Chapter 7

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Angad looked at her in the eye and said "than I thought it would be the perfect revenge if i did marry you she wouldnt be able to stand was perfect ...if she had any sister i would have married her but she didnt until you came was perfect she married my brother for revenge i would marry her step sister for revenge."


Part 8-
Angad continued his story, as Kripa realized that he loved Kunun. It hurt her more.

"i had acctually just planned on engaging someone and kunun would be i told dad that i wanted to do a music video with one of his students for promotional purposes, he said that he would choose someone who needed extra-credit. You were picked and it wasnt to hard to seduce you...I realized you just wanted to feel was easy and on the engagement, i heard Kunun telling your mom the truth...i realized you were step sisters and told dad that i used to love kunun and she 'thinks' i am doing this for revenge and i really love you, he made sure you werent we got married and here we are"

Tears were still streaming down Kripa's cheeks. Kripa stared down at the bed she was sitting on. After a minute of silence she lifted her head and weekly asked "what you want from me now?"

Angad looked at her surprised " are legally my have alll rights to my moneyy and in luxery ...i wont touch or have any physical relationship with you...Kunun still loves me ...she wont go to America sooner or later she'll crack and then i'll divorce you give you compensation money and you can and kunun will be togeather and thats it..."

Kripa felt red in the face, she was feeling a mixture of sorrow and anger at once. "What if I tell Kunun the truth huh?"

Angad looked at her in a mocking way "You will tell Kunun The truth?...Kripa listen if you even try to tell Kunun the truth...than you wont be too happy" he said in a threatning way "but if you help wont be i need to go, i have rehearsal" he gave a dry kiss on her cheek and left.

Kripa broke down crying. Why had this happened to her? As Kripa moaned over her unfortunateness her cell phone started to ring she wiped her tears and picked it up "Hello" a hello came from the other side "Alliyah" Kripa said with some joy " Alliyah please come here now...i- i ...please come" After Alliyah agreed to come Kripa put the phone down and changed.

Kripa and Alliyah went to the living room and quietly sat down. Alliyah had sensed there was a problem but when Kripa told Alliyah about Angad, Alliyah's eyes widened with shock and sympathy for Kripa.

"I cant believe it...Angad used you so badly...Kripa I am sorry ..I-" Alliyah was lost for words

"Alliyah i am sorry, i just wanted to share my sorrow with someone...and i ruined your idols image for you." Kripa said.

"NO...Kripa i am happy you chose me to share your sorrow with...I would ask you to come and live at the hostal with me except the school but someone else there...Kripa you are coming to school tommarow right?"

Kripa nodded and bitterly said "unless Angad lied about that too."

"Kripa i have to go now but hopefully i will meet you tommarow at school adn it you dont come i will come with the police and say that he kept you by force"

Kripa nodded. Alliyah had been raised aboard all her life and thought the police would acctually not be bought by Angad thought Kripa.

To Be Continued: Did I forget to answer anything here if i did please tell me and i will answer it in the next part :D or reply and answer


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Comments (19)

[QUOTE=x hollister x]
amazing part, i cant wait to read more. omg i knew angad loves kanan right when he said he used kripa. gosh i feel soo bad for kripa. i think kripa should start hating him and being mean to him to make him feel really bad.
She should buh will she??
people hardly do wha they sud do

16 years ago

thankzz i appreciate it

16 years ago

QUOTE=iqbals4ever]awesome part cont soon plz!!!!!
Thankyou will cont. in a while
[QUOTE=nehagupta_9]gr8 part... urghhh i h8 angad sooo much i really want kripa to get bck at angad sumhow, n she shud tke that offer she got from that other uni, or sumthin like dat!
...hmm...she might take the offer....MIGHT

[QUOTE=ananya7736]i hate angad so much... he is so evil.. how could he do this to her and that too for kanan.. alright! yes! probably he loves her.. but... nice part though!! i liked aaliyah.... continue soon
angad bad he is just a spoiled brat he has a consious but he ignores it because well no one likes there consious (well i dont)
[QUOTE=kriti_6teen]i really hate angad... how can he do such a thing... how can any1 play with some1's emotions like this... hope some1 teaches him a lesson & that some1 should be kripa... continue soon
aww dun hate him ...he z bad buh if he didnt do all that then he wouldnt have met Kripa and in the end they gonna be happy so itll be worth it (or will it) \buh if this didnt happen this Angad would have ignored Kripa and neva meet and alll i yeha Every thing happens
[QUOTE=NYC_gurl_17]angad is such a selfish jerk . How could he do that to kripa?? and all that just to get kunun. Hopefully Aliyah can help her get through this emotional breakdown, and angad hopefully will fix his mistake before its really too late. Continue soon
Alliyah is important to this story buh she isnt the herione or really main so i dun think shez really doing anything importantBuh she is the only support Kripa has and Kripa could llet it out butr she will solve this prob on her own

16 years ago

truly poor Kripa...what did his dad do??...I think your mistaken...Angads dad had just set them up for a music video...he just knew Angad wanted to make a music video and he set him up wid her. He is clueless about whats going on in there life
Hope i helped

16 years ago

Lol...she might...she just might...thankyou...will cont. today (hopefully)

16 years ago

thankyou. YEPP. Thankzz will update in a while

16 years ago

will continue in a while

16 years ago

amazing part, i cant wait to read more. omg i knew angad loves kanan right when he said he used kripa. gosh i feel soo bad for kripa. i think kripa should start hating him and being mean to him to make him feel really bad.

16 years ago

hey i will reply to your comments and put a new part up TOMMM :D (buh it will be short

16 years ago

angad is such a selfish jerk . How could he do that to kripa?? and all that just to get kunun. Hopefully Aliyah can help her get through this emotional breakdown, and angad hopefully will fix his mistake before its really too late. Continue soon

16 years ago
