Chapter 9

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for the comments and yeah if you guys think i'm trying too hard to be funny but i'm not plz tell me! i really love comments so plz plz plz leave me comments! Sorry for the short part but now my spring break will start and i promise to post long parts IF i get enough comments!!! ThanQ once again and if anyone has suggestions plz pm me...

Chapter 7 (3rd part):

There stood a girl in front of him. He'd never seen her before…
"Who are you?" he yelled out in frustration since she was just staring at him.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? You don't own this place do you? Anyways, I'm Josh's fiance."

"Oh… sorry about that." She was eyeing him suspiciously. "Oh, um… I'm Angad, josh's friend."

"Angad… Angad! I don't believe you!" She reached closer to him and patted his cheek. He was looking at her confused. "Don't tell me! You don't remember me? BUDDHU!"

"Mishti… wow! It's been so long since I've heard buddhu from your mouth."

He hugged her.

She asked, "So what are you doing here all of a sudden."

They sat down and he told her everything… everything means everything even about how he's trying to make Kripa fall in love with him.

"So… where's Josh?"

"Josh has gone to London for some "meeting" it's not really a meeting, it's just an excuse so that I can come to Kripa." She gave him a knowing look and smiled.

She breathed in and out, deeply. She was standing on a bridge above the river when her eyes spilled the tears she was trying to hold back. She couldn't keep all this within her. She couldn't. She needed someone by her side to hug her, comfort her and not ask her questions or overload her with advices. Just then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She quickly wiped her tears and turned around. There stood Angad with a frown on his face. She noticed he was huffing quite horribly and she knew for a fact that she was in trouble. The only difference was that she thought she would be yelled at for leaving but the reality was something way different. She waited for some taunting words, but they didn't come.

She looked up and saw that Angad was scrutinizing her very closely. She knew this wasn't a good sign. To change the topic she said, "Oh… um… I'm sorry, Angad. I just needed to go for a run and you were asleep and I thought I'd be there before you woke up but I don't know what happened. I'm really sorry." He still kept scrutinizing her so closely without saying a word. This got her really mad.

What the hell is his problem? Idiot! Why is he looking at me like that? Oh, God! What should I do now? "ANGAD! Let's go home; I'm really hungry! Dumb butt, are you listening to me?" When this also didn't get her a response, she stomped on his foot so hard that she almost gave him a fracture.

"KRIPA! I'm going to kill you!" She smirked watching him grab his foot screaming "AAAOOWWW…" She walked towards the parking lot thinking thank god, he's got a distraction.

Angad noticed how Kripa was feeling but was quite surprised. He knew Josh was hiding something from him but he wondered what? He didn't want to bother Kripa right now because she was in no state to be questioned at the moment. She found the car and sat in the back seat because she didn't want Angad staring at her again.

She didn't like being under his gaze because she felt like he could read her mind which really disturbed her. She often wished she had that ability too, but unfortunately she didn't. She can't allow anyone to know how she is feeling… She has to cover up all her grief and plaster her face with a huge smile all the time. But for how long is she going to be successful until she breaks down. She can't make her parents go through so much misery. She knows that her parents know that she's feeling bad and they're even sadder because she's too stubborn to not let them know why. She was tired of being this person now. She knows exactly what she needs to do, but how? How is she going to do that with her parents refusing to let her go and now they've thrown upon her another burden with the name of ANGAD! Stupid, idiot! She can't even runaway any where with him tailing around her everywhere. And even if she was to runaway, where was she going to go? If she asked Josh for help then he for sure would make her shut up and himself would lock her in his room… how was she going to get away from all this so she doesn't have to put on an act for everyone. It took her seven months to only convince her parents to move out of the house and with the deal of moving somewhere near them. She gave an excuse of growing up and learning to face the world independently. Still, that sure did take a lot of effort. Her parents were so protective of her. Ugh… she liked it at times but then she also hated at times like now.

She heard a door slam loudly bringing her out of her thoughts. She looked at the driver seat to find Angad trying to buckle his seat belt grumbling under his breath. Ugh… now why the hell is he grumbling? Shouldn't I be grumbling, he probably had a huge breakfast… and me, I haven't eaten for let's see… 12 hours!!! The stupid idiots driving so slow! Ughh… "Angad! Stop the car, NOW!!!!" He immediately hit the breaks and turned around with a worried look worn on his face. "wha-"

Kripa opened the door, ran between the traffic on the main road and crossed the street…


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Comments (12)

man wat the problem wid kripa!!!!its soo confsuing...anwyay cont sooon....gr8 job

17 years ago

Hahah, this is sooo cool! I can not stop laughing till now! But she's good at hiding her emotions innit! Oh well, hope they fall in love soon.. or she falls in love with him..

17 years ago

0hey nice part...there's too much suspense.......i hope we'll know it soon......anyway do continue soon...

17 years ago

brillant part!!! hope kripa get some brains...she needs to spill her grief to angad...then he wil comfort her and they wil fall in love yayy cont soon

17 years ago

wow. great part. cant wait 2 read the next part. hurry up n tell us wat kripa is hiding. i wanna no so baaaaaaaaaad. cont soon.

17 years ago

Jus read da last few parts...dey were totally amazin... n one thing i have to tell u i have literally fallen in luv wid ur ff!!!!! CNT wait for da nxt part.. .pls do cont soon

17 years ago

actually on second thought i don't think i will end it now i've got sumthing in mind and thanx for liking it

17 years ago

aww.. i liked it tpp but if u wanna finish it then u do that...

17 years ago

hey... thanx for commenting, yeah there is a secret but u'll have to wait a little longer, sorry

17 years ago

never mind....pooja122139177.6733912037

17 years ago
