Chapter 11

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Chapter 8(2):

The next day Kripa was acting pretty strange at least according to Angad. She was being extremely polite and smiling all the while which was definitely weird because he was just use to her glare, rude actions and the amusing use of adjectives against him. He knew something was definitely up and finally decided to call Josh that night. He picked up the phone and dialed his cell phone number.


"Hey Josh. It's me, Angad."

"Hi, Angad. I know exactly why you're calling."

Angad was puzzled, "You do?"

"Yup! You just want to know why she's having so many mood swings like sometimes she's really mean and then the next moment she's a doll?"

"Um… yeah, but how'd you know?"

"That's not important for now… Kripa had a past… Kripa… Prithvi… attachment…Sheetal… truth… heartbroken… proposal… rejection… another proposal… agreement… love… devastation… moving-out… loneliness… self-pressure… success with failure at the same time… frustration… pain… isolation…" Josh told Kripa's whole story because he knew it was important for Angad to know. He also reminded Angad about one fact which even Kripa was unaware was. She was never really in love with Prithvi; she was just really attached. Angad was quite surprised. He was really confused about all this. Why was she acting so depressed if it wasn't love? It couldn't just be attachment… there was definitely something else that even Josh doesn't know… but what is it? He made that his new mission to accomplish. He knew it would be hard but not impossible.

She lay on her bed with her face buried in her pillow. Silent tears spilling out of her eyes but barely surviving for a few seconds as they were quickly absorbed by the cotton pillow cover. Angad opened her door without knocking, as usual. Kripa was pretty use to it by now but it still infuriated her. "What is it, Angad?" she asked not even bothering to pick her head up and looking at him. She was really not in the mood of faking her happiness. There was no response. "Do you need anything, Angad?" she tried again. Getting frustrated she lifted her face to look up at Angad and was just about to scream when she told her self 'calm down, Kripa… you're not going to loose your temper. You've been as mean as you could before so don't mess things up now.' "Yes, Angad."

He saw the flow of emotions rushing on her face; first frustration, then anger and then total determination. "So how's your foot now? You feeling any better?" he said while sitting next to her on her bed. She looked at him and smiled with her eyes twinkling even though they showed the sorrow some where even though it was hidden in some corner almost buried under a hundred feet of painful tears. He wandered off guessing on what could have happened to make her so… so… so… That's when he figured he didn't know how she felt. He had no clue of what exactly she was going through.

"Yeah. Now, I'm feeling much better. Now I can actually walk." She smiled because she meant the now for since he came. He didn't know that and she was sort of thankful for that but still at the same time disappointed. Disappointed? Why?

She liked being with him. She didn't know why but she did. Whenever he'd be near her it would feel like someone just turned her happy button on. She knew this was a bad sign. She wasn't supposed to get too close to him. There was another reason too. When she found out about it she was terrified; A new desire rose within herself but she kept telling herself if she did what she wanted to do then she would be deceiving her parents. Which parents? NO! DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN. SHE FELT LIKE HITTING HERSELF UPSIDE HER HEAD FOR SAYING THAT.

"ok, then. I just came to check on you."

"Angad…" she began as soon as he got up. He raised an eyebrow. He looked so handsome, she noticed, even in track pants and a white-tee. She noticed his bulgy muscles again. It had a tattoo on it, a snake swirled around a mighty-looking sword. She thought it looked pretty sweet, except for the fact that she hated snakes. Hate probably wouldn't do enough justice expressing her feelings against snakes.

He noticed her checking him out and smiled. "If you're done checking me out… you can tell me what you were going to say." He smirked.

Shit! This makes it even harder for her to say what she was going to say. "Umm… Angad… you know that business party I have to go to tonight, well… I need a partner to go with me… so as I don't know anyone here, do you umm… want to go with me?" He was grinning like crazy making her go completely ballistic, WITHIN. God! What is his problem? He knows how hard this is for me to say and he knows I'm so uncomfortable then also he can't keep his pointless smiles to himself!!! Argh… he can do anything just to make me uncomfortable. Oh… how much I hate him at least when he does these kinds of things.

"You're asking me to be your date, aren't you?"

"Wrong, I'm asking you to be my escort." He frowned, nodded and then exited the room without another word. Why did he frown? Does he really want to be my date? Why would he? I'm so pathetic, I'm actually thinking he would want to date me? She wasn't the kind to date a lot of people. She told everyone she didn't really have time for that, which was a lie to cover up the truth. The truth was that she was scared, scared of letting the world find out who she was within those hard covers. She'd been used before. She's been made fun of before. She was always the gullible type. She was always the week one who anyone could make miserable and that too easily. After a few heartbreaks, not only from the ones she fancied but also the ones she respected, looked up to and the worst experience was with the ones she trusted. She hated being that person. She USE to be that person and she vowed to herself… never again was she going to be that person again.

The evening came by quickly. She was so tensed about the whole issue. She didn't want to get too close to him. She told herself to keep at least a five inch gap.


Will she be able to stay away from him? Read on to find out... Sorry guys i havn't updated in sooooo long. I'm suffering from writer's block so plz i really need suggestions. Until then i've started another ff- Lyrics of my Heart. And plz plz plz plz leave me comments.

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Comments (13)

hello yaar u need to continue

17 years ago

Hey i just read your fanfic and it is amazing!!! soo please continue soon!!!!!!

17 years ago

awsome part wow josh seem to know alot about kripa now i get ut kripas scared to get attached with someone maybe someone played with her feelings really interesting con asap

17 years ago

hey!! thtat was an awesum update...lolZz..wonder how she can maibtain a distance once she sees him all dressed up.. ...plz continue soon

17 years ago

hey just caught up with ur ff.. its really good. kripa annoyes me soo much.. why is she soo mean to angad? plz cont soon

17 years ago

hahaha silly kripa...she cant even keep a 1 inch prt

17 years ago

it was awsumm!kripa in a dilemma

17 years ago

hey continue soon....loved it so much...

17 years ago

nice part... 5inch gap... i bet angad will reduce it 2 0mm.. continue soon

17 years ago

Thanx ... ya i am actually tryin to give it a new perspective.

17 years ago
