Chapter 21

-Laiba- Thumbnail



Dadi was sitting alone in the living room, she was just dialed Josh number and waiting for someone to pick up the phone.After lots of trials, Josh finaly picked up the phone.


D:hello beta

J:Dadi how are you? whats up? how are my princess?and you what are you doing? where are my princess? having fun without me? and what about buisness? is everything ok i mean are you sure they dont need me if the do i can come back? hello Dadi you there?

D:beta calm down, you asked so many question i couldn't even answer to any of your question

Josh laughed at what Dadi said realising that what she said was true.

J:sorry Dadi

D:(smile)its ok beta!anywes i'm fine and everything is fine too. You don't need to worry about buisness because i'm here na(gigle)


D:how are you? and how is Aaliya?

J:she is fine

D:where is she?

J:she is taking a bath

D:oh ok! anywes i called you for tell you that Angad and Kripa wedding date is fixed

J(happy)thats great when?

D:in two days

J:that so cool i'm coming back tomorow

D:no beta, you enjoy your honeymoon

J:no Dadi, i'll come back tomorow and if we want an other honeymoon we can still go somewhere else why not Paris(laugh)

D:pagal, anywes do what you want(smile)

J:Dadi its my baby wedding if i wont attend it then i'm sure she'll be angry with me

D:yep thats true

Just then the door bell rang.

D: Josh beta i'll talk to you later someone came

J:sure Dadi bye and say hi to my sisters

D:sure bye

She disconnected the phoena and went to open the door. When she opened it she was surprised to see Angad with lots of bag in his hand and as his hand were full he was holdng two bags with his mouth too.

D:oh my god Angad what is this

Angad didn't answer he just run to the living room and throw all the bags on the sofa and sat on it then start breathing like a crazy.Dadi was now woried she went tot he kitchen and came back with a glass of water. She made him drink then Angad was feeling much better.

D: what happened to you?

A:Dadi(breath) i just went shopping and bought all thi for the wedding god i'm so tired

Dadi was confused, Angad just took all the bags and start showing the cloths he bought for everyone to her.

A:so Dadi, how are they?

D:they are beautiful, but why did you went alone?

A:well i knew you would all take ages to choose your cloths thats why i bought them and now we'll get more time for the preparations(smile big)

D(laugh) you really want to get married soon

A:soon? what do you mean? if i would have the choice i would get married today and go on the honeymoon with my Kripa

He then realised what he said and got embarassed Dadi start laughing like crazy, first Angad was being shy but then he too start laughing. On the other hand, we see Kavya and Anjali in Kavya room. Kavya was sitting on his bed and Anjali was lying with her head on his laps.

K: Tomorow is bro wedding and we are still sitting here like if there is nothing to do

A:come on Kavya everything will be done by tonight, the servant are doing the preparations na

K:yeha but we should help

A:hmm yeah

She got up and looked at him.

A: you go and help them i'll go home and check if Kripa di needs me


Anjali smiled to him and was about to get up that Kavya caught her hand. She looked at him confused but smiling.

A:kiya houa?

K:i love you, you'll never leave me na?

A(smile) no i'll never leave you

Kavya smiled and hugged her tightly.

Preview: Angad and Kripa wedding

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Comments (8)

Thanks a lot don't worry i'm not Ekta

17 years ago

great angad is a little too keen to get soo glad the 2 r getting married twist like ekta plz..plz update soon!

17 years ago

Hey laiba!! Just read the whole ff!! Must say, u'r an awsum writer!! Luvd it . Very cute gr8 job

17 years ago

nice part but it was bit short in next part try writte more waiting for part 24 ......keep going ........ ::::::(\_(\::::::::(\_(\:::::::(\_(\::::::(\_(\::::::::(\_(\ ::::::::::::: ::::::(=' :'):::::::(=' :')::::::(=' :'):::::(=' :')::::::(=' :')::::::::: ::::::(,('')('')::::(,('')('')::::(,('')('')::::(,('')(''):: ::(,('')('')::::::: .•*'*•..•*'*•..•*'*•..•*'*•..•*'*•.

17 years ago

awesum prt..iluvd each bit of it...andf d previous part weas also very good..continue sssooonn

17 years ago

i not liking promo.. whos entryy?? the shopping part was adorable. most men hate shopping.. i guess angad will be THE PERFECT HUBBY if he keeps up his shoping habits..lolz continues ooooonn

17 years ago

Awwwwwww... really sweet part... angad was sooo cute!!

17 years ago

plz don't make ak separate!!!!now who the heck is that person it better be positive character!!!or else i gonna kill that person if he/she separates ak!!!!

17 years ago
