Chapter 55

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PART- 51


Recap: Naina is stubborn to cross the border and Kunal and Raj relctuntaly agree to it, so Raj and Naina decide to cross the border while Kunal stays there for future help.


Naina & Raj both successfully crossed the border as both of them were trained army officers; and they came to a village near Border where they met a man named ali khan who was there to help them because of Kunal who helped ali's family when his son and son's friends accidentally crossed the border and caught by Indian army officers where Kunal was in charge and he helped them get back to their home.

Ali Khan told Kunal that day that he will help him whenever he needs as he now owe Kunal that he saved his only son. He & his family both welcomed Rajveer & Naina in his home as their guests. Rajveer told him the truth that why they were in their country and they agreed to help in whatever way that can possible to help them as they thought of terriorists as their own country's enemy too.

Ali's son already got all the information needed to take Karan out and he wanted to help but Naina & Rajveer both refused as they didn't want him or his family to get into trouble because of them.


Karan was kept in a cottage in mid forest area where there was a camp of terriorists and there was no military around as it was secluded area where they can do their nasty activities.

Rajveer had the map of the area and he knew that it wouldn't be easy for only two of them to get Karan out but they had no other way.

Naina & He made a plan but it was way too risky for anybody to get near the area as there were almost 50 terriorists against those two.


On the other side, Naveen and Abhimanu reached NDA as they didn't find any lead in Delhi. Shalini & Nandini gave them brief report on what to do and news about meeting Naina & Rajveer.

Naveen was relieved that Naina was all right and with Raj. Abhi was glad too knowing that. But the other question was where they were?

 "They went to find Karan as they got some information," Shalini answered.

"And where is karan? Is he okay?" Navin asked impatiently.

"We don't know that; and Raj just told us that they have to go so we have to find the inside person who played this game," Nandini told them.

"Then we have to get on that work." Abhimanu spoke.

It was then when all five cadets joined their teachers with their reports and they were also amused as Naina and Major Rajveer had left.

Naveen assured them that they will be back with Captain Karan who became Cadets' favorite teacher in very short time because of Naina.

Naveen & Abhimanu discussed the further plan with cadets and their wives to fetch that person with enough evidences so they can save Naina.


Kunal tried to dial a particular number almost ten times but he was unable to connect. He didn't have enough courage to tell that person. He thought to wait for two more days until Raj & Naina will come back but he was scared as if something happened to them then neither he will be able to show his face to either his wife or his friend Naveen nor he will able to live.

But there wasn't anything he could do unless wait for some miracle to happen as the situation was worst.


In the morning around 4:00 A.M., Rajveer & Naina were ready to attack in the forest near the terriorist camp. Rajveer already planned some bombs in the area and Naina already prepared the map to hide and run from there within 20 minutes because 20 minutes that's all they had to escape or they knew they would be dead.

When there were only four terrorists near the cottage because it was dark and others were at the distant planning their next activity. Raj attacked one in the front and before he could scream, raj shot him with his gun with silencer.

On the other side, Naina took out another one who was watching the back door, and by that time, Raj handled the one at the front door. Now Naina entered carefully from the back door while Raj entered from the front. The terriorist who has been inside saw Raj and he pulled his gun at raj but before he can take his shot, Naina shot him from the back.

Now none of them were left, and they both saw karan tied and beaten but in all this noise, he had gained his conciscous fully. Naina freed him and hugged him while Rajveer watched them. He told them to move as they are still in danger.

Raj supported Karan as he was too weak and Naina took the map out to escape, and as soon as they came out two terriorists spotted them and scremed for the others. Naina successfully shot both of them and all three of them run from there.

The terriorists were behind them but as soon as Raj, Karan and Naina came out within three kilometers of the cottage area, Naina pulled the remote and there were five bomb blasted within five minutes. Most of the terriorists were injured or dead. And that gave enough time to these three to run away.

After almost five hours, all three of them were back at Ali khan's house where his family took care of Karan's wounds. It was mid-after noon; and there was news of bomb blasting in near forest area so the army was alert.

Raj knew that it must be more difficult to cross border now as the army was there but they had the rest of the day to think before they can make their move at night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On the other side, this was the last day at NDA for all competitions and there was one final sword fight between NDA and KMA to select the winner of house-cup.

Naveen & abhimanu eliminated all the suspects and now they had their eyes on four officers who had been there since Naina's academy years.

Aalekh was participating in the sword competition; and pooja & riya were there to cheer him up with other KMA cadets who came to participate. Nandini was there too with shalini.

Naveen, Abhi, Aditya and Huda had the great opportunity to find as many evidences as they could to find their suspect during this competition as all other members were going to be busy in the final match.

As soon as the fight started, Aditya and Abhimanu started to look around in basement, in library, in weapon's room and all the other secure areas while Huda and Naveen started to check faculty members' offices including their four primar suspects.

After an hour, Abhi & Adi were returned as they didn't find anything and there was still an hour left in the competition.

Huda was checking Major Chandra's office who was one of the suspects and he found something unusual about the painting that had been hanging in the office.

Huda was looking at the paiting thoughtfully; and when Naveen saw him, he was annoyed.

"This is not the time to appreciate art cadet Huda." Naveen said annoyingly.

"I think this is the best time sir to look at this," Huda answered patiently.

"What do you mean?" Naveen asked amusingly.

"I think it's odd that this painting is little crooked and the boats in the painting should painted horizontally where in this one it's painted vertically, so there is a reason behind this," saying that Huda touched the painting and he felt something behind it so he took off the painting and found a locker behind it.

"Very good observation and good work Cadet Huda." Naveen cheered.

Naveen opened the lock with great difficulty with the help of Huda and they found all the necessary documents since the last three years of proofs of betrayal and all the information about the officers who were involved in the event of betrayal.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

Preview: Naina is crying hysterically on Naveen's shoulder saying, "This is all because of me and this is my fault." Naveen tries to console her that everything is going to be all right.

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