Chapter 15

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Part ??
"OH FAIRETH JULIET MY EYES crave for the delightest glimpse of your moon like face" a tall man with green eyes said overacting.
Kripa shut her eyes tight at times the person trying out for romeo would overact at times someone a nlifeless person would try, it was getting rather annoying for kripa now. Since it was confirmed that she would be Juliet she was given a chance to help decide who her romeo was. It had o be someone from JML Art school for boys.
A young man came on stage and taking the microphone said his lines with passion in eyes and voice, there was no need for another word to be said it was confirmed he was the Romeo.
"What is your name?" Mrs. Persna, my principle asked naturally impressed.
"Armaan Ma'am" he said, the passion from his voice gone.
As the days went by Kripa and Armaan's practices went on with constant arguments. They were two different people and found agreeing difficult. Kripa found Armaan a snotty, conceited and ill- mannered man. Though he was a good actor he was a crummy person in Kripa's eyes. Armaan's perceptive of kripa were on the same lines.
ANgad and Kripa's meetings were at a minimum, Kunun had warned her to stay away from Angad, as the terrorists were more likely to hurt Angad in her presence, to prove to the world that they were capable of hurting Angad in the presence of a FBI agent.
As Kripa entered her apartment, one late afternoon she found Angad flipping omelettes on a frying pan, he didn't look like he was doing a good job.
Kripa giggled as one of the omelettes hit the roof. ANgad looked around as he saw Kripa giggle,
"Hey Kripa" he said forgetting about the omelette
"Angad…go out and have a seat I'll make you the omelettes " she said entering the kitchen as Angad left.
Kripa served the omelettes to Angad.
"Thanks" he said giving Kripa a smile, he missed her but he didn't feel he had the right to tell her not to participate in the play as he had cheated her into marriage, and until they didn't start they life afresh he wouldn't show any right in her life.
"Kripa" ANgad said as he noticed her about to leave.
Kripa looked at Angad waiting for him to speak
"Ugh…Kripa…how is your play going?" Angad asked in hope of starting a conversation
"It's actually turning out really good, my co-start…who's playing Romeo is really sweet" Kripa lied to angad "you should come see the play we are presenting it this Friday"
"I will try to come" ANgad said trying to hide his feelings "By the way whats this co-star of yours called..I mean whats his name?"
"Armaan" Kripa said and left for her room, not knowing that Angad had a mischevious smile and the perfect way to propose to Kripa.



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Comments (21)

yaar plz con soon cant wait its really fascinating and exciting

16 years ago

hey its friday today.... where r u???

16 years ago

amazing and exciting part cant wait do con soon loved it

16 years ago

I apoligize for not continuing last friday and will TRy to cont. this friday

16 years ago

thankyou, i wil cont next friday

16 years ago

thankyoou,I know it was short when i wrote it i looked long buh when i saw it here i realized how short it was I will try to make next part longerand the bad guys will be caught when there time comes, which is soon, I have a special time planned for them to be caught

16 years ago

[QUOTE=sujalangad_rock]gr8 part just loved it...
Arman is surely going to make Angad jelous...
cant wait 4 Angad's proposal...
continue soon[/QUOTE]thankyoui wil continue on friday

16 years ago

cont. soon...can't wait 4 the next part

16 years ago

[QUOTE=*rankan*]just caught up with this ff and its awesome can't wait until angad proposes to kripa
and plzz continue soon [/QUOTE]thankyou for taking the time to catch up thankyou i will cont. on friday

16 years ago

loved it amazing part really cute i have a complaint it was short sorry about that suggestion plz let the bad guys be caught soon pls con wheneever u can

16 years ago
