behave yourself!", he said and in a split second she knew who it was! It was HIM! "No! It can't be!", she denied.


     "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY DR. RHIDHIMMA!!", the children shouted all together as the lights were turned on. She was completely taken by a surprise. Her mouth opened as she stared at the sight infront of her. The hall was decorated with coloured balloons and her favourite flowers; white tulips. A huge chocolate cake was placed on the centre table with a '#1' candle on it. "ermm…I…uhh…Thanks…Thanks so much all of you!", she said delighted to see all the arrangements. At the moment she didn't have any words to explain her happiness.


     "And what about me?", he whispered. She looked beside her to find him staring at her with a mischievous grin. He looked the same like the first day they met as interns in 'Sanjeevani'…the same Dr. Armaan Malik, but with one change…he was her husband now! He was hers. She shied away and smiled to herself. "Rhidhimma di you know Armaan bhaiyya came here in the morning and did all this decoration by himself.", a 12 year old Raima told her cheerfully. "And you know didi Armaan bhaiyya brought me this elf…he brought him from the end of the rainbow…really didi he did…see..", Sanjana told her cutely showing her the little toy elf. Rhidhimma picked up the 3 year old and kissed her cheeks.


     "Let's cut the cake now!", Ishaan said standing beside the cake as if guarding it from everyone else. Armaan smiled and held Rhidhimma's hand in his, taking her towards the table. She didn't have the courage to look at him but knew that he was constantly gazing at her. Rhdhimma held the knife kaka gave her and gave Sanjana to him. "Armaan bhaiyya what are you thinking? Hold the knife with didi.", Raima said excitedly. Rhidhimma blushed and looked away. Armaan slid his hand through his hairs and placed it over hers that held the knife. Everyone applauded as they cut the cake. He took the first piece and fed it to Rhidhimma who did the same still looking down, not able to meet his eyes. This was the best day of the year. She would never forget this day.


     "You didn't tell me that you were coming today?", Rhidhimma asked finally, breaking the silence between them. Armaan looked at her as if trying to read her eyes but then looked away. "Because I wanted to surprise you and may be try to make up for the past year that I have hardly paid attention to you. I am really sorry Ridhimma…You don't know how guilty I feel but I hardly got any time…I was so busy with the know how it…", before he could say anything else Rhidhimma placed her hand on his mouth. "shhh…", she whispered. "I don't care whatever it was past…but this is present…let's live in the present!", she said very understandingly and looked at him for the first time. He smiled warmly at her and held her delicate hands with care. "Are you going to leave me again?", she asked like an innocent child. "No. Never.", he stared in her dark grey eyes and assured  her with a smile.


     "Armaan?", Rhidhimma said after a while as they stared in the sky full of bright stars. The rain had finally stopped. "Hmmm?", he said turning towards her. "Let's go home. Our home!", she said and looked down as her cheeks turned red. He smiled broadly and placed his arm around her shoulders as they walked towards the car. It was a new life that they were to begin today…A life in which they promised to be with to be by each others side in every phase and enjoy this blissful adventure of life…together!




So, how was it? please leave ur comments/criticism know I wrote it on the last day of submission for the was sucha rushed one....still can't believe i actually was the runner up for the best ff overall! LOL Tongue


ps: I have edited the story a bit like spelling and grammer ishtuff...but nothing on the dialogues and all....



ania Smile

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Comments (30)

hi!!!!awesome story.....treat for a reader like me!very well worded and aptly described!loved it!lovesumedha

15 years ago

Aww that was really good .. and it was magical .. pleae do right sme more One-shots .. take care

15 years ago

hey ania...
just read this one...its really nice...
a short and sweet love story...
really enjoyed reading it...

15 years ago

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16 years ago

omg what a grt story lineamazing the start was reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy boosting me to read further n the fact ar was maarried added to myexcitement even moreactually i like to read mature immotions feelings n romance more so its exactly my tyoeso will def try to catch with the ffplz add me to ur list i mean pm listone suggestion if u dont mind plz add the name of ur ff"you are special"be4 ar one shot ffwud be easy to find thenplz continue ssoon n donot forget to pm meplzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbye tc

16 years ago

i jst read da short FF it was gr8

16 years ago

awesome partit was mindblowing

16 years ago

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16 years ago

hi yar it was beauitfully written, tt was instead a very brilliant suprise for ridz frm armaan, i am so happy for u tt u win the runner up prize :)

16 years ago

hey it was really nyc....


16 years ago
