Chapter 24

-Laiba- Thumbnail



Anjali and Kavya both were very happy that they were married now, they kept it as a secret and didn't tell anyone at home. When they reached home, they had changd their cloths and were acting as nothing was. Angad and Kripa were sitting at the table having breakfast and when they saw Kavya and anjali together, Kripa run to hug Anjali.

K:aww my sweetheart, i missed you soo much

An:same here di

They both apart, Kripa took her to the table and made her sit.

K:come have bearkfast with us

Kavya and Anjali both start eating as everything was normale, they were both quit. Angad looked at Kripa and smiled then winked at her.

A:umm everything ok?

Ka:yeah bhai, eveyrhting is ok why?

A:nothing just like that

Ka:oh ok

He start eating again, this time Kripa winked at Angad and smiled evily.

K: Anjali, is evrything ok?

An:(quickly)yes di why?

K:just like that

An:oh ok

She start eating again, Angad wishpered something in Kripa ears and she start laughing. Kavya and Anjali looked at her and then she stoped laughing.

Ka:bhai, where is mum?

A:she isn't at home, why?

Ka:aisse hi

A:koyi baat karni thi kiya?

Ka: huh..nahi to kyun?

A:are you sure?



Kavya looked at Anjali, they both understood that something was wrong and were hell confused. Seeing them like this, Kripa and Angad start laughing like crazy.

Ka: ok fine now, tell me what sthe matter?

A:nothing Kavya don't worry

Ka: no there is something tell me

K:nothing seriously

Ka:are you gonna tell or(angry)

Kripa give him a newspapers, Kavya was confused he took it and was shocked, Seeing him like this, Anjali took the newspaper and her mouth fell open. There was a pic of Kavya Anjali in both wedding cloths (just like they were) and on the tile of the article was " The Son Of The Rich And Succesful Buisness Man, Kavya Khanna get married secretly". Kavya and Anjali looked at each other shocked then looked at Angad and Kripa who were laughing like craazy.

A:oh my god see your faces

K:it look like you both saw a ghost

Ka&An: stop it guys

Angad and Kripa controled their laugh.

Ka: did mum see this?

An: did Dadi and bhai see this?

From behoind: yep we saw this

Kavya and Anjali freezed they both slowly looked behind them, Josh, Dadi, Naina and Dilip were standing with the newspaper in their hand. Kavya and Anjali slowly got up and went to them. Both were looking down.

An&Ka: we are sorry

J:its not ok, how could you both do this

D:yeah how could you? don't you both know that this isn't a wedding

Kavya and Anjaili both looked at Dadi.

N:yeah Ma ji is right, a wedding is when two people do the seven pheres and the guy has to put the mangalsutra in the girl neck and put the sindoor in her mang

J:they've to take blessing from elders

Di: what kind of wedding was it? no dance, no music, nobody...

Kavya and Anjali looked at each other confused.

K:oho you both na are totaly confused, let me tell you guys!(they looked at her) nobody is angry with you, we are just surprised and disapoint that you both didn't tell us about this secret wedding.Anywes back to the point, you both will get punished for doing this


A:yep, Kavya you cant meet Anjali still 2week

K:same for you Anjali, no phone calls, no metting nothing

An & Ka(shocked)impossible!!

K:everything is possible sweetheart, give me your phone both of you

Anjali and Kavya gave their mobile to her and looked down with a sad face.

K:oye duffers why are you sad?

An: how will we stay without seeing each other

Ka: talking to each other

K:well if you want to get married then yu'll have to otherwise you can still take back your phones and we'll cancel your wedding places

An&Ka: (quickly and almost shouting)NO, we are ok with the punishement

Kavya and Anjali realised how they react and felt embarassed, everyone laughed at them.

Next day, we see Shabd on the phone with someone.

S:no don't worry i'll come back soon.......of course i dont worry, nothing like this will happen.....yeah ok......bye

He then disconnected the phone and breathed heavily. Kripa came in wearing a beautiful red sari looking stunning.

K:kiya houa Shabd?

S: nothing was just thinking of going back

K: no way, you cant go

S:(confused) reallly? why?

K: because in two weeks we are doing Anjali and Kavya wedding and you have to be there

S: Kripa listen i really can't i've lots to do and i've to (interupted)

K:i don't want to know anything you are staying and thats all topic closed

S:ok ok

K:thats lik a good friend

S:that i'm (laugh)

K:of course you are(laugh)

Preview:Kavya and Anjali Wedding

One Year Leap

Hope you like it!


PS: lots of people must think that Kavya and Anjali are too young for getting married, actully i don't really plan my FF with the age, i use to plan them with Paris life styleConfused its maybe not the same as India or other country one but i don't know any other style except the one where i liveConfused!!!!


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Comments (10)

Thanks a lotwell yep they got married

17 years ago

come there i'll show you around!!
Thanks a lot

17 years ago

i just caught up with ur ff. it's just amazing . i really like it . and plz do cont soon.........

17 years ago

wow i luv this ff it's soo great there gonna b a "happy ending" but wuts up with shabd his he like the villian now? cuz i think tht he's the one tht took those pics and gave them to the newpaper ppl...plz continue this is awesome!

17 years ago

amazing loved it well i think i missed afew parts are angad and kripa married

17 years ago

If I get more comments before tonight i'll post the next part

17 years ago

Awesosme part... dnt worry i dnt pay attention to the ages either!

17 years ago

wow. great part. cont soon.

17 years ago

kool u live in paris my fwends goin ther e lol i wanna go to france :( thats not fair omg 1 year leap i hope its a GOOD 1 year leap lYKE K PREEGY WITH AZ CHILD or somethin lol cont soon

17 years ago

awsome part Laiba can't wait to see what happenes next

17 years ago
