Chapter 13

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Milind had come down. He sees Prachi sitting there and waiting for him. He thought that she also wanted to talk with him. He makes comfortable on the couch, and takes the tea silently and sips it. After a moments of silence, "Prachi, we cannot live like this, not talking with each other rest of our lives. Anyone of them should break this silence. Are you happy, I mean the way we got married and all, are you happy with this."Prachi simply nods her head. " are you comfortable in this house? Actually I don't like big big mansions and all. They are all just walls, so if you are not comfortable we can shift to the beach house. It's big mansion." "no, actually I like this house very much. It's so large and comfortable." It was the first time he was hearing her sweet voice. He thought he had missed everything about her in that one month. He thought he made a fool out of himself by ignoring her for last one month. He takes out his wallet and takes out two credit cards and a debit card from his pocket. "Prachi, these are for you, I have credited some money in your account. If you need, you just use it. If you want more money, just ask me, I'll credit or give you." "ok, thanks." He was about to leave the place, but turns back as if he rememberedsomething. He turns back, "if you need more money ask me. I'm ready to pay your credit card bills, if it exceed it's limit. But don't try to ask your father at any circumstance." Prachi could hear the roughness in his voice while uttering her father's name. She didn't understand the sudden change in his voice.

After this their life was smooth. They tried to talk to each other, started knowing their tastes, their likes and dislikes slowly. Milind started to admire his wife's inner beauty slowly. He always thought that how come that girl was soo kind and helpful, he didn't find any of her father's qualities in her. He thought Alaap was right. But some guilt pranged deep down his heart. The reasons, that led to their marriage always comes infront of him, when he was with her. This led him more reatless, leading him to keep away from her. He tried to forget and start a new life with her, but the Guilty of being wrong was making that impossible. He knows what circumstances would it leads if he told the truth to her. " she won't survive, if she knows that what her father had done", he remembered Alaap saying when he got married. Another month passed, but it was not like the last month for them. Whatever they wanted they started expressing in words. But Milind found it difficult to remove the guilt easily.

That day, Milind was on leave. He had just completed a hectic project and decided to take rest for few days. In this manner he thought he could get time to talk to his wife, try to know her properly. That morning, Alaap wanted Prachi for helping in the shopping. So Prachi left with Alaap very early and milind was just out of his gym workouts. He came to living room to find his breakfast already served for him. "she's so caring", he thought. He goes upstairs, for changing his clothes. "Milind……………….. Milind", he could hear someone shouting at their top of their voice. He thought it was not Prachi's voice, but someone familiar. He gets irritated with the continous shouting. "what the hell are you? Shouting at your top of your voice."screamed Milind coming out of the room. He sees Ayesha standing there. He just ignores her, and heads towards dining table where his breakfast was kept ready. She follows him in haste and sits beside him.

"what's your problem woman, why do you shout like that". Milind was enjoying his breakfast, not caring to look at her for once. "actually, I have some work with Prachi, that's it." "then why do you call me", he looks at bit irritated. "anyways", he continues," "she went for shopping with Alaap." "if not she, you can come na", her eyes fixed at Milind's plate, where hot hot parathas were placed. "it's look yummy, can I taste it", she keeps her hand to take a piece of it. But Milind shooed her of. "I'm not interested to share my breakfast with anyone today." "it's ok then I'll take one from the casserole." He hits her on her hand, she withdraws her hand , due to the shrap pain. "what's going with you. Is that not enough for you." "it's not like that. Prachi left without having her breakfast, so if you eat that she should go without her breakfast today." I think she'll have something outside." "it's not possible she told me that she'll have it after coming to the house." "what!", Ayesha nearly screamed. Composing herself "what, did she tell you, so you both are talking." Ayesha was little bit excited that both are talking with each other. "who told you that we are not talking. Living in a same house and acting like strangers, anything can happen like that." Milind did not want to tell her the real truth that they were not talking till the last month.

Even Ayesha didn't feel to drag that topic. "it will be better if you just get up from there and go and sit in the living room." "I'm feeling comfortable here." "I don't care whether you feel comfortable or not. The problem is that." He sees her eyes still fixed towards the casserole. "you'll empty that one. That's the problem. By the way where is you gang, they always follow you. What happened to them today, where are they." He sees towards the door, and sees Neev, Saket and Sukruthi coming in. "come, you are all missing till now. At last you'll have made an entry." "what's go on Milind, suddenly today why do you feel irritated", saying Neev joined Ayesha, where she still sat staring at the casserole. "mind you both pounce on that. Didn't you'll have breakfast at home." "it's not so yummy yaar, and Aesha cooking it so delicious like Prachi why should I behave like this." He sees Sukruthi still standing at the entrance and scanning each part of the house. "do you need any special invitation to come inside , Sukruthi", "bhaiyya, is this your house. I think I have come to the wrong address." She was still couldn't believe her eyes. "what do you mean." "I can't believe that Mr.Milind Mishra's house looking so clean and tidy, and not looking like a dump yard." She comes inside. Milind sees towards Saket, Saket sees Milid staring at him. He raises his eyebrows. "do want to pull my leg, the pleasure is all yours." Says Milind getting more irritated. Some disturbances at entrances makes everyone to see at the entrance. It was Prachi and Alaap. "so your shopping is over." He sees Prachi nodding her and continues. "ok then fine, go and have your breakfast now. I can't guard your breakfast any longer." Prachi didn't understand what Milind meant. She sees everyone's face in puzzled way.

Sorry for the MISTAKES . Plz do comment

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Comments (14)

[QUOTE=lizzy_de]for you........
[/QUOTE]thanks for them, but sorry i'm on diet

15 years ago

milsi was afraid that his wifeyu would starve if Ayesha eats them , he cares for her

15 years ago

[QUOTE=AH01]great part
glad they are talking to each other now[/QUOTE]thanks

15 years ago

gr8 part..
cont.sooon[/QUOTE]thanks, surely i will

15 years ago

God the way Milind is gaurding Paratas for Prachi as if flood victims found food packets and gaurding them from others....

15 years ago

This content is hidden.

15 years ago

gr8 part..

15 years ago

Funny...............update soon.

15 years ago

thanks, i'll be surely continuig

15 years ago

wow shravu a hilarious update cont soon

15 years ago
