Chapter 12

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Jerri Javid


Hey guys I totally forgot that I had promised to update, so here is the next chapter:

Chapter 9

"Alright then no baby sitter. But you have to be on your best behaviour!" said Kripa
"I'm a good girl mama" Aastha informed Kripa
"Oh yeah" said Kripa sarcastically and rolled her eyes.
Sur and Kripa laughed whilst Aastha looked mad.

"Chal mujaain akela chordeh, meh aap seh baat nahin karti" said Aastha turning to face the opposite way.
Kripa held her ears and said "No talking to me? not even for chocolate?"
Aastha looked up and hugged her mom "You're the best mom in the whole world"


The following week

The Khanna family sit gathered on the elegantly decorated table, Angad looks around the room and thinks 'Wow this is very nice. I wonder who they hired to manage the wedding. Maybe I can get that person to work for me'

Someone interrupts Angads thoughts "Looks nice doesn't it" Angad looks up to see where the voice comes from and smiles as he realises the Dulha is standing in front of him

"Lakysha, how are you?" asks Angad
"No Angad, what's this? now you ask if I'm okay. Where were you? You were suppose to be here a week ago. You even missed my Sangeet and Mehndi!"
"Oh, come on Lakysha you know how it is. Work and everything-"

"No,no, not anymore. Bhabhi ji" Lakysha says turning to Mishti on the table
"Me and bhabhi?" asks a suprised Mishti
"Yes, you and Angad are going to get married soon, so in that sense you would be my bhabi right?"
"umm.. I guess so. But bhabhi, sounds a little old school na?" asks Mishti

Lakysha goes close to Angad and says "tu yeh item kahaan seh lekaar ayaa?" (where did you bring this thing from)
"Kya Lakysha? Mama ki choice hain!" (what lakysha, it's mum's choice)
"Fine, fine but remember you have to stick around for the wedding today and don't forget my reception tomorrow"
"Ok baba. Umm Lakysha?" starts Angad
" International events manager Angad, KT ki cousin lagti hain and she's covering the entire wedding. Nice na?"
"Yep the place is definitely very good"
"And don't try to poach her she gets a six figured check from her current employer"

"What?" says an amazed Angad
"Yep wanted around the world, she even did the Oscars. And you my friend have been out of the business for too long, your singing had gotten to you so much your forgetting your event management company. Watch out"
"Umm Angad yaar didn't Josh come?" asks Lakysha

"Umm… nahin, he..he's sort of angry and…"
"What has Josh got against you Angad?"
"It's a long story Lakysha but I guess I deserve it"
"Teek hain, teek hain. But remember you have to sing today"

"No I'm not listening. Thanks so much Angad"
"But I didn't say yes"
"and you didn't say no!" with that Lakysha away before angad say anymore


Angad comes and sits on the table again and looks around at his parents, Mishti, Aaliyah.
"So I guess your singing huh bhai?" asks Aaliyah
"Yeh so I guess I am! But yeh Alekh kahaan par gaayah?" asks Angad
"Look aa gaayah" says Aaliyah and notices Alekh approach the table
"Mama, mama look I made a new fwend!" says Alekh
"Meh bhi dekun tumharah friend" asks Angad
"Sure"says Alekh and steps aside

and we see a beautiful girl all dressed up in a pink frock and chewing her thumb
"Wow kitni pyaari bachi hain!" says Naina
"Aap ka naam kya hain beta?"asks Dilip
"Aastha" replies the little girl with a huge smile


"Such a sweet girl" says Aaliyah and then says "You have a beautiful smile beta"
"My dadu shays it's my mama's smile" replies Aastha
"And your eye's are beautiful" says Naina and looks at the little girls hazel-blue eyes and thinks to herself 'Strange this little girl seems familiar, so odd'
"Mama, can I play with my friend?" asks Alekh
"Yeh sure" says Aaliyah


Suddenly we see a girl who is slightly older than Aastha and Alekh, it's Sur and she says " come-on Aastha Bua is looking for you"
"Mama?" asks Aastha
"Yeh and she's very angry, you ran away from the babysitter" says Sur
"I don't like that pooey babysitter" says Aastha
All the Khanna's who have heard this look at each other and start to laugh


"Aastha!" shouts a ladies voice
"Mama" says Aastha looking behind the Khanna's, the Khanna's turn to look and get the shock of their lives as they see Kripa
"Aastha didn't I tell u to stay with the babysitter?" Kripa says and picks up the little girl without even noticing all the Khanna's gaze on her
"Come-on Aastha beta I have to work. I swear I'll take u for ice cream afterwards" says Kripa trying to console Aastha
"Not allowed to swear mama" says an upset Aastha
"Okay baba, I promise!"
"Okay, I love u mama" says Aastha
"And mama loves you too, don't forget" says Kripa


Kripa finally turns around and stops
She looks at the Khanna's staring at her. She feels Angad's penetrating look and decides that this is not the time. So smile and is about to turn when she feels a hand on her shoulder

She looks at the hand on her shoulder and then looks up at the person and sees Lakysha
"Kripa didi, you're here and your cousin KT is searching for you everywhere. But wait here I'd like you to meet someone. This is my cousin Angad, his fianc Mishti and his family"


Kripa who is still holding Aastha turns to look at the Khanna's once again and says "Namaste aunty, uncle"
"Oh you know them" asks Lakysha
Kripa looks up at the Khanna's and notices that they are watching her for an answer, once upon a time she would be sat with them, with Angad. But now everything had changed and it was all because of Angad
Kripa quickly hides her emotions and looks up Lakysha and says "No I don't. I don't know the Khanna's"


Angad looks at Kripa and cant believe his ears. His Kripa had changed so much, this couldn't be the same Kripa that he knew, could it.

The little girl in her arms a carbon copy of Kripa, Aastha that was name of the child. Angad examined the child closely, the little girl looked exactly like Kripa except with one difference that eye colour he had seen it somewhere, but where?... Where?... Oh my God, he saw that eye colour every morning in the mirror, those were his eyes but then that would mean that… And Kripa hid this from him! But she wouldn't she would never hide something that big from him- would she?

Angad looked at the child carefully trying to guess her age, must be the same age as Alekh- that would mean that she was 3 years old, Angad counted the months back and realised this had to be his child. He looked up at Kripa with an angry look on his face.
"Angad this is the international events manager that I told u about" says Lakysha


So Kripa was the women organising Lakysha and KT's wedding preparations, international events management? Well that was bound to happen, after all Kripa was fierce when working for something she wanted. If only she had worked that hard to maintain their marriage. But Aastha was his child and he was sure of it, then why hadn't she told him?


Kripa was trying to get away from the Khanna's as quick as she could, but her cousin's to-be-husband Lakysha seemed to want her to stick around. She didn't want them to get a good look at Aastha, otherwise…
Her child was a clone of her, that's what everyone told her. Then they also told her that her daughter had the most amazing coloured eyes. That was the only physical feature that she had inherited from Angad. Whenever Kripa looked at Aastha, those eyes would always remind her of Angad, no matter how hard she tried to forget him.
"I better be going Lakysha I have to-"
"Kripa di, what's this? Angad is in the management business too. Right Angad?" says Lakysha
"Umm yep" say Angad
"He owns an events management company, right Angad?"
"Umm, yeh"
"Yeh aap ko kya huwa bhai, umm.. yeh, umm…yeh- yeh kya hain?"
"Woh baas"
"No problem, actually I think bhai wanted to talk to you Kripa didi" says Lakysha
"Me?" Asks a confused Kripa
"Yes" says Lakysha. Angad looks as Lakysha to says 'what?'
"Remember bhai you wanted to offer Kripa didi a job" says Lakysha and with that leaves
"Umm.. I better go" says Kripa and with that turns to leave


"I didn't realise they let single parents adopt children these days" shouts Mishti. Kripa turned around and looked Mishti up and down, Angad fianc and even now she didn't know when to speak and when to shut up
"Do they?" said Kripa and turns around again hoping to get her point across
"Oh, so I guess you got over Angad quickly- married and child"
In her arms Aastha who is getting tired of all this grown up talks speaks up "Mama hum jay woh aunty mujain achi nahin lagin(mum, can we go,I don't like that aunty)
"Mujain bhi nahin achi lagti hain(I don't like her either)" said Kripa and walked away knowing that the Khanna's had definitely heard what Aastha and her had said


okay, okay I know that was loong, but hope you guys like it, Kripa and Angad have finally met but now what will happen? what will angad say to Kripa about Aastha? What's going to happen next?  I also introduced Mishti- new drama unfolding


Okay that's all, here's a precap:

As soon as the song finished he looked around to find Kripa, but before he could approach her, a crowd formed around him, telling how well he did and they loved his voice, when his next album was going to be released.

Angad got through the crowd as soon as he could. He looked around the venue for Kripa and realized that she wasn't there, if she wasn't here then where was she?

Where's Kripa? What's going to happen next?

okay that's all guys, bye

Big smile starcity39184.6756018519

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Comments (21)

awesum ff eagerly waiting for next part keep it up

17 years ago

i love ur story...i just read the entire wonderful plz update soon

17 years ago

I'm really sorry guys I've been realy busy with holidays starting and all, I'm gonna update soon. But I've got a request for everyone who reads this fanfic. Well the thing is that I do sorta have a follow on story but I want everyone to post me with some ideas as well, I need some inspiration- so tell me what u guys think should happen. Don't post up ur ideas here, email them to me Jerri Next part tommorrow

17 years ago

Okay guys I thought i'd update u guys with the situations, yes my computer is fixed, but very soon I have exams and I'm in the 2nd year of uni so there a lot of pressure on me to do well.

No I havent forgotten this fanfic, I will update as soon as my exams finish which is on the 10th June. At the moment in the story we're upto chapter 10 and there are 10 more chapters left there are yet loads of twists and turns to come, (hehe all in my head gotta type it down one of these day)

So thanks for being patient guys, luv ya

Jerri starcity39216.6891203704

17 years ago

not fair yaar. v r going 2 miss ur fic very much...

17 years ago

The strange thing is she smashed it on friday and it's wednesday now, and I'm still tryin to figure out how she did itJerri

17 years ago

awwww haha ur sisters so sweeeet:P newayz cnt wait til part 2

17 years ago

KOOL!!!!! Cnt wait... n how did she manage to smash it loll

17 years ago

I meant it in the amusing way!

17 years ago

[QUOTE=pooja1221]smashed the comp? sweet!
we'll wait, take ur time but not too much time! dat wud be cheating! [/QUOTE]'sweet', i cud have murdered her with my own handsJerri

17 years ago
